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What might be odder is to become obsessed about who is viewing your profile. Who would actually be more likely to develop stalker tendencies here? Thanks for the clarification. Facebook would loose alot of their members if people were able to detect who was viewing their page. NO1 wants to be seen as a stalker so that would make folks less intrested in using FB because "We dont want to be viewed as a stalker or an obsessed manic freak"… we as Americans have wayyy to much pride I admit that lol.

FB would die quickly! I think thats why they are going so hard to put a hault to all these ways to find out whose "stalking you". Give me a break, guess that makes me a stalker.. Cause girlllll I be on everybody page LOL. I looked up an old friend once on fb, i just checked out his profile one time didnt message comment nothing. We had no mutual friends no friends of friends nothing on fb. This never happened before and has not happened since and ive done such a thing many times and visited others sites several times. I wana know how can i then know who viewed my facebook profile without falling in the trap of these probs.

Why does anyone need or want to know who has viewed their profile? It's a social networking site — of course people view your profile. If it's friend then why wouldn't they, and if it's a stranger and you don't want them to just change your privacy settings. If you're suspicious of such activity, then why do people have thousands of contacts??

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And if you are one to have that many contacts, I would definatly consider you to be The Stalker.. And if you do have that many actual friends, I would love to attend your party!! They are hard to come by…. We've just seen this virus now, but what does it do? I was first tagged in my friends post.

I just pressed the notification to understand what it is and then I got this statistic report of 'how many times I visited her page'. I've traced this on my wall later and marked it as spam, then it was gone. I'm with u of course i want to know never no when a booty call can come out of it. I have visited this persons page but not all that frequently and not much more than any others I visit.

If it is not possible to track visits on FB how or where would this information come from? The thing is,I doubt that any of these apps actually list themselves as 1 of the "stalkers". It's against the Facebook terms and conditions for any Facebook App to tell you who's been looking at your profile — the sooner people learn this the better! Since Facebook don't want developers making applications that tell people how many profile views they've had, I would doubt the tools required to do it are in the Facebook API!

So an App that promises to show whose been viewing your profile, will for the foreseeable future always be fake! It's not JUST human gullibility at fault here.

And finally ...

They exploit something more insiduous that that even. The premium rate cell phone services. I got done by one these once and it was simply because I had no idea call that gullible maybe that by giving someone the rigth to send you text messages that you could also be giving them the right to bill you for it. This was nowhere stated or written in the service that got me.

Want to see who has viewed your Facebook profile? Take care.. – Naked Security

No problem I unsubscribed, and in the interim have lobbied my telephone provider to provide me with a premium SMS prohibition on my phone. I don't want any premium SMS sevrice ever, stop so just don't let my phone receive them. That has notw been achieved and is possible but it still predicates an understanding that by giving someon your cell number, they can send you a message that costs you money. In Australia, where I'm writinbg from, such an idea is simply not widely held or understood and hence the problem is as much a pathetic product offering by telecom providers that does not correlate with teh markets perceptions or needs.

There are trivial technical fixes for this that telecoms can implement. For example before charging me for a messge form any new number, send me a free message telling me what's going on much like reverse charged calls used to operate , "Service X or number X is trying to send you a premium text message. Would you like to receive it? Suych scams work not just human gullibility, but on pathetic service provision loopholes. Facebook doesn't provide a way for you to determine who has viewed your profile.

So my friends facebook is private and somehow someone is able to go on it and give information to others about her.

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Is there a way of knowing who is doing this? God only knows how many friends I have warned about this scam. Yet, it still shows up in my news feed. I would love 2 know who looks at my fb…. I don't consider this stalking but curiousity! My question to you is why the xxxx not. With the crazy ppl out there. I just think there needs to be away for some1 to check and see who is looking at there profile!

If you do not receive a stock share or a check from F. No cost maintenance free item on the shelf. Facebook is not only F. It is the line of friendship, coaching of behaviour, support of love, tongue of feelings and much more. Dont ask about why i was blocked or removed. At least he told me so before he removed me. I just want to know if he can still view my profile and comments in public..

I guess, creator of Facebook is smart enough not to have a "Who's viewed me? That's the downfall of Friendster. After all, we are all stalkers in different level. If Facebook will activate "Who's viewed me? I think alot of people are also missing another complete factor… where the hell does facebook store all this information… Millions of people looking at each others profiles each and everyday …. That would be a hell of a lot of information to store somewhere and then have to have it available for you to look at… simply way too complicated and wastefull to actually implement.

If you are seriously that concerned learn more about facebooks privacy settings and limit what others can and can't read. If you are worried about a particular person block them they wont even know you exist. Sure they can get friends to check but again if your settings are correct in privacy then no one will obtain anything more than the basics. Learn about privacy settings at http: You wouldnt use a chainsaw without knowing how to first! So why should facebook be any different. Its a complete waste of time.

If I wanna visit my friends I call them on the phone. Facebook and other social sites are nothing more than a place for people to hang out who suffer from the look at me syndrom. I when to someones twitter page ones and the next time i go i was lock of the game, so that means the they CAN see you is looking at there page? Every time the app is called is visible on homepage takes the whole page HTML cod and reads the information and saves a profile picture a name and some other info to provide a link to that user.

By opening the Facebook app with youre name you will see the info about your visitors. Just try it when you are logged in next,and do it every mins,hit the refresh page button and you should notice it changes the order of friends around. If it does not change it means you are not very popular today…. I first noticed it on Yahoo, then on 3 different news sites I read, then on blogs I read, then, well it was occurring everywhere I went, still does.

Guys, once i've found the same "offer" in VK.. I couldn't know myself who followed my page, but I was absolutely convenced others could … So for quiite a long period of time i'd been avoiding to watch most of my" friends" especially ex's pages.. Jeeze that was s o rediculous clicking occasionally on someones page shivering all the day in fear that one would notice!! I know people look at other peoples Facebook profile all the time even me so the whole reason is because i want to see if my crush looks at my Facebook profile.

Graham, I'm getting pics of half naked women on my facebook page, how do I get rid of that, if I click because it says I have a message or what not, the a site opens up but my antivirus program does not allow this site, which is great but i want to get rid of it completely.

Want to see who has viewed your Facebook profile? Take care..

How can I do that? Haha, imagine if you could insert a Google Analytics tag for your profile and can analyize your profile's traffic! You can set your privacy settings to where only friends can view your information. If someone's worried about their "friends" looking at their profile, why would they friend them or accept their friend request in the first place? Actually there was once an app that you could get on Android and it could tell you daily or weekly or what ever you choose….

I think I still have the apk somewhere? Anyway, that was not part of the Facebook API, but I believe the developer just did database analysis to get around this. Take A from B and what is left is your answer. By the way facebook sucks balls now. I think I am either going to take a holiday away from facebook for a while or possibly permanently? Its such a time sink! Facebook may hold a record themselves of who visits who's page, it would be very handy in tracking ppl being investigated by the authorities.

The details of the user and the music they like apart from that some pictures and images of course that would maybe nude, or taken and to be shared with only selected friends. In this context limiting the idle time of unused profiles by shutting within a given period of time ten minutes upon idle to twenty answer so forth as an additional application that should be included in facebook that requires the user to once again insert the password.

Tools and Settings would allow the user to limit the time of idle based on their consideration simply by clicking the appropriate idle time. I got five texts before 8 A. I thought fb and yahoo were deleted. Maybe you didn't build in enough of a buffer. Maybe you asked too much, too soon. Taking responsibility when things go wrong instead of blaming others isn't masochistic; it's empowering, because then you focus on doing things better or smarter next time.

No one likes you for your clothes, your car, your possessions, your title, or your accomplishments. Those are all "things. Sure, superficially they might seem to, but superficial is also insubstantial, and a relationship that is not based on substance is not a real relationship. Genuine relationships make you happier, and you'll form genuine relationships only when you stop trying to impress and start trying to just be yourself. When you're afraid or insecure, you hold on tightly to what you know, even if what you know isn't particularly good for you.

An absence of fear or insecurity isn't happiness: It's just an absence of fear or insecurity. Holding on to what you think you need won't make you happier; letting go so you can reach for and try to earn what you want will. Even if you don't succeed in earning what you want, the act of trying alone will make you feel better about yourself.

Interrupting isn't just rude. When you interrupt someone, what you're really saying is, "I'm not listening to you so I can understand what you're saying; I'm listening to you so I can decide what I want to say. Want people to like you? Listen to what they say. Focus on what they say. Ask questions to make sure you understand what they say. Your words have power, especially over you.

Whining about your problems makes you feel worse, not better. If something is wrong, don't waste time complaining.

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Put that effort into making the situation better. Unless you want to whine about it forever, eventually you'll have to do that. So why waste time? Don't talk about what's wrong. Talk about how you'll make things better, even if that conversation is only with yourself. And do the same with your friends or colleagues.

Don't be just the shoulder they cry on. Friends don't let friends whine. Friends help friends make their lives better. Yeah, you're more educated. Yeah, you're more experienced. Yeah, you've been around more blocks and climbed more mountains and slayed more dragons. That just makes you you: Appreciate the differences instead of the shortcomings and you'll see people--and yourself--in a better light. Criticizing has a brother. His name is Preaching. They share the same father: The higher you rise and the more you accomplish, the more likely you are to think you know everything and to tell people everything you think you know.

When you speak with more finality than foundation, people may hear you but they don't listen.