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Here, she reveals the top products and tricks for older faces — and which stars do it best. Actress Meryl Streep has perfect brows and still looks stunning, despite being Create small, light, imperfect strokes, tracing where brows have thinned so they look natural and not drawn on. Avoid anything darker than your hair colour — brows that blend in look more forgiving.

If you have grey or greying hair, avoid red or brown pencils which can look fake. H ow she gets it right: Meryl , 63, has wonderfully expressive brows. The high arch lifts her face and eyes and they are rough and ready enough to look natural but well groomed. Never test foundation on the back of your hand — this area ages more quickly and a tone that matches here will be completely the wrong colour for your face.

Blend a test patch towards the back of your jaw and down the side of your neck, which is less pigmented or blotchy and provides the truest representation of your natural skin tone. If you need powder, use it sparingly and build up slowly with a brush no bigger than a 50 pence piece.

Vanessa, 76, has a lovely natural glow. Her make-up is always fresh, clean and brightening but never obvious. She loves a more pared-back look. Vanessa Redgrave, 76, and Demi Moore, 50, both know how to make the most of their looks. This counters a sagging jowl and gives a brighter, flushed feel. Circles of blusher look dated.


If you have grey or very fair hair and a cool complexion, choose pale pink tones. Those with olive complexions and darker hair suit a peach cheek. Cream blushers are better than powders for older, dry skin. Demi, 50, likes to clash her olive complexion with a pale pink cheek, which she carries off with ease. Whenever I do her make-up with an apricot blusher she stops me, handing over a pink one instead, which always looks better. Sometimes you can break a few rules. Apart from brands like Guerlain and Clinique — which do the best finely milled bronzers — Bourjois is the only High Street brand with a matt bronzer free from glitter and shimmer, which can look wrong on an older face.

A small brush can direct colour to specific places to shape and contour the face. Goldie, 67, has a great healthy glow. Her skin looks natural and never too orange. Goldie Hawn, 67, always has a perfect golden tan, while Annette Bening knows how to work a red lip. As long as the rest of your face looks natural, a bright red, pink or orange works in your 50s, 60s or 70s. But texture is important, as lips thin and dry as we get older and matt lipsticks dry lips out even more.

Instead, use moisturising lipstick or tinted balm. This is an elegant, modern look on an older woman and Annette looked fabulous. We used a lip liner in the same shade to enhance and enlarge her natural lip line. Use good eyeliner and pull the eyebrow as high as you can. Move a pencil in tiny circular movements where the lashes meet the eyelid. Work the colour into the root and base of the lashes, staying on the outer half of the eyelid to open the eye and add depth.

Use a cotton bud or fingertip to smudge and soften the edges of liners or eyeshadows.

Eyelashes can thin with age but fake eyelashes can help. Accents — shorter lash strips about ten lashes long — are natural looking and easy to apply. Judi, 78, is a master at the perfect evening eye.

Hollywood actress Meryl Streep's beauty tips for over 50s | Daily Mail Online

She has a strong brow bone and deep set eyes, so smoky, well-blended colours at the back of the socket bring out her eyes. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Tuesday, Sep 18th 5-Day Forecast. These natural beauty tips can get you started. There is no cure for gray hair. You can color it, though, if you want a younger look. Use these tips for healthy, youthful looking hair.

Your favorite natural beauty tip may be as simple as wearing a radiant smile. Or it may mean using a few products or treatments along the way. Whatever your choice, taking care of yourself is the most beautiful thing of all. Skin and Hair and the Effects of Age Time in the sun, smoking , diet , and heredity all have effects that become evident on your skin as you get older.

If you smoke, stop. Research shows that smoking prematurely ages your skin. Just say no to sunbathing and tanning salons. Stay out of the sun between 10 a. The sun's rays are the strongest then. If you must be outside, wear a protective hat, long-sleeved shirt, pants, and sunglasses. Freckles, age spots, and blotchy complexions are linked to sun exposure. Sun damage can result in such changes as fine wrinkles and an uneven skin tone.

Check your skin often for skin cancer. If there are changes that worry you, call your doctor right away. Older, fair-skinned people are at high risk and must have a yearly check. Also use moisturizing soaps and lotions.

8 Natural Beauty Tips for Your Skin

See your doctor if you still have problems. Eat right and hydrate. Good nutrition helps the body repair skin. Drinking lots of water helps hydrate skin from the inside out.

Make-up tips for over 50s: 9 youthful beauty tricks

If you're over age 50, over-the-counter creams and lotions can help enhance your natural beauty by rejuvenating your skin. Pentapeptides a chemical compound in many new products may help prompt skin cells to produce more collagen , which is the support structure that gives skin a firmer look.

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Prescription treatments and retinoid creams are also options.