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More thoroughly researched than any previous work on the subject, it is also succinct, nuanced, and exquisitely balanced in its treatment of the president and the CIA. He also shows conclusively how the invasion-poorly planned, driven by self-deception and inertia-solidified Castro's rule, destroyed U.

The Bay of Pigs - Hardcover - Howard Jones - Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Academic Skip to main content. Choose your country or region Close. Ebook This title is available as an ebook.

Pivotal Moments in American History - David Hackett Fischer: Books, Quotes, Biography

To purchase, visit your preferred ebook provider. This is the first history of the Bay of Pigs disaster that takes full account of recently declassified CIA documents. Petersburg Times "Jones has crafted an exceedingly impressive history of this tragic event that should stand as the definitive treatment for years to come. Gore "An unsparing portrait of an epic disaster, a tale of overreach, incompetence, hubris and self-delusion, of every level of American government at its worst. My Lai Howard Jones. Smoking Typewriters John McMillian.

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Despite Kennedy's failure, Jones concludes that such "personal obsession grounded in self-righteousness" still distorts US foreign policy.

Lees Old Dominion University. Thank you for using the catalog. The Bay of Pigs. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, []. Pivotal moments in American history.

The Bay of Pigs

Jones provides a concise, incisive, and dramatic account of President Eisenhower's disastrous attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. Counterrevolutionaries -- Cuba -- History -- 20th century. Cuba -- History -- Invasion, United States -- Foreign relations -- Cuba. Cuba -- Foreign relations -- United States. United States -- Foreign relations -- Booklist Review In April , a brigade of American-trained Cuban exiles attempted an amphibious landing on beaches in southwestern Cuba. Library Journal Review It is sometimes hard to believe from our vantage point that in the early s the U.

Choice Review In this extensively researched and well-argued work, Jones Univ. Make this your default list. The following items were successfully added.