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If you apply these principles…they will bring renewed purpose and inspiration to your life. What can you do in thirty minutes? We all get the same twenty-four hours in a day, yet a special few seem to have superhuman abilities when it comes to accomplishing great things in life. In this remarkably practical book, Tommy shows how to begin a whole new life of fruitfulness. It all starts with the amazing things you can do in only a half hour. Through inspiring stories and biblical principles, discover how your downtime can have a major upside. About Tommy Barnett Tommy Barnett is the senior pastor of Phoenix First Assembly of God, one of the fastest growing churches in America and home base for more than outreach ministries.

Tommy lives in Phoenix with his wife, Marja. They are parents of three children who have all grown up to be successful church leaders. Dec 16, Trim Size: Yet these are only part of the picture. The effect of his thirty minute plan is cumulative. People change because of their continuing commitment to a set of principles, practices, and persons. Barnett understands this as many of his examples attest but the thirty minute rhetoric does not bear the freight of his message. I think that his action plan will be helpful for those seeking to make significant change to their lives.

I give it three stars. Notice of material connection: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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Apr 05, Erin rated it it was ok. To be honest, I did not finish this book. Overall, the author has some good ideas and some great stories. But it seemed a bit contrived after awhile. All of his stories showed how magical things can happen in a half hour. Part of the reason this didn't ring true to me is that I could only think of a mom with young kids, desperate for a half hour to take a shower or eat a meal. She doesn't have time for a half hour of complete silence to think about her purpose in life plus a half hour to think a To be honest, I did not finish this book.

She doesn't have time for a half hour of complete silence to think about her purpose in life plus a half hour to think about people she needs to forgive plus a half hour to call all of those people, plus THREE half hour sessions a day to pray, read the Bible, and worship. Those are all wonderful things, but not everyone can manage all of that in a day. I appreciate his main idea, and I will attempt to be more aware of my free half hour pockets of time and try to make them more productive.

I will especially try to carve out a half hour every morning for prayer and Bible reading. It felt too much like a secular self-help book with some Bible verses scattered throughout. Aug 28, Linda Joy rated it did not like it. This book was actually one of the worst I have read.

Did not realise when I started listening to this audiobook that it had a strong Christian message, but I was impressed with the integrity of the author in integrating the spiritual and practical. The book is filled with a lot of generally good advice, interspersed with interesting and engaging tales.

Sometimes the message feels a bit forced within the 30minute time frame, but the point is always useful. Recommended for those who want to be reminded how to focus. Sep 24, Ron Moore rated it liked it. This book is hard to review. For my Christian friends, maybe it is worth four stars. For my non-Christian friends just one star or less. Other non-christian mono-theists maybe able to to find it relevant if they consider their own deity and holy texts in place of God, Jesus, and the bible, but I simply don't know and cannot say for certain.

It is written by an extremely devout evangelic pastor who places conversion especially among the lowe This book is hard to review. It is written by an extremely devout evangelic pastor who places conversion especially among the lowest of us as priority, need I say more? Non-Christians can save themselves several half-hours by simply not reading the evangelizing book.

See a Problem?

Information applying to Non-Christians can be pulled out of the chapter titles alone, though if you do a deep dive you will find a few bits of information that applies to everyone. I would suggest spending the time researching elsewhere, seeking other books on time management, efficiency, strategy, and relevant concepts that you hoped to gain from this book. A few podcasts or even a pamphlet will be far more informative for the non-Christian readership group.

But, I did find a few concepts interesting. However, for Christians especially evangelicals , the book very much reads like a devotional, like one giant sermon on how your half-hours can be either wasted on sins, like sloth or worse, or better spent devoted to God.

The Power of a Half Hour: Take Back Your Life Thirty Minutes at a Time

How a half-hour can change your life, good or bad, or help change the lives of others or even chasing your dreams which apparently God placed there for you to gaurentee success. I like a few concepts in the book, but it was most definitely written for the Christian crowd and only the Christian crowd. I don't remember who recommended this book to me, a Christian friend no-doubt, but if I could remember who I would probably disregard all their recommendations in the future. I tend to not read anything evangelical, anything that wants to replace our religiously free and diverse laws with the "Christian State" mentality I should knock a star off for the author's brief insinuation of this alone, but I won't , or anything that references God and Jesus more than the bible itself!

Dec 20, Brooklyn Cribdon Kemp rated it it was ok. I actually only made it through half of this book. I knew the author was a pastor and there would be some discussion of God and religion, but based on the introduction, I was under the impression that this discussion was not at the forefront. My impression was wrong. I think this could be a great book for some one who is religious or has a strong sense of faith, but that isn't me.

I found that many of the stories told in the first half of the book were conveying the same sort of message and I wa I actually only made it through half of this book. I found that many of the stories told in the first half of the book were conveying the same sort of message and I was looking for something different, more tangible, and more useful for my own life. Aug 25, Heather rated it liked it. Lots of ideas and thoughts on how to have a more positive life and being positive to others around you as well as time for you.

This is a spiritual type book however written in inspirational ways with some scriptures. In short, the main idea is to spend 30 minutes with your children, yourself, your spouse, and things that will make life better is always a positive thing.

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  2. The Power of a Half Hour.
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  4. PODCAST: Power of a Half Hour by Tommy Barnett;

Aug 14, Susan Heim rated it liked it Shelves: It was that but the talk was given by the pastor of an evangelical mega-church so it also included lots of his ideas about religion. It was super short - started and finished it on the ride home from Atlanta to Beaufort on 1.

Aug 29, Jessica rated it did not like it Shelves: This book should be 1.

Take Back Your Life Thirty Minutes at a Time

Called something else and 2. Labeled as Christian Self Help. I had to stop this book shortly after starting the 2nd chapter when he started quoting scripture and how managing your half hours will make you a better servant to God Nov 29, Victoria rated it liked it. I did expect more time management. The clue was probably the words in the title: The work of the pastor and his church were clearly very altruistic and I was impressed by his efforts.

Nov 26, Victor rated it liked it. The main premise is simple: Nice touching analogies as well. Feb 15, Katie Newton rated it liked it. Jan 08, L M rated it did not like it.

The Power of a Half Hour: Take Back Your Life Thirty Minutes at a Time by Tommy Barnett

Aug 14, Lynnea rated it really liked it Shelves: Mixed feelings on this book: But overall, I really enjoyed it. Not what I expected - there are some good points within, however at times a tough read. Mar 20, Shauna rated it did not like it. I wanted to read this book and feel enlightened, but I wasn't. I didn't feel it was relatable or shared anything new. Just a bunch of stories from a really good guy. How many things can you get done in 30 minutes? What would you do? Where would you start? How would you prioritize what you do within that time? Why a half hour? Barnett states that while reading the Bible he was intrigued to discover that there was only one reference to time as we know it.

To help guide or "shepherd" others into the kingdom of God. As he puts it "thirty minutes can wreck or redeem a life, determine the difference between success and failure; while directing and shaping your future. Without being preached to you are being asked to think and act decisively; about how, who and when you spend your time. At the end of the book you will find an action plan, a devotional, a small group study guide and other support materials.

They are all designed to help you individually or in a small group setting delve deeper into the daily reading assignments. Make time to pursue the things that matter to you. These human vampires suck the very life out of you with their constant negativity and then move on to their next victim.

Choose people who can make a difference in your life and vice versa. While scheduling your time remember to be open and flexible to the unforeseen opportunities. This concept is a time management tool to help you become the best you can become in the future. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back. And why does that matter?

It matters because time is the one commodity you cannot get or make more of The author states that "even in the space of time of a half hour, amazing things can happen in your life. What matters is that you start doing something today. You want to make the most of the "nowness" and immediacy of the moment. This book was received for free from the WaterbrookMultnomah Publishing Group for this review. Feb 13, A. Cuddy rated it it was amazing. What can you do in thirty minutes? We all get the same twenty-four hours in a day, yet a special few seem to have superhuman abilities when it come to accomplishing great things in life.

Why not change time from being your worst enemy to your everlasting friend? There are seven parts of this book: This book also contains a page Personal Action Plan. In addition, the book also contains a Small-Group Study Guide designed with each of the seven sessions to be completed in… yes… 30 minutes! There is so much information packed into these pages that it is hard for me to review it all in a manner worthy of the nuggets of truth I found in this book. This is not a book that I will put on the shelf and mark as read. This is a book that requires more study.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Mar 19, Alicia Manautou rated it really liked it. We all get the same twenty-four hours in a day, yet a special few seem to have superhuman abilities when it comes to accomplishing great things in life. A mountain top experience in just 30 minutes! Even in the DVR everything mindset a show that airs for an hour really only is a total of about 40 minutes without commercials.

The Power of a Half Hour is an easy read — yet it is filled We all get the same twenty-four hours in a day, yet a special few seem to have superhuman abilities when it comes to accomplishing great things in life. The Power of a Half Hour is an easy read — yet it is filled with nuggets of thought provoking depth.

The Personal Action Plan is a great addition as it not only guides the reader through the book, but also creates an application process. I love books with added study guides. You never know when you need an idea for a sermon, bible study, or devotion.

Time will be either your worst enemy or your best friend. Tommy Barnett challenges us to make it our best friend by redefining what for many of us is our wasted time. Making it a powerful focused time that God can use to change lives — beginning with the reader. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I paid for my review. Feb 08, Liz Terek rated it liked it. What can you accomplish in a half hour? Tommy Barnett launched his own experiment with this question. Through his experiment, he discovered that he could accomplish much in this short period of time.

His book is the resulting challenge he gives to his readers. I agree that people, especially Americans, take time for granted. Our societ What can you accomplish in a half hour? Our society is one big rush from one place to another. However, I expected more specific direction from the book. I simply read it with the expectation that Mr. Barnett would assist in a more obvious way with how we should use his idea.

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For me, it missed the mark. I received an eBook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine. Mar 16, Melissa rated it liked it Shelves: The perception is that great things are only accomplished in at least an hour of effort.

An hour long business meeting!