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The focus is completely on the women, of all ages and all their different backgrounds, and the importance of the small storylines lies entirely i There's nothing I value more in what I read or watch than when character development is clearly the priority in the story rather than plot development. She can learn valuable lessons while just helping watch out for cattle raiders. I had never before read another book with so many kinds of relationships between women, and all of them so well developed. No misunderstandings are left unclarified, no falling outs left unresolved, and that allowed their relationship to evolve healthily so that Tamras learned to fully trust her warrior as any other companion or apprentice should be able to.

Feb 22, Lex Kent rated it it was amazing Shelves: Don't hesitate to read this one! This book flows like a poem. Listening to the characters as they think, and as they interact, is simply magical. I name these few only to have you consider that the book is about people. People who are sometimes happy, sometimes lonely, sometimes fearful, sometimes sexual, sometimes filled with despair.

But they are people. Despite the title, this is not an uber-feminist man hating book about womyn. This is a joyful book about people…. This is not a book of battles, bravery and death…. This is a book of duty, of belonging, of sharing and caring.

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Gnith, at one point, tells Tamras: The narrator was absolutely perfect…. She shared with me that both she and her producer at Dog Ear Audio have had health and other personal setbacks during the last few years, but they are both currently healthy, back at work, and trying to make plans for bringing books two and three to Audible. Regardless of your preferred format, get Book One now….

Sep 24, C. Aug 30, Erin rated it it was amazing Shelves: I'm not entirely sure how this book landed up in my shopping cart and ultimately on my stack of to-be-read books, but I am so incredibly glad that it did. Wilson is a true storyteller and I believe this story, and the series, will be considered a classic. The story is told through the eyes of Tamras, a young woman entering the house of the Lady of the land in order to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a warrior.

She is first presented with the task of being a companion to I'm not entirely sure how this book landed up in my shopping cart and ultimately on my stack of to-be-read books, but I am so incredibly glad that it did. She is first presented with the task of being a companion to the one warrior no one trusts, likes, or understands. The relationship of warrior and young apprentice that builds between these two women is filled with life lessons every person can learn from.

I found myself pondering each chapter and being amazed at how such a simple lesson can apply to my own life. The way I described the story above probably sounds simple, but it truly is not. The way that Catherine M. Wilson is able to create the characters, the setting, the challenges and the world is truly amazing. She has a gift and is sharing that gift on the pages of her book. No reader will be disappointed from reading this story that is for certain.

May 31, Starsandsun18 rated it really liked it. This book tried to be clever, but failed leaving it with a odd vibe; like it's attempting to be poetry, but it's not clever enough and only comes off as a obtuse simpleton, explaining a lot with obscure "this and that. It starts on a monotone pace and keeps going at it through the entire book. It is VERY obviously made with a series in mind, not caring much for the first book only to make sure it's This book tried to be clever, but failed leaving it with a odd vibe; like it's attempting to be poetry, but it's not clever enough and only comes off as a obtuse simpleton, explaining a lot with obscure "this and that.

It is VERY obviously made with a series in mind, not caring much for the first book only to make sure it's continued on to the next installment, which I will neither recommend nor pick up myself. This book asks so many great questions in the graceful fashion of repeating "why why why why why" until you either go mad or go through the wonderful experience of achieving all natural ear periods. The conversational flow sounds like 5yr old's who still are in desperate need to know the world, unable to make up a thought or reflect and carry a proper conversation.

Along with this there is a utter lack of descriptions that leave all imagery up to the reader's mind, which is weird for fantasy, but I didn't mind as the trade of details makes the story move at a much needed faster pace. At least the story gets quickly to the point, even if the point is horrendously vague.

However, the lack of descriptions takes it's toll as the sex scenes are just bizarre, they're written like a horrible attempt at poetry and not at all a turn on. Couldn't the writer at least attempt descriptions for once? I shudder at one specific attempt that sounded eerily like something my senile grandmother would write. For a book called Warrior's path, there sure isn't a lot of warrior training. Actually, there isn't ANY mention of military training at all.

They just walk around and do nothing all day. Is this some kind of vacation camp??? Which brings me to the point: The military disorganization this book portrays is unrealistic, desertion is not even seen as an issue. There are no rules or expectations for any station or position and the people can pretty much do whatever they want. There is just too much leniency going around to be a military flick. Now that I'm at it, there is actually little explanation for anything and it drove me mad. While it's clear the society is a matriarchy with little mention of men apart from some slight talk of marriage.

I still don't understand the dynamic of this society. Are all the women bisexual? Or is it the lack of men that make them seek comfort in each other?

Other Books in This Series

There is a men's house, but as said, its hardly mentioned. Lesbianism seems to be approved of, and sort of expected? But so is straight marriage? I have no idea, this confuses me to no end. The narrator is not to my liking, she sounds monotone and incredibly careful when she talks, like the next word she utters will get her beaten. I mean honestly, it's an awesome bed story voice - if you want the kids to fall sleep before you've even read the first page. Story is overall, monotone, obtuse and sleep inducing, and unlike the book, my review actually has a start, a middle and an ending, maybe the author can pickup on that.

View all 8 comments. May 12, elisa ady rated it it was amazing.

The Warrior's Path by Catherine M. Wilson

A plot without conflict is considered dull; some even go so far as to call it impossible. This has influenced not only fiction, but writing in general—arguably even philosophy. Yet, is there any truth to this belief? Does plot necessarily hinge on conflict? Oct 26, Emma rated it really liked it Shelves: I reading reviews I have seen a lot made of the fact that this is a book about lesbians, but this is not about sex at all.

It is about finding comfort, friendship and strength with other human beings in a time of great hardship. The set up of this book is different and strong and is not salacious or tawdry Set in a time before Christ when tribes are at odds, women take centre stage. When warriors are needed to protect settlements and men are scarce, women take on protective roles; apprentice with I reading reviews I have seen a lot made of the fact that this is a book about lesbians, but this is not about sex at all.

When warriors are needed to protect settlements and men are scarce, women take on protective roles; apprentice with warriors and become fighters themselves.. I liked this story. As the first in a trilogy, it set up some great female characters with believable flaws and strengths. The tone is mythical and epic and I feel would appeal to the Game Of Thrones generation. I found myself rooting for Tamras and Maara pretty much from the outset and without giving too much away was glad the plot was not too predictable.

This period of history is not one I have explored much so in a way this was even more refreshing to begin a fiction genre with such a good opener Jul 05, Flowerscat rated it it was amazing Shelves: One of the most beautiful books I have ever read - once picked up it was hard to put down. Real chicken soup for the soul. The author really draws you into the story and it's not hard to imagine yourself being a resident in Merins house.

A slow start, but if you persist, you will be richly rewarded. I don't even know how to express how much I loved this book. It had so many things that were important to me. It's low on plot, true enough, and I might have been too generous with my rating, but I can't remember the last time I read a book where I was so completely satisfied with everything and there was pretty much nothing that I disliked.

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The book thrives on relationships between women, and I loved that above all else. I absolutely adored Tamras and Maara's relationship, and how they slowly came to trust each other, and learn from each other, and love each other. It was amazing to read, and I loved it all the more because I can't think of the last time I read something where relationships between women were the driving force.

It was beautifully written as well, and I loved the worldbuilding and the stories that were woven throughout. My heart genuinely leapt with delight every time a section opened with "In ancient days, when only women were warriors Sep 13, Ron rated it really liked it Shelves: Oh, it's a well-conceived and well-realized epic-style fantasy about a time and place were all well, most of the warriors were women.

This story follows a young woman on her quest to become a warrior. On the way, she finds value, belonging and love. Not a bad start. An iron age culture where all the warriors were women fits modern sensitivities but not historical trends--the Amazons not withstanding. Not because men are better warriors--though they do tend to have greater u More like 3. Not because men are better warriors--though they do tend to have greater upper body strength with helps with fighting--but because men are more expendable, even in--especially in small communities. Child-bearing age women are not.

In fact, given the mortality rate of infants and mothers until just years ago, a culture would risk extinction allowing its women to be the sole warriors. Modern times have made women as expendable as men. The writing and story has a gentle spirit, despite the martial theme.

In fact, all the fighting occurs off-stage--as in Shakespeare. Too bad the sex wasn't similarly left under the covers. The multi-page sex scenes seem pornographic and forced relative to the general tone of the story. Unlike many multi-volume works Wilson made a pleasing end to this first installment, while leaving plenty of hooks into the continuing story. Why would womyn be warriors? Who but the life bringers would care? Who but womyn would be cautious about taking the life of a family member of another home.

Yes, there are men in the book. They have redeeming ways. But this story is about womyn. In particularly a young teen and her strange warrior. Many subplot lines kept this book moving. There are questions to ponder, such as the difference between a secure upbringing and an orphaned life. The most interesting thought is about anger and its purpose. Then there is jealousy and love versus friendship. I can't wait till payday so I can get the next book in the series.

For those who don't care for series, the first book does a nice stand alone.

When Women Were Warriors Book I: The Warrior's Path

But I love to watch the characters mature and learn as they do. Aug 27, Arien rated it really liked it. There's something captivating in this book - the language, the tales the girl tells, the traditions of a tribe. The imagery my brain came up with was something I've not felt for a long time while reading a book. And even though it's lacking in other areas like describing the world which is not explained all that much and leaves the readers to fill in the blanks themselves I found it all engaging nonetheless.

This book is free on Amazon and it's well-written for an indie novel, even well-edited if overlong. I like indie books and I adjust my expectations accordingly, this way I can truly enjoy the stories that manage to surprise me. It is a simple and linear coming-of-age tale with a few interesting moments and a nice setting. While I don't like emphasis on romance in my fantasy I prefer proper romance novels for that , I'm really starting to like reading about diversity, be it skin and culture or sexual orientation.

The characters are nice but not very rounded. Overall, there are good concepts in this book but it wasn't a hit for me. Nov 09, autumn rated it liked it Shelves: Aug 26, Liz Bradbury rated it it was amazing. This is one of the finest Lesbian Genre books ever. Dec 01, Charles Ferguson rated it it was amazing. This book is about a Bronze-Age heroine's search for her place in her world and for an understanding of everything she is and can be. Central to her story is her love for someone else, who happens to be a woman.

You must make of that what you will. Catherine Wilson, thank you. It made me feel as I did when I was a child reading authors like This book is about a Bronze-Age heroine's search for her place in her world and for an understanding of everything she is and can be. It made me feel as I did when I was a child reading authors like those except Holland, who I came to later: Once again I was in a magical place woven by someone else's words and dreams and labor.

It's been many years since I felt that. I very much admire the clarity of style. It's polished but in that Zen-river-stone-worn-smooth way. What I like most is the humanity of the writing. It seems to me that writing about lesbian or gay love is somewhat fraught: I understand or at least I think I do some of the reasons why that's so in our current culture but the conclusion I've come to is that all humans search for love, honor, and an understanding of our place in existence, and that sexual orientation is just part of our individual expression of that.

It was lovely to feel that affirmed in such beautiful writing. Overview Music Video Charts. Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop. If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock.

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  • Click I Have iTunes to open it now. View More by This Author. Customer Reviews When Women were warriors book 1. When women were warriors. When Women Were Warriors, book 1. Other Books in This Series. A Journey of the Heart