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Noble et Linda M. Paterson, Cambridge, St Catharine's College, , p. Saggi, 14 , , p. Essays in Honor of Rupert T. Frappier, Jean, Le roman breton. Cormier, Athens, Ohio University Press, , p. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature , 4: Rizzo Nervo, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, , p. Clamote Carreto, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, , p.

Lacy, Cambridge, Brewer Arthurian Studies, 64 , , p. Krause, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, , p. Stramignoni, dans Studi francesi , 53, , p. Jacques Berlioz, dans Romania , , , p. Generations and Intergeneric Play , Ph. Keith Busby et Norris J. Lacy, Amsterdam, Rodopi Faux Titre, 83 , , p. Jerome Mandel et Bruce A. Februar , Halle a. Armstrong Monographs on Medieval Literature, 3 , , p. Lacy, New York, Garland, , p. Monograph, 1 , , p. Pickens, Lexington, French Forum, , p. Sciences religieuses, 64 , , p. Annual Report for the Year , , I, p. Essays in Honor of Norris J. Keith Busby et Catherine M.

Troyes , Halle a. Catharine's College, , p. Epic, Romance, Fantasy , Ph. A Jungian Viewpoint , Ph. Lepage, Incidences , 5: Essays by his Students in Honor of Karl D. Virdis, Maurizio, Intreccio, strutture, narrazione e discorso nel romanzo: Bart Besamusca, Willem P. Afdeling Letterkunde, nieuwe reeks, , , p. Lacy et Rupert T. Pickens, Amsterdam, Rodopi Faux Titre, , , p. Li romans d'Erec et d'Enyde ms.

Li romans de Cliges ms. S ; Li remans de Cliges ms. Cil qui fist d'Erec et d'Enide et les comandemanz d'Ovide et l'art d'amors an romans mist, et le mors de l'espaule fist…. Li romans de Lancelot de la Charrete ms. C ; Li romanz dou chevalier de la charete ms. Marie de France, comtesse de Champagne Li chevaliers au lyeon ms. For the jurisdiction of an ancient Persian governor, see Satrap. Satrapi at the Cannes Film Festival.

Retrieved 8 December Retrieved 10 February Retrieved 7 November Retrieved on 21 September Retrieved 6 September The New York Times. Archived from the original on 1 August Retrieved 20 December The Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 5 May Iran — Cinema for Peace Foundation". Biography portal Iran portal France portal Comics portal Literature portal. Retrieved from " https: Hoe verhouden de hierboven bedoelde offensieve capaciteiten zich tot de ontwikkeling van een Europees leger en tot NAVO-samenwerking? De cyberdefensie-activiteiten in het kader van het gemeenschappelijk veiligheids- en defensiebeleid concentreren zich op de ontwikkeling van de capaciteit om gesofisticeerde cyberbedreigingen op te sporen, te beantwoorden en ervan te herstellen.

Bijgevolg bestaan er op EU-niveau geen initiatieven om offensieve capaciteiten te ontwikkelen op het gebied van cyberbeveiliging. Dit vormt de eerste verkennende stap in het ontwikkelen van mogelijk dubbel gebruik van deze toestellen. De gesprekken over RPA's bevinden zich echter nog niet in het stadium dat er een operationele capaciteit wordt bepaald, laat staan een specifiek gebruik.

Er zijn bestaande nationale, Europese en internationale normen betreffende het gebruik van geweld, elektronisch toezicht en gegevensbescherming. The European Union is in the process of expanding its military capabilities in a number of technologically advanced areas, most notably cyber security and remotely piloted aircraft systems RPAS , or drones.

While the role that such technologies could play within the framework of the common foreign and security policy may be important, the legal and democratic framework to provide proper oversight over the offensive use of such systems is lacking.

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If so, how is democratic oversight of this capability ensured? If not, why not? How will abuse of the use of force, surveillance and intelligence-gathering be prevented? How do the abovementioned offensive capabilities relate to the development of a European army, and to NATO cooperation? The EU objectives in the cyber domain focus on strengthening the resilience of communication and information systems supporting the Common Security and Defence Policy.

Cyber defence activities within the Common Security and Defence Policy concentrate on capability development in detecting, responding to and recovering from sophisticated cyber threats. There are existing national, EU and international norms regarding the use of force, surveillance and data protection. The EU's position is that they must be respected. Pericolo deflazionistico e interventi possibili.

Il taglio inatteso del tasso di riferimento per i mercati finanziari da parte della BCE all'inizio di novembre ha portato all'attenzione degli analisti il problema che maggiormente minaccia la situazione finanziaria globale, europea e italiana in particolare: La Commissione finanzia vari strumenti politici che prevedono finanziamenti alle PMI attraverso diversi canali, tra cui sovvenzioni e strumenti finanziari. Up until the collapse of Lehman Brothers, central banks were concerned with keeping inflation low within a context of stable macroeconomic growth.

To combat it, central banks cut the rates under their control to rock-bottom levels at the end of that year. Despite this, lending to families and businesses in Italy has fallen to a record low. Lending by banks to the private sector fell by 3. In particular, loans to families fell by 1. The Commission acknowledges and monitors the social consequences of the economic downturn.

Within the context of the European Semester, the Council, upon proposal of the Commission, recommended Italy to ensure effectiveness of social transfers, notably through better targeting of benefits, especially for low income households with children, and to address youth unemployment. Italy is taking some action on poverty, including the introduction of a new social card.

To tackle the increasing youth unemployment rate, Italy has established a Youth Guarantee and brought forward an implementation plan, currently under scrutiny by the Commission. The swift and effective implementation of the labour market reform, in particular with regard to the extension of the coverage of unemployment benefits, will also help cushioning the social impact of the crisis. The Commission supports various policy instruments that provide financing to SMEs through different channels, including grants and financial instruments. Italy benefits extensively from these instruments: Additional equity investments are supported from the central EU budget funds through the European Investment Bank EIB , whose tools aiming at leveraging the private sector and incentivise capital market investments in SMEs are being enhanced.

Finally, the Council, upon proposal by the Commission, recommended Italy to promote further the development of capital markets to diversify and enhance firms' access to finance, especially into equity, and in turn foster their innovation capacity and growth. Ha inoltre invitato a imporre un divieto di viaggio agli alti funzionari del governo e a confiscare i beni di coloro che hanno depositato fondi presso banche europee e americane.

Un portavoce della missione dell'Iran alle Nazioni Unite, Alireza Miryousefi, ha dichiarato che l'Iran, specialmente dopo l'elezione del presidente Rouhani, ha ribadito il proprio impegno risoluto a favore della promozione e della tutela di tutti i diritti umani all'interno e all'esterno del paese. Shirin Ebadi ha invitato i paesi europei a non accelerare la ripresa delle relazioni con il governo di Teheran se prima non si registreranno miglioramenti nella situazione dei diritti umani in Iran.

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Iran currently broadcasts programmes in more than a dozen languages around the globe via satellite. She also called for senior government officials to face travel bans and for those who have funds deposited with European and American banks to have their assets confiscated. This is double the number of executions that took place in the same period in As for the human rights situation in Iran, the European Union is concerned that no substantial progress have been materialising, even after the commitments made in by President Hassan Rouhani.

In terms of scrutinising, it is also worth noting that the European Union supports the renewal of the UN mandate for the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran and that the Union repeatedly has called on Iran to let him visit the country in order for him to fulfil his UN mandate.

The fact that this is being done behind closed doors and without a public tender for the selection of the consultants, is a particular cause for concern. Several reasonable questions arise from these facts. Therefore, can the Commission, as member of the Troika, provide the following information:. How can the Commission ensure that there is not a closed, small group of large companies having a de facto monopoly over the management of the European bailouts? How does the Commission avoid conflicts of interest and ensure that the abovementioned four firms are not active in the markets of the countries that they are supposed to audit and advise?

Designing a financial adjustment programme is a complex task which has to be carried out in a relatively short period of time. In some cases, the high level of expertise needed to address very specific financial issues required national government to resort to external consultancies. Asset Quality Reviews AQRs are supervisory tasks and it is the ultimate responsibility of the Member States concerned to contract for advisory services.

This also applies to the handling of the selection process which is fully under the control of the governments of beneficiary Member States and any agreement on fees involved, but, as in any other case, the Commission always insist on the thorough application of EU procurement rules. External consultants are not involved in the design of the ensuing policy response within, or outside, the context of the programme. Relevant expertise is normally available within respective national supervisors. But in the context of a severe crisis of the banking sector market participants typically question the quality and impartiality of prudential oversight of competent supervisors.

Such doubts may give rise to major macro-financial risk. While Troika partners do not have the necessary capacity to necessarily quickly carry out large-scale banking sector assessments, the use of external consultants provides for a degree of independence of appreciation that is necessary to obtain a clear and timely assessment of the main problems in credit institutions and to reassure market participants and the broader public of the impartiality of such assessment. It is reported that tens of thousands of such passports have been issued by Bulgaria alone. Is the Commission aware of these allegations?

Does it believe they are true? What action will the Commission take to address this problem? Does the Commission agree with me that existing Member States should be able to close their borders to immigrants from the countries implicated until the matter is investigated and resolved? Account should be taken of the norms and obligations by which they are bound under international law and the criteria upon which Member States traditionally build their nationality laws. The existence of a genuine link between the applicant and the country or its people should be a prerequisite for obtaining naturalisation.

This is to be distinguished from situations where naturalisation is granted without the applicant having a genuine link with the country or its people. Eurocommissaris Connie Hedegaard hierover: One of the things Europe has to do better is how we subsidise renewables. That is why the commission is reviewing state aid guidelines for energy, including renewables.

In dat kader de volgende vragen:. Waarom wenst de Commissie aan de ene kant de genoemde subsidies te stoppen, terwijl aan de andere kant subsidie wordt gegeven aan bedrijven in deze sector die personeel moeten ontslaan? Kan de Commissie garanderen dat er bij stopzetting van genoemde subsidies ook als directe consequentie niet langer bijdragen uit het globaliseringsfonds naar deze sector gaan, daar het faillissement niet ligt aan de globalisering, maar aan het wegvallen van subsidie? De Commissie wil voor een soepele overgang zorgen, zodat lidstaten hun regelingen in dat verband kunnen aanpassen.

Wel geeft het EFG steun aan individuele werknemers die worden ontslagen als gevolg van structurele veranderingen, om hen te helpen bij hun herintegratie.

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Wanneer het ontslag van de werknemers in verband kan worden gebracht met handelsgerelateerde globalisering of de wereldwijde financieel-economische crisis, kunnen lidstaten bij het EFG een steunaanvraag indienen. In lijn met de Verdragsbepalingen en de desbetreffende richtsnoeren blijft de Commissie verder nauwgezet erop toezien dat alle staatssteunmaatregelen verenigbaar blijven met de interne markt.

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  • This raises the following questions:. Does the Commission intend to absolutely forbid state aid in the form of subsidies for onshore wind and solar power industries? Will this ban come into effect immediately? Why does the Commission wish to stop the aforementioned subsidies on the one hand, while on the other hand subsidies are being given to companies in this sector which are forced to make redundancies? Can the Commission guarantee that, as a direct consequence of stopping the aforesaid subsidies, companies in this sector will also no longer receive aid from the Globalisation Adjustment Fund, since any bankruptcy would be the result not of globalisation but of the withdrawal of subsidies?

    The Commission has no intention of prohibiting subsidies to onshore wind and solar power industries. Member States should be able to support these technologies to achieve the targets. The Commission intends, however, to make such support less distortive to ensure that renewable energies do not get overcompensated and integrate better into the internal energy market. The Commission wants to ensure a smooth transition for Member States to adapt their schemes in this respect.

    The EGF instead provides support for individual workers made redundant as a result of structural changes in world trade patterns to facilitate their re-integration into employment. Provided that the workers' redundancies can be linked to trade-related globalisation or to the global financial and economic crisis, Member States can apply for support from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund EGF. In line with the Treaty provisions and the relevant Guidelines, the Commission is and will remain vigilant to ensure that all state aid measures remain compatible with the internal market.

    Cambodia is in turmoil, amidst a seemingly unending spiral of violence and repression. The events of the past few days show that the kingdom is undergoing one of the most serious political crises in its history, with the potential to bring down the government. The security forces have been deployed en masse , testifying to the agitation of a regime on edge. The day after a demonstration by textile workers was broken up with at least three deaths, the police, army and thugs in civilian dress surrounded Freedom Park in central Phnom Penh.

    Inside the park, where the opposition is rallying to call for new elections, iron bars were used to disperse militants of the Cambodia National Rescue Party CNRP , after which all public assemblies were banned by the governor of the capital, Pa Socheatvong. The EU Delegation in Cambodia closely follows the human rights situation in the country and is taking regular actions to address the issues — focusing its priorities on human rights defenders arrested or at risk.

    Actions include regular and high level contacts with the government to urge for respect of international and national laws. Can the Council say how many firearms which had previously been deactivated in one Member State have been reactivated in another Member State? The information requested by the Honourable Member is not available to the Council.

    Invoeren van een sorteerlogo op Europees niveau. In het Vlaams Parlement zijn daarover al enkele vragen gesteld. Alles wat productnormering betreft, is immers een federale bevoegdheid. Een regeling op Europees niveau dringt zich volgens haar dan ook op. De lidstaten mogen zelf bepalen welke inzamelingsmaatregelen zij treffen om de gewenste scheiding van recycleerbare afvalstoffen tot stand te brengen, afhankelijk van hun specifieke situatie. De invoering van een sorteerlogo op afvalzakken voor recycleerbaar afval is een van de mogelijkheden, al mogen daarbij geen ongerechtvaardigde beperkingen van het vrije verkeer van goederen worden ingevoerd, bijvoorbeeld door te verlangen dat op producten of verpakkingen het nationale sorteerlogo moet worden aangebracht.

    Aangezien in de lidstaten uiteenlopende afvalbeheersystemen zijn opgezet, plant de Commissie momenteel geen maatregelen om een Europees sorteerlogo in te voeren. In Belgium, debate has been raging for some time about the idea of introducing a sorting logo on bags for disposing of recyclable waste, so that the public know what they can put in the bags and what they cannot. Questions have been asked about the matter in the Flemish Parliament.

    The argument is that consumers will then finally know which rubbish should be placed in which bag or container after sorting, which will also make life a good deal simpler for refuse collectors and sorters. The minister responsible has replied that there are legal and practical objections to a single sorting logo.

    Anything which has a bearing on product standards is a federal responsibility in Belgium. But if Belgium were to introduce such a logo, the minister says that it would distort the European internal market. She therefore considers it a matter of urgency for European rules on the subject to be adopted. It is up to Member States to choose the specific separate collection measures that best fit their particular situation to achieve the desired sorting of recyclable waste. Introduction of a sorting logo on bags for disposing of recyclable waste could be one such measure but it must not lead to unjustified restrictions on the free movement of goods by, for instance, requiring products or packaging to bear that national sorting logo.

    As different waste management systems have been set up in different Member States, the Commission is currently not planning measures to introduce a European sorting logo. Cambio de medidas compensatorias financiadas por la UE en lugar de ser financiadas por el promotor. The organisation charged by the sponsor with executing the countervailing measures under both resolutions is a private foundation consisting of various administrations and the sponsor itself.


    The works are being carried out despite the existence of unresolved complaints with the Spanish Ombudsman, among others, relating to alleged irregularities in the transfer of the military land where the building is taking place. Is the Commission aware of the change made in to the countervailing measures in the EIS? What actions will the Commission take in relation to this type of irregular amendment which makes a mere formality of the EIS? Is the Commission aware that countervailing measures are being financed using European funds?

    Does the Commission agree with European public funds being used for financing when the liability rests with the sponsor? In , the Commission opened an investigation concerning the second circuit of the electrical interconnection between Spain and Morocco and the implementation of the compensatory and mitigation measures defined for this project.

    The Commission could not identify any breach of EU environmental law in this case. Google is facing criticism over a new Gmail feature which may constitute an invasion of privacy. Google's official notification of this feature can be found at http: By joining a social network an individual does not consent to having their email address made public, a principle respected by Facebook and Twitter. Does the Commission not agree that Gmail users should have the right to a voluntary opt-out clause, accessible through a pop-up window, in order to protect their personal data and privacy?

    Does the Commission think that this situation could constitute market abuse by Google? Without prejudice to the competence of the European Commission as guardian of the Treaties, the supervision and enforcement of data protection legislation falls within the competence of national authorities, in particular the data protection supervisory authorities and courts. In order to establish a violation of EU competition rules, a whole range of legal, economic and factual details have to be assessed in every case.

    Whilst the Commission does not have indications at this stage that Google's conduct in the area specified violates EU competition rules, it closely monitors market developments. Illegale jacht op bedreigde trekvogels in Libanon. Sinds midden jaren negentig mag er in Libanon niet meer gejaagd worden op vogels. Deze ban wordt helaas niet nageleefd en bedreigt Europese conservatieprojecten van bedreigde trekvogelsoorten. Aangezien Libanon geen jaagwet heeft, treden de ordediensten niet op.

    Illegale jagers blijven dus massaal trekvogels doden, zelfs de bedreigde vogelsoorten ontsnappen er niet aan. Ook jagen de Libanese jagers het hele jaar door waardoor zelfs tijdens de broedperiode gedood wordt. Tot voor kort jaagden de Egyptische en Libische jagers met vangnetten waardoor ook bedreigde trekvogels in hun netten kwamen vast te zitten en uiteindelijk stierven. Maar eind november vond daarom een internationale ontmoeting plaats in Bonn, Duitsland, tussen nationale en internationale gouvernementele en niet-gouvernementele organisaties om dit punt aan te pakken.

    Er werd een actieplan opgezet. Heeft u zicht op de negatieve impact van dergelijke praktijken in Libanon op de Europese trekvogels? Wat is de impact van het jagen op onze bedreigde Europese trekvogels? Hoeveel subsidies spendeert Europa aan onze conservatieprojecten en hoeveel Europees geld gaat er verloren door de Libanese jacht? Kan u Libanon aanzetten tot het stoppen van deze praktijken? Welke acties denkt u te ondernemen om de jacht op zeldzame trekvogels te beperken? The hunting of birds has been banned in Lebanon since the mids.

    Unfortunately, this ban has not been observed, threatening European conservation projects for endangered species of migratory birds. Since Lebanon has no law on hunting, the authorities do not act to prevent it. Illegal hunters therefore continue to kill migratory birds on a massive scale, and even endangered bird species are not safe from this. The Lebanese hunters also hunt for the whole year, which means that birds are killed even during the nesting period. These birds are often killed for consumption. This tradition should therefore not just be curbed, but should be restricted in such a way that the hunting does not jeopardise our European projects to protect endangered migratory birds.

    Until recently, Egyptian and Libyan hunters hunted using nets, as a result of which endangered migratory birds were also caught in these nets and eventually died. Do you have an idea of the negative impact that such practices in Lebanon have on European migratory birds? What is the impact of hunting on our endangered European migratory birds? How much money does Europe pay to subsidise our conservation projects and how much European money is lost as a result of hunting in Lebanon?

    Can you urge Lebanon to stop these hunting practices? What measures are you considering to limit the hunting of rare migratory birds? Nel giugno il Consiglio d'Europa ha approvato la creazione del partenariato orientale, il programma di associazione che l'Unione europea ha avviato con Armenia, Azerbaigian, Georgia, Moldavia, Ucraina e Bielorussia nel quadro della politica europea di vicinato.

    Tale progetto di avvicinamento di questi paesi, ex membri dell'Unione Sovietica, ha goduto fino al di uno stanziamento pari a circa milioni di EUR. La politica di partenariato orientale ha provocato quasi una crisi diplomatica con la Russia. Inoltre, questa decisione ha provocato aspre reazioni e contestazioni politiche e di piazza.

    Non ci risulta che quest'assistenza sia vincolata a condizioni ufficiali. La Russia sembra orientata a sospendere gli investimenti nei titoli di Stato ucraini. The Eastern Partnership policy has provoked a near diplomatic crisis with Russia. This decision has also prompted fierce reaction, as well as political dissent and street protests. In light of the above, can the Commission disclose how the funding earmarked for the Eastern Partnership has been spent in the past and how future monies will be spent?

    Funding has been earmarked for bilateral, regional and interregional programmes to support reforms in key sectors such as justice and human rights, trade, private sector and job creation, agriculture and rural development, border management. Civil society and contacts between people e. The European Neighbourhood Instrument ENI will be the main EU financial instrument for the cooperation with all neighbouring countries during the period No official conditions have been attached to this assistance to our knowledge.

    Russia seems to discontinue its investments in Ukrainian government bonds. Apart from the behaviour categorised as an offence in the aforementioned Framework Decision, is the Commission aware that these extreme political forces are adopting deviant or antisocial behaviour which goes against European values, rights and the rule of law? What position or measures is the Commission going to adopt bearing in mind the upcoming elections to the European Parliament?

    Could the Commission indicate if behaviour contrary to European values, its rights and the European rule of law in general is going to be reason enough to exclude these parties? It also endangers the values on which our Union is based, which means it simply destroys our societies. It destroys our Europe. This is one of the four conditions political parties at European level must satisfy in order to apply for EU funding. The regulation provides for a specific procedure to verify that that this condition continues to be met.

    Moreover, in keeping with the Solemn Declaration of Stuttgart on the European Union, the Council regularly reports to the European Parliament, in particular by responding to oral questions or by making statements in plenary debates. Nelle prime settimane di gennaio, le proteste antigovernative lungo le strade di Bangkok, iniziate lo scorso novembre, hanno cominciato a subire un'escalation di violenza preoccupante. L'UE segue costantemente con attenzione la situazione cui si fa riferimento. In the first weeks of January, a worrying escalation of violence has begun to be seen in the anti-government protests in the streets of Bangkok, which started last November.

    Has she been in contact with the Thai authorities to monitor developments in the situation? Is the political instability of the country likely to have negative repercussions on European economic operators doing business there? The EU is continuously monitoring the situation closely. The safety of individual EU citizens falls under consular protection which is a Member State competence. However, caution is advisable as the situation can change, and EU citizens need to keep themselves informed of the travel advice issued and regularly updated by their Member States.

    The political instability has already had a negative impact on the economic situation, especially the tourism industry and foreign direct investment, with expected economic growth revised downwards. The situation also has an impact on some European economic operators active in Thailand. Verlies van hospitalisatieverzekering bij niet-naleven domicilieverplichting.

    Chrétien de Troyes

    Vaak beschikken zij via hun werkgever over een hospitalisatieverzekering waarvoor zij al vele decennia bijdragen betalen. Bij een verhuizing naar Spanje verliest men alle rechten. In Spanje aangekomen blijkt aansluiten bij een Spaanse hospitalisatieverzekering onmogelijk of onbetaalbaar. Meent de Commissie dat dit verenigbaar is met het vrij verkeer van personen zoals vastgelegd in de verdragen?

    De richtlijnen zijn eveneens gebaseerd op het beginsel van de contractvrijheid waaronder verzekeraars en consumenten het eens kunnen worden over een verscheidenheid aan contractuele voorwaarden, met inbegrip van het geografische dekkingsgebied van de polis. De Commissie is zich bewust van de noodzaak om obstakels voor het vrij verkeer van EU-burgers weg te werken en erkent dat er een spanning bestaat tussen de contractvrijheid en de wens om verzekeringsovereenkomsten te laten doorlopen wanneer burgers verhuizen naar andere lidstaten.

    Upon reaching retirement, many Belgian citizens purchase a small property in Spain in order to move there. Their employers often provide hospitalisation insurance, into which they have paid contributions for many decades. However, it would appear that many of these hospitalisation insurers impose the condition that the insured parties must reside in Belgium. Moving to Spain results in the loss of all rights.

    Once in Spain, it seems to be impossible or unaffordable to join a Spanish hospitalisation insurance scheme. Even insurance groups which operate in both Belgium and Spain impose this condition: Does the Commission think that this is compatible with the free movement of persons as laid down in the treaties? What guidelines apply to the hospitalisation insurance sector to ensure that the free movement of persons is respected?

    Is it lawful for hospitalisation insurers to set the condition of residing in one Member State in order for insurance cover to continue? Private hospitalisation insurance is covered by the Non-life Insurance Directives.

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    The directives are also based on the principle of the freedom of contract under which insurers and consumers can agree on a variety of contractual terms and conditions, including geographical scope of the given policy. The policy will have to be compatible with the rules designed to protect the general good in the insurance sector of that Member State.

    The Commission is conscious of the need to eliminate obstacles to the free movement of EU citizens and recognises the tension between the freedom of contract and the desire to continue insurance policies when citizens relocate to other Member States. The Commission services are analysing the situation with a view to assessing possible improvements of the existing EU insurance legislation. Fornire dati aggiornati sulla variazione del fatturato industriale degli altri Stati membri?

    Fornire un dato aggiornato complessivo sulla variazione del fatturato industriale europeo? There was a 0. Domestic turnover fell by 1. In overall terms, the raw turnover indicator fell by 2. Provide up-to-date figures on the trend in industrial turnover in other Member States? Provide aggregate up-to-date figures on the trend in industrial turnover at EU level? Industrial turnover in the EU28 increased by 1. Amongst the main contributors to this increase were Germany, with a rate of annual growth of 4. Always on a yearly basis, domestic turnover fell by 0.

    In de plenaire zitting van januari keurde het Europees Parlement met een grote meerderheid zijn resolutie over de eerbiediging van het fundamentele recht van vrij verkeer in de Europese Unie goed. Uit een rapport dat de Europese Commissie in januari publiceerde blijkt dat het sociaal toerisme dat populistische politici graag inroepen als reden om het vrij verkeer aan banden te leggen, zo goed als niet bestaat. Vooral arbeidsmobielen uit de nieuwere lidstaten worden in de populistische retoriek geviseerd.

    Dit is een groot probleem dat negatieve gevolgen heeft voor het vrij verkeer dat op die manier als hoeksteen van de Europese Unie wordt aangetast. Wat is de timing hiervoor? At the January part-session, the European Parliament adopted by a large majority its resolution on respect for the fundamental right to freedom of movement in the European Union. Populist rhetoric is particularly directed against people moving from the newer Member States to work elsewhere.

    This attitude is a serious problem, adversely affecting freedom of movement, whose status as a cornerstone of the European Union is eroded as a result. Is the Commission planning action to inform EU citizens better about the advantages of freedom of movement and to eliminate the existing prejudices against worker mobility, and particularly against workers from the new Member States?

    Does the Commission agree that action in these fields is both necessary and urgent and ought therefore to begin as soon as possible? What is the timetable for this? Would it be possible to launch a large-scale information and awareness-raising campaign in all EU Member States in order to inform EU citizens correctly? It also intends, in cooperation with the Member State authorities, to continue with its efforts to raise awareness and improve communication and information on the subject, so that the public is better informed.

    On the subject of the sale of Maltese passports, Commissioner Reding has said that the Council could decide on a set of minimum requirements for granting citizenship. The Council has not discussed the specific matter raised by the Honourable Member. Los neonazis lanzaban amenazas de muerte contra sus militantes mientras destrozaban el equipamiento de la citada sede. This attack is yet another in a series of attacks suffered by the organisation in different places in the Community of Madrid.

    The United Left is not the only target of these groups. There have also been attacks on the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia and various social movements. The increase in violent attacks against organisations and individuals publicly displaying their disagreement with government policies is well documented in the Community of Madrid.

    It is discouraging many citizens from engaging in politics, as they are now fearful of expressing their political opinions, their affiliation with alternative political forces or their engagement in social movements. The authorities seem to be turning a blind eye and are instead lauding the good old days of fascism from many of their public forums. Is the Commission aware of this recent attack on the headquarters of the United Left? Does it regard this report as presenting specific recommendations for the Community of Madrid? It is a competence of the Member States to investigate and, eventually prosecute any criminal acts on their territory in line with their national legislation.

    Only one of these cases falls within one of the mentioned key areas transport. Nine months on, can the Commission say whether Spain has complied with the eight outstanding judgments of the European Court of Justice? If it has not, what action does the Commission propose to take to ensure that this Member State complies with European legislation?

    Wenn ja, mit welchen Konsequenzen? Wenn nein, warum nicht? How and to what degree does the Commission intend to promote democracy and human rights in Egypt in the future and simultaneously to ensure that these funds are also used for this purpose? Does the Commission intend to investigate the missing development funds and to uncover any misappropriations? If yes, with what consequences?

    • Tropical Arms (The Kristen Maroney Mysteries Book 5).
    • Un été indien (FICTION) (French Edition).
    • The Politicians Mistress: Drawn To Him;
    • What actions is the Commission considering taking in the future against the misuse of EU funds in Egypt? I understand that hovercraft are exempt from the regulations under both directives. However, hovercraft manufacturers are unable to opt in to the regulations and are therefore unable to market their products across the single market as they do not have a declaration of conformity.