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Subsequent chapters discuss directories and portals, both general and specialised, and search engines in detail, with illustrations and further details of selected sites. The Search Engines chapter Chapter 4 is a cut-down version of what is in Hocks' Guide to Web Search Engines with sections on the basic operation of search engines, typical search options, use of Boolean operators, and how results are presented.

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Five major search engines are profiled in detail AllTheWeb, AltaVista, Google, HotBot, and Teoma , followed by information on more specialised search engines, including meta search engines, and hints on keeping up to date with developments. Chapter 5 covers, rather briefly, group communication via newsgroups, mailing lists, interactive forums, and instant messaging, with a final page on netiquette.

Unfortunately, there is no mention of Jiscmail here. Chapter 6 is entitled ' An Internet Reference Shelf' with pointers to encyclopaedias, dictionaries, almanacs, directories, currency converters, maps, and other such on-line reference material. It is obviously very difficult to be comprehensive here and this is a personal selection of resources but nonetheless this introduces users to the range of material available and, it is to be hoped, inspires them to look further. Searching for multimedia information in the form of image, audio and video files is discussed in Chapter 7 and news resources and company and product information in chapters 8 and 9.

The final chapter is something of an afterthought in that it covers publishing your own information on the Web. A few points could have been expanded upon, particularly the discussion on copyright, which is, to my mind, too brief even for a 'Basics' chapter, and is also focussed entirely on US copyright without making it clear that copyright laws are different in different countries. The section on citing Internet resources could also have been enlarged and illustrated with some examples - in my experience students are very uncertain how to cite Web pages, and consequently may not do so at all, thus leading to charges of plagiarism.

Relation to Other Works: There are many articles online about researching strategies and tools as well as books. Handbooks are not as common, but there are still others around.

Book Reviews

Since this book has recently been published, it would best meet the needs of its users. The book appeals to many learners because the steps within the book can be applied to any research activity. Students can take the information they learn and apply it to a topic of their own interest. The pictures and graphics appeal to visual learners. Library Journal, 9 , Since I am back in school, 9 months out of the year I read nothing but text books.

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There were two books this semester that others might find interesting. The Extreme Seacher's Internet Handbook is an easy read reference book on how to find information on the internet. Ran Hock's book offers detailed descriptions of search engines along with key features, techniques for finding multimedia content, reviews of the major web directories, tips for searching news, shopping and even a nice "Internet re Since I am back in school, 9 months out of the year I read nothing but text books.

Ran Hock's book offers detailed descriptions of search engines along with key features, techniques for finding multimedia content, reviews of the major web directories, tips for searching news, shopping and even a nice "Internet reference shelf.


Finding what you want is no longer simply a matter of entering the right keywords in a search engine. You need to know how to search; which search engine will work best for you; and where to start looking for information either using a search engine or "the invisible Web".

This is not the be-all, end-all book on the topic of Internet Search, but it it is very approachable for all skill levels, includes sections and annotations dedicated to useful additional information and tips, and it gives good attention to the major search engines as well as valuable Web resources.

I don't think any book on the topic can be truly great since Internet search changes so rapidly, but any reader will benefit from this one.

The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook, 4th Edition, By Randolph Hock

I found the information in this book useful. Even though it is the newest edition, it still has a few things that are somewhat out of date in regards to specific sites. The actually searching content of the book is still useful and accurate. I am glad I read it and plan to reference some of the information for my internet searching in the future. This is a great resource for anyone in the information sector. It goes into detail about what different search engines provide and even gives search experts information about not as popular features.

I can see this book getting outdated quickly hence the multiple editions but it's still a resource I will keep on my shelf as a reference! I was required to buy this book for class, then was only required to read three chapters. However, those three chapters were very helpful.

  1. Book Review: Extreme Searchers' Internet Handbook | Ariadne.
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  4. GĂ©meaux 2012 (French Edition).
  5. The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Searcher by Randolph Hock.

This is one I'll keep close at hand to pull out for ready reference, even now that my class is finished. So far I'm liking this book. It starts off with a bit of history.

Book Review: Extreme Searchers' Internet Handbook

Then jumps into a comparison between directories and search engines. This is all interesting but the good info comes in chapter 4 when the author gets into more detail with google, yahoo, etc. This is the textbook for the class I will be teaching at PCC this summer. Now that I'm done with homework as a student, I now have the homework of reading this book so I can be the teacher.

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  • How did this happen? It's a very thorough and informative reference book. Finally, there is a short chapter on publishing your own web site or blog. The book includes a glossary of web terms and a list of URLs mentioned in the book.

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    There is also a useful index. Tips in the margins throughout the book give further hints on how to search, etc. Figures throughout the book show you what to look for as you search. This is an excellent book on searching and would be a good addition to any library collection. It is also a good resource for librarians. It is very important that we understand the tools patrons are using so we can explain why or why not, those general directories or search engines are the best tools for the question being asked.

    Blog about patrons using Google before the library so we need to be prepared to explain why PubMed and PsycInfo are better than a search engine. The book also provides a nice outline for a course on searching for those who are getting ready to plan new curriculum.