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Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit 4. Is the third Person of the Trinity a distant mystery, a vague cosmic force? Many believers acknowledge Him as a component of faith? Yet the Bible is clear: In Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit , beloved pastor and Bible teacher Charles Stanley reveals the inner working of the Spirit with simple, straightforward wisdom.

With this book, you can better experience this awesome gift of God as you discover: The Christian life is meant to be increasingly dependent on His power working within you. Learn today to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. Hardcover , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit , please sign up.

Be the first to ask a question about Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Mar 28, Dana rated it it was amazing. I read this book as part of a study at church. It's one that could and should be read often. I need these reminders in my life. Sep 18, Chee Keong rated it it was amazing Shelves: With this book, I can better experience this awesome gift of God as I discover: Seven works of the Holy Spirit in my life 3. Three potentials God desires me to develop 4. How to remain full of the Holy Spirit 5.

Four great questions to ask God every day. Review This is a very clear simple explanation of how the Holy Spirit works in your life. It makes it real. It's always good to read inspirational books. This helped me realize that I might not be calling the Holy Spirit "It" but it has helped me understand why people do. The best inspirational book to read aren't Self-Help books, it would be the Bible itself. That is the only true book anyone needs to help them get out of the messes their in. These other "self-help" books help you understand something things better that you may not able to find answers to in the bible.

That's why God puts teachers ou It's always good to read inspirational books. That's why God puts teachers out there to help us learn. I'm a huge fan of Charles Stanley anyway. God has given him an authority to teach and he teaches with the power of God! Jun 27, Eastlyn rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: One of the most difficult topics has been teach in a very simple and fair way.

To me, it is always difficult to understand the concept of the Holy Spirit, especially too many church has been over emphasis the power of the spirit makes me hesitated sometimes to learn about the topic. This little book has answered me question for several years, and help me not to be afraid of seeking my spiritual gift, yet, not get lost in it. Though we need to be ready to make decisions based solely upon biblically-grounded missional wisdom, we also need to intentionally develop a sensitivity to a more direct leading of the Spirit.

Then when He brings to mind a wrongdoing of which we were unaware compare Ps God saves us through our faith in Him, and He leads those He saves through the same human channel of faith 2 Cor 5: As we read, meditate on, and pray over Scripture, the indwelling Spirit of God becomes our divine interpreter Jn God regularly compared Himself to a Shepherd who leads His sheep Ps Obviously, the Holy Spirit can choose to act in any way that He wishes. Know the Fatherhood of God by the Spirit Rom 8: He does it primarily through the Word — as a Christian reads the bible, the Spirit confirms the truth that, because he has trusted the Savior, he is now a child of God.

Remove this cup from Me. Paul writes in his letter to the Galatians: Fellow believer, stop listening to those words! Our identity is formed by what God thinks of us… by what He has done for us… and by what He intends to do with us; not by anything else, and certainly not by the opinion of others. We need to turn off these destructive messages and start listening to what God says about us. So what has God said about us in Romans 8 up to this point?

The Power of the Holy Spirit

These are the truths we need to affirm over and over again… speak them out loud to your-self, and ask the Holy Spirit to solidify them in your own spirit. Let me begin the list by adding one that probably sums them all up.

Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit - Just Between Us

It was one I heard in a recent sermon. Most of us may find that impossible to believe, because our sinful-ness simply overwhelms us… but the reality is God loves us with an everlasting love! Give real serious thought to the foregoing scenario — remember, He loves you so much He actually died for you. This little scenario reminds me again of the wonderful words Charles Wesley penned: How can it be that Thou my God shouldst die for me? That is a common feeling for believers, because this world is really not their home… we were really made for heaven. One of the central themes of Christianity is that of spending eternity in heaven with God.

That was the message of the apostle John: Lewis comments on this in his best selling book Mere Christianity: The Holy Spirit Himself is the firstfruits. Just as the first handful of ripened grain is a pledge of the entire harvest to follow, so the Holy Spirit is the pledge or guarantee that a future full inheritance will be ours. Specifically, He is the guarantee of the coming adoption, the redemption of the body Eph 1: For one thing, our bodies are weak, fragile and mortal, subject to fatigue, sickness, pain and death 2 Cor 5: Who will deliver me from this body of death?

Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Such a shout of anguish is precisely what Paul means by our present inward groaning. Lord, all my desire is before Thee; and my sighing is not hidden from Thee. Likewise, Paul grieved over the remnants of his humanness that clung to him like a rotten garment that could not be cast off. That reality brought him great spiritual frustration and anguish Rom 7: In his second letter to the Corinthians he reminds all believers of their same plight: That truth causes each of us as Christians to suffer times of deep inner distress over the debilitating sinfulness that still clings to us.

Lord willing, you are tracking with me on this point!

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He then concludes his letter to the Romans with this benediction: How often do you think about the glories that are yet to come? Do you habitually ponder them in relation to your present suffering? Or is your hope drowned out by an addiction to entertainment and the pursuit of happiness in a transitory world?

For the believer to somehow think that his inability to articulate his feelings to God, will result in making his prayers ineffective is an extremely troubling thought.

Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Though we frequently lack the ability to clearly articulate our prayers, God still hears our groanings and understands them. And then there is the prayer of Solomon at the dedication of the Temple: If the Father knows the hearts of men, how much more does He know the mind of the Spirit? The Father understands exactly what the Spirit is thinking because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

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To quote the late E. The wonderful truth here is this — when we sign with inarticulate desires, it is the Holy Spirit Himself who is interceding on our behalf, prompting these groans. Reflect upon the words of James Montgomery —. Prayer is the burden of a sigh… the falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye… when none but God is near Stott, p.

Remember, it is the Holy Spirit who moves us to pray and gives direction to our prayers. Charles Spurgeon describes this process as follows: We feel secure when the Holy Spirit guides our minds…. As believers we need to become increasingly sensitive to the influence of the Holy Spirit and receptive to the way that He is guiding us to pray, so that our prayers become increasingly aligned with the will of God.

In closing, reflect upon the words of a hymn that Kenneth Berding penned —. Many believers have chosen to preface their prayers with this prayer to the Spirit because it gives them a wonderful perspective from which to petition the throne of grace Remember, we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who was tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin Therefore, let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and grace to help in time of need.

In this critical chapter of Scripture, Paul describes seven key ministries of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer — Walk according to the Spirit 8: Set your mind on the things of the Spirit 8: Put to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit 8: Be led by the Spirit 8: Know the Fatherhood of God by the Spirit 8: Hope in the Spirit 8: Pray in the Spirit 8: In other passages Paul mentions — Be filled with the Spirit Eph 5: Serve in the Spirit Rom 7: Love by the Spirit Rom According to Romans 8, here is what is possible in the Christian life — We can live with the knowledge that we are free from condemnation v.

We can live realizing that God fulfilled the requirement of the Law in us thru Christ vv. We can walk according to the Spirit rather than according to the flesh v.