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Die digitale Gesellschaft - Perspektiven fürs Lehren und Lernen

Teaching of Psychology, 28, Lehren und lernen mit neuen medien [Teaching and learning using new media]. The conditions of learning and theory of instruction. The role of beliefs and attitudes in learning statistics: Towards an assessment framework. Journal of Statistics Education, 2, Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education.

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The Internet and Higher Education, 7, Effects of learning skills interventions on student learning: Review of Educational Research, 66, Selbst- und fremdsteuerung beim lernen mit hypermedien [Self- and external direction at learning with hypermedia]. Which students use online learning and what influence does it have on their achievement? The foundation of distance education. Best online instructional practices: Report of phase I of an ongoing study.

Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 8, Student characteristics for online learning success. Multimediale und telemediale lernumgebungen [Multimedia and telemedia learning environments]. Impact of student proactivity and learning goal orientation on e-learning outcomes.

International Journal on E-Learning, 5, Framework for a theory of teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 1, A learner-centered framework for e-Learning. Teachers College Record, , Web-supported emergent-collaboration in higher education courses. Academic procrastination and statistics anxiety.

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 29, Evaluating web-based learning environments: CyberPsychology and Behavior, 3, Unterrichten und lernumgebungen gestalten [To create lessons and learning environments]. The impact of altered realties: International Journal on E-Learning, 6, Wenn erlerntes nicht genutzt wird [Inert knowledge: When what is learned is not used].

Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien | Request PDF

Psychologische Rundschau, 47, Kooperatives problemorientiertes lernen in der hochschule [Cooperative learning in higher education]. Activity theory and higher education: Journal for Computer Assisted Learning, 21, Supporting the active learning process. Prior knowledge, attitude, and strategy use in an introduction to statistics course. College academic assistance programs and practices.

Educational Psychology Review, 9, Enhancing quality in online learning: Scaffolding planning and design through proactive evaluation. Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia, 23, Motivation to learn 4th ed.

Vorträge / Poster

Preparing students to take online interactive courses. The Internet and Higher Education, 2, Factors fostering metacognitive monitoring and control. Bannert Organizers and Chairs.

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Temporal and adaptive processes of regulated learning — what can multimodal data tell? Is confusion leading to frustration or engagement?

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An emote-aloud study on achievement emotions. Awarded as best poster. Poster presented on the LAK , March Vortrag auf der 5. I spy with my little eye: Observing keystrokes in the learning process: Recording, visualizing and preprocessing mouse and keyboard data for process analyses in web based learning: Effekte selbstgenerierter Lernhilfen auf dem Lernprozess und Lernerfolg.

Vortrag auf dem Process mining techniques for analysing and fostering patterns and strategies in students' self-regulated learning. Read it from my fingertips: Monitoring accuracy and disfluency — Does the experience of disfluency reduce overconfidence? Van Loon Organizers and Chairs , Beneficial and harmful factors for judgment accuracy and regulation of learning. Evaluating long-term effects of metacognitive prompts using process mining techniques. Advances in scaffolding metacognition using advanced learning technologies.

Bannert , Advances in scaffolding metacognition using advanced learning technologies. Is ease of processing used as a cue for metacognitive judgments? Meeting, January , , Leuven, Belgium. Die inferenzstimulierende Wirkung separierter Makropropositionen beim Lernen mit Hypertext. Welche Effekte haben Lernhilfen, die von den Lernenden selbst gestaltet wurden? Vortrag auf der Tutoring and E-Tutoring in Educational Settings.

Enhancing learning outcome by inducing positive affect through the learning material. Judgments in metacomprehension — does letter deletion reduce overconfidence and enhance performance? The impact of disfluency on metacognitive monitoring and control. New Findings on Metacognitive Monitoring and Control. Emote-aloud beim hypermedialen Lernen zur online-Messung von Leistungsemotionen. Intervalle ver s t ehen: Who benefits and under what conditions?

Metacognition in science education: Metacognitive judgments and disfluency — does disfluency lead to more accurate judgments and better performance? Exploring effects of reflection prompts on the temporal structure of SRL-processes with process mining techniques. Freedom to choose or freedom to fail: How could we support self-regulated eLearning by means of metacognitive scaffolds?


Learning in technology-rich learning environments. The better you feel the better you learn - Positive emotions as a facilitator of performance in hypermedia learning. Fostering academic learning through self-reflection prompts via mobile devices. Self-paced learning from animations: An effect of reduced cognitive load or of self-regulation? Fostering and assessing self-regulatory processes with technology rich learning environments. When disfluency leads to better monitoring and performance. Awarded as 2nd best poster at JURE The development of a cognitive skills training to support driver education — comparing performance of experienced and trained learner drivers.

Process mining techniques for analysing patterns and strategies in students' self-regulated learning. Scaffolding hypermedia learning through student's self-created metacognitive prompts. Research students and early career presentations. Prompting AD H D students during hypermedia learning. Examining metacognitive processes using process data collected during learning with computerized environments.

Vortrag bei der Der Einfluss von individuellen Merkmalen und der Bildschirmgestaltung auf die kognitive Belastung beim Lernen mit Multimedia. Instruktionspsychologie und Neue Medien. Kongress der DGPs, Bremen.

Improving driver education with multimedia applications. Aspects of dynamics in motivation. A re pictures more motivating than texts?

Effects of presentation codality on interest. Eingeladener Vortrag bei der Tagung "The challenge of demographic change - Sustainable life-long learning and digital media", im Japanisch-Deutschen Zentrum Berlin. Diskussion der Arbeitsgruppe bei der Self Regulation in Virtual Learning Groups. Exploring group regulation during a CSCL task. Motivation in computer-supported collaborative learning - aspects of dynamics and possible interventions. Disruptive or seamless scaffolding: How could we support self-regulated eLearning? Effects of orientation prompts when learning with hypermedia. Symposium presented at AERA Analysing and supporting orientation activities in hypermedia learning.

Metacognitive support for hypermedia learning. Supporting self-regulated elearning through prompts. Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong, Australia. Design and effects of metacognitive prompting measures. Design and effects of metacognitive support for hypermedia learning. Motivation in a computer supported collaborative learning scenario and its impact on learning activities.

Motivation and knowledge acquisition during computer supported collaborative learning. Stability in the learning process and predictive validity on learning outcome. Design and effects of metacognitive prompting when learning with hypermedia. Students' use of metacognitive prompting during hypermedia learning.