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Now the trilogy of documentaries - Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - appears to have connected the dots. Directed by Peter Joseph, an independent filmmaker and social activist, the films give viewers a shocking look at the way monetary institutions, religion, corporations and corrupted governments have enslaved humanity. The films also closely examine the lifelong work of architect and social engineer Jacque Fresco and his Venus Project as an alternative solution to the situation humanity presently endures.

The second and final films promote The Zeitgeist Movement, a nonprofit organization founded by Joseph in , that advocates an abolition of money and private property and promotes a global socioeconomic system, much like the Venus Project, in which all resources are shared.

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The ideas advanced by Fresco propose a complete restructuring of cities, with robots doing most manual labor on industrial assembly lines. Without money all that people need in life is provided without charge. This, in turn, will give people the freedom to pursue their personal bliss in life, doing creative things, inventing new ideas.

Among the more shocking aspects of the Zeitgeist Trilogy is the accusation that the world monetary system is controlled by a secret organization of people who manipulate the distribution of money, control governments and maintain the current system of forced labor for monetary and materialistic reward. The world religious systems. Zeitgeist also argues that the attacks were "an inside job" designed to put Americans in a state of shock and allow for the stripping of Constitutional freedoms and give the military a cause to declare wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.

It also maintains that the declared terrorist organization al-Qaeda has been a government fabrication based on Afghan freedom fighters the United States secretly financed to help drive the Russians out of that country in the s. Active in that group was Osama bin Laden. We attacked Afghanistan after the Taliban rose to power and began cutting the production of the poppy plants from which the opium is harvested. Thus our war in Afghanistan has been against the Taliban all along. The belief that el-Qaeda terrorists were the real enemy was a lie.

Conspiracy Theories Connecting The Dots

Both wars also opened the door for big corporations like Halliburton to get involved and profit from cleaning up the mess made by the bombings and disruptions of the infrastructures. Fresco, who offers a lot of dialogue in the second film, maintains that warnings about the world running out of natural resources is another lie designed to force the price of these resources up. Were he still alive, Lombardi might have drawn a new line to John Kerry. After all, both belonged to Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale— another connection.

Select your conspiracy theory and connect the dots

But what does the connection mean? That's the trouble with connecting dots. The mere existence of a connection does not tell us why the connection exists. It only raises more questions and arouses our appetite for answers. Connecting dots has taken on a new urgency in today's world. Congressional inquiries and independent panels want to know why dots were not connected, or whether the right dots were connected. Witnesses give answers, as they did to the Warren Commission after President Kennedy's assassination, and we seem satisfied. Earlier polls by CBS and Gallup found similar results.

You don't have to be a paranoid to question the official versions of things, although it helps. Skepticism seems to be a growth industry these days. Information good and bad travels spreads like a prairie fire through the Internet, talk radio, and cable TV.

Conspiracy Theorist Starting to Connect Dots in Coloring Book

An independent book store near my house has an entire section of shelves labeled "conspiracy. In any blockbuster thriller, like the hugely popular "Da Vinci Code," a good conspiracy takes a few facts that we all know from school and the fog of history, then it uses our imagination to connect the dots and write a narrative that sounds plausible, although not quite verifiable. Conspiracy theories are interactive in that way. They calm our anxieties with a simple explanation for a complicated world.

Unfortunately, the impulse to oversimplify the world has its darker side, the impulse to look for scapegoats. Demagogues, genocidal dictators, and terrorist bombers all find ways to justify their evil acts by blaming some dark unseen conspiracy, even as they conspire to organize their own. He is afflicted not only by the real world, but by his fantasies as well.

Others are more skeptical about the role played by chance, coincidence, a cosmic roll of the dice, or the mundane foibles of human beings in creating the big events of history. For the skeptics among us, there always will be more dots to connect.

Conspiracy Theorist Starting to Connect Dots in Coloring Book

The truth will always be, as they say on the "X-Files," out there, raising doubts about what we know, and what we imagine the real story to be. Arts Poetry Now Read This. World Agents for Change.

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