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Editorial Reviews

Biblical Gideon is the first "terrorist"; the first WTC attack was a hack job; and Bin Laden wanted to be a unifier of an Arab world without a "core state". And if some of the modern terrorists hadn't gotten a hold of military special-ops training which was derived from Green Beret and French Maquis experiences , their effectiveness might have even been more muted. The stories this book tells, aren't about policy, or political failures; its about the people that actually are the terrorists. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I picked up this book because it promised to more fully develop an idea I've heard from two personal friends one FBI; one DoD working in counter terrorism today: Additionally, as a bit of a contrarian myself, the author's positioning of the book as the counterpoint to main stream coverage was appealing.

This lends the work tell-all credibility; however, his choice to remain anonymous harms that credibility. The book's use of fact is more like that of USAToday than Foreign Affairs which might further harm perception of the book as expert analysis. Although I would not ascribe a political bias to the work it's undeniably bombastic because it is self-avowedly contrarian, the heavy handness may be forgivable. The unforgivable sin is the writing.

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It's overwrought, attempting to be both folksy and erudite in a single breath. The author's description is telling by example more than content: You'll have to decided for yourself which it is in your eyes. As an aside this is an opportunity to support new models of publisher-free publishing. In keeping with the author's interest in new publishing techniques he has made the whole text available online at tremblethedevil dot com.

The depth of information and insights are made stronger by the captivating descriptions and narrative style. We get a look back on the roots of terrorism and, in several examples of key historical figures, we get to see who 'the man behind the curtain' really is.

While detailing the roots of terrorism, the author subtly nods to the implications we're seeing today and what potentially might lie ahead for us. The phrase 'those that don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it' comes to mind, but isn't heavy-handed here. I learned so much while reading this book and enjoyed every page. I really hope to see more!! Unable to finish it. I agree with previous reviewer, MedIT. Portions of the book are interesting - the author seems widely read - but the incoherent style and lack of straightforward structure makes for painful reading.

I was unable to finish it. Was this text not worth editing?

Do You Want to Sit at Jesus’s Feet?

What was the motive for writing this book? Why did the author choose to remain anonymous? Why is the book obviously aimed at a male audience?

Tremble S1 [Kim Taehyung FF] 21+ (audio) Ep.3

Why are there numbers indicating footnotes throughout the text, yet no footnotes? All of these questions have to do with credibility.

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It is, as I have noted before, a word that simultaneously means nothing yet justifies everything. Indeed, that's the point: And no faction has helped this process along as much as the group of self-proclaimed "terrorism experts" that has attached itself to think tanks, academia, and media outlets.

They enable pure political propaganda to masquerade as objective fact, shining brightly with the veneer of scholarly rigor. The industry itself is a fraud, as are those who profit from and within it.

What “One Little Word” Will Fell Satan?

See all 10 reviews. It is clearly not the mere sound of those two syllables that commands Satan, but the authority from God that lies behind them Mark 1: Perhaps Luther meant the Word, Jesus himself John 1: While it is certainly true biblically that Jesus will be the one to finally destroy the devil in the lake of fire Revelation Even while Satan prowls this earth like a lion 1 Peter 5: From the very beginning, Satan has twisted and contorted the truth of God into a lie Genesis 3: Satan wants nothing more than for you to forget who you are in Christ. Over and over, the Bible warns us not not play games with this devouring, roaring beast of a being.

His rage we can not endure if our strategy is just to disregard him. The text Luther most likely had in mind was Revelation The answer, for Luther and in the Bible, is to believe the truth, the gospel. The answer is to believe the promises of God, that in Christ you are justified Romans 5: For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf.