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Krishna stated that of the three paths that lead to salvation - yoga and ascetic practices, bhakti or devotion, and Dharma or wholesome activities according to your role - it was the latter that was most effective because it contribute to both the individual and the world as a whole, while the two former practices only helped the individual. Those familiar with Buddhism know that the dharma was the main focus of the Buddha's meditations.

These were the main characteristics of the dharma: It is through the meditations of the Buddha that he tried to realize the true meaning of the dharma. It is through insight meditation Vipassana that the Buddha instructed that lay people would be able to realize the dharma themselves. The Buddha taught that direct realization on an individual level was superior to relying on speculation or traditional beliefs. Dharma stands for righteousness of action, deed, and thought which evolved through many thinkers rishis since emergence of man on earth.

dharma - Wiktionary

There is no competition only acceptance of good thoughts as per VEDAs 'Let good thoughts come to us from all directions. Whereas Dharma is usually known as a medium that open a path to Enlightenment for those who truly wants to follow the path of Buddha. But for who truly have started to follow in the path of Buddha, Dharma is everything for them, their basic knowledge, their daily works, their speech, their thoughts, their support, their meditation.

Buddha's teachings revolve round the Dharma and Dharma is also considered as the key teachings of Buddha.

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It can be referred to as a state of mind that is tranquil in nature, despite erratic external influences going on in the materialistic world. To always be in a constant state of pleasantness within oneself is one's Dharma.

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Buddhist and Hindu Dharma. The Dharma is a key concept in Buddhism and Hinduism. In English there are generally two distinct but connected meanings.

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Dharma is a Hindu, Buddhist and yogic concept that refers to the idea of a law, or principle, governing the universe. For an individual to live out their dharma is for them to act in accordance with this law.

What Is Dharma: Buddhist and Hindu Dharma

In Buddhism, it is said that acting in this way is the path to enlightenment. The implication of dharma is that there is a right way for each person to carry out their life. Dharma is closely related to the concepts of duty and service to others, or sev a. It has no single-word Western translation, which sometimes makes it a difficult concept for Westerners to grasp.

Later, it was applied to other contexts, including human behaviors and ways of living that prevent society, family and nature from descending into chaos. This included the concepts of duty, rights, religion and morally appropriate behavior. It is said that all beings must accept their dharma for order and harmony to exist in the world. If an individual is following their dharma, they are pursuing their truest calling, serving all other beings in the universe by playing their true role. To Hindus, all beings have their own dharma: