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In fact, the overlapping use of jealousy and envy has a long history. The terms are used indiscriminately in such popular 'feelgood' books as Nancy Friday's Jealousy , where the expression 'jealousy' applies to a broad range of passions, from envy to lust and greed. While this kind of usage blurs the boundaries between categories that are intellectually valuable and psychologically justifiable, such confusion is understandable in that historical explorations of the term indicate that these boundaries have long posed problems.

Margot Grzywacz's fascinating etymological survey of the word in Romance and Germanic languages [33] asserts, indeed, that the concept was one of those that proved to be the most difficult to express in language and was therefore among the last to find an unambiguous term. Classical Latin used invidia , without strictly differentiating between envy and jealousy. It was not until the postclassical era that Latin borrowed the late and poetic Greek word zelotypia and the associated adjective zelosus.

Lloyd, , page 4 [34]. Perhaps the overlapping use of jealousy and envy occurs because people can experience both at the same time. A person may envy the characteristics or possessions of someone who also happens to be a romantic rival. People often use the word jealousy as a broad label that applies to both experiences of jealousy and experiences of envy. Although popular culture often uses jealousy and envy as synonyms, modern philosophers and psychologists have argued for conceptual distinctions between jealousy and envy.

For example, philosopher John Rawls [38] distinguishes between jealousy and envy on the ground that jealousy involves the wish to keep what one has, and envy the wish to get what one does not have. Thus, a child is jealous of her parents' attention to a sibling, but envious of her friend's new bicycle. Psychologists Laura Guerrero and Peter Andersen have proposed the same distinction.

The ‘jealous man’s’ defence lives on in the English criminal courts

Parrot acknowledges that people can experience envy and jealousy at the same time. Feelings of envy about a rival can even intensify the experience of jealousy. Jealousy involves an entire "emotional episode," including a complex "narrative": The narrative can originate from experienced facts, thoughts, perceptions, memories, but also imagination, guess and assumptions. The more society and culture matter in the formation of these factors, the more jealousy can have a social and cultural origin. By contrast, Goldie , p. One possible explanation of the origin of jealousy in evolutionary psychology is that the emotion evolved in order to maximize the success of our genes: There are, additionally, cultural or social explanations of the origin of jealousy.

According to one, the narrative from which jealousy arises can be in great part made by the imagination. Imagination is strongly affected by a person's cultural milieu. The pattern of reasoning, the way one perceives situations, depends strongly on cultural context. It has elsewhere been suggested that jealousy is in fact a secondary emotion in reaction to one's needs not being met, be those needs for attachment, attention, reassurance or any other form of care that would be otherwise expected to arise from that primary romantic relationship.

While mainstream psychology considers sexual arousal through jealousy a paraphilia , some authors on sexuality Serge Kreutz, Instrumental Jealousy have argued that jealousy in manageable dimensions can have a definite positive effect on sexual function and sexual satisfaction. Studies have also shown that jealousy sometimes heightens passion towards partners and increases the intensity of passionate sex. Jealousy in children and teenagers has been observed more often in those with low self-esteem and can evoke aggressive reactions. One such study suggested that developing intimate friends can be followed by emotional insecurity and loneliness in some children when those intimate friends interact with others.

Jealousy is linked to aggression and low self-esteem. This research could explain why children and infants show distress when a sibling is born, creating the foundation for sibling rivalry. Anthropologists have claimed that jealousy varies across cultures. Cultural learning can influence the situations that trigger jealousy and the manner in which jealousy is expressed.

Attitudes toward jealousy can also change within a culture over time. For example, attitudes toward jealousy changed substantially during the s and s in the United States. People in the United States adopted much more negative views about jealousy. Artistic depictions of jealousy occur in fiction, films, and other art forms such as painting and sculpture. Jealousy is a common theme in literature, art, theatre, and film. Often, it is presented as a demonstration of particularly deep feelings of love, rather than a destructive obsession.

The Clinton case

Jealousy in religion examines how the scriptures and teachings of various religions deal with the topic of jealousy. Religions may be compared and contrasted on how they deal with two issues: The Christian New Testament records that the Jewish chief priests and elders had handed Jesus over to Pontius Pilate to be crucified because they were jealous of his popularity.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Green-Eyed Monster disambiguation and Jealousy disambiguation.

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Cicisbeo Concubinage Courtesan Mistress. Breakup Separation Annulment Divorce Widowhood. Social aspects of jealousy. Compersion — jealousy's opposite — empathizing with a lover's joy with another. Crime of passion Delusional disorder , jealous subtype Pathological jealousy Emotion Relational transgression.


Five-month-old infants can be jealous: Why Jealousy is as Necessary as Love and Sex. Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice. The Psychology of Jealousy and Envy. The Journal of Sexual Research. Evolution and Human Behavior. Conceptualizing and measuring communicative responses to romantic jealousy".

Western Journal of Communication. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. Journal of Research in Personality. Emotions and communicative responses". The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals. Jealousy as related to attributions for the partner's behavior. Social Psychology Quarterly, 47, — Extradyadic relationships and sexual jealousy. Sexual and Emotional Jealousy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Semantic problems and experiential distinctions". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

A Theory of Justice. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. The dark side of jealousy and envy: The emotional experiences of envy and jealousy. The deceased stood up and proceeded towards a hut in which PW7 was sleeping. Post-mortem was conducted on the body of the deceased by Dr. Enock Prabhakar PW11 and the cause of death was said to be due to "fracture of the skull with laceration of the brain, due to firearm injury of the head", which is consistent with the shooting of the deceased by the accused. The above summary of facts was read to the accused, who confirmed it to be a correct reflection of what transpired.

After satisfying myself that his plea of guilty was unequivocal, and that the above summary of facts disclosed the elements of the crime of murder, I convicted him of murder as charged. Following his conviction, the accused gave sworn evidence in an attempt to establish the existence of extenuating circumstances. Thereafter, his attorney addressed the court on extenuation, speaking to comprehensive written submissions for which the court is always grateful.

The only issue with which I am now seized is therefore whether or not extenuating circumstances exist in this case. There is no shortage of authority in this jurisdiction with respect to the law in this regard. Regrettably, this court and the Court of Appeal have and continue to be called upon - to pronounce on this matter in the murder cases which are coming before them with increasing frequency. Some of these authorities are discussed in the written submissions filed by the defence, and the principles they establish can be summarized as follows: Extenuating circumstances are those factors which go towards reducing the moral blameworthiness of the accused, and not his legal blameworthiness.

Some of the factors which have been found to constitute extenuating circumstances include, but are not restricted to the following: If there is more than one extenuating circumstance.

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Extenuating circumstances are not necessarily excluded by reason of the fact that a murder is deliberate or premeditated. See Mosarwana v The State supra. I now turn to examine the testimony of the accused, with a view to determining whether it supports the existence of these factors. This relationship, which had started in , had produced two children, now aged six and five years, and they had cohabited peacefully as one happy family, with the accused as their sole breadwinner, in Kopong and then in Bokaa, where the accused was employed.

Around August , the accused says that he noticed a change in the attitude of the deceased: On her return, she would be in the company of a certain Banosi, a man who was employed by the deceased's uncle as a herder.

Jealousy - Wikipedia

On more than one occasion, the accused says he had found Banosi at deceased's mother's house, where he appeared to feel at home and accepted by her relatives. The accused also told the court that he had once found the deceased at her uncle's home, sleeping with Banosi in the same bed, and that he had fought with Banosi. In response to the accused's protests, the deceased's uncle had called accused a 'Mosarwa', and warned him to stop selecting boyfriends for his niece.

The morning before he shot the deceased, the accused says that he had been at the deceased mother's house when her uncle came with five other men and chased him away. Thereafter, the deceased and Banosi had walked away, carrying on a private conversation from which he was excluded. Feeling rejected, the accused had left for his home in Dikgonnye where, not finding his mother, he went to his friend, Walekgotla, to whom he poured out his tribulations. This friend had eventually left him at his house, in the accused's own words, feeling very very angry about the love affair his girlfriend was carrying on, and at her parents for colluding in this.

The accused testified that it was at this point that he took a gun that was in Walekgotla's house, and headed home.

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There, he had collected his two nieces and told them to accompany him to deceased's home where he intended to kill her. It is now time to consider whether the above account, and the submissions of his attorney, seen against the legal position espoused earlier on in this judgment, bring the accused's actions within the ambit of circumstances which reduce his moral blameworthiness. Apart from the fact that he has already been convicted of murder, certainly, the evidence before me does not suggest that the accused acted in the heat of passion, before there was time for his passion to cool.

On the contrary, the evidence reveals a certain degree of premeditation, over a number of hours and a couple of days.