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Hardback Editions

She's badly shaken by both events, not least because Dr. Mattei believes that daughters are doomed to live out their mothers' dreams and life events which in this case involves a horrible death by strychnine, as well as a great romantic love. For the first pages, "The Map of True Places" maintains a somber and thoughtful tone, a little over-burdened by lofty themes.

There's all that Transcendental stuff, as well as plenty of material on celestial navigation as it might pertain metaphorically to an individual finding his or her true place in life. And there's lots of research on what a psychotherapist can or cannot do, the use of medication bolstered by talk therapy, the boundaries of confidentiality, the treatment of Parkinson's disease and the whole crushing responsibility of what it means to be a caregiver when a loved one is gravely ill.

Then a handsome stranger waltzes into this plot, and the literary novel swerves into romance -- as well as thriller. At least Hawk doesn't have hazel eyes, but in every other way he's a romantic swashbuckler. Zee, who's been followed both in Boston and in Salem by a mysterious villain in a red pickup, soon falls in love with Hawk, who disdains the front or back door of her old family home, preferring to shimmy up by vine to her second-story window.

The novel takes a bit of a nosedive after that. Much is made of Zee's mother's horrible death, and bizarre clues start to pile up indicating that perhaps she didn't take her own life. Then a mad rapist killer with a voracious sweet tooth appears on the scene. Masterfully woven…The Map of True Places is a gripping quest for truth that kept me reading at the edge of my seat to the very last page.

Apr 09, Rosina Lippi rated it liked it. There are some wonderful things about this novel. It's well written and lyrical in parts, and the main character is compelling. A daughter coping with a mother's difficult legacy is generally good material for storytelling. The theme, too, is an interesting one: Sooner or later everyone has to stop and reconsider the course charted by personal decisions and circumstance. But this novel is filled to overflowing.

There is so much going on, so many subplots that it feels bloated. A number of them w There are some wonderful things about this novel. A number of them would have made good novels on their own, especially Zee's father, his illness and his long-time lover. The saddest thing is that the strong points are lost in an underdone subplot about the abusive boyfriend of a patient who committed suicide and a final scene which feels forced into melodrama. I wish I could say more good things about this novel. My inclination is to give it two stars, but I have given it three stars because there so much potential here and such strong characters.

May 25, Carol Brill rated it really liked it. An incredibly well crafted novel with surprising and believable plot twists, mystery, and compelling characters. Brunonia Barry has a special talent for moving between character point of view in a way that never disrupts the pace or flow of the story. I wanted to keep turning the page and also wanted to make myself read slowly and savor the writing. Jul 24, Sara Strand rated it really liked it. First off, the description doesn't really describe the book very well at all.

Sure, all of these things happen throughout, but there are so many more things that happen. Zee is a frustratingly complex character and I found myself feeling bad for her but then at the same time wanting to smack her.

The Map of True Places Audiobook | Brunonia Barry |

I really dislike it. I had a shit alcoholic, drug addict So.. I had a shit alcoholic, drug addicted father and I have gone through some really heinous and awful things but you don't see me all sad face up in here. Basically, I have a problem with people who feel sorry for themselves. Let's talk about this book again. I really liked how the author walked us through all of the obstacles Zee is up against: It's a LOT of stuff and this poor chick has it all at once.

What I loved about the book is that once all the groundwork was laid out, you knew the characters and you knew key pieces of their story Brunonia Barry weaves it together. At least for me. It was a fascinating read. It makes you question the little things you let get into the way of relationships and if they are really worth it. And is it worth being unhappy, trying to please others, holding grudges, etc?

So while I thought I'd have a hard time getting into it when I first started, I found myself devouring this book. Though I wasn't completely sold in the beginning, I began to like the book more and more on my way through. The book was not too special but it wasn't boring to read either. The writer has a special skill to switch between characters without letting you know there has been a switch. Nevertheless it's always clear which character is written about. Quite a few difficult topics are dealt with suicide, dementia , but I missed the depth and feeling most of the time.

W all together quite a good read. Would have been a 4-star rating if I would have been able to actually feel what the character had to live though. Mar 09, Joy rated it liked it Shelves: Maybe my expectations for this book were just too high, since I absolutely loved The Lace Reader — it's become one of my all-time favorite reads. So I was hoping to enjoy The Map of True Places just as much, and I was very excited to get an advance reading copy of the book from the publisher.

But I'm very sorry to have to say I was disappointed with Barry's second novel. I thought the plot, with so many different story lines, was annoyingly convoluted. All that jumping around in time occasionall Maybe my expectations for this book were just too high, since I absolutely loved The Lace Reader — it's become one of my all-time favorite reads. Like The Lace Reader , this novel is set in Salem and the atmosphere and local color are well portrayed.

And Barry is still very adept at adding little details that make the story and characters seem very real and familiar. And she's still wonderful with descriptive images like the children playing at the beach, wearing " so much 45 SPF that the blowing sand began to coat their pale bodies, making them look like sugar cookies. And the ending, though it had some interesting plot twists and did tie up all the various threads perhaps a little too perfectly — well, I'll just say I found it unsatisfying and strangely inappropriate to the tone of the rest of the book.

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Ultimately, I think Barry was just trying to weave too many plots together. Possibly what the book needed wasn't better writing, but tougher editing.

Brunonia Barry, The Map of True Places

I'm still a Brunonia Barry fan, and still hoping for that amazing follow-up novel, but this just wasn't it. This review refers to an advance reader's edition of the novel, provided free of charge by the publisher. I received no other compensation for reading the book, no one tried to influence my review, and the opinions expressed here are entirely my own. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Carino, anche se mi aspettavo di meglio. Nov 01, Pam rated it really liked it. Honestly, what is there not to love about Salem, MA?

A fading father, a memory of a mother gone, a harbor town that simply holds too many reminders of a less than stellar youth. So, it is with heavy baggage and much regret that she finds herself dislodged from far away Boston and set on a rip current back to her homeland. It is the ghost of family past coupled with a much more recent case Mystic sea ports.

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It is the ghost of family past coupled with a much more recent case gone horribly wrong that upends her beautiful engagement and career in the big city where her star is rising as an up and coming clinical psychotherapist. The silver lining to the dark storm cloud, is a mysterious man working on one of the ships in the port.

Sunny and carefree in the way only old world sailors can be, Hawk is the picture of everything Zee has ever needed, capable of teaching her not only to read the stars but also to follow her heart. Of course, sometimes books have a way of waiting for the best time to be read. October, Salem or Atlanta, tends to be a great time for curling up with a good book. Of course, adding the mystery of an old sea yarn, never hurt a good Autumn-in-New-England read either.

The Map of True Places

She tells stories like a New Englander. This storyteller gets two very enthusiastic thumbs up from a fairly-hard to please northerner. Feb 10, Sarah Anne rated it it was amazing. The main character, Zee, comes to Salem from her home base of Boston to visit her father. Zee is a psychologist in Boston and is dealing with the death of one of her patients. She hopes her time at home will help cure the unease she's feeling. Zee struggles with her father's failing mental health, and her own past surrounding her mother's suicide.

Similar to "The Lace Reader," this book has a great plot twist, similar to Barry's pervious work. Barry handles her twists with a deft hand - the true mark of a writer who handles her craft with grace. It is near impossible to write a story that takes place in Salem without having to acknowledge that Salem is a quirky place filled with quirky people. Salem, in this way, becomes a character unto itself. It would be impossible to refuse these locale-centered traits - it would mean cheating Salem of its identity.

A book that takes place in London doesn't mean it's reminiscent of another book that takes place in London.

Paperback Editions

Barry's distinct voice, intricate plots, and loyal characters are special unto their own rights. Definitely a book to add to your list. Jul 02, Brian rated it really liked it. I liked this book a lot, especially the writing style, but there was one small thing that bothered me. Zee is a therapist who is dealing with a patient who kills herself in a way that is very similar to the way her mother died.

As the plot unfolds, you will meet more and more characters who are very fleshed out. That's one major plus for this book, you WILL get to know a lot of characters, who are mostly all likable. MY complaint was the ending, which got to be a bit confusing, as well as slight I liked this book a lot, especially the writing style, but there was one small thing that bothered me.

MY complaint was the ending, which got to be a bit confusing, as well as slightly convoluted, but it didn't ruin the overall book. If I could give this book 4 and a half stars I would.

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I'd recommend this book to someone who was a literary thriller that slowly unravels. It was slower paced than those two. I liked it as a whole, Zee goes on quite the journey throughout the book. There's a lot of ups and downs but it's not as exciting. There's a lot of sad parts, she's dealing with her father's Parkinson's and her unenthusiastic relationship and her therapy practice and her own tumultuous past.

She has a lot on her plate. I think Melville should have told her what he knew though. I like these books, they're all just companions to each other so you see a few familiar faces on the periphery but each focuses on a different Salem, MA character. Visit the official Harlequin book site.

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Click here for a list of interest-specific sites grouped by category. If you are located outside the U. Brunonia Barry, author of the beloved New York Times and international bestseller The Lace Reader is back with The Map of True Places , an emotionally resonant novel of tragedy, secrets, identity, and love. Boy can she write. Thanks for signing up! We've emailed you instructions for claiming your free e-book.