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2,000 children separated from parents in six weeks under Trump policy

Pakistani Views on Religion, Politics and Democracy

White evangelical or born-again Christians backed GOP candidates for the House at about the same rate in Read key facts about the death penalty in the U. While white Democrats are less likely to be religious than Republicans, nonwhite Democrats more closely resemble Republicans overall on certain religious measures.

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  • Republicans account for a small but steady share of U.S. Muslims.

While Muslims born in the United States and their immigrant counterparts share a pride in being American, U. God or the divine is mentioned at least once in each of the 50 state constitutions and nearly times overall. White evangelicals overwhelming voted for Donald Trump in the election, and their support has continued into his presidency.

About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It is chilling to see religion used this way in a supposedly sophisticated, liberal democracy, and in particular this element of it, which reduces politics to mere compliance. But it is comforting, in a macabre way, to have it proved that nowhere in the world have humans evolved beyond instrumentalising religion to justify tyranny.

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The terror of the Trump doctrine is not in its innovation but in its imitation. The last few months are a testament to the fact that history is not past, that the passage of time does not necessarily imply progress. The words Sessions quoted were used in the s and 50s to justify slavery. When abolitionists argued that slavery was cruel, and that separating families was a violation of religious ethics, they were met with the argument of religious compliance with the law.

Trump is a man mired in allegations of infidelity committed across the course of his three marriages. Every policy, every utterance, becomes about what it signifies to its target audience rather than what it objectively means. He was feeding a paranoia and nativist angst about race and identity. There is no Trump doctrine, but there is a Trump code, transmitted from the pulpits of the White House to his voters.

This includes some, but not all, asylum seekers. Immigrant advocacy groups, however, say hundreds of families have been separated since at least July More than child welfare groups, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the United Nations , said they opposed the practice.

We don't need God or religion to know right from wrong - Michael Shermer

Unaccompanied alien children are placed in health department custody within 72 hours of being apprehended by border agents. They then wait in shelters for weeks or months at a time as the government searches for parents, relatives or family friends to place them with in the US. This already overstretched system has been thrown into chaos by the new influx of children.

On the other side of the world, Anders Behring Breivik slaughtered 77 Norwegians.

How religious groups voted in the midterm elections

Breivik seems to have seen his murderous spree as a way of getting rid of Muslims, yet his 1,page manifesto revealed, at best, a weak attachment to religious belief. To Breivik, Christianity seems important mainly because he sees it as white. Breivik, like the devoutly religious Taliban, also appears to feel no shame. Breivik did it in the name of his race. Timothy McVeigh, who killed people and wounded , hated the government. All saw their mass murder as a political act of protest and all felt justified.

Atheists like Mao or Pol Pot have murdered millions in the name of political totalitarianism. Hitler used a quasi-mystical racist philosophy to exploit the ancient hatred of the Jews by Christians. I heard somewhere I've never been able to discover where that terrorism occurs when you combine a sense of military and economic inferiority with a sense of moral superiority.

Religion is very good at conferring a sense of moral superiority on its followers. Indeed, while the religious have murdered throughout history in the name of their god, I've been unable to find any evidence of atheists killing anyone in the name of atheism.

In God’s Name? Evaluating the Links between Religious Extremism and Terrorism

Atheists are no more or less capable of evil than anyone else, but it seems that murder, particularly mass murder and war, is a sin of commission. In other words, human beings are generally only prepared to fight and kill in the name of something. It can be a god, but it can also be a political philosophy — like nazism or communism. Many fight for patriotism: Some kill because they're psychologically disturbed, but none — so far — in the name of atheism. So, while I don't agree that only religion causes conflict, I'd argue that all mass murder and war are fought in the name of a bigger-than-self philosophy or idea.

Atheism , simply lack of belief in a god, has not yet proved compelling enough to motivate murder.

So far no one has gone into a crowded public space and blown themselves up while shouting, "No god is great! Religion has been implicated in all sorts of conflict and violence throughout human history. There is blood on the hands of the faithful, and no avoiding the fact that in the service of the wrong people, religion can be a force of great harm. If we consider the sins of the Christian past critics have plenty to work with — witch-hunts, the Crusades, Christian support of slavery. But the picture is much more complex than is often implied. Dinner party guests are likely to nod in agreement when someone mentions the "millions killed" at the hands of the church but historians now suggest around 5, — 6, over a year period.

God In America: God in the White House | PBS

That's less than 18 a year. One a year is terrible, but the reality appears a long way from what we are often served up. Likewise the idea that most of the wars of history have been caused by religion is demonstrably false. The vast majority of wars have been conducted in the pursuit of profits or power, or waged for territory or tribal supremacy, even if religion has been caught up in those pursuits. But there is a very real sense in which religion can moderate those forces. David Hart notes that, "Religious conviction often provides the sole compelling reason for refusing to kill … or for seeking peace … the truth is that religion and irreligion are cultural variables, but killing is a human constant".