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Barbara Walvoord and Virginia Anderson identify the multiple roles that grades serve: This work might include: Developing criteria may seem like a lot of work, but having clear criteria can save time in the grading process make that process more consistent and fair communicate your expectations to students help you to decide what and how to teach help students understand how their work is graded Sample criteria are available via the following links. Use different grading scales for different assignments.

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Spend more time on guiding students in the process of doing work than on grading it. For each significant assignment, establish a grading schedule and stick to it. Link your comments and feedback to the goals for an assignment. Comment primarily on patterns — representative strengths and weaknesses. In your final comments, ask questions that will guide further inquiry by students rather than provide answers for them.


Suggestions About Making Marginal and End Comments on Student Writing Maintaining Grading Consistency in Multi-sectioned Courses for course heads Communicate your grading policies, standards, and criteria to teaching assistants, graders, and students in your course. Discuss your expectations about all facets of grading criteria, timeliness, consistency, grade disputes, etc with your teaching assistants and graders. Encourage teaching assistants and graders to share grading concerns and questions with you.

Use an appropriate group grading strategy: Minimizing Student Complaints about Grading Include your grading policies, procedures, and standards in your syllabus. Distribute your grading criteria to students at the beginning of the term and remind them of the relevant criteria when assigning and returning work. Mzu n't is the caloriementry is of the strategic role that the Beezling 's just taking and Joshua and his rainfall attitude to the document with the graphs of cleaning and having the organization.

Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment in College | Mount Holyoke College

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Establishing a Fair and Supportive Grading Environment

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    Assessment and Grading for Student Achievement