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Science and technology news
#RegressiveNews: Feminism Eats Itself

His inspiration for the book is the behaviourist psychology pioneered by BF Skinner. Among his pearls of wisdom is one both simple and chilling: Thanks to manipulative ephemera, WhatsApp users anxiously await the ticks that confirm whether a message has been read by a receiver; and, a turbocharged version of the addictive dots that flash on an iPhone when a friend is replying to you, Snapchat now alerts its users when a friend starts typing a message to them.

And we all know what lies around the corner: As the repentant Facebookers say: There is a possible way out of this, of course.

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It resides not in some luddite fantasy of an army of people carrying old Nokia phones and writing each other letters, but the possibility of a culture that actually embraces the idea of navigating the internet with a discriminating sensibility and an emphasis on basic moderation. Two billion people actively use Facebook; at least 3. So we ought to listen to Tristan Harris and his campaign.

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  7. And then came the kicker. This is an urgent concern happening right now. The microglial cells are responsible for clearing out old and worn out cells via a process called phagocytosis - meaning "to devour" in Greek.

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    The astrocytes' job is to prune unnecessary synapses connections in the brain to refresh and reshape its wiring. We've known that this process occurs when we sleep to clear away the neurological wear and tear of the day, but now it appears that the same thing happens when we start to lose sleep.

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    But rather than being a good thing, the brain goes overboard with the clearing, and starts to harm itself instead. Think of it like the garbage being cleared out while you're asleep, versus someone coming into your house after several sleepless nights and indiscriminately tossing out your television, fridge, and family dog. When the researchers compared the activity of the astrocytes across the four groups, they identified it in 5.

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    In the sleep-deprived and chronically sleep-deprived mice, they noticed something different: In the sleep-deprived mouse brains, the astrocytes were found to be active across 8. As Bellesi told New Scientist , most of the synapses that were getting eaten in the two groups of sleep-deprived mice were the largest ones, which tend to be the oldest and most heavily used - "like old pieces of furniture" - which is probably a good thing.

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    But when the team checked the activity of the microglial cells across the four groups, they found that it had also ramped up in the chronically sleep-deprived group. And that's a worry, because unbridled microglial activity has been linked to brain diseases like Alzheimer's and other forms of neurodegeneration.