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The Time Monster meaning the Vortex itself was "nowhere. The Shadow of Weng-Chiang This was only true in that the Vortex connected all points in time and space, with the Black Void outside the universe also described as being "out of time and space. Logopolis The Seventh Doctor even told Ace there were no Sundays in the vortex, though she proved him wrong when they materialised on a Sunday.

Enter Vortex - The Crystal Star (Paperback)

Sunday Afternoon, AD , The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe. Some of the Coal Hill defenders once travelled outside of normal space-time , after an explosion in Class B3 caused by the arrival of a prison -like asteroid. Neverland and self-contained pockets of the space-time vortex that were undetectable from the outside. Spiral Scratch possibly within the Vortex core. The Quantum Archangel hyperspace was a subset of the Vortex. The topography of the Vortex included a "surface", "oceans", and "substrate" and was the structure of the space-time continuum.

Falls the Shadow as did the Seventh Doctor when he mentioned coming "out of the time stream. Frontios sometimes it would be referred to as "a" vortex, indicating that there were more than one. The Fourth Doctor mentioned being on the edge of a time-space vortex, describing the difficulty in navigating a vortex in response to Sarah Jane Smith asking why it took so long to get to London , TV: Genesis of the Daleks the timelines altered and an energy filament escaped, forming a loose vortex that followed the artron trail of the Doctor's Time Ring and scattering the Doctor, Sarah Jane, and Harry Sullivan across the Adelphine Cluster.

He explained that the vortex fluctuated and that he could intensify it on occasion. Ramon Salamander in the Vortex. The Enemy of the World. The Time Monster According to the Captain , materialisation out of the vortex ripped the entire fabric of the space-time continuum apart for ten seconds, putting the whole infrastructure of quantum physics in retreat.

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The Pirate Planet It was in constant flux, with no stability, and things lost in the Vortex could be deposited into the continuum. The Quantum Archangel and it was also related to shuntspace. Travelling backwards in time in the vortex was akin to travelling "up-hill" and required more energy than travelling to the future, PROSE: Anachrophobia the vortex being a river and travelling into the past being swimming against the current. The Parting of the Ways and something placed in or near the Heart would be exposed to the time winds of the Vortex.

The Time of the Doctor. The vortex contained time winds which shouldn't exist outside. Omegamorphosis While the natural forces of the time winds could be chaotic and tear away at anything unprotected, PROSE: Genesys the Eighth Doctor mentioned that there was nothing to hit in the Vortex; any disturbances in travelling through the Vortex would have been external. The Book of Kells The particles of the Vortex could sometimes clump together and serve as something for time vessels to anchor themselves against the streaming delta flows.

Witch Mark Theoretically, it was impossible to hit something within the Vortex as nothing existed while it was in the Vortex, while at the same time co-existing at every point. Travelling through the vortex without a capsule of some kind could prove harmful to humans and Gallifreyans alike; it killed Jack after he hung onto the outside of the TARDIS all the way to the year trillion.

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Vincent and the Doctor. The Cybermen once trapped a section of the time vortex to power their ship. In both cases, the energy, which resembled bright white-gold wispy light, threatened to destroy their cellular structure, much like radiation. The Doctor pulled this energy out of Rose before it became fatal to her, but in turn, the Doctor endured its lethal effects and had to regenerate in order to survive. Rose had resurrected Jack Harkness , TV: The Parting of the Ways , Children in Need Special as it was theoretically possible for living matter to be imbued with the essence of the vortex and become immortal.

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Mrs Wormwood detected artron energy in a body scan of Sarah Jane Smith and concluded that she had travelled in the Vortex. Invasion of the Bane Daleks could absorb this energy to repair their damaged casings. Dalek In the case of a human who had travelled in the TARDIS with the Doctor, their immune systems were strengthened by the radiation, allowing them to fight off diseases better.

The room is a geometric shape it was specially designed for its healing abilities — with crystals built within the walls. There are 3 separate crystal grids that were channeled by the angels and spirit guides. Each of these grids is for healing.

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One is for Release, one for Advancement, and another that is for Self Realization. This amazing space is for relaxation, Advancement, Release and Self Realization — all of which are deep healing on all levels. Come today-to your own Private space- we set up your space and let you relax privately. Headphones and music are provided inside the Diamond and add another dimension to your amazing experience.

Jolie was channeled a message by her guides and Angels. They can use them for advancement, releasement, and for self-realization. Jolie is wonderful free-spirit. I love to visit the shop. While at the shop you should visit the Crystal Meditation room. I was releasing in 5 minutes. The 2nd Big Shift is a unique and amazing book full of inspirational and intriguing information which we all need in and beyond. It's written in plain and simple language by a gifted and extremely loving individual who is REAL and has a true desire to pass on what she believes to be pertinent and helpful information in a beautiful way.

The artwork is amazing.

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The book was thought provoking and hard to put down. I'm sure I will read it and use it as a healing guide again and again! Jolie Demarco is a one of kind healer, teacher, intuitive and light hearted host. Many people are drawn to My Flora Aura to feel it's soothing energies. The combination of crystals, mandala's, paintings, fragrances, energy healing rooms, angel energies and not to forget Jolie, create a sacred space, similar to that of a vortex or a grid line.

It is like our own little slice of Sedona right here in South Florida. I had the great good fortune to meet Jolie a month after a surprise heart attack put me in the ER over Christmas.

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  5. Regular Reiki sessions with Jolie as a clean, clear and balanced conduit of Universal energy put me on a strong and lasting healing path. During the course of the sessions, Jolie's positive healing energy work incorporating the healing mandalas and crystals took me from shaky and fragile to strong and centered.

    One year later, my recent treadmill stress test had an excellent result with clear blood flow--something Jolie had worked on continuously. I have witnessed many first time clients skeptically enter her energy healing room, only to depart floating on a cloud, with a sense of peace and tranquility. She is friendly and welcoming and not intimidating.

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    Her intuitive gifts are remarkable and uplifting and help many to evaluate and confidently proceed in their life journeys. A high spiritual awareness and attunement to the divine is evident through Jolie, yet she remains most humble. I am constantly amazed at Jolie's accuracy. For example, when my 90 year old Dad was having trouble breathing, Jolie let me know it was his heart.

    Dad's primary physician was focused instead on lungs and oxygen therapy. But armed with insight from Jolie, we kept requesting referral to a cardiologist. Sure enough, the cardiologist found heart related problems and was able to prescribe medication that has significantly relieved dad's worse symptoms and pain. I am so very grateful for Jolie's presence in my life--her unique gifts, her demeanor, her loving practice.

    I first met Jolie in for a Reiki Level 1 training. C ould the bonkers fantasy adventure show in its non-celebrity iteration find an audience today? Arguably, the genre has greater potential than ever. How much more engaging it would be to watch members of the public embark on a hair-raising quest with no guarantee of success. Time, surely, to bring a little retro derring-do back to the schedules.

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