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Sep 07, Pages. Born to a poor couple who were tenant farmers on a plantation in Mississippi, Anne Moody lived through some of the most dangerous days of the pre-civil rights era in the South. Before then, she had "known the fear of hunger, hell, and the Devil.

Coming of Age in Mississippi The Classic Autobiography of Growing Up Poor and Black in the Rural Sou

But now there was…the fear of being killed just because I was black. An all-A student whose dream of going to college is realized when she wins a basketball scholarship, she finally dares to join the NAACP in her junior year. Through the NAACP and later through CORE and SNCC she has first-hand experience of the demonstrations and sit-ins that were the mainstay of the civil rights movement, and the arrests and jailings, the shotguns, fire hoses, police dogs, billy clubs and deadly force that were used to destroy it.

Written without a trace of sentimentality or apology, this is an unforgettable personal story—the truth as a remarkable young woman named Anne Moody lived it. To read her book is to know what it is to have grown up black in Mississippi in the forties an fifties—and to have survived with pride and courage intact. In this now classic autobiography, she details the sights, smells, and suffering of growing up in a racist society and candidily reveals the soul of a black girl who had the courage to challenge it.

The result is a touchstone work: She died in It hits the page like a natural force, crude and undeniable and, against all principles of beauty, beautiful.

Coming-of-age story

Add to Cart Add to Cart. About Coming of Age in Mississippi Born to a poor couple who were tenant farmers on a plantation in Mississippi, Anne Moody lived through some of the most dangerous days of the pre-civil rights era in the South. A novel with more questions than answers, it does frame a privileged sense of teenage entitlement perfectly. As suspicion falls on Vernon he flees to Mexico.

Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody |

Forced to relive uncomfortable events, he develops a new understanding of his life and identity. Sveck is about to go to college, but before he does there are still real issues — issues that see him see a psychiatrist — to resolve. Is James too canny and smart-witted for his own good?

Is he, in fact, the voice of a generation? If The Catcher in the Rye is the book routinely referred to as the standard teenage text, what happens when that book is loved more by adults than year-olds? This is the question among others that perplexes slacker Tom Henderson. When he discovers a box of books belonging to his late dad, will his troubled quest for answers during the teenage years become easier, or, more complicated still?

He joins his American cousin year-old Sammy Klayman and together they imagine a parallel world where superheroes defeat Fascism. Popular culture and art are central to the teenage experience, music being the chief form of youthful self-identification. Punk rock and its adversary progressive rock feature heavily in this tale of three teenage friends in Birmingham in the Seventies trying to make sense of this growing up lark.

Sympathetic without resorting to mawkish nostalgia, this is the perfect teenage remembrance novel. A witty and wry examination of social mores in America — the like of which still exist in all Western societies to this day. Friendships formed in childhood often defy explanation — they exist because quite simply they do.

Such is the case in the moving story of Amir and Hassan in Afghanistan in the Seventies. They might come from different social classes but friendship is blind in these salad days. Set against the tumultuous episodes the country experiences — not least the Soviet invasion of — The Kite Runner is an heroic tale of childhood friendship against all the odds. His novel takes in the nascent scene that would evolve into the mod youth culture of the early Sixties, and his interpretation of this milieu is unerringly accurate.

The hipsters, the coffee bars and the people who frequent this clandestine world are drawn superbly, in particular the year-old unnamed narrator who aspires to be a cool photographer. Can Antietam Andy Brown possibly survive his environment and progress into something approaching adulthood? Legendary writing renegade Hunter S. Thompson wrote that he thought Nick McDonell would do for his generation what he did for his upon the publication of Twelve.

The Classic Autobiography of a Young Black Girl in the Rural South

And Twelve certainly caught the imagination of those post-Millennium kids who lived for hedonism and damned the consequences i. Telling the tale of White Mike, a drug-dealing drop out in New York, Twelve captures that time when teenagers still think the real world will never catch up with them. Now approaching the mid-point of his teenage years, Adrian is still no closer to understanding life, women, school, and, crucially himself. A brilliantly observed account of the early Eighties, The Growing Pains… will register with both current teenagers and anyone who was ever one.

Bored, but never boring; pretentious, but interesting; and searching for some meaning in life, when meaning is what happens all around him, Caulfield lives on to this day. Although teenagers — culturally in any case — are a relatively modern concept, that gap between childhood and adulthood has long been associated with great change. The notion of potential transforming itself, or not, into reality is one of the concepts Dickens masterfully weaves into Great Expectations.

Will Pip transform into a man of great expectations? Will Estella rid herself of the malignant influence of Miss Havisham?

  1. Kids Coming of Age Books | Common Sense Media.
  2. Coming-of-age story - Wikipedia?
  3. The Black Hills.
  4. Novell GroupWise 7 Users Handbook (Novell Press)!
  5. The Classic Autobiography of Growing Up Poor and Black in the Rural South.

As ever, only time will tell. Dissecting the book for this evolution is a fascinating exercise — the backdrop may change but the leap into adulthood is still a jump into the unknown for many. Ruth, Tommy and Kathy develop a close friendship while attending a boarding school in bucolic East Sussex in the late-Seventies. However, the school is no ordinary educational establishment; instead clones populate it, whose job it is to provide vital organs for the outside world.

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  • As a love triangle emerges, the truth begins to impact on any future the three of them might possess. In this sense then Never Let Me Go is the quintessential dystopian coming-of-age novel.