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These new directions optimized the contact with the authors and facilitated the submission of articles authored by foreign contributors. The most important was the implementation of an online submission and editorial system , which increased the participation of foreign peer-reviewers and contributors.

The use of an online submission and peer-review site enables immediate distribution of manuscripts and consequentially speeds up the review process. It also allows authors to track the status of their own manuscripts.


Still in , the clinical trials published in the JAOS were indexed in the Cochrane Library, an electronic database consisting of updated medical information sources based on evidence and systematic reviews. The SCIE provides access to current and retrospective bibliographic information, abstracts, and cited references found in approximately 5, of the world's leading scholarly science and technical journals covering more than disciplines.

It is known that the analysis of the subjects published in the main journals of a certain field of knowledge is a manner to learn about its scientific profile. Therefore, tracking and reviewing articles published in the JAOS aimed to assess some important aspects of its scientific production, such as the quality of continued education, which, for great part of the researchers is achieved by scientific reading; the increase and use of knowledge in a particular area; the increase in the efficiency of mechanisms for distribution of limited resources; and the encouragement of research funding 2.

In science and technology, the indicators play an important role in outlining the course of such activities in a certain region or country.

Master Dentistry Volume 3 Oral Biology E-Book: Oral Anatomy, Histology, Physiology and Biochemistry

New techniques for data collection and analysis are ever more developed, and might be used as bases for the construction of reliable data. Regarding scientific journals, the bibliometric indicators are useful for assessing the journal's internal affairs, its relative position with respect to the dispute for scientific publication, and the basis for strategic editorial policies 1. The changes observed in the recent years in the quality of the articles published in the JAOS resulted fundamentally from the improvement of the journal's peer-review system allied to the requirements of the Brazilian funding agencies with respect to the assessment of the scientific production of the graduate courses offered by higher education institutions.

This new scenario produced a positive response, resulting in the submission of articles that meet the standards of quality as well as in the establishment of more selective criteria and assessment strategies, which apply both for authors and for reviewers.

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Ultimately, this approach provided the required support and balance for the analysis of articles in the different fields of dental research. Therefore, a bibliometric analysis of the articles published in the JAOS between and was undertaken to characterize the scientific outcomes published in the journal in this period of great transformations The universe sample comprehended the last three volumes of JAOS, referring to the years , and This time span was selected for being the one in which most changes were implemented in the JAOS structure and editorial policies.

A total of articles distributed in 17 issues were reviewed Details referring to some of the collected data are presented below: JAOS accepts for publication original research articles, literature review articles and case reports upon Editor's invitation. The papers were classified in different fields of dental research and correlated areas, as follows: Criteria Adopted for the Analysis of the Cited References.

Only references of national and international scientific journals were considered in the analysis. Other types of references sources, such as books, chapter s of a book, legal references, dissertations and theses, internet-based information, and URLs, were classified as "other", i. For each dental research field and correlated area, all journals cited as references in the articles published in the JAOS were recorded, and a top ranking was established with the 10 most frequently cited journals per year in the four research fields to which most articles pertained Endodontics, Restorative Dentistry, Dental Materials and Prosthodontics.

The analysis of these data provided information about the author's response to the adoption of more selective criteria with respect to the fulfillment of the technical normalization requirements; the quality of the article's scientific content; and the adequacy of the manuscripts to the journal's scope.

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Table 1 presents the total number of manuscripts submitted to the JAOS between and The average of submissions and rejections per year was and 70 manuscripts, respectively. Table 2 presents the main data referring to the number of issues, number of articles and types of papers published in the JAOS between and In social sciences biomedicine is described somewhat differently. Through an anthropological lens biomedicine extends beyond the realm of biology and scientific facts; it is a socio-cultural system which collectively represents reality. Gaines and Davis-Floyd's final point of labelling biomedicine as its own culture suggests that studies constructed within the biomedical field tend to aim at confirming previously established 'knowledge' rather than questioning it.

Molecular biology consists of different techniques including Polymerase chain reaction, Gel electrophoresis, and macromolecule blotting to manipulate DNA.

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Polymerase chain reaction is done by placing a mixture of the desired DNA, DNA polymerase , primers , and nucleotide bases into a machine. The machine heats up and cools down at various temperatures to break the hydrogen bonds binding the DNA and allows the nucleotide bases to be added onto the two DNA templates after it has been separated. This process is done by first preparing an agarose gel. This jelly-like sheet will have wells for DNA to be poured into.

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  • An electric current is applied so that the DNA, which is negatively charged due to its phosphate groups is attracted to the positive electrode. Macromolecule blotting is a process performed after gel electrophoresis. An alkaline solution is prepared in a container. A sponge is placed into the solution and an agaros gel is placed on top of the sponge.

    Next, nitrocellulose paper is placed on top of the agarose gel and a paper towels are added on top of the nitrocellulose paper to apply pressure. The alkaline solution is drawn upwards towards the paper towel. During this process, the DNA denatures in the alkaline solution and is carried upwards to the nitrocellulose paper.

    The paper is then placed into a plastic bag and filled with a solution full of the DNA fragments, called the probe, found in the desired sample of DNA. The probes anneal to the complementary DNA of the bands already found on the nitrocellulose sample. Afterwards, probes are washed off and the only ones present are the ones that have annealed to complementary DNA on the paper. Next the paper is stuck onto an x ray film. The radioactivity of the probes creates black bands on the film, called an autoradiograph.

    As a result, only similar patterns of DNA to that of the probe are present on the film.

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    Online submission, publication and peer reviewing makes it a user-friendly journal. As an experienced dentist and an academician, I proudly recommend this journal to the dental fraternity as a good quality open access platform for rapid communication of their cutting-edge research progress and discovery. Their systematic approach in publication of article in various categories is really praiseworthy. Their prompt and timely response to review's query and the manner in which they have set the reviewing process helps in extracting the best possible scientific writings for publication.

    It's a honour and pride to be a part of the JCDR team.

    My very best wishes to JCDR and hope it will sparkle up above the sky as a high indexed journal in near future. Ramesh Babu " Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research JCDR is a multi-specialty medical and dental journal publishing high quality research articles in almost all branches of medicine. The quality of printing of figures and tables is excellent and comparable to any International journal. An added advantage is nominal publication charges and monthly issue of the journal and more chances of an article being accepted for publication. Moreover being a multi-specialty journal an article concerning a particular specialty has a wider reach of readers of other related specialties also.

    As an author and reviewer for several years I find this Journal most suitable and highly recommend this Journal. On Aug Dr. S "Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research JCDR is a reputed peer reviewed journal and is constantly involved in publishing high quality research articles related to medicine.

    Its been a great pleasure to be associated with this esteemed journal as a reviewer and as an author for a couple of years. The editorial board consists of many dedicated and reputed experts as its members and they are doing an appreciable work in guiding budding researchers.

    The reviewers provide appropriate suggestions that improve the quality of articles. I strongly recommend my fraternity to encourage JCDR by contributing their valuable research work in this widely accepted, user friendly journal. I hope my collaboration with JCDR will continue for a long time". I thank JCDR for giving me an opportunity to improve my own skills as an author and a reviewer. It 's a multispecialty journal, publishing high quality articles. It gives a platform to the authors to publish their research work which can be available for everyone across the globe to read.

    For those who have problem in writing manuscript or do statistical work, JCDR comes for their rescue. The journal has a monthly publication and the articles are published quite fast. In time compared to other journals. The on-line first publication is also a great advantage and facility to review one's own articles before going to print. The response to any query and permission if required, is quite fast; this is quite commendable. I have a very good experience about seeking quick permission for quoting a photograph Fig.

    I never thought it would be so easy. Reviewing articles is no less a pain staking process and requires in depth perception, knowledge about the topic for review. It requires time and concentration, yet I enjoy doing it. The JCDR website especially for the reviewers is quite user friendly. My suggestions for improving the journal is, more strict review process, so that only high quality articles are published. I find a a good number of articles in Obst. May be a bimonthly or quarterly publication to begin with. Only selected articles should find a place in it.

    An yearly reward for the best article authored can also incentivize the authors. Though the process of finding the best article will be not be very easy. I do not know how reviewing process can be improved. If an article is being reviewed by two reviewers, then opinion of one can be communicated to the other or the final opinion of the editor can be communicated to the reviewer if requested for. My best wishes to Dr.

    Hemant Jain and all the editorial staff of JCDR for their untiring efforts to bring out this journal.

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    I strongly recommend medical fraternity to publish their valuable research work in this esteemed journal, JCDR". Rajendra Kumar Ghritlaharey "I wish to thank Dr. Writing is the representation of language in a textual medium i e; into the words and sentences on paper. Quality medical manuscript writing in particular, demands not only a high-quality research, but also requires accurate and concise communication of findings and conclusions, with adherence to particular journal guidelines.