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You may get some help from you supervisor too. Otherwise you may have to redo everything several time if your document is incomplete. This is the occasion to meet the secretary who is able to answer your questions. When all documents are signed, you have to go to the registration office of your registration institution. The second PhD registration requires that you have met your referent for an interview. To know who is your referent, please check the files below following your pole.

Otherwise you may have to redo everything several time. Otherwise, scan the signed documents and send them by mail to the pole secretary. In any case, if you like, you can get in touch with your referent the one you met last year in order to meet him.

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You must prepare the following documents:. The doctoral school will check that all your documents for the defense are completed. Otherwise you may have to redo everything several times. Print all documents listed in the "Administrative Documents" repository and have them signed. English translation available here. It requires to go through a specific process explained below.

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The only form to print is the registration form. The doctoral school will check that your defense is prepared. The tutoring also aims to detect as early as possible any difficulties related to the thesis or due to external constraints in order to propose some thoughts on appropriate options additional training needs, redefinition of the thesis, supervision arrangements.. The annual follow-up process is linked with the registration renewel which provides a natural opportunity to evaluate the thesis progress.

These documents are presented to and discussed with the thesis supervisor and co-supervisor s who sign them as well as the doctoral student. The scientific expertise of the referent has no need to be correlated to the thesis project. What is the referent role?

1er CRASH en #DH : UN RÉGAL 👌

The referent is a relay between the doctoral student and the doctoral school and, in particular, guides the doctoral student towards other interlocutors the pole secretary, the pole director, the doctoral students' representatives, The referent himself should not feel obliged to answer all the questions. This message is limited to conveying the type of problem advancement, coaching, health, personnel, etc.

The pole manager then takes over. The referent ensures a neutral listening to the doctoral student, the supervision of the doctoral student and the functioning of the ED: The message should not be sent to the supervisors.

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All PhD student activities are considered, including non-research activities teaching, valuation, etc. Following the mid-term evaluation, the committee produces an assessment report where recommendations can be included helping for future work directions or other matters. The committee should provide their opinion about the expected defense date. The report is mandatory for the registration renewal. Graduate students are warmly encouraged to request an interview either with their referent fellow, either with their cluster manager or with the director of the STIC DS or with one of the doctoral student representatives.

If necessary, in case of conflict or disagreement, a series of talks mediation is organized with the PhD student alone, with the supervisor and supervisor alone, with both if necessary in order to build a solution and check its effectiveness. The doctoral school relies if necessary on the specialized services of the institutions. This mediation process follows the recommendations of the text " conflict resolution through the graduate school " adopted by the Doctoral College. If this mediation fails, the graduate school sets up a conciliation commission whose mission is to develop solutions and make recommendations as described in the text "conflict resolution through the graduate school" adopted by the Doctoral College.

Voici quelques exemples de formations scientifiques suivis par quelques contre-exemples:.

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Doctoral education is one of the key components of the doctoral project, in accordance with the French graduate education decree published in August 7th, These courses not only have to prepare doctors for research jobs in the public, industry and service sectors but, more generally, for any job requiring the skills acquired during the doctoral education.

Each PhD student is required to follow during his thesis at least hours of doctoral education, divided into:. For example none of cases presented give rises to automatic exemption:. Most professional training proposed in the Adum Catalogue are free because funded by Paris Saclay institution members.

The only exception concerns thematic summer schools for which the STIC DS offers partial funding; one or two application calls will be issued each year; unsolicited application cannot ever be considered. Neither a training application nor a training registration is an evidence of attendance. The PhD student supervisor is the best person for advising you to select and plan doctoral training. Any question about the doctoral education and the form should be addressed by email to the education contact person of the cluster see contact webpage. For PhD students reaching their second year or more, a review of training undertaken will be done before the next registration or before their defense.

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