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They are concisely delivered, and still pack a big punch in effectiveness. The cost of living is too high. Discover why the cost to live is so high, and why you struggle to survive. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention understanding complex bronner school thinkers historical field frankfurt marxist subject academic ideas interested overview method themes poor introductory content society.

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Please try again later. Professor Bronner knows how to write plain simple English but he has chosen to write this book in unintelligible technical jargon and not to explain a single concept he describes. Thus, even when the individual words are intelligible, declarative sentences are no linked by an understandable argument or logic. The logic of historical materialism immanently insists upon such a change" Here's another: Treating instrumental rationality in terms of epistemological formalism, however, undermines that distinction. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This is fabulous Intro to Critical Theory written by the leading American expert on the subject.

It's clear, accessible, sophisticated and comprehensivehighly recommended! This was a perfect addition to my library. I'm in a higher education doctoral program and much of my research leans on critical theory.

Critical Theory: A Very Short Introduction

This book briefly broke down the history and contemporary ideas about critical theory. I while recommend this to any student that needs a quick way to grasp this theory without reading heady articles. Much needed overview of a vital concern. Book was just what I was expecting and had the information I was looking for. One person found this helpful.

It introduces the Frankfurt School of Thought, that School's major figures and that School's influence on the study of critical theory. This volume is well written and provides a short reading list for exploring topics in greater detail. Given the turmoil that the study of critical theory has experienced over the past twenty years--its anticipated demise as an influence on intellectual thought and the speculation as to what might take its place--it's significant that this volume is now in its second edition.

What that significance may mean I'm not entirely sure as I'm no longer involved in academic endeavors so I'll leave that question for you to ponder. Very interested in art criticism and in turn social critique as seen regularly in The New Yorker. This book offers a good historical overview with many disparate views for uses of this particular field. Art criticism has been advanced by David Salle and revisiting Pragmatism. The study of Critical Theory is useful for a greater appreciation of art and its usefulness for the greater good at a time when art has become overly commoditized with the absurdity of hedge fund managers becoming artists.

While Bronner skillfully outlines the major evolutions of the field of Critical Theory from its inception as a critique of historical materialism to its fragmentation into myriad critical theories in the '80s and '90s, and describes the philosphical lines of force traced by the thinkers of the Frankfurt School, his exposition of these admittedly complex ideas is often confused, and his jargon-filled explanations are anything but, defeating the purpose of an introduction for the unititiated. Bronner's editor at Oxford UP may also be partially to blame, since many of the most puzzling sentences in the book are made even more opaque through numerous typographical errors missing periods and words, commas used in place of periods, strange spacing choices.

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Despite the glimmer of a handful of insightful commentaries of seminal critical theoretical works and well-wrough turns of phrase, the curious reader may have trouble locating truly lucid and digestible presentations of many tenets of critical theory. See all 36 reviews.

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Critical Theory: A Very Short Introduction - Stephen Eric Bronner - Oxford University Press

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