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Would that every author would do that. He also has the Kentucky connection working in his favor in my review. Jul 05, Jeff Short rated it it was amazing Shelves: This brief book is an excellent practical guide to personal evangelism. Stiles points out some things that have gone wrong and do go wrong. I appreciated the space he took clarifying the Gospel message that we should share and the examples he used. He gives us a good push where we need to be pushed to be more active and faithful in evangelism.

Reading books on evangelism is one way we can improve. I highly recommend this book. Oct 17, C. Moore rated it it was amazing Shelves: If I have to recommend one book to those in ministry, it's this one. Do not forget the power of the gospel! Jan 14, Amy Morgan rated it really liked it Shelves: Loved a book about the gospel as a book about missions. Dec 26, Jacob Coldwell rated it it was amazing Shelves: Mack Stiles takes the mystery of evangelism and ruins it for us all.

Marks of the Messenger: Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel | SHARPER IRON

He not only removes the excuses we have fabricated to avoid being messengers, but encourages the proper handling of the gospel message. Page after page, the logic from the foundational stones of scripture remove any doubt that Jesus has not only saved us, but enabled us to live out the mission of God. The real work of our spiritual growth is to allow the themes of the gospel to permeate our lives. There is a sense from the beginning of this book, which it carries throughout, that the gospel message is vital to the salvation and the depth that message can infiltrate our lives.

This book warns us of misuses and common misconceptions. It helps to clarify a life dependent of the gospel story, and how being so reliant shapes our usage and conduct with the message. There is freedom as we learn or re-learn the intentional communication that will transform our lives to mimic our creator more clearly. There are so many great quotes that can summarize this book. We want to be the kind of evangelists who take people more seriously than to manipulate them into a prayer of commitment.

And we want to be people who present the gospel with care, knowing spiritual lives are at stake. Aug 11, Jared Totten rated it it was amazing. Marks of the Messenger is not a how-to guide to evangelism, it's not steps or strategies to gaining more converts. Instead, this excellent little book by J. Mack Stiles lays the groundwork for a life that is gospel-centered and naturally evangelistic. I'm convinced that the greatest obstacle to healthy evangelism is pragmatism: Success drives pragmatic evangelism.

Pragmatic evangelism never asks the question "Who are we to be as an evangelist? Mack Stiles certainly didn't set out to write a faddish book and by no means did he yet Marks of the Messenger addresses how a life centered around the Gospel and evangelism informs how we should think about such hot topics as social justice, the missional movement in a post-Christian age, and the narcissism and self-love of our culture. When speaking of social justice, he says the following: So we should never confuse meeting physical needs with sharing the gospel.

Caring for others represents the gospel, it upholds the gospel, it points to the gospel, it's an implication of the gospel, but it is not the gospel, and it is not equal to the gospel. In this truth is more about the evangelist, than evangelism itself - what it means to be a healthy evangelist.

And so the three books have different perspectives, but an overlapping emphasis on the power of God through the gospel and the sovereignty of God in evangelism. Chapter 3 by itself made the book worthwhile for me. Stiles talks about the dangers of assuming the gospel, and calls us just like Paul does to guard the gospel, which is the good deposit entrusted to us and passed down from generation to generation 2 Timothy 1: The generation that assumes the gospel is most responsible for losing it.

Overall, a great book by a great evangelist, and relatively short and easy to read. Stiles ends his excellent book with this, "Evangelism is not a duty to perform. It's a privilege we're granted. The privilege is ours. The greatest thing about evangelism is that we get to do it - you and me. Somehow the great Creator God allows us - protplasmic specks in the universe - to partner with Him in His grand design. It's a wonder and a mystery. To be healthy - really healthy - not just in evangelism, but in all our spiritual life, is to have a glimpse of what it means to take hold of Stiles ends his excellent book with this, "Evangelism is not a duty to perform.

To be healthy - really healthy - not just in evangelism, but in all our spiritual life, is to have a glimpse of what it means to take hold of that privilege in faith, with truth, through love, and in boldness and faithfulness to the praise of His glorious grace. Stiles touches on both of these aspects, but emphasizes the need to live in Gospel-esqe community and in a manner consistent with the Gospel before attempting to share the Gospel. The subtitle says it all: Aug 02, Payel rated it really liked it.

The book is about evangelism, but more than that, to rephrase the forward by Mark Dever , the author has restored the evangel the Christian Gospels back into the essence of evangelism. In one aspect, it confronts the fear and timidity in Christians about spreading the Gospel, and on other instances, it talks about the inclination of some of us to twist the Gospel mes The book is about evangelism, but more than that, to rephrase the forward by Mark Dever , the author has restored the evangel the Christian Gospels back into the essence of evangelism.

As a Christian, I think that this book is worth reading over and over again, not just because of its content, but also because of its simplicity. Mar 22, Aaron Schmid rated it really liked it Recommends it for: The message deserves 5 stars, but I found Mr. Stiles' writing a little confusing at times because it's so conversational and a little contradictory in just a couple places. But overall I think that this book is one of supreme importance to Christian society.

It's so important that we align ourselves with the Gospel as we go and profess its redemption. This feels more like a book about general Christian living under the gospel than a book about evangelism, which is the perfect Almost 5 stars! This feels more like a book about general Christian living under the gospel than a book about evangelism, which is the perfect way to explain evangelism, I think! Your book was short and glorious, resonating with love and a genuine, winsome, fear of God.

Sep 11, Bryan rated it really liked it. There are no gimmicks or 12 step programs, simply cultivating a mind and heart that is ready to share the Good News in word and action.

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His personal stories are powerful and he offers a refreshing, biblical take on sharing the Gospel. While I do not agree with some minor points that Stiles makes, particularly "Marks of the Messenger" is unlike most books on evangelism that I've read in that Stiles encourages readers to live out the Gospel message responsibly, intentionally and joyfully each day.

While I do not agree with some minor points that Stiles makes, particularly in the chapter on social activism, I definitely recommend this book to everyone interested in learning how to do a better job of sharing their faith. May 10, Leigh Hale rated it it was amazing. This book was eye opening. It taught me never to assume the gospel and that only the gospel is the gospel.

Marks of the Messenger: Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel

Many things reflects the gospel, flow out of the gospel, are inspired by the gospel, but they are not the gospel. Only the gospel is the gospel. And the relationship between evangelism and social justice is that the gospel itself transforms. Social justice is a byproduct of the gospel coming to a culture or a people.

So we lead with the gospel, which changes people and their behaviors Jul 18, Luke Miller rated it really liked it Shelves: Excellent foundational book on personal evangelism. Warns against pragmatic sales pitch evangelism that only asks, "What will work? For example, he talks about avoiding canned presentations of the gospel by consistently meditating on and rejoicing in the gospel. T Excellent foundational book on personal evangelism. This section was excellent!

Great read for anyone who wants to grow in this area. Dec 05, Mike Knox rated it it was amazing. This little book puts being evangelists before doing evangelism. The process of losing the gospel The fifth is for having a chapter on the church in a book on evangelism. The final chapter A Manifesto for Healthy Evangelism is also excellent.

It is chalk-full of practical suggestions. Jan 01, Johnny Mcclean rated it it was amazing. Sat in a car with D A Carson and a group of pastors heading to a conference. Asked for a recommended book on evangelism. Without pause Don Carson recommended this book. He said it was the best book on evangelism he had ever read. Having read it myself, I agree. Heart warming, focussing on the character of the messenger and the message Buy it, read it, be inspired by it.

Jan 28, Mandi rated it really liked it. It is a very easy read and just over pages but is a rich resource. I easily finished it in two days. The book isn't so much about "how" to evangelize but more of the heart and motivations of the person evangelizing. In fact, I liked it so much that my husband and I are going to make it required reading for any interns that work with us.

It is a must read for anyone going into ministry or missions. The whole gospel changes much more than our relationship with God. Stiles shows how it changes all of who we are and what we do. It means learning the whole gospel without shaping its message to meet our tastes. It means not just going through the motions of accepted behaviors. It means showing the unity of witness and justice.

Join Mack Stiles in a life-giving adventure of boldly knowing, living and speaking the gospel. He is the author of and coauthor with his wife of. And this is why I love reading books on evangelism by true practitioners, who love the lost and consistently live out this burden. Mack Stiles is one of those guys!

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  • Marks of the Messenger: Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel by J. Mack Stiles.

Mack loves people who need the gospel. If you, like me, want to grow in evangelism, I highly recommend Mack's book. It is easy to understand but still retains a solid amount of information A useful training book for Christians of all ages and backgrounds.

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When's the last time you read a book that focused attention on the evangelists themselves--their hearts, their minds, their lives and, most of all, their message? This is such a book, and it's explosive. Marks of the Messenger challenges and encourages us, and makes us laugh and weep along the way. Mack Stiles is the most gifted evangelist I know. And this book is saturated with biblical truth and personal wisdom.

His material has been field-tested in two completely different parts of the world! So the principles you find in this book will be transcultural and applicable to believers seeking to bear witness to Christ wherever they are located in the world. Like its author, the book is irrepressible. Better yet, it is faithful to Scripture while overflowing with that least common gift, common sense.

Read it, practice it, then buy some more and pass them out. Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel - eBook. What would you like to know about this product? Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and we'll answer you in the next hours.

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