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Goethes Leben von Tag zu Tag: Robert Steiger, and Angelika Reimann. Siegfried Seifert and Doris Kuhles.

Mephisto (Classic, 20th-Century, Penguin)

US-dollar price varies by provider. The index is meticulous in its attention to detail, whether referring the reader to the documents that explicitly state a term, or whether analyzing the documents for implied and hidden subject terms. It is is precise and reliable, with each entry including not only the page and volume, but also the time period covered by the volume, e. The largest section of the volume is the names index p.

For entries on persons it is particularly useful that every effort has been made to include first name, birth and death year, and other unique personal information, including the titles of works by the person, if they were mentioned in the chronicle, and other contextual information in the form of additional subject terms. Names of mythical figures are indexed in two ways: For example, Faust alone occupies three-and-a-half columns. Lastly, the geographic index p. For example, Rome occupies ten-and-a-half columns and Weimar occupies 17 columns.

The eight volumes of documents together with the index volume are nothing less than a complete index to the life of and work of Goethe. The volume under review continues documenting the Goethe collection with coverage of drama, novels, and stories. Because many manuscripts in the collection contain multiple works, the volume offers two ways to locate material. Part A is an inventory organized in accordance with the archival arrangement. Part B lists individual works and their associated documents independently of the archival arrangement. Thus part B has enables the user to determine at a glance which documents relate to any particular work of Goethe.

This present volume continues the meticulous work characterizing the previous volumes and will certainly establish itself as an indispensable aid to those who work with the Goethe-Schiller archive. The reliable information made available will enable the user to explore the archival material with precision, even from a distance. Since the Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv GSA has provided electronic access to the inventory of the entire collection http: Inge Jens and Uwe Naumann.

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The title Lieber und verehrter Onkel Heinrich is misleading, since the publication includes letters by both Klaus Mann Klaus and his uncle, the author Heinrich Mann Heinrich. The collection is edited and annotated by the renowned literary scholars Inge Jens and Uwe Naumann. It includes all correspondence between the two writers, most of which were written from , when the authors were in exile, although there is one congratulatory letter to the siblings Erika and Klaus written in Of these 67 letters, 49 have not been published in full previously.

The annotations accompanying the letters are concise, profound, and well-researched. The book includes visually appealing photographs and illustrations. The book concludes with an epilogue, a bibliography of primary and secondary sources, and title and name indexes. Die Geschichte der Faust-Forschung: This two-volume work in nine chapters, not 19, as incorrectly noted in the table of contents , explores the history of Faust scholarship.

The short third chapter illustrates ideological interpretations using three fundamental works. The ninth and final chapter assesses many years of criticism and notes areas for further inquiry. Summaries of prior research are provided, as well as highlights illustrating individual positions via extensive quotes. He also questions the purpose of continued Faust scholarship. Although he provides a solid chapter on basic literary terminology, it is not clear who the intended audience might be. While he praises the current excellent research by talented scholars, he questions the motives for continuing to produce so much scholarship on the subject.

One can thus ask how relevant his polemical critiques are in a work purporting to be the history of Faust scholarship and the Enlightenment. Scholz has succeeded in providing valuable information for a variety of readers. His chronological and thematic arrangement makes it easy to find sources on the critical reception of Faust at various periods. The ideological influence would have been less important if the Nazi-controlled state and societal institutions had not required loyalty to the regime, but through literary prizes, political appointments, publication opportunities, and commissioned work, the regime provided above-average earnings for party loyalists.

In her article, Verena Schulz observes that Heinrich Anacker focused on writing apolitical nature poetry at both the beginning and end of his career, although he was most famous for his impassioned poems glorifying the Brown Shirts, Hitler, and the war, which sometimes earned him generous sums from the Ministry of Propaganda. Volume 2 concludes with an article by Jan-Peter Brinkmann about current literary societies that promote the work of Nazi-era writers.

Brinkmann calls upon scholars in literary criticism to confront, with the actual source material, the biases and falsehoods put out by such groups. Hans Sarkowicz and Alf Mentzer. This work was first published in as Literatur in Nazi-Deutschland , with a revised and enlarged edition appearing in see RREA 7: Schriftsteller includes 22 new articles, bringing the total to It has also been thoroughly revised and updated, with the articles now averaging three pages in length.

This size is sufficient for a balanced evaluation of each subject, including an analysis of their major works although it must be noted that the illustrations present in the earlier title have been sacrificed. In addition, a selected bibliography at the end of the volume lists monographs of background literature, along with an index of names.

As noted in the RREA reviews cited above, the particular virtue of this lexicon is that it includes all authors active in Germany and Austria during the Third Reich era regardless of their stance toward the National Socialist regime. Literatura austriacka w Polsce w latach Edward Bialek and Katarzyna Nowakowska. Seria biblioteka austriacka, The reception of German-language literature in Poland and Polish literature in Germany has been well documented in several bibliographies of these literatures in translation.

The work at hand, however, is especially welcome, because it brings the bibliography more up to date and also includes secondary works. Some authors are organized both by subject and by name. Their works are further delineated by genre: The prolific authors are given more detailed analysis. The citations are annotated in detail. The appendix by Justyna Kostrubies , also an annotated bibliography, lists anthologies, collected works, and publications on the subject of the reception of Austrian literature in Poland and Polish- Austrian cultural relations, which have been quite close for several decades for example, Austria maintains Austrian Libraries [Biblioteka austriacka] in several Polish cities.

There is also a register of translators, but not one of authors of the secondary works. This latter omission may be due to the overall decline of bibliographic work in Germany. A History of its Reception]. Edward Bialekand Katarzyna Nowakowska.

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Wydawnictwo Panstwowej Wyzszej Szkoly Zawodowej im. This compendium follows the publication of the bibliography of Austrian literature in Poland, see RREA The work grew out of a conference on the same subject held at the University of Wroclaw in April The focus of all the papers is on the Polish reception of these authors both in literature and in some cases in the theater Kafka and Canetti, for example.

Each article contains copious footnotes, but the work lacks an index of contributors and their biographies. The articles are only in Polish, with no summary in German provided. Hans Sauer and Julia Hartmann. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, Beowulf , considered to be the greatest extant literary work in Old English and also the first Germanic verse epic, has been handed down in one single manuscript. It was written in the year , although the original tale is older between and The text was first published in , accompanied by a Latin translation, and since then has spread and continues to spread, primarily in translations and revisions, since the original manuscript is accessible only to Old English specialists.

The Munich Anglicist Hans Sauer, with four assistants, has documented the dissemination of the text in this bibliography, with the intention of offering a complete listing of all Beowulf translations and adaptations published from the years to This updates the previous such bibliography, which included works published to There have been numerous others, documented in the first chapter.

The list continues with translations in 28 languages, in all. After the translations in modern English, the most translations are in German 20 , followed by Japanese 11 and French The bibliography offers a wealth of information about each edition. A minor problem with enumeration in the index makes it more difficult to find the appropriate translation. Selected Texts and Glossary of Old Icelandic]. Indogermanische Bibliothek, Reihe 1.

The reader is divided into two parts, the selected readings and the glossary. The readings make up 21 chapters, with examples from different kinds of Old Icelandic literature, including excerpts from the Edda sagas, Scaldic poetry, and two runic inscriptions.

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Every text is accompanied by an introduction, with information about the text and a short summary of the contents. Texts include varying degrees of supporting material to aid in translation, sometimes interlinear translations and sometimes complete translations. Almost all texts have extensive commentary with explanations of expressions or idioms, information about personages and place names, and cultural and historical background information.

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The dictionary is actually quite comprehensive. Here one can find not only all of the words that occur in the texts of the reader but also other important vocabulary, so that the work can serve as a dictionary in perusing other Old Icelandic texts. The Lesebuch , together with its dictionary, is a welcome addition to the existing teaching materials for Old Icelandic.

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The variety of texts offers a good cross section of Old Nordic writing, enhanced by the helpful commentary. Hardenberg Southern Connecticut State University. The purpose of the Dictionnaire is to bring notable novels and novellas from around the world into contact in new, unexpected ways, thereby igniting or reigniting the desire to read.

They fully expect anyone perusing the entries to do so pencil in hand, checking off the ones that they have read and circling the ones that they want to read in the future. The entries in the Dictionnaire are in alphabetical order by author, largely because Jeantet and Escot consciously rejected any categorization by date, genre, or other typical grouping.

Each author is represented by a single work no matter how extensive their oeuvre , each noted by title and publication date. All entries follow the same format consisting of three sections: Sometimes these explanations are relatively straightforward descriptions of plot, but they tend more often to wax poetic.

And this poetry of the ordinary is always ready to emerge from around the blind corner of an alley. Indeed, these indexes are conceived as vital to the entire project. The reader can therefore find geographical, personal, and thematic connections among the various novels, which could lead down new and interesting mental and literary roads, exactly as the creators intended.

Analytic Bibliography of International Research ]. Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel, An informative introduction examines the development of the idea and discipline of francophone studies. It is followed by the analytic bibliography, list of sources, and table of contents.

The bibliography covers selected scholarly works; monographs and longer works are privileged over articles and short writings. Concepts and issues such as colonialism, post- and neo-colonialism, alterity, hybridity, the roles of globalization and migration, and other topics such as gender, race, and class also emerge as key issues in research. The introduction is particularly important, as it covers the actual history of the field and thus justifies the structure and contents of the bibliography itself. From the founding of Quebec in , to the 19th-century colonial projects, and then ahead to 20th-century decolonization movements, French language and culture have represented a privileged yet ambiguous link between France and the world.

As French language and political involvement have spread to North America, the Caribbean, the Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East, the development of entities focused around an idea of shared interests and the growth of identity politics have also shaped conceptions of Francophonie.

Starting in the s, various ministries and organizations charged with promoting cooperation between France and the francophone world have fostered a network of relations based around issues of development, education, and the spread of democracy. Often supported by the governments of France, Canada, Quebec, Belgium, and Switzerland, these groups organize international conferences, have publication programs, and generally promote enhanced social, economic, and cultural relations between francophone countries and regions.

These forces played an important role in the development of francophone studies as a scholarly discipline in the s and s. The introductory section also Annual]. Based on their account of the development of Francophonie , the authors present four criteria for the bibliography proper. Selected works must deal in some way with French as a sociolinguistic characteristic, as a marker of identity, or as integral to an ideology Belgian francophone specificity, creolity, or negritude. They must also describe and analyze the concrete historical, social, economic, and cultural conditions of places in the global francophone community.

Multiple citations in a single subcategory are separated by commas. The analytic bibliography is divided into four sections, on general topics, francophone spaces, concepts and ideologies, and persons. The first section contains subclasses for general reference sources. The section on francophone spaces focuses on common aspects of culture, language and literature, society, and politics, with each aspect subdivided geographically.

The number of citations for these categories varies widely depending on the region or country. Thirty-one thematic divisions in the section on concepts and ideologies contain citations for works about common concepts such as alterity and identity; colonialism, neocolonialism, and postcolonialism; gender and feminism; migration; and urban culture and society.

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The final section in the analytic part of the bibliography offers subsections for authors, political figures, and other individuals who have works devoted to their ideas and lives. The third part of the work contains the full citations for each work included in the bibliography, listed by author. For journal articles and pieces in collected volumes, the journal or volume title and page numbers are included. Fischer Verlag, [, Ex-library, with the usual ownership markings and withdrawn stamp; otherwise very good condition in lightly worn wrappers.

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