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To register on our site and for the best user experience, please enable Javascript in your browser using these instructions. Part of Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation. Native only to the California Channel Islands, the island fox is the smallest canid in North America.

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Populations on four of the islands were threatened to extinction in the s due to human-mediated predation and disease. This is the first account of the natural history and ecology of the island fox, illustrating both the vulnerability of island ecosystems and the efficacy of cooperative conservation measures. It explains in detail the intense conservation actions required to recover fox populations, such as captive breeding and reintroduction, and large-scale ecosystem manipulation. These actions were successful due in large part to extraordinary collaboration among the scientists, managers and public advocates involved in the recovery effort.

The book also examines the role of some aspects of island fox biology, characteristic of the 'island syndrome', in facilitating their recovery, including high productivity and an apparent adaptation to periodic genetic bottlenecks. Evolution and genetics 3. Social structure, reproduction, and population dynamics 4.

Food habits, habitat use, and activity patterns 5. Golden eagles and island fox declines on the Northern Islands 6. Ecosystem recovery on the Northern Islands: Disease and island fox declines on Catalina Island 8. Reproductive biology Cheryl S. Diseases of island foxes Linda Munson The role of zoos, education, and the public in island fox recovery The ecological role of island foxes In she began the island fox monitoring program for the Park Service, and has been a member of the Island Fox Conservation Working Group since She currently serves on the board of directors of Friends of the Island Fox.

He has been studying island foxes for 17 years. Since Tim has directed the park's island fox recovery program and has led the multi-agency Island Fox Conservation Working Group. Tim has authored or co-authored over 25 publications on island foxes. Tim has worked for the National Park Service for over 25 years. He has been involved in conservation programs around the world, including Japan, Russia, Swaziland, Kazakhstan, and the Mariana Islands.

Decline and Recovery of the Island Fox by Timothy J. Coonan

He holds an MS degree in Wildlife Management from Humboldt State University where he is an associate faculty member and both lectures and serves on graduate committees. David began studying island foxes in and has worked with all of the six subspecies. His research has included long-term work on population demography, captive breeding, movement patterns, disease exposure, and behavior.

Along with the Center for Biological Diversity he co-signed the petition to the U. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide federal protection for four species of the island fox under the Endangered Species Act.

Editorial Reviews

David sponsored the first meeting of experts to examine the data associated with population declines of island foxes on the northern Channel Islands and has been active in the Island Fox Working Group since its inception. He continues to be involved in research and recovery efforts for the island fox, as well as several other federally listed species such as the San Clemente loggerhead shrike, San Clemente sage sparrow, and desert tortoise. David is currently working to restore wolverine populations in California and is helping develop new techniques for monitoring wildlife populations using automated telemetry.

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The Adorable Island Fox, Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands National Park

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A Case Study for Population Recovery

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Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Coonan , Catherin A. Schwemm , David K. Garcelon series Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation.