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Virginia Bryant marked it as to-read Feb 11, Beatrice marked it as to-read Mar 08, Andrew Schirmer marked it as to-read Mar 17, Sophia Roberts marked it as to-read May 01, Brian marked it as to-read May 25, Puttens3 added it Jul 08, Ryan marked it as to-read Dec 06, Maria Longley marked it as to-read Dec 27, Zora O'Neill marked it as to-read May 25, Meghan marked it as to-read Jan 20, Laurie marked it as to-read Apr 20, Lisa marked it as to-read Jul 01, Jessica marked it as to-read Oct 19, Elbabasic marked it as to-read Feb 06, Mary marked it as to-read Feb 11, One cannot help but feel that Levin is a romantic in the increasingly rare, almost nostalgic 19th-century romantic sense.

His experience of the joys of rural settings and vistas is as visceral as it is earnest. His own poetry of which he has published four collections is rife with tremulous descriptions of the natural world, especially the desert and its human and animal inhabitants. In his deep fascination with present-day and historical Bedouin nomads, he reveals a very modern, urban longing for pastoral life.

The Dune’s Twisted Edge

He seeks a kind of communion with the eternal, timeworn patterns of human movement and contemplation. In the Greco-Roman town of Gadara in the Galilee, he brings his Arab guide into the ruins of a bathhouse to examine a verse by the Byzantine empress Eudocia cut into a wall. He marvels elsewhere at the Greek inscription left by a Muslim caliph. For Levin, texts are not simply those preserved in archives and libraries and handed down through the generations; in the most basic way, texts live in the world. Another refrain of this collection are the verses of the pre-Islamic desert poets of Arabia, the writers of qasida or lyric poetry.

BOOK REVIEW: ‘Compulsion’: Retelling of Leopold-Loeb Murder Case Back in Print | davidkinchen

Most notable among these poets is the sixth-century AD Imru Al Qays, whose work has been translated and to whom he frequently refers. Its heroes love, conquer, and mourn across the dunes.

Imru Al Qays laments:. Staring at ashes and the remains of tents, the poet recalls his short-lived tryst. The pre-Islamic poets did not imagine the desert as a trackless expanse, its dunes sweeping undifferentiated to the horizon.

Even in the desert, the sea remained an integral part of the Levantine imagination. Marcia Clark began practicing law as a criminal defense attorney. She became a prosecutor in the L.

He lives in Jerusalem. For more on the Leopold-Loeb case: Twitter Facebook Like this: Related Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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