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Overblown, overwritten, self-important, pseudo-intellectual -- what the hell was to like? And to top it off, the author acted like a complete asshole, with personality traits that matched her book to a T. Her visits to the office were ludicrous; she used to prance around, When I worked at Ballantine Books in the early to mids, this was by far the most successful book the house had ever published it probably still is.

Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype

Her visits to the office were ludicrous; she used to prance around, puffed up like a little marshmallow, waiting for everyone to fall at her feet. Shockingly, Clarissa upon whom some of us bestowed a nickname that was, um, less than flattering, and which you can probably figure out never wrote another book that got the slightest amount of attention unless you count The Gift of Story , a little nothing of a book that she tossed out in a couple of weeks just in time for the Christmas rush.

I mean, let's face it: It is a gift of profound insight, wisdom, and love. An oracle from one who knows. View all 58 comments. Jan 28, Lilith rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: And the occasional man. This book saved my life. I was seriously struggling with an enormous amount of class-related stress, centered around a completely unsuspected attack on my creative potential.

After a few months of being shredded mentally and creatively by the people I'd expected to lean on for support and physically by the demands of moving to a new country, I was at a horrible place, alternating between periods of blind rage and near suicidal depression, and for the first time in my life I was watching my abili This book saved my life. After a few months of being shredded mentally and creatively by the people I'd expected to lean on for support and physically by the demands of moving to a new country, I was at a horrible place, alternating between periods of blind rage and near suicidal depression, and for the first time in my life I was watching my ability to create dim and all but vanish.

I had two weeks to pull together a film shoot with a script that I needed to edit and then direct, I knew no one, I had no idea what I was doing and felt like I was running into a brick wall with everyone but one of my tutors, a woman who I've subsequently given a copy of WWRWW she loves it.

This book brought me through that time. This is a book for anyone who has ever asked why, and then shushed themselves. This book is a loud, shameless 'prayer for the wild at heart still kept in cages' thank you Tennessee Williams , and as it boldly refutes the constraints imposed upon a wild nature by propriety, society, and that nature itself it cannot help but resemble a tall glass of water in the middle of the desert. View all 6 comments.

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Oct 01, Bea Zee rated it did not like it. Yeah yeah, the book may be seen as a cry of independence for all women out there who need to get in touch with their "wild" side. So, if you are a skinny archivist who had a decent childhood and no artistic talents, there's something terribly wrong with Yeah yeah, the book may be seen as a cry of independence for all women out there who need to get in touch with their "wild" side.

So, if you are a skinny archivist who had a decent childhood and no artistic talents, there's something terribly wrong with your psyche. No evidence whatsoever is given to any of the sentences in any of the pages this book has to offer. It's all "All women are like this. She may think she is not, but it's only because it's hidden in her subconscious or she needs psychoanalysis". Even the analyses of the stories, "the skull means her instinct" kind of thing. Why can't the skull mean her fears, her past, or just simply a literal skull? I can give different plausible interpretations to all of her stories and dreams.

Can I compare myself to a scorpion and say that I should kill myself when facing an attack from which I can't escape? Of course women share some characteristics with animals, but not all. This book is highly recommended in pagan circles, because it tries to elevate the status of women. And in goddess-centered religions, that should be nice, right?

I can read a book about religion and just accept its assertions, because that's the nature of religion. But I can't read a book about psychoanalysis and just accept it. And I think that instead of elevating the status of anything, it lowers it. A poorly written book accepted and revered by a whole community makes you question the judgement of that community.

So I think it's the responsibility of the members of that community who think this way to stand for what they believe in. Dec 23, missy jean rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jungian psychoanalytic theory applied to folktales and fairy tales from around the world. I want to carry copies of this book around and hand them out, proselytorily, to everyone woman I encounter who feels confined, constrained, and soul-sick. This book has helped me to reconnect with my intuition, reevaluate what it means for me to live authentically, and reimagine what my life can look like when I live it wildly and freely.

It really has been a gift to me.

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There is lots of gender esse Jungian psychoanalytic theory applied to folktales and fairy tales from around the world. There is lots of gender essentialism in here, but for some reason I don't care. A friend and I were talking about this the other, trying to figure out why Estes gets away with saying essentializing and even heteronormative things that we would never swallow from another writer Whatever it is, I can't say anything about this book other than that I love it.

View all 5 comments. Aug 06, Phoebe rated it really liked it Shelves: Here's the deal on this book. I personally got the book as a cheerful joke from my dad one Christmas, and I thought to myself, "gag me! Once I read it, I realized how smart this book is.

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Eg, I learned the ever-useful term piloerection here. What this book is is a master-key to the pictorial language that our right brain "speaks," via dr Here's the deal on this book. If you are a writer, an artist, a scholar of poetry, fiction, or ancient oral traditions that don't make "sense," or even just someone who has gone through or is going through a hard time, you can use this book; you can "work" this book.

It's a guidebook to the picture language and the narrative logic of our right brain and even if you think the author is a little full of herself, which I personally do, it doesn't matter. The subject is fascinating. By all means, ignore the parts that turn you off or feel cheesy. But give your critical eye rolling side a break, remember what it was like to be a kid who adored Andrew Lang and C. Lewis , and dare to realize that this book has a highly pragmatic, powerful core that can change the quality of your life.

I need to reread this. The body is a multilingual being. Even if one has friends, those friends may not be suns. When a life is too controlled, there becomes less and less life to control. Nothing makes the light, the wonder, the treasure stand out so well as darkness.

Talismans are reminders of what is felt but not seen, what is so, but not immediately obvious. Though fairy tales end after ten pages, our lives do not. We are multi-volume sets. Stories set the inner life into motion, and this is particularly important where the inner life is frightened, wedged, or cornered. Story greases the hoists and pulleys, it causes adrenaline to surge, shows us the way out, down, or up, and for our trouble, cuts for us fine wide doors in previously blank walls, openings that lead to the dreamland, that lead to love and learning, that lead us back to our own real lives as knowing wildish women.

Dogs are the magicians of the universe. There is nothing wrong with ducks, I assure them, or with swans. But ducks are ducks and swans are swans. I like to use mice. What if you were raised by the mice people? Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half remembered. To take the world into one's arms and act towards it in a soul-filled and soul-strengthening manner is a powerful act of wildish spirit.

We are all filled with a longing for the wild. There are few culturally sanctioned antidotes for this yearning. We were taught to feel shame for such a desire. We grew our hair long and used it to hide our feelings. But the shadow of Wild Woman still lurks behind us during our days and in our nights.


No matter where we are, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-footed. Don't waste your time hating a failure. Failure is a greater teacher than success. Listen, learn, go on. Every creature on earth returns to home. It is ironic that we have made wildlife refuges for ibis, pelican, egret, wolf, crane, deer, mouse, moose, and bear, but not for ourselves in the places we live day after day. We understand that the loss of habitat is the most disastrous event that can occur to a free creature.

Women Who Run With the Wolves

I hope you will go out and let stories, that is life, happen to you, and that you will work with these stories Be wild; that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that. The river does not dry up, we block it. If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, to stream, letting anything come, initially censoring nothing. That is creative life.

It is made up of divine paradox. Then the river will flow, then we can stand in the stream of it raining down.

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  • The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door. A woman may crave to be near water, or be belly down, her face in the earth, smelling the wild smell. She might have to drive into the wind. She may have to plant something, pull things out of the ground or put them into the ground. She may have to knead and bake, rapt in dough up to her elbows.

    She may have to trek into the hills, leaping from rock to rock trying out her voice against the mountain.

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      Aug 22, Pages Buy. Nov 27, Pages. Aug 22, Pages. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species. Through the stories and commentaries in this remarkable book, we retrieve, examine, love, and understand the Wild Woman, and hold her against our deep psyches as one who is both magic and medicine. Fertile and life-giving, it is a psychology of women in the truest sense, a knowing of the soul.