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Nov 25, Kaileigh Johnson rated it it was amazing Shelves: I could definitely see boys loving this. Great rhythm when reading.

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I think this would be a fun book to read to the class for fun or even around Halloween if some students might dress up as pirates. Could also talk about how pirates behavior can and should differ from a boy's behavior. Nov 20, Keri Rohr rated it really liked it. This is a fun poetry book for grades This book had some funny poems and was enjoyable to read.

However, some of the pirate slang that is used in the poems can make them hard to read. I had to reread many lines but I liked most of the poems in this book. Jun 16, Andria Davis rated it it was amazing. This is a book full of pirate poems for kids I thought this book was super cute. All of the poems have similar rhyming patterns, they are different lengths and are all about pirates in one way or another. The pictures are busy but colorful and a lot of fun. Apr 04, Caleb Moes rated it really liked it Shelves: I choose this book because I needed a poetic book for my recourse collection.

It looked entertaining and I could see how the cover would appeal to young children specifically young boys. It was fun and entertaining and introduced the reader to poems. Mar 05, Kjsmit11 rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book was so cute!

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I love the fact that each individual poem had its now title and pictures. The illustrations in this book were incredible. There was so much detail in each picture and I think students would love looking at the pictures as they read the poems. As the title implies, the book contains poems that are all about pirates. However, each poem is different in its own way. Most poems in this book rhyme, which I think is important for students to read and understand them better.

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I als This book was so cute! I also like the variety of poems. Some are short, long, take up two pages, and spread throughout the page.

‘Percy the Pirate’ poem

This book is strongly recommended to students and other elementary teachers. In my future classroom, I would love to use this book for a unit on poetry. I like the idea of using this for a read aloud before a lesson is taught or explained. I think it would grab students' attention and get them excited about poetry.

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  2. Ach so fromm from the opera Martha - Score.
  3. Maggie, a Girl of the Streets and Other New York Writings (Modern Library Classics).
  4. Another idea is to create a classroom poetry book similar to this on a topic. Each student would write a poem however they choose and we would put it together in a book. This would create a book with many different poems on the same topic.

    ‘Percy the Pirate’ poem – FREE Early Years teaching resource - Scholastic

    Oct 19, Laura Mcclanahan rated it it was amazing Shelves: Genre- Children's Poetry What an incredibly cute book! It is a collection of what pirates eat, say, wear, do, and how they travel- basically, the life of a pirate! Each poem is accompanied by colorful and vivid cartoons of pirates of all shapes and sizes.

    For younger grades, this book is very appropriate in that it uses humor and rhyme to capture its audiences one pirate discusses all the ways of being punished, but the worst is being forced to "eat me peas".

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    At the same time, this book would be Genre- Children's Poetry What an incredibly cute book! At the same time, this book would be a great mentor text for older children learning the nuances of figurative language, imagery and voice. For instance, the "lingo" or jargon of pirate-speak is honored throughout the book saying "me foot" instead of "my foot", etc.

    I highly recommend it! Jan 09, Amy rated it really liked it. It is nice to note that there are both male and female pirates, and also pirates of many races. The illustrator, Robert Neubecker, lives in Park City. Jul 26, Stacey rated it really liked it. Pirate poems and paintings. Shiver Me Timbers by Douglas Florian, an energetic and lively book of poetry looking at the lives of pirates, captivated my children and gave them an appreciation for poetry. While no two poems are alike, Florian delves into the language, habits, and heroes of the pirate world one poem depicts Blackbeard writing a letter to his mom.

    I enjoyed reading this in my best pirate voice; which could use a lot more practice. I could not find leveling information for this book—but I would recommend reading it to pre-k-4th grade. To read alone it may be 2nd-5th Another great poetry book by Douglas Florian! Kindergarten and 1st grade students will especially love this pirate poetry book.

    There are nineteen funny poems in this book that will have children laughing along as they read.

    • Quality children's literature at the heart of all learning.
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    I chose this book for younger elementary students because this book doesn't contain a lot of advanced words. It provides poems that rhyme and tell about pirates. The poems all sound like a pirate is speaking, too. It tells where pirates live, what they wear, how the talk, an Another great poetry book by Douglas Florian! It tells where pirates live, what they wear, how the talk, and what they do. Lastly, each poem has a very, detailed illustration that is vibrant and adorable! I would use this poetry book as part of my classroom library.

    A Chinese junk to passersby, a geisha to the crew, my curves were clad in ebon pitch; my masts, they numbered two. A captain, Soo-Ya, manned my helm; his hands were calloused, cold. Was quite the seasoned salt amongst his jolly sailors, bold. I asked him what the difference was, but he had no reply! Along the Spanish Main is where his man o' war made rounds. The bounty on his head, enough to send him into hiding.

    He later sailed to China, chose a life much less exciting. A wealthy man, he toured the land and tread the famous wall. We sailed the Grand Canal until his world turned upside down. Came back with scarlet fever and a host of reddish spots.

    Arrr - A Pirate's Poem

    Those riggings in my stern were rather obstinately loose, thus when I plowed the waves, the sailors laughed at my caboose. It wobbled and it jiggled, and the plankings had some dimpling. They thanked me, though, whilst tempests raged and lesser ships were crippling. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.

    Lines and paragraphs break automatically. You may also like: The Poetry Pack Help your children to read and write poetry with this pack of teaching, activity and display resources! Pirates Acrostic Create your own acrostic poem using this pirate-themed template.

    Easter Shape Poem Write your own Easter shape poem using this printable writing template. About Privacy Cookies Contact us.