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These guys studied old blues music as much if not more as Zep or The Doors. Also the crap about the Illuminati is just that. Blues music as an Illuminati conspiracy ploy to take over the world. The idea that 'Back Door Man' is simply about a 'secret lover' slipping out of the back door is just naive. The line "The men don't know, but the little girls understand" in Willie Dixon's original, and the Doors' cover suggests that most men certainly in pre-internet porn days wouldn't understand or believe that women might want to indulge in and enjoy anal sex.

One of their albums is called 'In Through the Out Door'! Think about it I'm sure some people out there will probably think this is just about rock-stars rudely ingressing into supermarkets through the fire exit. This is the 'Blues' and 'Rock'n'Roll' were talking about here. It's not 'The Sound of Music' for God's sake.

But his little girl understand what happens This entire song is a double entendre. On the surface, it appears to be about an assassin, but, underneath its talking about gay sex. Okay first of all, stop calling anal sex by the name gay sex. They are different things which overlap. Secondly, i think that it is clear that the song is about cheating wives.

  1. Backdoor Friends 2: Rear Deliveries: Erotic Stories For Gay Men?
  2. Two hot men fucking bareback each other..
  3. See a Problem?.
  4. What is a 'Back Door Man?'.
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It fits with the blues genre. So many blues songs are about cheating women. The maximum amount of innuendo a zep song ever had was Lemon Song with "squeez my lemon and the juice runs down my leg" Along with various others. Backdoor man, is obvious that it is him Jim who sodomises.

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He had a girl who let him do it to her, and he would often brag about this. It's in his biography by Steve Davis I think that's his name. So, there's a good bet that the song came from this fact. But there is no disputing what backdoor man means, it cannot mean anything else. The original song written by Dixon for Howling Wolf, the song is a story of man who sneaks around to women He also claims to have had the nurse, the judges wife, and the cops wife, by the various lyrics.

So, when you really think about this song, its showing that even though they are a backdoor man, they still got caught. And the women who were the lovers always stood up for them against their husbands wishes to kill and murder him. Then the backdoor man is bragging that he "eats mo chicken any mans seen". The beauty of classic blues was it's down to earth truth and simplicity. It was about everyday real life for African Americans. Real blues singers were not about being intellectual or deep, though they did take pride in clever and colorful innuendo.

Take it from someone here in the deep south: Way before the Holiday Inn and a car in every driveway, alduterers and fornicators had to rendezvous at the "Green Leaf hotel" the woods or the woman's home when her man was at work. The back door was the entrance for Jody so the neighbors wouldn't see and an escape for him should her man come home unexpectedly I happend to find this site searching for a possible new definition. I was on a dating site and a male of interest, who lives in San francisco described himself as a "Backdoor Man" in search of friends.

The times thay are a changin'. It seems to refer to a guy leaving the back door which would mean a secret lover no? They may have been talking about married women, but they were talking about screwing them in their buttocks. As a long-time student of the French storytelling tradition, La Graste et-Fralput, I believe that the answer lies here. Baque do'eur pronounced 'backdoooor' is a term signifying a forbidden, secret sexual relationship between a person of royal bloodline and a simple peasant.

In the modern vernacular it has probably been diluted and morphed into meaning an elicit relationship involving a drifter or transitory person. I should also point out that there is strong anecdotal evidence Masters and Johnson, to support a theory that "backdoor man" refers to a sexual fetish involving penetration of and deriving sexual pleasure from the seams of a rear-opening clinical gown. I hope this helps. We the fans of the the special genius fuck yah I'm in yer girl poopr. We left out the krafty assed Deep Purple.

That gives history to teach beginers like me.

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  • Is to sneek then own even if she sleeping. I'm going to give her the glue. She got the beat jreks and I don't recall at all. Ps were undies when you sleep under a mini-skirt. Thanks for straightening this out! Been thinking about this for a while now. And now that know what it means, the lyrics makes more sense.

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    • Backdoor Friends 2: Rear Deliveries: Erotic Stories For Gay Men by Drake Reynolds!
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    • Cause "open up my front door, hear my back door slam". That really would make your life a "drag": It's amazing how such a relatively trivial thing can spark such furious discussion. All those traditional blues songs about anal sex? Really, get over yourselves. Omar and the Howlers: It's a recurring theme. My take on this is that Morrison probably knew the true meaning, being extra-marital affairs. Then he used that as a double-double-entendre. I reckon he probably did mean sodomy, for shock value, aimed at an audience who understood blues slang. As language evolves it's only natural to find double-entendre in previous definitions.

      The word "gay" is a prime example, but the joke would be absent without both prior and latter meaning.

      Why Backdoor Play Won't 'Turn Him Gay'

      It seems bizarre to me, though, that the ones perpetrating the anal theory justify their opinion by demeaning the opinions of others, all this stuff about "wisen up" and "wake up", etc. Open forum is about discussion perchance arrival at a truth, not jumping to immediately obvious conclusions whilst slamming others. Justify your statements with something more concrete than "smell the coffee".

      This is something people do when they are teenagers, lol. She's obviously using some hook and bait tactic to get this guy and he's loving the chase and game. She may just wind up getting him, but he should know she's a game player and may have done this trick before. It's like the fake lesbos who say they aren't into guys just to find one who will work that much harder to change her. So a Blues singer in the UK should be singing about the "Tradesman's entrance"? Yup, it's round the back.. You have to remember that there was no pill, IUD etc. They were exposed to less of the condom promotion programs, had lower rates of condom usage, and much higher rates of STDs" Not work safe.

      Guys, you can't use modern definitions to reinterpret old stuff. Was the Flintstone's themesong homosexual because it talks about a "gay old time"? There are all sorts of words we use now like "stacked", "pearl necklace", "creampie", "teabag", "queen", "shocker", etc. I have no doubt that Led Zepplin had anal sex with girls and probably guys too, but I have high confidence that the songs are about cheating women and the guys they're "creeping" with "on the down low". I threw in "on the down low" because that is another one that used to just mean a secret e.

      I'm going to tell you something but I need you to keep it on the down low and now has a sexual meaning. The funny thing is that when you're older you'll realize that new meanings for words keep turning up, and the words you think you knew will get subverted. When your teenagers start giggling when you're talking you know that you've lost touch In Belgium it has a connotation of anal sex with a woman. Good friends enter through the back door de achterdeur.

      My First Time Having Anal Sex

      I have heard the song "Backdoor Man" for many decades. As a writer and songwriter, I always understood its meaning.

      Why Backdoor Play Won't 'Turn Him Gay' | HuffPost

      It's meant to be a little mysterious for censors and those who are not "hip", but there is no question that it refers to anal sex. Why all these entries on something so obviouus? Why did I have to re-write this because I did not check the "spam hate" box? There was no message that we have to check the box. Even the term 'chicken' eludes to what resides between an under aged females legs. Back door man eludes to evading vigilant mothers just much as husbands. Not a completely new concept, think about Chuck Berry and 'Memphis Tennessee' and other songs. This is what Morrison was all about.

      The thought of dark double meanings in his songs would fuel his nihialistic tendancies as well as his love of psychology and modern art philosophies. That Was The End!!! I think the only ones who would know for sure what they meant by their lyrics are the singers themselves and what their idea of what they were singing at that point brought about to sing what they sang Robert Plant had a way to sing things as if they were not a big deal, and then one day you realize I don't think he was talking about a lemon, people. So, to me back door man is the one who wants to give her sexy, dirty, sex, and to be her whole, lover Now can we agree what "flat-top" means?


      He comes up grooving. Hair down, below his knees. I think it is about an elephant trunk. I said you had the nerve to tell me you didn't want me no more, yeah I open my front door, hear my back door slam You must have one of them new fangled back door man". Thanks for sharing the info, keep up the good work going I really enjoyed exploring your site. Students often feel issues in writing assignment, so to make students comfortable in assignment we help them to write their assignments. If ever you feel any problem in writing something you can visit our Online Assignment Help.

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      You have shared a very informative post which I was searching for a long time. Thanks for helping us to improve our knowledge of your precious information. Just this week we got another comment on the topic: So let's review what enjoying anal play is and is not all about:. If we're specifically talking about backdoor play, then engaging in it with someone you trust is well within the realm of healthy sexual experimentation, no matter your sexual orientation.

      Nerve endings aren't gay or straight, people are. Sex is all about context, which is why almost no women get turned on by tampon insertion.

      Best-selling in Adult & Erotic

      You engage in sexual activities with people you are attracted to -- that's a large part of what makes them enjoyable. If you're not attracted to the person on a primal level, you're not going to enjoy the sex. So if he's not into guys, he's not going to enjoy one of them intimately massaging his prostate. Speaking of the right kind of stimulation, the prostrate and its surrounding nerves play an important role in male orgasm, so having it stimulated indirectly or directly can actually increase sensation and thus pleasure for him, whether he's gay or straight.

      There's nothing "unnatural" about it -- it's the nature of male anatomy! People who think being penetrated is feminine are sexist. People who think enjoying anal play is gay are homophobic. It takes two to tango. If a guy doesn't want his backdoor knocked on, there's no way his girlfriend is somehow sneaking in a strap-on dildo.

      Even if his girlfriend is Angelina Jolie. Okay, maybe he'd make an exception Plenty of guys will try being on the receiving end of butt sex and not like it. That doesn't necessarily mean they're not gay! Some suggest that bum-loving is a ride you can never get off, a ride you will do anything to stay on, even if that means suddenly switching sexual identity degrees mid-life.

      We will happily admit that some people may try a sexual activity, enjoy it thoroughly, and then want to include it in their repertoire on a regular basis from then on. Everyone has their preferences.