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To dwell in light is to live in nearness to God; it is to be dominated by the qualities of beauty and mercy, which bring things close to God. There is one light, and that light is God. There are many darknesses, since each creature represents darkness in relation to God. The deeper the darkness, the greater the distance from God.

Absolute darkness does not exist, because it would be cut off from God in every respect. How can anything exist if it has no relationship whatsoever to the Real, which is the source of every quality? Created things dwell in distance from God, in difference, in otherness. This is to say that they dwell in relative darkness. Relative darkness has many modes and forms, since there are an infinite number of ways in which things can be different from God.

Dwelling in difference means perceiving God from the perspective of tanzih and hence to be dominated by the attributes of severity, majesty, and wrath. The goal of religion is to bring about a movement from tanzih to tashbih, from distance to nearness, from difference to sameness, from manyness to oneness, from wrath to mercy, from darkness to light.

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The Koran frequently explains that God's goal in creation is to bring about unity, and often it employs the terms light and darkness to make this point. The broad significance of such verses becomes clear as soon as one grasps the meaning of tawhid. Notice that in the following verses light is one, since light is an attribute of God, but the darknesses are many, since darkness is an attribute that assumes many forms in keeping with the diversity of creation: Are the blind and the seeing man equal, or are the darknesses and the light equal?

It is He who sends down upon His servant signs, clear explications that He may bring you forth from the darknesses into the light. Why, is he who was dead, and We gave him life, and appointed for him a light to walk by among the people, as one who is in the darknesses, and comes not forth from them? It is He who performs the salat over you, and His angels, that He may bring you forth from the darknesses into the light. This last verse brings us back to the angels, who are created from light and are therefore able to assist God in giving light to the creatures who dwell in the visible world.

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Related posts from similar topics: These are offered as a means for IslamiCity to stimulate dialogue and discussion in our continuing mission of being an educational organization. The IslamiCity site may occasionally contain copyrighted material the use of which may not always have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. IslamiCity is making such material available in its effort to advance understanding of humanitarian, education, democracy, and social justice issues, etc.

We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.

Radiance: reflecting God’s light in the darkness

Section , and such and all material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: Sachiko Murata and William C. Chttick is pure and. I thought we can not fathom Allah. Even Prophet Muhammad S said that if we think how Allah is we'll lose sanity. I stopped reading the article in the middle fearing that this article mislead people and kuffar work and shirk.

Rather the Angels are assisted by the Almighty to provide light. It is not right to say God is nothing but light. Light is only one of the many names of God. God is the Light of Heavens and Earth should not be translated literally,even if we take it as it is He is the One who is really the Light of both Heavens and Earth. Although He is invisible He is also Visible as the eyes cannot see Him physically in this World yet we would be able to see Him as we see the fourteenth Moon in the Hereafter ie. He is beyond comprehension nobody looks like Him so we cannot describe Him as you are asking what is the light of God?

This is beyond our own sheer imagination. When Moses tried to see His vision he was told he could not see Him and was told to look at the mountain when it stayed in the same place where it was then he could see Him. In the end when the mountain crumbled due to the intensity of the vision of God that it could not bear. If the mountains could not take it how can we bear it.

Editorial Reviews

So then how do you expect us to explain the meaning of the Light of God. It can only be explained or taken literally not figuratively Allahu a'alam. We always have to try not to go into areas we dot not understand well oherwise we go into Kufur, the artcle,remember Allah said in the Quran that some verses are clear and others are not, this is by his choice,he gives knowledge to who ever he wishes, our human imagination and knowledge is only to certain limit, lets desist from going into areas we have no knowledge about,remember when the angels were challeged to name things, they said they know only what Allah gave them knowledge of.

Do you think God gave Man unlimited knowledge?. E you people why do you write out of imagination of which you have no knowledge nor proof about our creator? What a confused pair, Sachiko Murata and William C. I'm wondering whether they have studied the glorious Qur'an or are they muddying thesimple, clear message of Islam with their confused understanding.

I have studied Light in all it's fantastic facets. God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth, but this Light shines from a lamp fuelled by an olive, neither of the East nor of the West. The message in all the similitudes used by God is an invitation for mankind to study His Light. The Light is God's standard baerer.

Light is the ultimate Messenger of God, Light is the most obediant Muslim. Go study Light, and you will see that mankind's understanding of it has not exhausted the infinite properties of Light.

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Even great scientists like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein could not compass the full magnetude of the properties of Light. If anyone wants to know about the ultimate Messenger of God then ask me, for I have a deep understanding of this mighty messenger called Light. Chttick are hopelessly confused and only want to make a quick buck from Allah's artistry. The approach of this article is not good and so I fully agree with Br.

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As perthe islamic principle, the analysis and research of all creations of Allah is encouraged, whereas analysis and research of the Creator Himself is discouraged. All the attributes of Allah, as mentioned in Al-quran and hadeeth should be taken as such and we should not analyse in depth.

I think the phylosophic statements you made about Allah and his light are so baseless in the light of the Quran and Sunnah that we must be careful not to let our desires of trying to explain Quran and Sunnah without the understanding of the companions is as dangerous as the Christians explaining Christianity without the understanding of Jesus and his companions.

Do not turn our religion into Christianity, everyone can say and think what they feel!!! It is human nature or our fitrah to want to understand. Our curiosity, like a child, takes us on this journey of living , and loving a Creator we are meant to never see but learn to comprehend and love through the sacred words we are given and the messenger who leds by words and deeds.

Everything is just the shadows of the existence of the Ultimate Reality. We can't compare even light with Him.

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Just nothing is like Him. This article is based on just human fantasy. He is beyond the grasp of our imaginations. A very profound article, my brother. I appreciate everything you shared with me and the world. To quote,"This last verse brings us back to the angels, who are created from light and are therefore able to assist God in giving light to the creatures who dwell in the visible world.

We and all things in the universe needs God's assistance always. Topics menu will always be here, always within reach. If you see a green icon like this , it means you're already logged in! But if you see, a red iconlike this , it means you are NOT logged in.

Radiance: If We are the Light of the World, Why is Everything So Dark? - eBook

The Lord said, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? Reading "Radiance" is grappling with the Holy Spirit, at full blast, through a fire hose! It will bring you to your knees, it did me!

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The book demands a response. Not a "response" of interminable consideration or eternal pondering. Embrace the former and the promise and power is Kingdom Come to Earth. Continue in the latter and nothing changes, not you or anything within your influence. Do not read this book if you want to remain the same! What would you like to know about this product? Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and we'll answer you in the next hours.

You can unsubscribe at any time. Sign in or create an account. Search by title, catalog stock , author, isbn, etc. Add To Cart 0. His radiance is like the sunlight; He has rays flashing from His hand God sent Jesus as His Radiance, and you, too, can be radiant with a Spirit of an invulnerable, irresistible, and pervasive force.

Destiny Image Publication Date: The Songs of Jesus: Dan Rhodes Founder, Destiny Navigators www. Have a question about this product? Ask a Question What would you like to know about this product?