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10 Most Important Secrets for a Perfect Love and Relationship.....

I'd like to meet someone I can connect with on all levels- Intellectually, emotionally and physically. That seems to be too much to ask for these days.

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It's so rare to meet someone who is genuine and sincere. I thought about joining E-Harmony to meet someone but I've had so many bad experiences with meeting guys from online dating that just the thought of creating another dating profile makes me cringe. It's been 3 long years of solitude, loneliness and negative experiences with trying to connect with people. I'm at a loss as to what I should do. I don't want to continue being lonely but I don't know where to go to attract good quality men that actually want a relationship.

It is about recognising our baggage patterns, self sabotage etc. Secondly, make sure you know what you are looking for in a partner and don't just accept the first guy that comes along. There are plenty of good books out there that may help you in your journey. Understanding men's need for sex is complicated.

10 Most Important Secrets for a Perfect Love and Relationship - Wattpad

Women want to be loved, appreciated and protected, and then they desire sexual intimacy. At the point where men have sexual intimacy is when they feel loved, appreciated, and valued. It's a sort of chicken and the egg syndrome. There is a bridge and at the center of the the bridge is what we all want, true love. We just approach the bridge from different sides.

I like hearing a man's perspective on sex and love. Your point of view on what women want is perceptive and right on point. If I'm in a relationship with a man, I want to be appreciated, valued, cared for and have some sense of security with him. I have a very high sex drive and when I'm seeing someone I'm attracted to, I enjoy being intimate on a regular basis. I'm just at a place in my life where I'd prefer to be in a committed relationship rather than having multiple casual partners.

It's extremely rare to meet someone who wants to put in the time and effort to make a real connection. Your response is very refreshing to read and gives me a different perspective that is so simplistic that I feel I should have seen it that way the whole time. Hi Sabrina, I'm in the place you described so eloquently. It's so refreshing and comforting to know that others feel the same- particularly women.

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It's so easy to walk through this life and feel like you're the only one and then have to make a choice between authenticity or compromise. I'm in the 'loneliness, solitude and negative experience' place and working on a positive attitude every day to keep me strong. You posted your comment a year ago- have you moved on? Did you find what you were looking for? I appreciate your comment. I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing the same pain that I am. I gave up on humanity. I stopped trying to connect with people. I'm completely isolated and alone. I'd honestly rather be alone than settle for someone I can't develop a meaningful connection with.

I work full time during the week but I have free time on nights and weekends. Although I love living alone because I come home to a clean, quiet, peaceful apartment..

Searching for a life partner or soul mate? Get to know yourself first.

It can be painful at times. I'm a very loving, affectionate woman. Not having someone to share affection with leaves me feeling empty and numb. I'm completely independent and self sufficient but I'm starting to feel dead inside because of my self imposed isolation. I could get back out into the singles scene and just have casual relations but that doesn't appeal to me.

Sharing myself with someone who's only interested in my body makes me feel like a used piece of meat. People these days don't want to put in the time or effort to make a lasting connection. However, census data does not capture the 10 to 15 percent of couples who permanently separate but do not file formal paperwork for a legal divorce. This means that a conservative estimate of the divorce and permanent separation rate is 60 percent. Add the additional 7 percent of chronically unhappy couples who do not divorce or permanently separate but are consistently unhappy in their marriage, and this means that two-thirds of all married couples do not live happily ever after.

Robert Greene , author of The Art of Seduction , explains that surprise is key to romantic feelings:. Hold on a sec. We can learn something here. And stay that way. Via The Art of Choosing:. The couples who had married for love and been together less than a year averaged a score of 70 points out of a possible 91 on the love scale, but these numbers steadily fell over time.

The love couples who had been married ten years or longer had an average score of only 40 points. In contrast, the couples in arranged marriages were less in love at the outset, averaging 58 points, but their feelings increased over time to an average score of 68 at the ten or more years mark. They have to spend a lot of time thinking about how to make it work.

Five experts reveal the secrets to long-term love

That process of discovery is ostensibly the fun of courtship, too, except that in arranged marriage the goal is to figure out how to be married, not whether to marry. Via Simple Secrets of Great Relationships:. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Bart Baggett's first book is now out-of-print. Although about the same contents, the newer book titled Handwriting Analysis for Love, Sex, and Relationships has fewer typos, cleaned up formatting and is generally a better book. However, for purely learning handwriting analysis, this book is a far cry from his current handwriting analysis courses which are now sold in 17 countries.

See Handwriting University dot com for his entire catalog. Like like any author, he has matured and so has the quality of his work. If you are dating, there is really no better treatise for selecting and dating than this book - priceless. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. I'll start by saying that, as a copy editor, I had to go through this book with my red pen in hand, correcting misspellings, punctuation, and awkward syntax.

Yet the content of the book remained enjoyable, even to me! Bart Baggett knows how to have fun. His writing style is lively and full of anecdotes from his own experience, and he's able to laugh at himself. His advice about matching up one's own handwriting with that of a prospective date is practical, and the information about mirroring body language to make the person you're with feel comfortable is interesting. Have read better books on this subject. One person found this helpful. This really works when you apply the concepts.

I was able to see and understand particularities quirks in others without ever having met them before. Just remember that people are not programmed robots; we change, we grow, and evolve constantly. Luckily, these changes also appear in the handwriting as they happen in real time. I have had the worst of luck with gorgeous-looking women for the longest time. I decided to look for the traits I wanted in a partner. Baggett is on the money when he describes how important the role of physical attraction until I found my last girlfriend, now my wife.

I have never been happier.

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Schoolteacher and nurse handwriting rocks! He is talented at handwriting traits but I would assume that his lower loops all run into the next lines every time - he has too many irons in the fire.