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Ben Burner, an unwilling participant in this sweeping transition, takes part in a backlash against the new system and is sucked into a maelstrom of events that force him to escape on a life-changing journey. In his travels, he makes a radical shift in his thinking and approach to life.

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Why You're Dumb, Sick and Broke How to Focus Your Time for Success. No Time for Tact. How to Motivate Employees. How To Talk To Anyone. The Heart of Leadership. The Law of Explosive Growth. How to Matter Where You Work. What to Say to Get Your Way. The Best Leaders Are Listeners. Summary and Analysis of Contagious: Why Things Catch On. Life Balance Is Fiction. And Then There's This. The Truth About Teaching. Negotiation for Life and Business.

Bring Your Superpowers to Work: A Joosr Guide to Getting Past No by William Ury: There will be no prisoners, because [they're] going to kill [us] anyway. An approaching helicopter is then heard.

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Everyone's relief turns to horror as they realize it belongs to the rebels, who open fire on the people below. As Jack's family runs for cover, the helicopter becomes entangled in electrical wires and crashes. Another band of rebels breaks through the blocked door and shoot most of the survivors as Jack and his family jump onto the roof of an office building next to the hotel. Jack looks back and sees the rebels holding up the "Welcome" banner from Cardiff with his photo on it, realizing he is a high-value target.

A tank targets the office building and fires into it indiscriminately.

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Jack's family hides under some debris as the rebels swarm the building and murder the employees. The family remains there for the rest of the day, until nightfall with a corpse hiding them. As Jack leaves their hiding place, he is spotted by a looting rebel whom Jack then kills, much to his, and Annie's, horror. They find a map, take clothes from the dead office workers to disguise themselves as locals, and make their way to the American embassy on a stolen moped. On the way, they manage to ride through a crowd of rebel demonstrators; one man notices they are foreigners, but says nothing, upon seeing the two young children riding with him.

Upon arriving at the embassy, they find it overrun and deserted, and have to flee, but not before being seen by a group of rebels, including the leader from the hotel massacre.

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The family takes shelter in a Buddhist shrine garden nearby, and are protected by the old property caretaker. The rebels enter the compound and start searching for them. Jack attempts to steal a gun, and Annie comes out from hiding in order to draw attention away from Jack, while Lucy and Beeze hide.

After discovering the gun is unloaded, Jack is beaten and restrained. As the group's leader is about to rape Annie, Hammond and Kenny enter the garden and shoot most of the rebels except for the leader, who escapes. The two men take the family to a nearby brothel, which they pass through on their way to the large tower on the roof. As they eat, Hammond explains that he and Kenny work for the British government.

He and other agents talked the former government into making deals with companies like Cardiff. As these deals allowed the companies to "own" the government through debt, they angered the people, which led to the uprising. Hammond explains that their plan is to get to the nearby river, commandeer a boat, and sail across the border to Vietnam , where they hope to receive asylum. As their children sleep, Annie and Jack tearfully tell each other that they have no regrets on their life together, preparing themselves for the fact that they could likely die the next morning.

Before they can enact their plan, the group is attacked by rebels, who kill Kenny and wound Hammond. Hammond sacrifices himself to disable a rebel truck following them. Near the riverbank, Annie and the kids hide as Jack finds a fisherman and trades his watch and shoes for a boat. The fisherman hears the rebels approaching, and hides Jack beneath an old boat.

Escaping Revolution

Not long after, the leader who escaped earlier comes back with another group, captures Jack, and prepares to execute him. Lucy leaves her hiding place, distracting the group leader, whose shot hits Jack's shoulder. The leader then catches Lucy, puts a gun in her hand and one to her head and orders her to kill Jack. She refuses, but Jack encourages her to shoot him to potentially save herself.

Before Lucy can make a choice, Annie intervenes and hits the leader in the head, and bludgeons him to death with an oar while Jack grabs the man's gun and kills the remaining rebels. The family board a boat and paddle downriver toward the Vietnamese border. The long-term political objectives of the royal couple and their closest advisors remain unclear. A detailed document entitled Declaration to the French People prepared by Louis for presentation to the National Assembly and left behind in the Tuileries indicates that his personal goal was a return to the concessions and compromises contained in the declaration of the Third Estate on 23 June , immediately prior to the outbreak of violence in Paris and the storming of the Bastille.

Private correspondence from Marie Antoinette takes a more reactionary line looking to a restoration of the old monarchy without concessions; though referring to pardons for all but the revolutionary leadership and the city of Paris "if it does not return to its old order".

Prodded by the queen, Louis committed himself and his family to a disastrous attempt of escape from the capital to the eastern frontier on 21 June This would have involved the splitting up of the royal family, however, thus Louis and Marie-Antoinette decided on the use of a heavy and conspicuous coach drawn by six horses.

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Due to the cumulative effect of slow progression, time miscalculations, lack of secrecy, and the need to repair broken coach traces, [12] the royal family was thwarted in its escape attempt after leaving Paris. Louis himself chatted with peasants while horses were being changed at Fromentieres and Marie Antoinette gave silver dishes to a helpful local official at Chaintrix.

Finally, Jean-Baptiste Drouet , the postmaster of Sainte-Menehould , recognized the king from his portrait printed on an assignat in his possession. When the royal family finally returned under guard to Paris, the revolutionary crowd met the royal carriage with uncharacteristic silence and consequently, complete shock rippled throughout the crowd at the sight of their king. The royal family was confined to the Tuileries Palace. From this point forward, the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic became an ever-increasing possibility. The credibility of the king as a constitutional monarch had been seriously undermined by the escape attempt.

After they returned, the National Constituent Assembly agreed that the king could be restored to power if he agreed to the constitution. However, various factions in Paris like the Cordeliers and the Jacobins disagreed, and this led to a protest at the Champ de Mars; the protest turned violent, resulting in the Champ de Mars Massacre. From the autumn of on, the king tied his hopes of political salvation to the dubious prospects of foreign intervention. At the same time, he encouraged the Girondin faction in the Legislative Assembly in their policy of war with Austria, in the expectation that a French military disaster would pave the way for the restoration of his royal authority.

Prompted by Marie Antoinette, Louis rejected the advice of the moderate constitutionalists, led by Antoine Barnave , to fully implement the Constitution of , which he had sworn to maintain. He instead secretly committed himself to a policy of covert counter-revolution. The king's failed escape attempt alarmed many other European monarchs, who feared that the revolutionary fervor would spread to their countries and result in instability outside France. Relations between France and its neighbors, already strained because of the revolution, deteriorated even further with some foreign ministries calling for war against the revolutionary government.

The outbreak of the war with Austria in April and the publication of a manifesto by the Prussian commander, Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick , threatened the destruction of Paris if the safety of the royal family was again endangered. Upon hearing this, Parisian radicals stormed the Tuileries Palace on 10 August