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A partire dalla primaria: Rafforzamento del piano formativo per le lingue straniere, a partire dai 6 anni. Per la prima volta compare il coding e il pensiero computazionale insieme, senza presentare una definizione o una spiegazione della differenza tra i due termini. Il testo fornisce solo un accenno di uso di sinonimo per coding, come abbiamo visto a pagina Invece, non appare emergere una definizione per il pensiero computazionale. Riforma del sistema nazionale di istruzione e formazione e delega per il riordino delle disposizioni legislative vigenti.

Come afferma Werner et al. O come asserisce Wing O come recita Resnick, in un suo famoso discorso su TED Secondo Grover et al. In fase preliminare, il rapporto cerca di disambiguare i diversi termini utilizzati nei vari Paesi, anche se vedremo non appare semplice. Sugli aspetti educativi, il report si limita a dichiarare: Esiste una definizione condivisa di pensiero computazionale?

La discussione sugli aspetti educativi e pedagogici appare ancora poco condivisa a livello interdisciplinare. Altri Paesi nel mondo appaiono coinvolti in questo rinnovo del curriculum, come: La Wing propone la seguente definizione di pensiero computazionale: Informatica non significa programmazione dei computer. Non sono gli artefatti che produciamo che possono esser presenti ovunque e influenzare le nostre vite.

Sono invece i concetti computazionali che utilizziamo per risolvere i problemi, per gestire le nostre vite quotidiane e per comunicare e interagire con gli altri. Ma seguire la discussione del workshop consente di entrare in merito agli stessi approcci degli autorevoli esponenti che hanno partecipato e come questi affrontano le questioni educative. Dalle discussioni emergono interessanti elementi da cui partire che potrebbero essere condivisi anche qui in Italia, in una discussione allargata con un approccio interdisciplinare.

Quale visione educativa del pensiero computazionale? Siamo chiaramente agli esordi ma questa sarebbe una buona occasione per ripensare alla literacy di base. A suo avviso si possono sintetizzare le diverse definizione in due posizioni, che sono utili anche per noi per un ragionamento successivo. La risoluzione di un problema consiste nella trasformazione dello stato corrente nello stato obiettivo attraverso metodi soddisfacenti.

Infatti, come sottolineano Grover e Pea Barring some recent studies, such as Fadjo, Lu, and Black and Berland and Lee , few others have taken into account contemporary research in the learning sciences in socio-cultural and situated learning, distributed and embodied cognition, as well as activity, interaction and discourse analyses. Conclusioni aperte Bruner afferma: Finally, a theory of instruction seeks to take account of the fact that a curriculum reflects not only the nature of knowledge itself but also the nature of the knower and the knowledge-getting process.

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A curriculum is the enterprise par excellence where the line between subject matter and the method grows necessarily indistinct. A body of knowledge, enshrined in a university faculty and embodied in a series of authoritative volumes, is the result of much prior intellectual activity. To instruct someone in these disciplines is not a matter of getting him to commit results to mind. Rather, it is to teach him to participate in the process that makes possible the establish-.

Computational thinkers tend to break problems into functional pieces that have meaning beyond the particular situation in which they are being used. These functional pieces can then be called on repeatedly in solving the problem or combined in new ways to solve new problems and achieve new goals and challenges. We teach a subject not to produce little living libraries on the subject but, rather, to get a student to think mathematically for himself, to consider matters as historian does, to embody the process of knowledge-getting. Knowing is a process, not a product Bruner, , p. Sul piano della ricerca educativa si apre un terreno davvero interessante.

Modelli che si basano su quali strategie di insegnamento e apprendimento? Quale tipo di formazione iniziale per gli insegnanti della primaria e secondaria di primo grado? Altro problema, quale tipo di aggiornamento? Come insegnare il pensiero computazionale e il coding per gli studenti in fase di sviluppo cognitivo? Rimangono altre questioni in sospeso come: Al momento, molti concorsi in ambito scolastico esempio sul coding, robotica, etc.

Qui solo per citare alcuni problemi, senza la pretesa di essere esaustivi. In rete si possono trovare diversi corsi gratuiti di coding, come quelli offerti da istituzioni accademiche esempio, Coursera [https: La selezione bibliografia normative, articoli scientifici, volumi fa riferimento fino alla data della medesima conferenza.

In corso di pubblicazione. New frameworks for studying and assessing the development of computational thinking. Some theorems on instruction in reading. Demystifying computational thinking for noncomputer scientists. Unpublished manuscript in progress, referenced in http: Digital Agenda for Europe: Digital Agenda for Europe, Coding - the 21st century skill [online].

Educational Researcher, 42 1 , A statewide survey on computing education pathways and influences: In Proceedings of the ninth annual international conference on International computing education research pp. Coding classes trending across EU schools. In EU code week Retrieved May, 7, MIUR , July Facciamo crescere il Paese [online]. National Research Council US. Committee on Information Technology Literacy.

Being fluent with information technology. Committee for the Workshops on Computational Thinking: Report of a workshop on the scope and nature of computational thinking. Report of a workshop of pedagogical aspects of computational thinking. A framework for K—12 science education: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. Midoro a cura di , La scuola ai tempi del digitale. Children, computers, and powerful ideas. How to Solve It. Technical report European Schoolnet. IT fluency from a project-based program for middle school students. Journal of Computer Science Education Online, 2, Communications of the ACM,49 3 , Adult Education in a global society: Just at the time when Adult Education is becoming more and more the character of an utilitarian, instrumental intervention required by the exigencies of technological upgrading of production world and signs of serious employment crisis in all sectors, it must also preserve the other function, that of activity meeting the most intimate needs, of more intense spirituality and freedom of the individual.

Education, Globalization, Society, Adults, Technology. Globalization is one of the most popular arguments of contemporary non-fiction. It is dealt with everywhere, from newspapers to television, from specialized texts to informative work. The formulations range among sociologistic and ideologistic ones, and thus, this cultural, social and political phenomenon ends up splitting in a Manichean and dogmatic way those approaching it. Some consecrate its manifestations, convinced that the economic model supporting it is the best possible, resulting in the exaltation of a conservative mindset of free market and, in short, of a substantial neo-colonialism.

In this line, education and globalization seem to restore a circular relationship strained to following of the same goal: The public-economic transformations, above all, cause a true displacement, expressed in eschatological, apocalyptic attitudes Della Mora, As asserted by Francesca Rigotti, the globalization phenomenon, read in terms of history philosophy, or rather equipped with an origin in the past and a projection into the future, seams collocated at the end of the history.

Rigotti, Globalization, therefore, induces liberating and progressive enthusiasms and, at the same time, fears of various kinds: Ricoeur, It takes only these brief opening remarks to motivate the commitment and the subject of this work: It is no coincidence that in this decade we have been witnesses of a renewed commitment to reform in the field of training systems not only in the countries complaining backwardness or lack of reform, but in all countries, looking for the most advanced levels of quality and more effective answers to the educational needs of society.

Thus, the era of globalization, that is, our time, requires a rethinking of education in its two dimensions: But most importantly, it is necessary to rethink all the organizational and institutional models, in which education has traditionally been pursued: Before this document there had been a whole series of formal interventions and officials of international organizations OSCE, Council of Europe , that had attracted the attention of national governments on the influence that education policies were intended to exercise more and more incisively on policies for the development of economy and employment.

However, pedagogy cannot refer only to the acquisitions already made, nor feel satisfied of theoretical elaborations responsive to social needs — training of past decades or years, but it needs to continue providing its contribution not only in terms of theoretical research, but we would say especially in terms of researching the methods and operational solutions through which the ongoing education, from the utopia of educator or political and social operator, would become an educational programmatic and intentional prospective, able to transform the city and, even before that, the educational institutions and the social and cultural agencies equipped with the educational potential, to make of them a permanent educational environment.

Russo, It seems essential, in the economy of this work of ours, to dedicate a space large enough to the historical reconstruction of some moments of Adult Education that still today are more significant, certainly not to respond to simple needs of historical erudition, but for a substantial reason: Generally, the origin of Adult Education, as institutionalized activity through specific structures, with specific programs and appropriate teaching techniques, dates back to the movement created in Denmark by N.

Kold; this movement, in the mid-nineteenth century, promoted the creation of the first folk high schools Folkehojskole ; it should be stressed that Grundtvig fought for the peasants, who were leaving the school after having completed their compulsory schooling, in order to have kept alive Danish popular culture and strengthened, through culture, the national feeling. Lorenzetto, Thus, the inspiration for this model of educational institutions for adults was of a political and cultural character, responded to the need for educational continuity and for cultural updating and not so much to a recovery of non-literacy, as would happen instead in other social and historical realities.

The history of Adult Education is thus also the history of the battles fought by adults in society, in which they, as students and as teachers, were more and more incisively to assume a leading role and political significance. It must embrace, in its different levels, the entire system of human knowledge and ensure men in all ages of life the ease to keep their knowledge and acquire new ones.

Also in this year was opened the first Popular Universities, having a considerable development in all these countries until the. In the years between the First and Second World War, associations of Adult Education in some countries began to denounce the elements of crisis and stagnation, with respect to the momentum of the first two decades of the century; in others, as in Italy and Germany, they were suppressed by antidemocratic regimes. The concept of lifelong education, as evolution, transformation and enrichment of simple Adult Education often seen as pure instrumental literacy , appears after the Second World War and it is stated fully in the 60s.

As observed by Mario Mencarelli, the perspective of continuing education has emerged, rather than through theoretical reflection of educationists, in the concrete action of educators among adults, who realized, working in the spiritual and cultural ruins scattered by the war, that the illiterate adult does not need only the tools used to read and write, but he especially needs to recover the reasons of his own identity and freedom, to have a full awareness of his dignity as a human being.

This was an intuition of great importance, because it not only helped to radically change the methods for literacy skills, but above all, it gave birth to a new confidence, a renewed hope in education, a real new philosophy of education: Mencarelli, The discovery of this new dimension of education, that is, of its educational potential in the field of political rights of man and for the recovery of his selfpropulsive abilities, determined the interest of major international organizations, first of all the UN, that through UNESCO awarded to the continuing education the strategic function of pursuing the actual triumph of democratic virtues in the whole world, spreading the ethics of human rights, promoting the economic development of underdeveloped countries and groups that were living, even in rich countries, in conditions of marginality.

Hely, The concept, rather than the expression, was born in Montreal; it was during the conference that in Elsinore an idea had just flashed: It remains the historical importance of the Conference of Montreal, full of reunions forming a set of unprecedented international meetings on the subject, offering an opportunity for a deeper and complete study of the special problems implying adult educators. They allowed taking advantage of the experience, and technical specialists came to Montreal from all over the world.

The idea of lifelong education was able to establish itself becoming a fundamental pedagogical principle in all countries of the world: Simpson and the Permanent Education project designed and created by Bertrand Schwartz in collaboration with experts from all over Europe. From these Symposia, which are served to the knowledge and dissemination of avant-garde experience, has emerged, as it did during the conference of UNESCO, the political relevance of permanent education, that postulating the most extensive and continued promotion of human potential, is identified with democracy or — more properly, with the vis democratica.

That certainly cannot be denied, but we cannot assert that it has allowed a semantization of the concept of lifelong education in such a univocal way. Lengrand, It is difficult to determine how, in this process of clarification, there has been an influence — just for the remembered political dimension of lifelong education — of the ideological inspiration. It is necessary to declare which side it will take: The questions do not constitute a complete list: There is in this thesis the facing of a widespread and therefore eclectic philosophy in our time: Beyond eclecticism, in which the thesis is expressed, it is to admit in evidence that, in this way, the same expression permanent education becomes a philosophy, i.

There is no doubt that the permanent education can only be based on a secular, critical mindset, based on the dynamic activity of the region. But you cannot wait for all this to be achieved by spontaneous germination: At this rationalism, to which are equivalent sharp geometries, is inspired the already mentioned project of Education Permanente, which condenses the meaning of visits to avant-garde experiences performed in Europe in the school and outside the school, with children, youth and adults, people and the community in order to set up an ideal system, however limited, of permanent education.

It should also be considered the answer to the problem of teaching of personalism, which takes the person as a principle of a of lifelong education peda-. A school and culture policy for lifelong education The prospect of lifelong education would be destined to remain little more than a utopia, if every time it is discussed, are not indicated also ways, forms, concrete means by which it can be realized.

Puka, First of all, we must begin with what we have: Therefore, a serious and pragmatic approach of a policy aiming to build a model of permanent education must start from the critical analysis of these agencies and institutions that already exist, assessing their consistency and compliance with respect to the project and need for a lifelong educational process, rethinking and updating them as necessary, to imagine and create new ones; most importantly, to create a coordination and planning of training activities that the society, in its complex, is able to express.

The identification of permanent education with the principle of self-education allows us to consider the whole movement for Adult Education as a special moment of the broader movement of contemporary pedagogy, that is, the activism pedagogy. Each segment of discourse has highlighted various challenges, ranging from the availability of facilities to the necessary skills, not to mention the lack of motivation that people and social groups reveal sometimes to the initiatives of permanent education.

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In this respect, the legislative action, both at central and regional or departmental level, it is important: In other countries such as Netherlands, Norway etc. The comparative study of situation of individual countries shows that unfortunately achievements on this plan are rather modest. In reality, there is perhaps still to acquire a precise conviction on this plan: The negative look, the most obvious pathology exhibited by the education system is that of disintegration: The first image is that of the school as a cultural toy increasingly broken, to pieces in its interior degrees and in its relationship with other training agencies: It is the ancient scourge of discontinuity: In other words, the turtle-school awkwardly impersonating a cultural coin education off-course, rarely spent in social districts that possess cultural goods by alphabets and knowledge from one thousand miles more advanced than those cooked — often rhetorically and pathetically — inside the school.

This is the strong thesis, shouted chorally by the international relations. The pedagogy has always devoted her attention to the problems of growing age, moving on the general assumption that the intellectual, theoretical training preceded the practical application: The reflection on the new focuses the attention on a hypothesis built for both the institutional and organizational aspect, as well as for the content-cognitive aspect. There are various elements that are introduced and that qualify the new option, but for the fact that they are considered important and essential, represent the values around which to build the new model.

The pedagogical option remains, however, the central point giving a new meaning to these components and it is based on the concept of relationship. Puka, With this choice are addressed differently classic dichotomies of study and work, intellectuality and manuality, basic training, technical—professional—citizenship training. The study is certainly an acquired value; it has always been a value, even if in the past only for a few. Today it is definitely considered an essential value for all. The problem to be addressed is not so much the value of the study for all, but the relationship that the study needs to establish with another value, that of labour.

The news does not therefore regard the study, but the introduction of labour concept in the curriculum of study as a training concept, essential to understanding the labour itself. In this different vision of curriculum, the subject of labour represents the new fact and contributes to a better definition of the relationship with other contents and, above all, with the fundamental value: The cognitive aspect of labour covers only one part of the subject, while the other regard real operations, that is its dynamic in the moment in which it is implemented and put in act.

The organization of training must therefore be established, compared to the past, in a different relationship with the labour world and its multiple expressions. Between study and work are identified a series of cooperation forms representing articulated models of possible modalities and, as a result, of learning. We can thus enter into the logic of identification of learning not with the study only, but also with different forms of study - labour.

So it can be argued that the study is only a modality of knowledge and that in order to achieve a better knowing, it is essential to correlate the forms of study with the forms of labour. The study is not the only condition for knowing. Knowledge is the product of integration between theoretical and operational dimension.

The man is a unity in the itinerary of his training, and such unity must be constantly maintained. It should therefore be avoided to implement forms of separation which would lead to consider periods, in which is present only the formation of the intellect, followed by other periods, in which is present only the technical operational training. The immediacy of the operations is instead maintained during the period of training in all of its moments. The integral formation of man, before being a fact of content, is a profound methodological option. Along the same line of thinking must be considered the distinction between basic education and technical—professional training.

This statement clearly expresses the link existing between labour and citizenship. The constitution has intended to give labour a primary value as reported to the manner in which the subject, the person, is placed with his entire life in the productive and cultural environment.

What the labour today requires, in pedagogical point of view, is to be correlated in a closer way to the reflexivity and therefore to be able to establish a different relationship with the traditional world of study. While at school and in different educational institutions is asked for more attention in the subject of labour and its relationship with the world of production, at work, today, one must be required to be open to refection about the own operations and therefore to consider this new aspect as an essential element of the own qualitative development.

The right to citizenship passes through these very important moments: He must pass from the concept of labour as a means to that of labour as a significant object for his humanization. The first political citizenship of man addresses this need, to contribute to the social development through the humanisation of labour; it passes through reflection and awareness. This appears as the fundamental political option understood as participation in the social construction; for the subject that assumes and builds it, this is an essential and personal pedagogical option.

Recent data on schooling of workforce show a strong need to enhance and strengthen the area of basic skills. It is in fact difficult to deal with personal and professional life relying on a very small wealth of basic skills, with half of the employed population made up of workers deprived of title, with a certificate of primary school and up to a level of compulsory schooling.

Lodigiani, The need to participate in educational activities at different moments of personal and working life is a right which must to be accessed by large numbers of populations, with particular development of reception measures for the strata at high risk of social exclusion and productive in relation to the necessities of restructuring their personal and working projects. Another area of primary importance which could partly meet the school institutions is the offer of orientation moments and counselling services to facilitate the re-entering into training routes, to support learning outcomes and marketability, in collaboration with other local structures in charge of them.

Learning to learn, learning to know, are also the essential functions of the apprehension model that the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century of UNESCO indicates as one of the founding pillars of education and training for the millennium to come. The goal of any educational process becomes therefore the facilitation of construction and development of cognitive and affectivemotivational structures that allow being able to learn more and better in the future.

In this prospective, the apprehension comes to represent thus not only and not that much the condition of possibility of every educative intervention, but. The studies in the ambit of cognitive sciences of psycho-pedagogy of apprehension have contributed to a deep redefinition of the concept in question. The apprehension is thus understood as both individual and social process, peculiarly connoted by the cognitive configuration of the subject and the bio-cultural conditions having produced, and also substantially modulated and solicited him by the characteristics of the respective contexts and social relations.

Knowles, The adult learning is configured as unique and peculiar compared to that of childhood or adolescence. In the adult, the cultural ego is more structured, and the previous experiences of training are more settled both in cognitive and affective terms. They mutate the necessities of knowledge in self-concept, the role of lived experiences, willingness to learn, guidance and motivation.

The cognitive procedures and structures of knowledge brought into play are also very different. At the base of apprehension processes in adult age exists in fact a particular need to know, of which it is important to become fully aware. The personal experiences of life and training, previous learning and educational experiences constitute a solid background, which represents an important and significant resource to recognize and use. The willingness to apprehend is strongly oriented to the satisfaction of specific and particular needs and the cognitive orientation to learning is strongly centred in real life and focused on specific tasks.

The reasons, finally, are primarily internal, and learning is seen as an opportunity for personal growth, expansion and improvement. In this perspective, the adult is recognized as being able to personally manage his apprehension processes depending on the individual choices and training needs.

It becomes thus possible to hypothesize experiences of self directed learning, built on basis of demands for change and growth that should be identified and recognized in order to be transformed into viable projects for self-training, through mediation interventions facilitating the clarification and promoting awareness of their needs and ways of learning. The very close relationship between learning and changing is highlighted by all the authors that — in a pedagogical perspective — have proposed hypothesis of definition and analysis of complex mechanisms by which man is adapted to the environment and, together, assimilate him to his own cognitive structures and patterns of action.

In some cases, the change is seen as an intrinsic condition to learning; in others, the change is understood rather as an indicator of learning; and in still others, learning and change are even identified with each-other. In any case, regardless of the different emphasis placed on the role and function of learning in relation to change, it is evident that the pedagogical intervention becomes possible precisely in virtue.

Piaget, It means to deeply modify the own epistemological and existential asset. It means giving new and different meanings to the own experiences. It means changing attitudes and habits. Learning represents therefore an instance of change, which deeply affects the processes of formation and constitutes the condition for the possibility of educational intervention, built by its nature in function of change. Demetrio, Learning, change, education are therefore the elements of a continuum that enriches and modifies the process of human formation, determining in it continuous occasions for growth, in terms of a positive transformation.

La formazione verso il Terzo Millennio. Theory and Cultural Practice at the End. University of Pennsylvania Press. Manuale di Educazione degli Adulti. La Scuola e i suoi problemi. La formazione e lo sviluppo. Scuola di base e educazione permanente. From adult education to continuous training: Journal of Education and Social Research, 2 6 , Globalization as a breakthrough in the education field, the role of the human identity in the contemporary society. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3 2 , Educazione degli adulti e dinamiche interculturali. Civilisation universelle et cultures nationales.

Chi ha paura della globalizzazione? Iride, 31 , International Encyclopedia of Education, 6, The only interpretation is an epistemological-hermeneutical one. It is definitely evident how theory and praxis are merging, resulting in the shift from a contemplative to an active knowledge: In science of education, we must ban the constraints deriving from a programming of an adult type and activist infatuations in the name of a spontaneity without any humanity.

Educators and pedagogists should wonder about the possible responsibilities correlated to the event. Pedagogy must take new routes than the ones covered up to now, which often produced a kind of an isolation with respect to the other human sciences. To do so, it should acquire the skill to discuss with both the philosopher and the porter.

Educability, Trans-disciplinarity, Capabilities, Experience, Educational demand. Esse si trovano in un rapporto dialettico. Entrambe le condizioni sono indispensabili e inderogabili. Senza questo a priori, nessuna azione pratica sarebbe giustificata e nessuna teoria fondata. Dovrebbe essere allora del tutto normale e scientificamente legittimo che di altre esperienze possano esistere letture di senso diverso, non necessariamente corrispondenti a quella pedagogica.

Alla stessa stregua, dovrebbe essere normale e scientificamente legittimo che di altre esperienze possano esserci letture dalla chiara connotazione pedagogica: Da questo punto di vista, riteniamo che il momento teoretico-filosofico, inve-. Un tempo in cui, la relazione teoria-prassi declina orizzonti e mondi possibili e reali, la cui esistenza e concretezza si lega al livello di capacitazione dei soggetti che descrivono, riempiono, significano e sostanziano quei mondi.

Non soltanto sul piano della produzione, ma anche sul piano delle innovazioni e dello scambio di conoscenze Field, Rovesceremo i destini se impareremo a stare assieme. E la comprensione consiste nella individuazione dei significati delle relazioni logiche. Una volta che sia stata posta sotto analisi e quindi differenziata deve essere ri-sintetizzata e poi integrata nel continuum delle nostre storie di vita. Lo scienziato, si pensi ad esempio al nostro Galilei, ha. In base a queste ipotesi asserisce le sue raccomandazioni pratiche.

Lo sforzo di comprendere meglio la struttura della pedagogia ci consente di vedere come tale teoria potrebbe essere messa alla prova. Una teoria educativa potrebbe essere dimostrata come inadeguata se le sue ipotesi sono difettose. Ovvero, false rispetto alle evidenze, oppure non testabili o incompatibili con i principi morali accettati o se sono inconciliabili con i presupposti. Se fallisce in uno di. Lo scienziato riflette su di esso e genera ipotesi di spiegazione su modelli interpretativi elaborati dalla esperienza. Una impresa diventa scientifica soltanto quando si cercano e individuano teorie esprimibili in proposizioni empiricamente dimostrabili.

La questione in discussione, pertanto, si trasforma nella domanda: Questo potrebbe essere fatto, ad esempio, mostrando che i suoi obiettivi sono stati realizzati. Oppure che questi sono moralmente accettabili. Che le sue ipotesi sono state sostenute da adeguate prove. In altre parole, la teoria potrebbe essere convalidata dimostrandosi razionalmente difendibile. Ci possono essere, naturalmente, teorie indifendibili, in quanto vi sono teorie indifendibili in ogni ambito. Non tutte le teorie educative possono essere in grado di resistere al tipo di critica di cui sopra: Ci sono procedure razionali per respingere o confermare una teoria educativa.

Un insegnante che, ad esempio, voglia essere sicuro nel suo lavoro professionale deve avere una teoria generale in questo senso. Deve essere chiaro circa i suoi obiettivi e la misura in cui essi possono essere giustificati. Presi insieme, questi gli daranno le prescrizioni generali di cui necessita che possono essere applicate nelle particolari circostanze della sua classe.

Per queste ragioni, ad esempio, Mario Gennari riteneva che la pedagogia sia scienza in quanto costituita da un organico sistema di saperi. Per fare questo, la peda-. Molti possono essere i fattori che compongono una problematica pedagogica: Soprattutto deve chiarire quali siano, in termini operativi, quindi non assoluti o definitivi, i confini del suo orizzonte conoscitivo e per raggiungere tale obiettivo deve rispondere ad alcune questioni fondamentali.

Allo scopo di progettare e attuare interventi educativi. Una problematica pedagogica ha elementi caratteristici:. Metodologia della ricerca pedagogica. Trattato di Pedagogia Generale. La Nuova Italia Bertin, G. La capacitazione in prospettiva pedagogica. Trattato di pedagogia generale. A cura di L. Pedagogia, scienza prima della formazione. Capabilities as fundamental entitlements: Sen and social justice. Per una rilettura del pensiero di J. Il mantello di Arlecchino: Visible learning vs pratiche educative e formative in Europa: Visible learning vs education and training practices in Europe: ABSTRACT Visible, meaningful learning that links knowledge to the real world - focused not only on knowledge at skills, but also on dispositions and values - links the competences of teachers and school leaders to learning outcomes, and foregrounds the evaluation of the impact of teaching.

This requires collaborative professionalism, and a widespread evaluation culture in schools and training contexts, organized as professional communities of practice. This can also tackle the challenges of future global scenarios, where school institutions might become key learning hubs, or compete with a variety of resources and organizations, as just one out of many possible options. The recommendations of the European Commission, within the cooperation programme ET, are attuned with these perspectives.

The preparation of teachers, trainers and school leaders is viewed as a learning continuum in collaborative environments, supported by effective leadership and governance. However, the shift from recommendations policy as discourse to effective implementation in specific contexts policy as practice requires implementation capacity and effective structures.

A key role can be played by human capital, and professional responsibility - of individuals and communities. Insegnare per promuovere apprendimento significativo significa ripensare le relazioni insegnante-alunno, costruendo nuove learning partnerships che bilancino struttura e autonomia, sostenute da processi continui di monitoraggio e valutazione degli apprendimenti.

In questa visione, una cultura valutativa in contesti scolastici e formativi che Hattie definisce empowerment evaluation — una valutazione che porta alla crescita e alla consapevolezza individuale e collettiva diventa fondamentale; implica dialogo e negoziazione su un significato condiviso di impatto, uso di strumenti valutativi condivisi, riflessione sugli esiti dei processi di valutazione, e una cultura di eccellenza ed alte aspettative che includa tutti gli studenti Ibidem, p.

Collaborazione, in questa prospettiva, significa apprendimento cooperativo trasversale — che coinvolga dirigente scolastico, docenti e discenti — e creativo, che consenta di imparare dagli errori e sperimentare, ricorrendo se necessario al supporto di esperti esterni. Si possono individuare alcuni punti fermi, in un terreno caotico e sconnesso come quello delle competenze dei docenti e della loro preparazione alla professione. Il secondo riguarda la coerenza nei processi di valutazione delle competenze dei docenti in diversi contesti e ruoli professionali, e in fasi differenti della carriera.

Il terzo e ultimo aspetto riguarda la visione di un continuum della formazione docente, che richiede coerenza e collegamenti tra le diverse fasi di sviluppo professionale e di carriera. Teacher Competence Frameworks in Europe: European Journal of Education, 49 3 , Preparing teachers for a changing world. Main findings from the survey and implications for education and training policies in Europe. Brussels, SWD final. Shaping career-long perspectives on teaching. What Students know and can do. An International Perspective on Teaching and Learning. How new Pedagogies Find Deep Learning.

The transfer of training: International Journal of Training and Development, 15, — What Works Best in Education: Alignment in Complex Education Systems: Achieving Balance and Coherence. The Future of the Teaching Professions. European Journal of Education, 46, — Global perspectives on teacher learning: The life-long, life-wide, and life-deep framework provides a broad conceptual framework for assessing how, where and why people in learnfare society learns. This paper aims to contribute to an understanding of how learnfare, based on strengthening the agency of citizens, gives the capability to freely choose and realize their human and social life projects.

In the transition to learnfare, the right to learn throughout life it is no longer tied to labor market needs but the social development of innovation. This new approach emphasizes a newfound centrality of the person who becomes responsible of the learning process in an autonomously and self-directed way.

Esiste infatti una mancata corrispondenza tra le competenze delle persone e le esigenze del mercato del lavoro Cedefop, Questi fattori modificano la forma e il significato stesso di apprendimento: Come ben argomenta la Spagnuolo , p. Il primo punto di attenzione introdotto dal l. Per questo risulta fondamentale collegare i processi di certificazione con le politiche di orientamento Il soggetto va accompagnato in. Ad essa vanno affiancate azioni di accompagnamento e consulenza orientativa, da realizzare in risposta a bisogni specifici individuali o di gruppo.

In Europa circa un adulto su cinque ha un basso livello di competenza in lettura, scrittura e matematica, e quasi uno su tre ha un livello molto basso o assente di competenza nel settore informatico. Il discente adulto si accosta a nuove nozioni, carico di prospettive di significato, date dalle sue esperienze, credenze e ideologie, oltre che stili di apprendimento acquisiti.

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Ovviamente i sistemi di significato non hanno un valore esclusivamente soggettivo, ma sono mediati col mondo e con gli altri soggetti attraverso il linguaggio. Chi apprende sceglie il percorso di apprendimento riflettendo sulle proprie forze e debolezze, ed esplorando nuove strategie che si adattino al proprio stile di apprendimento. Active ageing and the potential of ICT for learning. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Policy space and the governance of education: Transnational influences on institutions and identities in the Netherlands and the UK.

Comparative Education, 49, — Competenze strategiche e apprendimento permanente. Apprendere ad apprendere come risorsa strategica per la vita. Prime riflessioni in margine al decreto legislativo sulla validazione degli apprendimenti formali e non formali nel quadro della ratiodel modello delle competenze in ottica europea.

Prime riflessioni sul decreto legislativo 16 gennaio , n. Subjective Quantitative Measures of Human Agency. Social Indicators Research, 74 1 , — From Analysis to Implementation. Poverty Reduction Group, World Bank. Trends in global higher education: Tracking an academic revolution.

Apprendimento permanente e certificazione delle competenze, in in Buratti U. Heutagogy and lifelong learning: A review of heutagogical practice and self-determined learning. Exploring strategies to empower mature learners in higher education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 34 1 , Future skills supply and demand in Europe. Agency Formativa per il nuovo learnfare. Il valore generativo del lavoro nei contesti di Open innovation. Educational pathways between intergenerational dialogue and active citizenship. Innovative teaching and learning for all through new technologies and open educational resources.

Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies. Designing open education technology. The collective advancement of education through open technology, open content and open knowledge. Educazione e formazione dopo la crisi del welfare. Per un Trattato Europeo della Formazione. Nuovo contratto sociale e capitale formativo.

Dal welfare al lernfare. Does pedagogy still rule? The International Review of Research. Open and Distance Learning, 14, 96— Il lavoratore coinvolto, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, Longworth N. Trends shaping education The future of ICT and learning in the knowledge society. The future of learning: Office of the European Union. La Ricchezza Della Ragione. Global perspectives on higher education and lifelong learners. Apprendimento permanente e istruzione degli adulti per favorire la formazione alle competenze.

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The results, integrated in the always current corpus of knowledge belong to the personalist pedagogical tradition can encourage reimaging and rethinking of the foundational aspects of ethics of education. I traguardi neuroscientifici raggiunti in tal senso confermano quanto da sempre la teorizzazione e la prassi pedagogica sostengono: Il nostro lavoro si incentra sui meccanismi attraverso cui valori morali, regole della condotta sociale e disposizioni per il comportamento etico sono tra-.

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La succitata distinzione tra educazione e progettazione si riferisce alle implicazioni etiche delle neuroscienze educative. La distinzione riguarda invece la struttura della relazione educativa in questione. Se un bambino cambia il comportamento anche semplicemente per non farsi punire di nuovo, ha comunque fatto una scelta alla luce di una comprensione delle norme in gioco. La somministrazione forzata di sostanze psicotrope modifica invece il comportamento in modo diverso: La progettazione di una persona prescinde dal suo consenso e dalla comprensione delle aspettative e delle norme in questione: Prescrivere agenti psicotropi a minori differisce in modo significativo dalle situazioni in cui gli adulti scelgono liberamente di intraprendere tali trattamenti al fine di alleviare depressione, ansia ecc.

Un utilizzo etico delle neuroscienze potrebbe invece prevedere valutazioni mirate delle aree cerebrali che possano identificare le funzioni deficitarie e costruire programmi educativi che le rinforzino, senza interventi farmacologici. Tentare di ignorare stimoli potenzialmente dolorosi costa ugualmente: Recenti progressi nella comprensione delle basi biologiche di aspetti chiave del giudizio morale e del comportamento etico Gazzaniga, ; Zelazo et al. Nello studio erano stati assegnati, a diciotto soggetti sani di entrambi i sessi, sessanta dilemmi suddivisi in non morali, morali personali e impersonali, sotto forma di immagini proiettate su uno schermo, mentre il cervello dei partecipanti era studiato con fRMN.

Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel by Various - Free Ebook

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Tuttavia, i giudizi espressi dai pazienti con lesioni della CPVM su questioni morali di diverso tipo erano normali e confrontabili con quelli delle altre due tipologie di soggetti studiati. Si spera che il progresso di queste ricerche aiuti a definire meglio i meccanismi neurali sottesi ai nostri comportamenti morali e che tali conoscenze autino a comprendere complesse condizioni patologiche nelle quali i comportamenti morali sono carenti, con ricadute nei settori sia educativo che giuridico.

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The invitation to rethink the school aspire to a profound renewal, aimed at the heart of the problems that afflict it, enter immediately into an ecological, systemic vision, that is attentive to be redeployed them within the web of life and to give sense. Among them, evaluation merit particular attention, as called upon to play a regulatory function of the system, the results of which determine its efficiency in managing the complexity and sometimes even its same survival. In order to view this, it can not understand how it is necessary to set the criteria for the evaluation of the system if not from a deep understanding of the many, constant, stubborn resistance that accompanied the many innovations introduced over the years by the Ministry on evaluation.

System, School, Assessment, Resistance, Change. Sistema, Scuola, Valutazione, Resistenza, Cambiamento. Quanto al secondo criterio, il campione risultava quasi equamente suddiviso in docenti di ruolo e precari: Sono stati inseriti anche due items chiusi, per consentire agli intervistati di scegliere tra alternative prefissate di risposta. Riguardo allo stato di servizio, 12 dichiarano di essere di ruolo, mentre i restanti 8 componenti il campione dichiarano di non essere di ruolo.

Gli anni di servizio prestati a scuola variano, poi, da un minimo. Riguardo al genere, 14 degli insegnanti coinvolti nella ricerca sono femmine, 2 sono maschi e 4 non rispondono. Gli indicatori individuati sono: Coerentemente con quanto detto, ecco a seguire i valori assunti dai diversi indicatori, assegnati in base al numero di volte in cui vengono citati: In 7 non rispondono a questa domanda. In 6 non forniscono una risposta a questo quesito. Un solo soggetto risponde, invece, che una rilevazione standardizzata potrebbe essere utile per avere un quadro oggettivo e generalizzato degli apprendimenti raggiunti dagli studenti a livello nazionale: In relazione alle forme che si desidererebbe fossero adottate nella propria Istituzione scolastica risponde solo un docente: Essa trae origine dal fatto che molti di noi, e soprattutto le nostre grandi istituzioni sociali, sono rimasti legati a una visione del mondo sorpassata, una.

Si tratterebbe, insomma, prima ancora che di un problema politico o legislativo, di un problema culturale: Situazione, peraltro, tragicamente rimasta invariata nel tempo: O, almeno dovrebbe aumentare. Le mutazioni culturali, a differenza di quelle biologiche, sono un adattamento mirato. Riferimenti bibliografici Capra F. La rete della vita. In Enciclopedia Treccani, alla voce Evoluzione culturale. Valutare scuole e docenti. La struttura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche. Cultura della ricerca e pedagogia.

La ricerca qualitativa in educazione. Basics of Qualitative Research. Grounded Theory Procedures and Techiniques. Pratica educativa, Teoria estratta dalla pratica, Scrittura riflessiva. This work explores the epistemological foundations which guide the analysis of educational practices into a procedure of cognitive research, a training modality based on reflective thought. Non meno influente appare la questione dei professionisti che spesso si dibattono in conflitti di valore, obiettivi, scopi e interessi.

Cosimo Laneve e Elio Damiano; ta-. Il campione ha riguardato n. I setting su cui sono state focalizzate le osservazioni hanno riguardato quelli relativi agli interventi educativi. Desidero ringraziare tutti gli educatori che ho intervistato e che hanno partecipato alla presente ricerca. La domanda generativa ha inteso indagare la storia professionale: Scrittura e insegnamenti difficili.

Rapporto tra saperi teorici e pratici. Illustra il tuo parere in proposito rispetto alla tua professione di educatore. Le risposte sono state utili per inquadrare ulteriormente il campione e per registrare un primo dato sulla motivazione a scrivere da parte dei partecipanti alla ricerca. Considerazioni personali a proposito del contributo offerto dai due diversi ambiti al sapere e al saper fare educativo.

Rispetto alle rappresentazioni, sociale e personale, della figura di educatore, la maggior parte degli intervistati ha fatto emergere una visione positiva, ovvero di aiuto, ascolto, per quanto attiene alla rappresentazione personale, una visione negativa, di confusione, per quanto attiene a quella sociale. Il primo punto di vista,.

Molti quindi ammettono di aspettarsi nel futuro un maggior riconoscimento della figura professionale educativa ed una maggiore tutela. Taluni riscontrano come sia difficile adottare la scrittura. Ostacoli a livello di strumenti e ostacoli a livello mentale, per cui ci si sente disabilitati a scrivere. Martini -- Vincenzo Monti conferenza di E. Masi -- Ugo Foscolo conferenza di G. Chiarini -- Giacomo Leopardi conferenza di G. Pascoli -- Antonio Canova e l'arte de suoi tempi, conferenza di A. Venturi -- La musica, conferenza di E.

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