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Several hundred years after a change in the orbit of Jupiter sent the Earth into a new Ice Age, remnants of civilization battle over territory and technology. A generation has passed since Sam Monroe defeated the Great Khan, became King of Middle Kingdom, and ushered in an era of peace and prosperity, a time when Middle Kingdom grew even more powerful, driven by trade and emerging technology. In a grand gesture, Sam and Queen Rachel adopted the young son of their former enemy and raised him as a prince, second only to the heir to Middle Kingdom's throne. The accidental drowning deaths of the King and Queen trigger the assassination of the Crown Price.

Bajazet, too, is attacked, lest he serve as a rallying point for those who support the royal family.

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Barely twenty, the once-pampered Bajazet flees for his life. She practices a primitive medicine comprised of folk wisdom, her instincts and remnants of the knowledge that physicians once had at their hands, preserved from "copy-books," the remnants of books that have been copied and passed down through generations. The second installment, "Kingdom River," propels the Trappers' descendants to the Middle Kingdom, where they join forces to battle a Mongolian-style horde that crosses the ice to North America, led by a brilliant and cruel despot, Toghrul Khan.

Smith infuses these tales with scrupulous characterization and research, pulse-pounding adventure and battle scenes and a love of the natural world. They are an elegy for what's been lost, a testament to the survivors and to the power of nature, which has forcefully reasserted its domination over mankind. Duane Wilkins, science-fiction buyer for the University Book Store, says the trilogy is hard to categorize.

The store stocked the first book in its general fiction area, but it didn't sell until it was reshelved in science fiction. The "Snowfall" books appeal as much to fans of "alternate history" as to hardcore sci-fi fans, he says. During and after the war, young Mitchell attended military school on Mississippi's Gulf Coast.

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His feel for detail is evident in his memory of the place; it eerily recalls the windswept royal fortress on a Mississippi River island in "Kingdom River" with echoes of the movie "Apocalypse Now": It was very dark. The commander would pay Wagner and pace down those dark, windy corridors. He had a red bat with the name 'Hawkeye' engraved on it, though as far as I know, he never hit anyone with it.

Smith says he was just a clerk. But it was a school in the brutal side of human nature, and he learned how history can turn on a dime. He recalls "a big, thick, gray, spiral-bound document," documenting the Nazi plans for America once Germany and Japan had won the war.

There would be concentration camps in Hartford, Connecticut and Amarillo, Texas," because of its intercontinental rail links. Any person who failed to bow to a Japanese soldier would be executed on the spot. Every other page he will use a word and then say "Wonderful warm-time word! I could see it if he had one character who said that a lot, was fascinated by people using rare words or something, but it's EVERY character.

Snowfall Trilogy

Also, every sing I'm so happy to be finished with this series. Also, every single time a character says "Oh my God" or similar, the author states that only decades ago that would have gotten them killed down south.

Mar 18, Zedsdead rated it really liked it. Bajazet, adopted son of Sam Monroe, goes on a quest to make Boston pay for the murder of his brother and friends. As with book 2 of the Snowfall trilogy, the protagonist was a baby born in the previous volume. Solid, but not as good as the first two in the series.

The creatures of Boston feel lazy compared to books 1 and 2; now they're just human-animal hybrids instead of monstrous creations designed for a specific purpose. This is more of an occasionally dull road trip, after the frantic flight Bajazet, adopted son of Sam Monroe, goes on a quest to make Boston pay for the murder of his brother and friends. This is more of an occasionally dull road trip, after the frantic flight and search for a home of Snowfall and the war story that was Kingdom River.

Dec 03, William Gerke rated it really liked it. A fitting close to Smith's Snowfall series. All set in the same world with crossover of some characters, each book had a different tone. Moonrise follows the son of a fallen conqueror, adopted son of the River King, and what he does when his old life is shut away.

Adelantado Trilogy: Book Three - Part 1 Chapter 2 (Following the Tracks)

A tale of revenge, sacrifice, horror, love, and true humanity told in Smith's characteristic immersive style. These three are his only fantasies, and I'm very curious to read his other stuff which appears to be mostly crime fiction. Sep 30, Cynthisa rated it it was ok Shelves: Conclusion to the Snowfall Trilogy.

Prince Baj, the third generation crosses the east coast to take on Boston.

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Limp 'coming of age' sort of tale. Kinda dull - no real reason to care about Baj. Just a long, dull road trip mostly. Apr 22, George Riggs rated it liked it Shelves: Dec 22, Luke rated it liked it Shelves: Started well with a great chase sequence but then felt rushed, clumsy and saccharine by the end. Jan 28, James Willey rated it it was ok. A little long and tiresome but had to plod through it to finish the trilogy.

The Seattle Times: Books: 'Snowfall' sci-fi trilogy captures a fearsomely frozen future

Liked the two previous tales a lot. Basically an ice-age survival trek. Andrew Peterson rated it liked it Aug 19, Gerri Balter rated it did not like it Jun 17, Bob Steen rated it liked it Dec 23, Ed rated it really liked it Jun 14, Tim rated it it was amazing Jul 11, Noel rated it really liked it Aug 30, Michael rated it really liked it Jul 11, Trush rated it liked it Feb 01,