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I'm scared, literally scared, when I publish. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I wake up to verify that I conveyed the words in my heart. I want it to be perfect. I want perfection to be the goal of every man who reads the Website for Winners. If it isn't perfect it's dogshit. If it isn't art, if it isn't beautiful, it's shit. If you want to reach the top you do what it takes. The top, for me, is a perfect piece of digital poetry and I can't accept less. Even if it means I don't publish for 2 months.

Even if it means I delete articles I'm not happy with. My art has to be perfect. It's one of the most copied blogs in the world. I get thousands of emails thanking me for inspiring others to take the leap. I get hundreds of emails from young men telling me I'm the father figure they never had. It's nice to hear, but I don't need a thank you. I just want you to believe me when I say you aren't a victim of circumstance. I'm impatient, I'm capricious, I'm blunt, I'm not delicate with feelings ok, enough bragging but one thing I am is sincere.

What was required of me was total obsession. I gave away everything else in my life except for Bold and Determined. But money without a mission isn't worth so much. You hear about all these guys who retired early then got hooked on drugs, prostitutes and partying and got depressed. Stupid people will think that's because money makes you unhappy. The reality is that you will be unhappy if you don't have a mission in life. Pick the right girl to be your own personal cheerleader. Women can ruin your success, but the right woman can heighten your success.

Having the right cheerleader in your corner can be worth its weight in gold. If you don't have some love in your life you just see black and white, you can't see in color. Your soul feels empty when you're alone. We all need something to work for. Your woman, your kids, your family, your friends, even your dear ol' dog but we all need something and someone. I keep perfect records of my profit and expenses, and I can see a rise in income when I got miss Pride.

Before her my income was flatlined, steady. Every month since then, 1. That's because she's on the same page as me, she's there to help me make it happen, she has no other purpose in life other than to support me. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. I love your art, keep going! You right, it when like one second! What a big difference! The best bit is all his comments are spam comments with links to sales pages or dodgy websites and he replies to them all thinking they are a genuine enquiry!

Your girl looks very feminine, the way it should be. I just broke up with my girlfriend couple of days ago. Because my gut told me to. It seems that the gut even knows who you should hang around with. The masculine, the thirsty men with killer instinct I happen to be the best friends with.

And I am not even trying to be one or another — it all comes naturally. I especially agree with the last part. I ,also, see a rise in my productivity when I have a miss in my life. I want to thank you for helping me believe that I am not a victim to the system. I currently am suffering through my last year of college I promised my grandma long time ago that I would graduate but now I know that I have options. I am not in debt and I will go my own way after college.

When you work for someone you make a lot of money for the CEO and investors, but not much for yourself. Who develops new products? Who gets the most money? What happens to the engineers, accountants, sales peoples,etc.? This quote clicked with me this year. Although my results have not come in yet, I am on a mission, I am dedicated and obsessed, and I know in my gut that if I just keep going, my rewards will come. You have proven that yourself, Victor. You speak the truth and you speak it well. Your blog is my mentor. Plenty of hotties around, in the right cities. Live like no one will today so you can live like no one else can later.

Those who are successful are able to hone in and block out the shit keeping them from getting where they want to be. Everyone in my life serves a purpose. These people are my cheerleaders, my thought provokers and overall they are people who want me to succeed. My circle is small. No longer will I let the time it takes for me to hit my goals hinder me.

I know my mission. You friend, Dylan Madden. If you are really successful you could make it anywhere. You are successful and probably make about k a year and work for yourself- that is top. Wake up dude, there is more than one way to be successful. Do you think Bill Gates believes in any of the tenets of your philosophies? And he has changed the world for the better.

What has this obsession with perfection gotten me?

The top minds in the world are too busy inventing and advancing humanity to deal with small minds like yours. There are way more successful people than you. Why the negativity Brett? I highly doubt it. Which, by the way, is something else Bill Gates never did. How much do you make a year? You tried to fuck him.

You read the Bible Brett? The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. And I am the righteous man. Coffee just flew out my nose! You think the USA is the greatest country of all? The USA could be the greatest country of all if we could get rid of all the brain-dead liberals. Giving a person a job no matter their qualifications just because they are a minority is just plain stupid.

And…we are the only species that props up the weak. Although I completely agree with you about getting rid of brain-dead liberals and your further points after that. We have the same political nonsense here. One of the things I really like about Danger and Plays website, is that Mike weeds out the useless white nationalist posting there same crap everywhere. America is a great country if you are a member of the American banking and tech elite. All this talk about American being the greatest country in the world rationalized by citing the achievements of members of the American elite miss the point that it is they who achieved greatness, not you.

Be your own man. You must be the dumbest person I have ever met online. America is far from greatest country in the world — at best it may be in first Also your ideas of how Bill Gates thinks and what he did for succes are just ridiculous. You have no clue and you are too dumb to realise that. Next time you watch some robot being thrown to Mars just check out the white Americans in mission control. As far as I know, nasa employs top scientist from all around the world, regardless of they race.

I you want the best person, its pretty good chance they will be indian, russian or chinese. And having great space program is not criteria in making country great. It amazes me that people are so reluctant to admit that money buys happiness. Growing up my family was broke.

We always had food on the table, but never any luxuries that most of my classmates had. Day to day life was incredibly stressful. Sure, I enjoyed my time with friends and family. I kept a smile on my face. I made the most of everything. I thought I was happy, but I was optimistic. I was happy with myself as a person, but circumstances in my life impeded on my day to day happiness. I paid off all of my student loans and for the first time in my life a giant weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt free.

I had enough money that the decision to travel was a decision of time cost, not financial cost. In fact, I stopped looking at price tags. So, does money buy happiness? That depends on you. If you are broke and happy then that is great for you. Having more money will only amplify the person you already are. Congratulations to all of your success Victor and thank you for Bold and Determined.

Your money will bring you continued happiness because you are fulfilled by how you earned it. Truthfully, Western society has scarred many of us and all we can do is work our asses off for productivity and positivity and move on but the damage is there. The result is that the money I put in became ten times bigger.

Now I realise how stupid penny-pinching is as a business move. This is very true! The more money you invest in your business, the bigger the payoff. Penny-pinchers are afraid to take a risk. And the biggest risk is not taking one at all! I used to be a penny-pincher and finally realized how stupid it was. I stop by this website sometimes. Good job with the success man. I have been running my own business now for close to 18 months. I am an attorney and I practice personal injury litigation, business litigation and some immigration work. I love the freedom and absolutely CANNOT go back to the slavery of cuz there really is no such thing as in a job making over 35k per year.

The hardest part is when things get slow. When you begin to question yourself. The mental torture that takes place. I live in Southern Cali which I believe is one of the best places in the world. Self employment gives me the freedom to do these things. The things that I love. The gym is a funny place. I have been working out since 14 years old. I have had my off times but fairly consistent.

In the past 12 months my injury rate has skyrocketed. Now, it seems after a good rhythm develops I suffer some injury. In July I fucked my shoulder up real bad. I was really let down with this shoulder injury as it meant my hard days in the gym were toast. But thats when I started to head to the beach. It is absolutely mind blowing how terrified so many people are of the surf. Of all the people that I know in my social circle, TWO of them surf. And I know hundreds of people. Ill tell people I surf and their eyes bug out. Here are the common themes: Obviously it wasnt heavy for the surf monsters.

But it was heavy for me and heavy for Coming in fast and consistent, breaking DEEP. Being forced to ditch your board and curl up in the fetal position as a 6 foot face comes crashing on you does not get more humbling than that. Anyone can go into the gym and lift some weights. Its a completely different monster when you take on the forces of mother ocean especially when shes firing. Your bread and butter beach break turns alive when the right swell comes in you dont even recognize the place wondering if you fucked up and got dropped off in the wrong place.

Stick with it, gentlemen. Success will come to those who have the discipline to force themselves to WIN. Get out there and make something. Like angels singing, staring up at a clear blue fucking sky kind of lucid. You made me wake the fuck up. I have noticed in my life that truly successful people, i. Right there is a surefire way to know if someone is a winner or a loser: I disagree on one point. When youre 21 chasing women isnt a bad thing. Sure tie the knot once youre years old. But I heard a wise man once say that the mark are the wild years!

If you have to chase them, you are wasting your time and effort. Would you say one develops that attitude through the doing? Like the process itself, it just takes time? I get crazy thoughts in my head all of the time and I entertained the idea of how they might of came up with this slogan and it probably went something like this:. The suits of Nike went to the research and development team and told them that they needed a catchy slogan and they had a 3 week deadline.

After tossing ideas back and forth and over-analyzing potential slogans, they were unfruitful. Blank stares filled the room. No one uttered a word. Everything takes time, John B. We all have 24 hours in a day, but what separates the winners from the losers is how each individual decides to spend their time. But some progress is better than none. Going to give it a go. Looking through job listings for the sparse, underpaid and oversubscribed opportunities they offer pushed me over the edge to create my own site.

A little advice from me about job listings: Life is hard enough. Why put yourself through stupid filters other people create? This is the best article you have ever written. Keep it coming, I recently bought Body of a Spartan and will begin changing my body. You have been an inspiration. I was a broke, nice guy. Your blog helped me come out of the depression. I energized myself, cleared my concepts. Not every Alpha lives the life of a player.

A lot of Alphas have a women that adds value to them and does not detract. Mainly because they know how handle a woman and put effort into the training. I was thinking about this the other day. My wife remembers more about my life than me. She is like my biographer. Now you have to build out your legacy in blood. She wanted to stay simple. I sold out my half of the company.

Thanks for giving me the encouragment I needed to quit my bum day job and go into business for myself. I was married for 20 years. The relationship was very bad, but I thought I could fix it. I have since met a wonderful woman who is as goal-oriented and driven as I am. I can see progress already in how I approach life.

I was waiting for a new article and I saw a post from Bold and Determined on facebook. This is a great article. Even I am obsessed with persistence. Now I worship persistence and articles like these lets me know that Iam on the right track. Your work reminds me of those black monoliths from They triggered a shift in evolution.

The core is the same from the beginning, solid granite. You keep on bringing it closer to its most polished, simplest form. A lot of scared people look to politicians for guidance, but the way you say things is beyond what most of them are able to. One of my favorite post with evolution of pride and how to channel anger the one which brang me here.

Succesful people should have children. Losers already procreate enough. There is no set time to have a successful business! Its what you put into it that determines how long it will take to build your business into a successful venture. I cannot understand why people ask him those questions he mentioned in his post above when most entrepreneur books and blogs say that there is no set time to make a business successful. I can understand why he just does not respond to those inquiries as the answer is already out there all you have to do is Google it. Most people do not want to change their lifestyles and their way of thinking and just want to sit back and get the money!

Did you get a chance to read my email yet? The one about the proofreading? I also need a professional email reader to go through all my mails. I was all this time waiting for your next post! We have the exact same philosophy on writing, and I truly respect you for sticking to excellence in your craft.

Thanks for being YOU good sir. My last girlfriend and I just broke up, and you know why, she is working on building a business, has the drive and passion, commitment and singular focus on that. She needs a supportive girlfriend! There is nothing for me to do there, as a man. This kind of relationship for a man can turn you into that bum Victor mentions if you let it. Time to buckle back down, and put limits on myself and any woman in my life. I am a ambitious 19 year old and A few days ago I was talking to my friends about starting an empire NOW that we are young to start reading and learning.

The result was them telling me that I am not humble and that I was thinking I am better than them and that I am egocentric when I just want to be BIG in life and I want all of us to go up. I do not know if they were trying to drag me down or they just did not see the message I was trying to give. I feel the biggest separation from guys like us to the average people is desire.

Think the only time he even implied that marriage would be valid was if you had the appropriate type of gal and a plan on having children. Victor, perfect timing with this article. With those beliefs, anything can be accomplished. Your life is a testimony to this truth. Or do I have to go overseas? It seems like the rent here is expensive no matter how shitty the apartment or house is.

I just celebrated year 1. Congratulations on the fourth anniversary of Bold and Determined Victor! Excellent article, timely and high value. Money takes care of any problem. Doctors that are the best on earth have often intentionally chosen not to be in network for any insurance plan this gives them the freedom to do what has to be done to keep patients like me alive. They generally do not take new patients, and the fees are high, but worth the cost.

Some have wealth, some fame, some power, some influence or combinations of these. When some of these people found out my condition, they made calls. The doctors that had given up on me were suddenly replaced and I was sent into one of two programs in the world that bring people with strokes and traumatic brain injuries back to walking, talking and normal life in record time. Money helps build relationships that matter.

Money and nurturing the right relationships will save your life, restore your ability to walk, talk and other necessary body systems. Remove your fear of money. Without it, I would be dead. Much love Jeana xxxx.

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Even in Denmark where health care is free, the best and most efficient health care is private and paid. Excellent article, as usual. I could talk all day about money, but I will keep it short. And…happiness is only real when it is shared. All have been used to describe me by people who waste away playing social media games and watching reality television.

When I first went into college got out of there as soon as I could I made the decision to take my life into my own hands. My journey to self-transformation started with my journey to get in shape. I got my ass up at 5: I planned my routines to the tee before ever putting them into play, for those who fail to plan plan to fail. I kept my diet as clean as I could at the time, no matter what parties were going on or what kind of health bombs they were serving in the dining commons. It was this taste of obsession, drive, and success that led me down a radical path where I would design my body, my life, and eventually my world as I saw fit.

I had a taste of the power of indomitable drive and I began to aim my laser focus towards creating the life I dreamed to live. I spent days a week commuting to NY to audition for any and all offers I saw suitable for my skill level. Lo and behold, one of the top casting directors saw my newly built body, my honed skill, and my obsessive drive.

After that, I was cast to work as a professional singer for Royal Caribbean International, and the rest is history. Now, I get to spend my days travelling all over the world working less than 12 hours a week, devote myself to bettering my life and the world I live in, and making a killing while growing my own online company. Infinite gratitude, Markos J. Excellence has to permeate every thing that you do in order to be successful. From the words that come out of your mouth, to your clothing and grooming through to your thoughts. Basically you have to punch up to a higher plane and stay there despite all the internal and external forces that try pull you back down.

To be honest getting there is hard. Another great article Vic, and great timing too. This article will help me over the next few weeks to remember exactly WHY I want to be so focused and HOW to remain that way throughout In short, is the last year of my bum mentality. From this point forwards, I will press on and never be content with average again. I can still remember when I was still a college student about 4 years ago when I started reading your blog Victor. This blog filled the emptiness that I lost. This blog is like my online bible.

Today I consistently go to my jiujitsu class and studied MMA. And have a profitable Photography business that I built from scratch. The first 4 albums were the legit. Not until the Black album. I do dig to modern stuff like Obscura, Spawn of Possession et. But today I play in an alternative rock for the mean time to get more pussy. Anyways, What gears do you use? Coz I had one before. Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets are the two defining Metallica records.

The influence of Cliff Burton and Dave Mustaine is unmistakeable. Metallica did something remarkable. From Lightning to Black Album nearly every song they released was great. They were a no filler band. Metallica epitomizes the one single devotion I spoke of in this article. They toured for 3 years straight for the black album. Hetfield gave his voice for that record.

His voice was superb on black album, after 3 years straight touring and singing it was gone. Black album is the masterpiece from a band that has released multiple masterpieces. But I just loved their more technical earlier albums of Metallica sir. No apologies required friend, everyone has their opinion. That beefy-divirginize-the-pussy-of-my-sluty-neighbor sound that I always look for. Victor why do you eat and drink so many coconuts and coconut water? What benefits do you get from it? Why do you leave me a comment with a fake email and a stupid name like KKK?

Because of people like you I will start making every commenter verify their email address before they leave a comment. To have a commitment to perfection like that, to be willing to wait and wait and craft and craft and only output the best like that, its to be respected and admired. From January you will see me purchasing a site, via badnet with my actual factual email address.

And i would wager to say its the same case for thousands of men on here. They go out together too, they get drunk and talk bullshit even more. I am on their chit-chat list all the time: All in the meantime I am sharpening my skills, I eat alone, I live alone, have a gf, but most of the time I am alone.

No hang outs, no partying, no bullshitting around. What happened, is I got contacted by billionare-soon-to-be, and if things go well, I might work directly for him. Yes, I am willing to be on 2nd place to such person. I had contact with him from sometime ago as well as some other important people. Since I sharpened my skills in this time, I have significant services to offer. Even if nothing happens with this deal, I will keep on moving, working on off-work projects.

This got me a big validation, not that I needed it, but it helps when you struggle with fears, anxiety and questioning. Not one of coworkers, not all of them together will ever be able to achieve anything worthy in their lives, with wasting time bullshiting around.

I want to earn fu money, so I can live off investments or passive income business es and I sure will go through hell to get it if needed. When you take bold approach with determination, then you get results. When you are bold, you are capable of being and living as a Man. When you have determination, then you are unstoppable. I doubt Victor would ever sell his articles because this is like his life to him.

Things like that gives him power because it gives him option. He can either accept or deny. Anyways not to get off the tangent but the whole point is that his success comes from being bold and determined. Victor, this is truly a fantastic post. Currently, you have a tendency to hammer the same themes over and over, just in different wording.

About: Bum Mentality, Money, Mansions, Girls, Heart and Soul - Bold and Determined

I feel like I can! You have to have lived a life of superiority if you wish to preach what it means to be above average to other average people. For example, talking about girls. Are you a guy that girls wish they could be with? Do you have the mental capacity to block out incessant, nagging bullshit and stand your ground? Do you have a goal that consumes you more than any other thought until you get to the point where girls feel as if they almost need to compete with your own mind to get your own attention?

Keep killing it here man. I love your work, and I especially love your business model. Actually, I take that back. Great job and keep killing it. Before I had read it, I was wondering whether the number of visitors on my newly started webpage is too low, ok or great to make money later on. But now I realize it does not matter how my number compares to other sites. It only matters whether I can improve this number or not. There are even deeper psychological issues to address, and you are in a position to capitalize right now.

Not in a week, not in a year. Not only will you capitalize exponentially from a financial standpoint, you will grow intellectually and emotionally, adding incalculable value to your character.

The Fault In Our Stars - Charli XCX - Boom Clap

In the years to come, you will value character above all else, and wealth will become unimpressive. Travel Victor, and meet with respected men, leaders, and mentors who can substantiate what you instinctually feel inside. If your path is the path to greatness, lets write a little deeper than protein powders and bums. I see greatness waiting to happen…and possibly a violent death depending on how great you can get. Amazing article — on of your best!

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  • Howling Passion (Paranormal Alpha Werewolf Shifter Romance).
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  • SOLSTICIO DE VERANO (Spanish Edition)!

After reading it I told my girlfriend to eat more, because she is worth her weight in gold: Its true, having devoted cheerleader in your corner adds drastically to performance. I also feel it. Regarding obsession Iam happy to say Iam right there with you in the same place. Working all the time, never switching off. I have been living poor for the past 2 years. Because of that, my attitude has been more fired up and my mission has been more defined. Of course it is, but when in an article you state that you started your business in China and in an other article that you started your business in Thailand, some may wonder about your credibility.

You hit the nail on the head. It truly is, but most idiots are too busy with love. After Marine Corps basic training, despite all the instructors warning against it, I let that sappy I miss you love bullshit get to me and was married not even 2 weeks after basic. She convinced me to do it before I left again and I fucking fell into it. Months later she moved out and took all of my shit, and made up some bullshit to send me into the brig.

Once I got out, the house was cleaned out, my bank was cleaned out, and I literally filed bankruptcy at 20 years old. Adrenaline, howling well, kind of , pumped-up. House is absolutely incredible. Many of your friends who are in the same topic space write a lot about picking up girls and experimenting around. I think your stance on commitment is much smarter. Awesome article Uncle Vic… love that photo!

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  2. An Introduction to Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity.
  3. The Manila Strangler.
  4. ?
  5. Was wondering when we were going to get to see Miss Pride! This resonates really strongly with me. You need to murder your middle class mentality, that means wage slavery, debt slavery, false modesty, sports paraphernalia, the deferred life plan, believing in other peoples dreams and phony altruism. Self actualization is selfishness and your blue pill friends will not understand it.

    I have exactly one friend who has been evolving with me, the rest shoot the messenger. Blue pill people do not want to be made aware of their slavery, it makes them angry. Everything they talk about is outside my reality. Avoid long conversations with blue pill people like the plague. That means you need to get rid of any blue pill people in your way and put the rest politely on the backburner. On a side note, thats a nice new pad man, is that still Thailand? I saw from your tweet you were looking to make an exit?

    Very good website, straight to the core, no bullshit advice on practically everything! But i really have a question… How do you generate money? How do you make so much money with this blog? I just come here and read your articles. How do you make money, and a lot of it, with this? My favorite part of the article, not your best article but by far the more artistic! This is a masterpiece.

    I can testify, from struggling to earn a living online for years as a young teenager; because I was surrounded by bums. Bums usually show themselves in the form of family members and friends, whenever you talk about doing something different or positive. They will try to drag you down to their level. As a young entrepreneur, the best thing you can do is move to another country and find a social circle who have similar goals. Find one, save up, leave, hustle. This drive without a lot of money now but wanting to be successful is much more impressive to women too I find than having money but no drive or passion in life.

    I heard there was some severe corruption lately. Also there was a news about two British couples who died in Thailand. One girl got raped badly and apparently died and the dude died as well. There was a short wide spread news about that. I got that information from Best Gore. I heard that the Thai Police are corrupt and even encourage scams towards foreigners.

    I always wanted to travel to Thailand but reading about it kind of scares me out. If there was forum discussion solely on travels, I would definitely be interested. I can actually google myself about all this but for some reason whenever I read it from Vic personally, it makes me feel more trusting. I was actually interested in SouthEast Asia from long time ago even before finding about this website. Are you ever planning on making a forum? I know you are a busy man but I think having a forum would be a great idea. I got scammed a couple of times before I knew what was what.

    Just like American police. But if you have the money you have the ticket to freedom. I have no problem with this.

    There are two real great benefits to having money….

    Happens a ton in Vietnam, like in the movie Full Metal Jacket. Particularly Pattaya and Phuket. No surprise, those are party towns. Youtube the video where Tim Sharky yells at the police for stealing his money and gold. Be fully aware that any Thai that talks to you on the street wants to scam you or rip you off in some way.

    Hey Victor I enjoyed your post and it hit the nail on the head for me. I am currently building a brand which I started before reading your blog. I would like you to give me your thoughts on the way I am going about it. I have a site for my brand and then what lays the foundation for the brand and is the business model is the following: My question is do you think that I have stretched myself to thin from a business perspective. If you knew the whole idea it might make more sense.

    What a great article to stumble upon tonight. People are always directing me to this website but I never took the time to check it out. Congrats on 4 years, Victor. Reading this makes me laugh at my own website, its poor traffic, and my absent attention to detail. If motivation was your aim, you hit the nail on the head. What have I been doing with myself? I planned on quoting one of your near the start but then saw another.

    About: Bum Mentality, Money, Mansions, Girls, Heart and Soul

    I think I will share the whole article immediately. Always comes at the right time for a swift uppercut and always results in huge motivation. Profound insight on the last bit about finding a girl who will stand by you and motivate you. When I say I want to find a girl who inspires me to be the best I can be, that is exactly what I mean. They have no experience. Haters will be envious and the under-informed will simply copy you and pick a girl who looks like yours…!!!

    How much value should a woman be adding? Does it become a competition to add value and is that sometimes desirable? Can differing business domains complement each other rather than compete? When a woman makes money from home e. Any answer I give you is not relevant. If I were you I would work on developing interpersonal skills.

    No big deal, just delete the post, no offence taken. Will tone down autistic streak next time, and brush up IP skills or retreat into isolation as appropriate. This hearty troupe of folk peddlers will get you up on your feet, singing and clapping. This event occurred in December If you're looking for a upcoming event, try the links below:.

    This hearty troupe of folk peddlers will get you up on your feet, singing and clapping along with a brace of original and traditional songs, all with a twist of good-humour and undeniable passion. The event information above has been added by the organiser. Whilst we try to ensure all details are up-to-date we do not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information shown.

    Not a Facebook user? We use cookies to make sure we give you the best experience possible. By continuing, you're accepting that you're happy with our cookie policy. Click here to find out more. Skiddle sells official, face-value tickets. This event has already happened!