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Tanya Serisier

A study in the UK conducted from to found that false claims of rape and domestic violence are uncommon. However, the study showed there were only a few false allegations during seventeen months over Before there were reforms in rape laws [ where? For example in the United States, a study in the s found that the rape victims who went through the prosecution system had a slower recovery process than those who were not prosecuted.

In the United States, the late s saw a nationwide movement of women's groups lobbying for reforms in rape laws. Their main goal was to prosecute rape in the similar manner that other crimes are prosecuted by focusing not on the victim's reputation or behavior but on the unlawful acts perpetrated by the offender. In India after the Delhi gang rape case amendments were made to the laws concerning rape with more specific protocols towards the trial proceedings. Marital rape is a form of sexual abuse and domestic violence. It is today increasingly criminalized around the world, but not all countries recognize it as a crime.

Several countries in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia made spousal rape illegal before , but other countries in Western Europe and the English-speaking Western World outlawed it much later, mostly in the s and s. In many countries of the world marital rape laws are very new, having been enacted during the s.

In , the UN Secretary General found that: Of these, 32 have made marital rape a specific criminal offence, while the remaining 74 [ sic ] do not exempt marital rape from general rape provisions. Four States criminalize marital rape only when the spouses are judicially separated. This establishes marital rape as a human rights violation. The idea that marriage grants either spouse's consent to sex formed the basis for the reason why marital rape is not a universally accepted crime.

Wives were regarded as the property of the husband, and therefore the husband was not responsible for a crime when he raped his wife since he did not infringe on another man's property rights. In the United States, criminalization of marital rape started in the mids, but it was not until the s when action in regards to marital rape was followed through.

Although all fifty states recognized marital rape as a crime on July 5, , not all states treat marital rape the same as other forms of rape see Marital rape United States. A story of shame and mateship in an Australian town. Report of inspection of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. Male rape is a feminist issue: Feminism, governmentality and male rape.

London's Central Criminal Court, 1674 to 1913

To name or not to name. Ethical, legal and professional considerations in naming rape victims in news stories. Louis Journalism Review , 24 , 10— Rolling Stone and UVA: Sexting and young people.

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How the mass media construct legal reform and social change. University of Pennsylvania Press. Rape on prime time: Television, masculinity, and sexual violence. Rape, racism and the myth of the black rapist. Sexual abuse, trauma and the self. The hunting ground [documentary film]. How porn has hijacked our sexuality. Personal foul at Penn State.

Why is the criminal justice system still skewed against women? | UK news | The Guardian

A content and context analysis of major mainstream Canadian media, — Sexual dissent and political culture. Cardozo Law Review , 25 , — Pornography and civil rights: A rape on campus: A brutal assault and struggle for justice at UVA. How the legal system victimizes women who say no. The undeclared war against women. An open letter from Dylan Farrow. Mia Freedman interviews Caitlin Moran about how to be a woman. Moral crusades in an age of mistrust: The Jimmy Savile scandal. Some questions about sex and power.

The cultural scaffolding of rape. Constructing the issue of false rape allegations in New Zealand media texts. The social cost of rape. Reason , 22 , 22— Sexual violence in the digital age: The scope and limits of criminal law. Social and Legal Studies , 25 4 , — Material rhetoric and the trauma of representation. University of Illinois Press. How women have betrayed women. Representing violation in fiction and film. A justified look at violence against women or a crude plot device?

Male rapes in U. Social reactions to crime, disorder and control. The political economy of the global sex trade. Changing concepts of the child molester in modern America. Media and crime 3d ed. Reconstructing the sexual abuse of children: Sexualities , 15 8 , — Child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church: Gender, power and organizational culture.

Pretrial publicity and pedophilia: A content analysis of the Jerry Sandusky case. Justice Policy Journal , 10 2 , 1— Naming, shaming and criminal justice: Mass-mediated humiliation as entertainment and punishment.

Crime, Media, Culture , 5 2 , — Journal of Interpersonal Violence , 7 1 , — Solidarity is what we want, not a civilising mission. Feminist essays in legal and social theory. Cautionary tales and telling anxieties: The story of the false complainant. Australian Feminist Law Journal , 16 , 95— The outcomes of rape trials.

Feminist activism, research and practice pp. Sexual violence, reputation and the law. Indigenous women and sexual assault in Canada. University of Ottawa Press. I did it because I never stopped loving you: The effects of media portrayals of persistent pursuit on beliefs about stalking. Published online February Selling newspapers or educating the public? Sexual violence in the media. Canadian Journal of Criminology , 39 , — How misogyny went viral. Framing the rape victim: Gender and agency reconsidered. Hannibal Buress on Bill Cosby: Post-feminism and popular culture.

Feminist Media Studies , 4 3 , — Loving with a vengeance: Mass-produced fantasies for women 2d ed. Ritual abuse and the making of a modern American witch hunt. Gals on the slab: Fetishism, re-animation, and the dead female body.


Social Semiotics , 6 2 , — Sex, art, and American culture. Bin Laden in the suburbs: Criminalising the Arab other Vol. Sydney Institute of Criminology.

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Film and television in postfeminist culture. Women, patriarchy and popular literature. University of North Carolina Press. Rape culture and the feminist politics of social media. Girlhood Studies , 7 1 , 65— Sex, fear, and feminism. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Missing and murdered aboriginal Women: A national operational overview. The making of international causes.

Feminist Studies , 39 1 , — Sexualisation of children in Australia. The Best kept secret. Youth practices and legal implications. Retrieved from Cambridge https: Justice and revenge in online counter-publics: Emerging responses to sexual violence in the age of social media. Crime Media Culture , 9 3 , — Acquaintance rape on trial.

Women, violent crime and criminal justice in Georgian Wales

Sex, brotherhood, and privilege on campus 2d ed. Whiteness, feminism and the politics of vulnerability. Rape and the politics of commemoration. Australian Feminist Law Journal , 23 , — The Bankstown Gang rapes: Rape and the construction of a horrific event. On not reading Fifty Shades: Feminism and the fantasy of romantic immunity. Critical essays on genres, markets and readers. The victories of Jane Doe. Sex crime in the news.

Media, crime and criminal justice. A woman alone in the IRA. Bill Cosby under fire. People , 66 Gang rape in Sydney: Crime, the media, politics, race and sentencing. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology , 37 3 , — I never called it rape. Athletes, sexual assault, and trials by media: Personal use only; commercial use is strictly prohibited for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice.

ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda on investigating and prosecuting sexual and gender-based crimes

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology. Publications Pages Publications Pages. Sex Crimes and the Media. Don't have an account? View all Google Scholar citations for this article. This article examines encounters of women with the criminal justice system in Wales during the century before the Courts of Great Sessions were abolished in Drawing on evidence from cases of sexual assault and homicide, it argues that women who killed were rarely convicted or punished harshly.

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A gendered discretion of sorts also acted against rape victims, as trials never resulted in conviction. Using violence as a lens, the paper reveals a distinctively Welsh approach to criminal justice, and offers quantitative evidence on which further comparative studies of the history of law and crime in England and Wales may be based.

To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply cambridge. Find out more about sending to your Kindle. Note you can select to send to either the free. Find out more about the Kindle Personal Document Service. To send this article to your Dropbox account, please select one or more formats and confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies. Find out more about sending content to Dropbox. To send this article to your Google Drive account, please select one or more formats and confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies.

Find out more about sending content to Google Drive. Beattie, Crime and the courts in England — Princeton, , 74—, Walker, Crime, gender and social order , —58 and King, Crime and law in England ; and in London, Durston, Victims and viragos. Monmouthshire held assizes as part of the Oxford Circuit in England, and is therefore excluded from the research on which this article is based. Jenkins, Richard Suggett and Eryn M.

Garnham does not reflect on this issue, but a similar process must presumably have occurred in Ireland. Jenkins, The foundations of modern Wales — Oxford, , —72; J.