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Paperback , pages. According to Relient K. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Dec 04, Rachel rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Whenever guys attempt to understand girls, hilarity ensues. I really loved the different categories of girls: I didn't find any categories I neatly fit into, but I'd Whenever guys attempt to understand girls, hilarity ensues.

I didn't find any categories I neatly fit into, but I'd say it's a nice combination of all of them! XD The two categories of men: The Ape and Mr. Wonderful were pretty funny as well, though I wish they'd delved into personality types a bit more. All in all, a great read with a Christian theme.

The Complex Infrastructure Known as the Female Mind: According to Relient K

I wish Reliant K would do a follow-up! Aug 08, Emily rated it it was amazing. What an awesome book! This is Relient K at their best- funny, witty, and Christian! This book perfectly balances serious topics with comic relief as a band of boys tries to figure out what is going on inside girls' minds.

My only complaint with this book was how short it was, because I loved it so much! I definitely recommend this book to fans of Relient K, but anyone can enjoy it. Oct 24, Miss Clark rated it liked it Shelves: This was actually a fun read and interesting. Some good things to think about and some amusing passages.

The complex infrastructure known as the female mind - Relient K, Mark Nicholas - Google Книги

Nov 03, Barb rated it liked it. View all 7 comments. Sep 25, Sara Parker rated it it was amazing Shelves: Disregarding the fact that I just love Relient K, this book is a clever, sensitive, and humorous take on what girls are like in the eyes of guys. Also, what guys are like in the eyes of guys.

The Complex Infrastructure Known as the Female Mind

It's a bit stereotypical in the beginning, but it's heartfelt, and for every "girl type" they name there are both positive and negatives. I myself am vanilla pudding, and that suits me just fine. This book also gives Relient K's take on the different types of relationships there are. It makes me laugh every Disregarding the fact that I just love Relient K, this book is a clever, sensitive, and humorous take on what girls are like in the eyes of guys. It makes me laugh every time, and it's just a light read for a day when you need something extra to make you smile.

Plus they're snarky, and that's what I love about them. Besides their fantastic music, that is. Apr 27, Andrew rated it liked it. There were several things I liked about this book. One, it was astoundingly moral. Another is that it was very funny, and made me laugh out loud at parts.

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For another thing, Relient K is my favorite band, so reading a book by them was cool. However, I must say it wasn't all that well written. For another thing, I'm a boy and it's for girls. Think of him as the guy in the back of the van that types on his laptop all day long. Basically, we are writing this book because we were asked, and because, with a little extra help, we could.

The other question you may be asking yourself is, Are these guys qualified to write a book about girls? Now that is a fair question but it will seem almost silly when you stop and think about it. Between the five of us, we have spent the better part of our lives studying and trying to get to know girls—all different types of girls. That comes to over one hundred years experience when you add it all up. Secondly, we like girls. What we have discovered in our one-hundred-plus years is that the more we studied your gender, the more complex you and your world became.

So this is a book about girls, written by some guys who like girls and have observed girls in their natural habitats. We have studied you and your kind for some time now, and at present we are ready to share what we have learned about you, The Girl. An attempt to get to the bottom of what types of girls exist and what makes you tick. Some of it may surprise you and some of it you probably already know. If you are a female and are reading this book, you may be thinking quietly to yourself that you surely must know everything there is to possibly know about being a female, because you are one.

Oh contraire, dear girl friend. Even if you know everything there is to know about your own type of girl, remember that there are other girls of other types that you may know very little about. Those other girls may be wildly different than you. If you are the least bit curious about these other kinds of girls, this book is written with you in mind, the complex female. If you are still doubtful that this book is for you, we cordially invite you to take a little test to see if you should indeed be reading this book. To make sure our quiz works properly and provides you with the most helpful information that you can stand, there is only one ground rule: He feels free to bring it up, not us.

He's no longer emarised about the subject and speaks about it like a young adult should, freely. Yet he still believes sex if strictly for marriage, Which had been supported more by the reading. We just don't want him to be naive, we know how sexualized every aspect of life has become.

One person found this helpful. A silly, fun and creative book by a band that I love dearly. The artwork, writing, and overall theme of the book was interesting, and it provided laughs throughout.

Definitely satirical, this book was able to take a small lyric from a fun song and create an intriguing and thoroughly amusing read. It is a fairly short, and the condition I received was excellent.

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Very satisfied, this is perfect if you love the band or need a gag gift for a relient k fan you know. This book was incredible and the whole family and my friends have read it at this point. It'w well worth the price. I recommend it highly.

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One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. This book is quite funny and true. If you listen to Relient K and know the words to their songs, you'll love this book and it's references to their music. I am a guy, and while this book is geared more toward females, it was amazing book that helped open my eyes. This is not really a book that is going to tell you everything you want to know.

It simply states the general obvious about females. If you want something good and humors about females, and males, this book is for you. This book will have you saying, "Mmm Not to mention trying to guess what "type" your friends are. It was well worth my time and money. I am a huge Relient K fan so I of course had to get this!

It is a very funny and enjoyable book. Perfect for any Relient K fan! My boys thought this was a really good book. They thought it was a pretty helpful starter for conversations. With help Relient K has done it again. I enjoyed reading this book. Some of it can't be taken to literally but I really saw myself in a couple of the categories of girls.

What I really loved about the book was that spoke of God was who we could always turn to. See all 25 reviews.