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Schedule the gym into your life. By making a commitment to them, you are making a commitment to yourself. If you are going to a CrossFit gym.. Just by showing up and doing it, you will improve. What is your motivation for the day? What will make your workout fun and attainable but also challenging? A time you want to complete the workout in or any of the following:.

I will never stop moving during the metcon.

Inner Fitness™ — Coach Emily

I will do the full movement instead of the scale even though I might move slower. Lying to yourself is suicide for success. Accepting the truth is always hard, especially when speaking to yourself. Once you are truthful with yourself you will understand what it takes to get beyond your comfort zone. This requires hard work, commitment, discipline, and sweat.

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The sooner that you are able to embrace self truth, you will know that you are capable of conquering whatever your coaches set in front of you. Be a nice person, even to yourself, even when you fall short of your personal goals. You… not You vs.

I am getting stronger. Even if deep down that voice is still there, say it to yourself over and over until it goes away. Walk up to the bar, the rower, the rope, the kettlebell, the med ball with confidence. You know that feeling when you hit a surprise PR or do something that you thought might be impossible?

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Maybe it happened in a workout you were afraid to even start. You proved yourself wrong. You did your best, you finished, you challenged yourself, and you won. You defeated the negative voices in your head and replaced them with the best coach in the world —yourself. Thats where we come in. On any given day, with any given challenge, one or all of these can help you navigate the choppy waters of life.

Say these statements out loud to yourself and learn to feel the truth in them. Creating the success and happiness that most want yet few achieve takes work. You and happiness take inner fitness. Physical fitness creates a great body. Inner fitness creates a great life. For inner fitness tips and practices from Tina Lifford, visit www.

Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. As a way of trying to describe to friends this unusual program, and my passion for this work, I began asking people this question: I turn my life over to a Force greater than me that loves me and responds to my heart. Feeling like we matter in this big world is a first step in building the sense of self and confidence needed to overcome the past.

I ask for Its assistance in all that I do. You can't do it alone. Once you have an effective belief system, interact with it like a best friend and reliable guide.

Creating a Positive Self Image: Tips to Challenge Your Inner Defeatist

I embrace the idea that I'm more than any challenge I face. When you see yourself as innately creative, resilient, empowered to choose, whole not broken and worthy you can view yourself as bigger than your challenges and circumstances and therefore expect to move beyond them. I look for and transform the beliefs, patterns and judgments I practice that limit my life. Your greatest challenge is your unconscious self-doubt, judgment and disrespect.

Self-attack hurts the most. You can change this by becoming aware of this. I can choose a self-empowering response in any situation. Your one inalienable right is to choose your perspective.

  1. Lesson 2: Healthy Inner Dialog;
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  5. Creating a Positive Self Image: Tips to Challenge Your Inner Defeatist – Proven Performance Center;
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  7. You have the power to choose how you see circumstances. Choose to see them in a way that supports and empowers you. I make a list of ways I abuse and reject myself and begin to appreciate myself and show myself compassion. The way I want to be treated in the world starts with the way I treat myself. I release all people and things from the responsibility of making me happy.

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    Happiness is a matter between you, yourself and your past. People and things can't make you happy. They are icing on the cake.

    Lesson 1: The Big Shift

    I ask to profoundly appreciate myself and to believe in my value. Appreciation is a priceless gift you can give to your Self. I practice the art of forgiveness with myself, and others. Being unforgiving extends the duration the pain you feel, and places your happiness in the hands of others.