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They also try to analyse the process whilst doing it and that should not be done. Keep it simple and know that it is just deep relaxation without going to sleep. Before starting to meditate find a safe and comfortable place. You do not have to adopt any kind of complicated posture. Just sit or lay comfortably in a chair, on the floor on a bed.

Go down into relaxation breathe deeply to a pattern of three. So breath in 1, 2, 3 hold he breath 1, 2, 3 and slowly breathe out 1, 2, 3. Keep doing that until you are very deeply relaxed and then follow the instructions on the meditation. May I suggest you record the instructions in real time on a voice recorder and then listen to it?

You have to allow yourself time to go down into relaxation and that generally will take ten minutes. Talk yourself into relaxing by saying things like relax your feet, your legs, your arms etc. Take your time and realise that it will take you time to gain a deep relaxation. You could practice on a friend first before recording to see how long it takes you to get them to relax. They key to relaxation is the breath. Make sure you do not listen to the recording whilst driving as you will be going off to sleep and that will be dangerous to do.

If you need further instruction on meditation then purchase Nourish the Flame Within and it will give you more instruction on it. Even just doing it once will change a person to a degree. If you are a meditation teacher and have violent or aggressive pupils this maybe a meditation to give them as it should have a calming effect on them. Any one of that imbalanced state should gain great benefit from this meditation.

It is also good for anyone who just wants to enhance their connection to others. This meditation helps the person to feel others on a deeper level that they do at present. This is the meditation to do to enhance connection to the rest of the human race. There are many reasons to want that. To be more in tune with the rest of the human race as a collective or people as individuals can only be a good thing. Anyone dealing with people on a collective or one to one basis will gain great insight and benefit from this meditation.

That has to be just about all of us. The insights may take many forms and will be individual to the individual doing the meditation. This meditation connects you to everyone. Well that is not strictly true as you are already connected, what this meditation does it give you deep insight into that connection on a intellectual and energetic level.

Concentrate on the rhythm of your breathing. Know your own breath pattern. Listen to the rhythm of your own breath. Feel the calmness feel the beauty of each breath. Send out the vibration of healing. Know that it is in your power to do so. Send out to your brothers and sisters. Now send out the vibration of connection. You know this connection on a soul level. Send it out, and stay aware and connected. Walk with your brothers as one. This meditation is taken from Nourish the Flame Within and may not be transmitted, stored or retrieved unless with written permission of the authors Lynette Avis and David Brown.

Nourish the Flame Within ; a guide to connecting to the human soul for Reiki, martial arts and life has received the most excellent reviews from Kirkus, Blue Ink and Clarion book reviews. Some of our readers have told us that they do not understand the connection we are making in some of our blogs regarding energy. So we have decided to write a series on energy specifically to address this oversight.

Both David Brown and I understand that not all of our readers will have read our book.

Lynette Avis and David Brown

As a bit of transparent self-promotion, we would encourage you to buy a copy of Nourish the Flame Within, which will give you a strong picture of how energy relates to our work. As you may or may not be aware, I am not a scientist. I am an artist, a holistic therapist and a spirit medium. So my way of explaining this is not entirely scientific.

So I am going to give you a sort of over view from my point of view. I teach this subject from many angles. I teach people who wish to be spirit mediums and also holistic healers. Some come because they are confused or curious also.

A Guide to Connecting to the Human Soul for Reiki, Martial Arts, and Life

So I have to get this information across to them quite quickly so that they can go forward with their development and understanding. I have developed my own way of doing that. A student of mine who is a trained engineer said to me recently that the most important lesson that I teach is the very first.

That is indeed how I start. It is a very important fact to grasp. It is the first point to grasp. I have never had a lesson given to me that opens in that way. David Brown said to me that everything is not made of energy it is energy. This is what science tells us about the world and universe in which we live. We too are energy as we are part of everything. The reason that this is important is because everything is the same basic ingredient.

Everything is just variations of it. When you are an energy healer this is a very useful piece of information. So too if you are an aspiring medium, it opens your understanding of the world. Most people including myself in the past view the world as a solid experience. Nothing is solid at all.

The totality of the universe is energy too. It is everything, as far as we know. Although I suspect, as many scientists do too, there is more beyond our universe. There may even be many universes, and if there are, they too are energy. Yours thoughts are energy, what you say is energy, your body is energy, your actions are energy. Your home is energy. Your relationships are energy interactions. The kitchen sink is energy, so is what you eat, drink and sleep on.

It is all energy.

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The next important point to grasp is that energy interacts with energy. David will give you a lovely scientific explanation on this point. Every point in the universe interacts with every other point. You are interacting with various aspects of the universe. You take vitamins from the sun and the sun is part of the universe. You take food and sustenance from the earth and you live on the earth and that too is part of the universe.

You interact with other people and they too are part of the universe. This describes a very basic level of interaction that we have and everyone would indeed agree with me here. However there is a deeper and more profound level of interaction that we all have with the universe.

The Earth is part of the universe and is in no way separate from it. Because we are part of the universe albeit a small part of it, we have influence upon it as we interact with it. We are currently destroying our home the Earth. We are very efficient at that and if we complete that task something in the universe will change.

Our influence upon the universe will be no more. We have influence on the earth. We too are living energy. Science tells us that we are not the only universe and that there is a great possibility that there are others.

Nourish The Flame Within | Lynette Avis and David Brown

Esoteric people have throughout time said that they communicate with another place. This other place is energy too I would think. These parallel universes interact with our own universe, it would be reasonable to suppose. Once again we have energy interacting with energy. Human beings are energy and we know that science tells us so.


Human beings interact with all life on the earth. They interact with plant, mineral and animal alike. We are dependent on each other and the rest of life on earth to maintain the living experience on the earth. There is an energy exchange happening. Human beings contribute to that energy exchange in many ways as we have already discussed. Our energy exchange is not the best at the present as it is sending other life out of balance. Our relationships with each other are an energy exchange. Even things we do with each other or to each other are an energy exchange, good or bad. You change and the earth changes and so too the universe as a totality changes also.

We add to that change of the universe. We are having both an interaction with the universe and an exchange of energy. Our thoughts go out into the universe as our energy. Now what is a thought worth? Well think of something loving, and then think of something nasty. There is your answer: Both will have an influence on you. The positive will be light and uplifting and the negative will be heavy and draining. Your thoughts are an energy interaction both with yourself and the wider world.

Your thoughts have impact on your body and emotions. Your emotions will have an influence on the emotions of others as do your thoughts. Sound has been used as a powerful and effective tool for helping to improve health and well- being for thousands of years. Thoughts are vibrations, as is speech, light and colour. Colour is an aspect of light. We see light as colour and are affected by it, emotionally, physically and mentally. Sound affects us too. It affects us on a vibrational level both emotionally and physically. Every atom in our body is vibrating and each of us both individually and collectively is sending out a vibration.

There is a base to that vibration that solely belongs to the individual. However that base is ever changing and being influenced by everything that the person thinks does and says. There are many layers of energy within the universe, the earth and us. The interactions that we have with these layers of energy are not always apparent to our conscious thought.

A great deal happens on a moment to moment basis that we are not consciously aware of. We cannot take account of every piece of information that comes in our direction and process it consciously as we would never go forward and get through our day. Most of the information that is available to us for our living experience is in the background of our life. There are processes within us and outside of us that we are interacting with and which interact with us.

We do not either consciously know it or need to know it. However they are there and are therefore part of us, our life and living experience. I teach people how to feel the energy around them on a conscious level. I teach them to feel the many layers of energy that exists around them. They are in the back ground of life. There is earth energy, celestial energy and other energy layers that will tap into us whether we wish for it or not. Some of these energy layers are balancing to us and some are draining to us.

There is so much in our world that we do not look closely at or question a little more deeply. These five points build the tapestry that is the complex and wonderful experience of life and the universe. To understand them is to develop a deeper appreciation of the workings of nature and the universe and our place in it, as well as our effect on nature and the myriad ways in which nature influences us.

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Often we dismiss much as irrelevant to our lives and well-being. Sometimes it is those things that are affecting us positively or negatively that we dismiss as irrelevant. How can they be so? If we look a little more closely at that which is around us and which may seem ordinary, we may find the extraordinary!

Intuitively we understand that light is good.

Nourish the Flame Within

When we unite under the banner of light we are stronger. What is the Christmas Spirit? Though Christmas is a Christian holiday, I believe there is a universal message that all people, Christian and non- Christian alike, can learn. In fact, the Christmas message is so universal, that it appears time and again in religions and even in popular culture. So what is this message? Throughout history, humans have struggled with the balance of good and evil: So often, we chose the dark side of our character even though it brings pain to us and our loved ones.

The message of Christmas is to choose the light, not just the light side of our character, but the light side of the universe, the forces that compel us to do good, to be the best of ourselves and to live beyond our petty fears and concerns and move into a greater future. My understanding of the Christmas message is that Jesus was sent to show humanity the way towards the Light of God. It is the story of the battle between light and darkness, good and evil that has been told the world over and across time. Many cultures have stories in their traditions that represent this archetypal struggle: In both stories, a greater force was sent to change the status quo, to show people that there is a force greater than them nurturing the Path of Truth, the Universal message.

The acts are often depicted as miracles: May be they are in fact universal forces that show us we live in a supporting universe of love? This spiritual message is important. I think it is significant that it is often represented by light and the use of candles Christmas and Hanukkah and Fireworks Diwali. We must make a stand against the darkness and that when we unite under the banner of light we are stronger. That light is an internal force, a flame burning within that is the human spirit.

It is also an external force, from beyond our self, from the universe itself, nurturing and nourishing our inner flame. The religious festivals and cultural stories remind us of this wonderful universal spirit of giving and sharing that we all enjoy. A plethora of Christmas movies that celebrate the Christmas spirit often make us feel warm and empowered to do our best good.

To embrace the light and its significance is a message to be held as a way of life. The light never to be forgotten, forever nurtured. Christmas is more than a time of giving. Each year retailers wait with baited breath, as the last sales are totalled. They have sweat on their brow, I am sure of it, whilst they wait to know if sales are up or down. Each year we all get to hear via the media how well or badly the retailers have done. I am not sure why we should care and especially at Christmas.

For retailers Christmas is first and foremost about sales and profit. I wonder too what Christmas means to the average person as Christ is inched out of his own birthday bit by bit. Some schools are now changing their practise on the nativity and have removed the play from their Christmas activity.

Also, some schools have now changed what they call Christmas and are calling it the winter festival instead of Christmas.

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If we are not celebrating the birth of Christ, what are we celebrating exactly? How can Christ be a bad thing? This was a child that was born a special person. Some people are born to be special. Others have to work and become special. Surely if nothing else we should celebrate the specialness. They brought him three gifts. They gave him gold to symbolise his high status, even thought he was of a humble human family.

Gold is a special and precious metal given to special people or for special occasions. This was given to him to honour what was special in him. The second gift that was given to Christ was frankincense. Frankincense is an interesting substance that has been traditionally used for spiritual ceremonies in religion and spiritual practices. It is an aromatic resin. This resin comes from the Boswellia tree. This resin has a particular and pleasant smell. Clarion book review said…Readers are rewarded with excellent spiritual exercises and meditations interspersed with some lovely, even poetic, passages….

Lynette Avis and David Brown share ways to harness life-force energy to enhance the practice of Reiki, the martial arts, and life itself in Nourish the Flame Within, bringing passion, sincerity, and a British version of down-home charm to the task. It is a tool for better health and well-being. Authors Lynette Avis and David Brown describe the essence of what binds the universe together and connects all the seemingly disparate things in it.

They shed light on how energy is the root of all these things and how we can harness its great power and potential to create great health and vibrant lives for ourselves. This book guides the reader to an understanding of subtle energy and the connection to the universe that we all have. It explains how humans are interactive with both energy and the universe and not separate from either. Nourish the flame within is a tool for better health, life and personal growth through an understanding of how universal energy works. It is essentially a meditation guide but is so much more than that.

Nourish the flame within gives strategies for life and great health, through twelve beautiful meditations and a treasure trove of insights and wisdom.