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This could be a great series. May 07, jpl rated it it was ok Shelves: I've read a ton of fantasy in my life. While this is a first for a new author, and despite the issues people have mentioned, I enjoyed reading it. I read it straight through. If I had any comment for the author it would be to spend much more time on world building and detail. Although that said, I realise there are more books in the series, so I'll have to see how they are to be fair.

Aug 27, Geli rated it did not like it Shelves: DNF The plot just wasn't believable, the main character one dimensional and the magic uninspired. Nov 22, ElDani rated it did not like it.

  • Series by cover.
  • Regulating Confusion: Samuel Johnson and the Crowd (Ojectifying Practice)!
  • Warded Mage (Reawakening Saga Book 4) eBook: D.W. Jackson: Kindle Store!
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This series was mentioned to me by somebody who had a good eye for unknown gems and I trusted my past experiences when I heard of this recommendation. Well, I couldn't disagree more! Although I'm a male, the premise of this female dominated society sounded like an interesting read - unfortunately, that alone doesn't make for a good tale.

No matter what other faults this book has, the most glaring one in my mind is the nonexistent proofreading. I'm not even talking about editing which I doubt the This series was mentioned to me by somebody who had a good eye for unknown gems and I trusted my past experiences when I heard of this recommendation.

D W Jackson - Inexperienced Mage TRAILER

I'm not even talking about editing which I doubt there was much of , but only the basic proofing of typing and grammar. A basic error like " show us where you talents truly lie " is just one of many that jumped out at me when I opened the book to a random page of the first chapter. I always say that deficits in the technical quality of writing can be something to reluctantly live with, but only if the tale is interesting and immersive.

Most of the time, a badly proofread story is accompanied by many other problems as well and it's my reason for rating this book accordingly. Instead of going into detail too much, I'll just link to Jon's review which sums up many of the problems I've recognized.

Series: Reawakening Saga

Aug 23, Sneha Gavli rated it did not like it. This book appears to be a very good attempt of writing but just as a rough draft. This is my second time of reading this series. I had forgotten the story but it is coming back to me. I find the storyline and characters to be good but am put off for a second time by the spelling and grammar of my kindle version. Verbs missing, duplications misspellings abound. I have tried to report them but have now given up as I think I must have done so the first time round and they are still as bad.

  • Fugitives: Dramatic Accounts of Life on the Run.
  • Inexperienced Mage!
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Worth reading if you can get round the typos. Jun 07, Melissa Jane rated it liked it. I was a bit apprehensive after reading all the bad reviews, but the story was actually quite enjoyable. True, there was a staggering amount of horrible grammatical errors and the MC was good at everything with little effort, but the tale flowed nicely. And as for his sexual nativity, give me a break Although this isn't an epic novel, for a quick happy easy to digest story, I would definitely recommend this.

Although this is my favourite plot and storyline but unfortunately i can only give this book 2 stars rating. I try to read this book several time, but always stop after a couple chapter. Finally after exhausting my reading list I started to read this book again and able to finished this time. First of all, this book is short, only something pages long.

I wonder how interesting the storytelling can do in this thin book. Unfortunately my fear came true, something feel missing or incomplet. Unfortunately my fear came true, something feel missing or incomplete in this book. I think the author could add another extra sentence or paragraph between sentence or paragraph so some scene is more clear or richer. Editing could be more through. I really really hope there will be a revised version later Sep 02, Stephen rated it really liked it. Thousands of years after the Fae Wars, magic is now a thing of legend, and the once-great empire is reduced to hundreds of separate countries.

Farlan, a rich and powerful queendom, is one such country where men are treated as second-class citizens and often sold into slavery at an early age. Mark, a young man, has been trained since his childhood to be one of the most sought-after slaves produced by the academy.

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At an auction, he is purchased by the queen, but on his way to the capital, they ar Thousands of years after the Fae Wars, magic is now a thing of legend, and the once-great empire is reduced to hundreds of separate countries. At an auction, he is purchased by the queen, but on his way to the capital, they are attacked, allowing him to escape before he is permanently branded. During his escape, he comes across a dilapidated tower and finds a book of magic and starts his own self-tutelage.

Learning he has a talent for magic, he makes his way to the capital to see if he can make his own path while holding on to his freedom along the way. This is not a bad book, it is easy to read, but some what amateurish in places and needs a spell check badly. The plots move on in a reasonable fashion, but you know that the author hasn't been writing long. I would still read the series, but not pay top dollar for it. A Good read everyone. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. I must confess that I mainly read "Inexperienced Mage" in lack of other works to read and the cheap price tag. While there is a lot of holes and the rushed feeling you can get by the protagonist progressing to fast comparing to reality there should always be some connection the the so call "real world" otherwise things can get silly.

Take the example of the speed Thad learned his craft by a few sentences in the book he found, the power he unlocked in a couple of months could be compared to an po I must confess that I mainly read "Inexperienced Mage" in lack of other works to read and the cheap price tag. Take the example of the speed Thad learned his craft by a few sentences in the book he found, the power he unlocked in a couple of months could be compared to an powerful and knowledgeable mage who has experience of a lifetime behind him or her.

And with the ease an "Inexperienced Mage" kills people makes one wonder how the mages was exterminated in the first place. But ignoring the plot holes there was still some fresh ideas behind the way Thad used his magic. Thad crafted with his imagination guiding him and showed me a mage who finally bent the rules of magic.

The story get silly sometimes but I enjoyed it more than I initially thought. Read reviews that mention looking forward main character forward to the next next book reawakening saga spell check grammatical errors spelling errors great story year old bad editing story line character development good book proof reader good story many grammatical edited version learning magic branded mage. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase.

The story is exciting, and as a whole, this is an enjoyable read. The pace is a tad inconsistent, where the author spends a decent amount of time on some scenes, and speeds through others that should've had more attention. Other parts are left out totally, and I found myself surprised how the character knew A or B because they were skipped over.

As others have pointed out, the proofreading of this book was either completely ignored or done by someone who wasn't paying attention. Other times it seems as if the proofreader, if there was one, wasn't a native English speaker e. Missing punctuation, spelling errors e.

After thousands of years without magic, Thad a young man has reawakened the lost art. Loved the last book the story stays true to its origins and the characters continue to grow and develop. Again the inventiveness of learning magic from the point of view of a young man figuring it out as he goes is captivating. Cannot wait to start book 3. The story mainly focuses on how the main character is learning to use magic and how he enchanted objects. Some sentences need to be read a couple of times to understand them.

Atrocious Grammar and Typos. Branded Mage (Reawakening Saga Book 2) eBook: D.W. Jackson: Kindle Store

This was quite an engaging story. It got a little slow in the middle, but even the slow part was interesting enough to keep my attention. Unfortunately, the typographical errors in this book make it painful to read. Any editor should have caught the vast majority of the mistakes, but there were literally over a hundred typos in this story. Jackson, for real, have someone edit your work before you publish it.

Your readers would probably be happy to look things over for you, as well, if you ask them before publishing. Our hero spends most of his time blushing furiously thanks to the interest of one of the women in the book not sure why a 20yr old is chasing after a 15yr old boy to the extent she does, even if he is a mage. I know, some people don't mind but really - a re-read to correct obvious problems is not that hard to do. The above choices don't allow for my perspectives toward this book.

The plot was inconsistent, erratic, abrupt, unsupported, etc. The mood was also inconsistent with the plot s , circumstances, etc. They were shallow, inconsistent, and did not evolve beyond what might be expected in a young teen after a sugar high. I read the book in hopes the characters would evolve. I believe this was written for, and might even be recommended for, a young teen or preteen. Really great series and fun to read. The other reviews are right about the editing but I don't feel that it is so bad that they can't find their way through the book without losing their way due to editing.

This is just an ignorant statement.

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I have been dismayed by the number of errors but my mind just inserts the correct word and goes on with the story. I love the story and would have given 5 stars without the editing problems. Jackson for an enlightening story to read! Starting from where the second book ended Thad is stuck in a new world with a new threat. Although there is a huge cutoff from the previous books Thad is set against things that like his status of a mage to be of fairy tales and legend.

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This book itself seemed fine but more of a repetition of the internal turmoil Thad had. Long ago, my kind started a war. Runeforged Ascension Book 1. After stumbling upon an ancient rune in a dark cave, she was rewarded with immense power. And a death sentence.

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There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Warded Mage brings Thad's journey one step closer to encountering the Brotherhood, an old order whose purpose is to get rid of magic and anyone who can use it.

As with the other Jackson books I've read the lack of editing caused some portions of the book to have a number of grammatical problems. Through this book Thad meets people from different races who help him develop new powers. Thanks to the other races Thad is also able to have someone to explain more about the Fae Wars whose history had been destroyed by the Brotherhood. I felt the book was a little short, and Brianna just didn't grow on me at all. It's not like she was a horrible character or anything, but she wasn't that interesting either.

That said, I liked the rest of the book. Thad gets more skilled, picks up some new powers, and best of all doesn't get screwed over at the end. This series is very enticing, I like the way that the characters are developed and the story moves at a great pace compared to other books that are this size. The only problem that I have with it is the editing done on the Kindle edition. There were pleanty of mistakes all throughout the 4 books. Examples being misplaced quotation marks, no spacing between words, and plural forms used where singular forms of words should have been used.

While the sotry remains, those mistakes really break up the flow for the reader. After four books I was hoping the author would have made enough money to hire an editor. Alas, this isn't the case. Jackson if you are reading this please let me know if you need an editor for your next book. I will gladly proof read it for free and fix it just for being able to beat read it.

Dale Jackson has given us a good story that's a continuation of the previous books. However, it's so short that it should have been combined with the previous one. Also, as usual, it shows no attempt at proofreading. Again, four or five stars for the story and minus stars for the sloppy writing.