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Drawing from her years of experience as a movement teacher and Feldenkrais Method r instructor, Plonka provides simple exercises, thought-provoking lessons, and real-life examples that help readers better understand the relationship between their movement patterns and their emotional state. After beginning with an overview of both historical and modern ideas about the correlation between bodily movement and human emotion and expression, Plonka turns theory into practice by addressing each major area of the body-and the emotional baggage held there.

Through exploratory exercises, we learn more about: Whether she is examining how a depressed chest can make us feel psychologically depressed, how body language is used to deceive others, or how loosening our pelvis can help us break a lifelong cycle of self-destructive behavior, Plonka is always caring and insightful, guiding readers to a deeper awareness of themselves and how changing their posture has the potential to change their whole lives. About Walking Your Talk In every movement of our bodies, we express a world of emotions.

Also by Lavinia Plonka.

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See all books by Lavinia Plonka. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Made Out of Stars. Notes for the Everlost. Kate Inglis and Kate Inglis. Robie Rogge and Dian Smith. : body language

The Curated Closet Workbook. You Can Fix Your Brain. You Are the Universe. You Are Not a Rock. No Time to Lose.

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How Not to Fall Apart. The Practice of Pure Awareness. Draw Your Day Sketchbook. The Places That Scare You. Large Sketchbook Chestnut Brown.

Walking Your Talk

Each talk is shorter than 30 minutes, so feel free to bookmark for later consumption. This is an incredibly moving talk from a woman who has dedicated her life to researching psychiatry and schizophrenia. One day she realized she was having a stroke — and instead of being devastated, she thought, "This is so cool!

How many brain scientists have the opportunity to study their brain from the inside out? Meg Jay hopes to motivate a generation of twenty-somethings who have repeatedly been told they have plenty of time to figure out their lives. On the contrary, Jay sites statistics about career growth, relationship development and reproductive capabilities that all emphasize the importance of our 20s as a formative period that sets the trajectory for the rest of our lives.

There has been a lot of research into how others perceive our body language, and the importance of sending the right message. However, Amy Cuddy delves into how we are influenced by our own body language — and how a few strategic power poses can make a world of difference in our self-confidence and stress levels. Dan Pink explores the efficacy of rewards and punishment in the workplace — and the results are surprising. Differentiating between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, and different types of rewards, Pink explains why we need to rethink how we run our businesses, and how leaders can motivate more effectively.

Deb Roy takes you through some mind-blowing data visualization as he charts his son's language acquisition.

Roy then explains the larger implications of applying his language analytics to news, TV and social media — and the emerging social structures we see as a result. Nilofer Merchant's concept is quite simple: We are sitting 9.

Change your mindset, change the game

So instead of having the typical work meeting, take your meetings outside — and you'll be surprised by how easily fresh air can drive fresh thinking. This brilliant talk by Ken Robinson will make you laugh out loud, and also make you seriously think about our education system.

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Robinson discusses some of the pitfalls of education in America, including how we measure academic ability and intelligence, and how we need to encourage creativity in our children. Elon Musk discusses the innovative thought processes behind some of his greatest ventures: Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity. He also explores the future of sustainable energy — and the necessity of solar energy in the future. Simon Sinek leads a thought-provoking talk about how some of the greatest leaders have inspired those around them, including Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sinek believes true inspiration comes from believing in something strongly yourself, and communicating that belief to others — "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. The successful author of Lean In , Sheryl Sandberg, leads a TED talk about the glaring lack of women in leadership roles in the workplace. As Sandberg sheds light on some differences between men and women in the office, she gives aspiring female business leaders a few actionable tips to take their career to the next level. This incredibly moving talk by Andrew Solomon addresses how diagnosis of an illness can affect identity.

Through an exploration of vertical and horizontal identities, Solomon discusses homosexuality, dwarfism and Downs Syndrome with startling insight.