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It has already been a huge publicity success for New York. Though the Big Apple rarely needs encouragement to attract media interest, 'The Gates' has been exceptional in the amount of attention it has already grabbed. One city hotel has offered a 'saffron-seasoned' lunch in honour of 'The Gates' orange-yellow colour. Another has put binoculars in all its rooms overlooking the park, while the Metropolitan Museum of Art has opened its summer roof garden to give visitors a better view.

But the interest is far from limited to just New York. At an official press conference on Friday Christo and Jeanne-Claude and Bloomberg faced a phalanx of 45 TV cameras as they discussed the project.

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Journalists from more than organisations, including from Mexico, Sweden and Bulgaria, strained to hear their every word. Many international tour companies are offering special trips to New York just to see the project. Bloomberg did not hold back in lauding the artistic worth of the piece. Ironically the artists themselves were much less forthcoming in describing their work.

Jeanne-Claude told the assembled reporters that people should not read too much into the work but should just relax and enjoy it. It provides no symbol.

Christo turns the Big Apple orange | World news | The Guardian

Christo explained the reason behind the pair's refusal to analyse their own work by saying that it was just intended for people to walk through and enjoy the experience. This project is not involving talk.

It's a real physical space. It is about seeing.

You experience the project,' he said as he grew visibly irritated at journalists' queries about the inner meaning of 'The Gates'. If you are old, two is good,' he snapped. The scale of the project is huge. More than , nuts and bolts will secure the structure along with , miles of nylon thread. An army of volunteers erected them.

Oranges In The Big Apple

Yet the artists provide all the funding and will recoup much of the costs through the sale of studies, scale models and preparatory drawings. In many ways Christo and Jeanne-Claude typify the stereotype of the avant garde artists. The mysterious husband and wife team, who go only by their first names, met when Jeanne-Claude was a French socialite and Christo was a penniless Bulgarian portrait artist who had escaped his Soviet-run homeland to Paris on a freight train. Since they hit on the idea of wrapping public objects and other large-scale art, the pair have won worldwide acclaim and a loyal following while maintaining an aura of secrecy and eccentricity.

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Some of their most famous works include wrapping a chain of islands off the coast of Florida and erecting 3, huge umbrellas in valleys in California and Japan. It IS a resource for families of children with special needs. This resource directs YOU to find out the information to help your child. Well, Big Apple refers to New York City and this guide is for families with special needs children in the 5 boroughs although the laws and regulations are state-wide.

Christo turns the Big Apple orange

So are our children — sentient, loving, unique individuals — only different. Home About Step One: Getting an evaluation Step Two: How to apply Impartial hearing Step Four: The resource for NYC special needs children and their families. Leave a Reply Name: When my family first learned that our beautiful son needed special services, we had a million questions and felt really lost.

It rips you apart and often tears families apart. But the sooner your child gets help, the better the outcome.