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eBook Manuscript Formatting Guide

We appreciate your feedback. Click here to take our survey and give us detailed feedback. If you're having a problem and need assistance, please contact us. Can't find your answer in our Help pages? The information we give is specific to the version of Word, but the steps are similar in most versions. Depending on your book, some steps may be unnecessary--e. After you format your manuscript in Word, add finishing touches with Kindle Create. In just a few clicks, this free tool turns your file into a beautiful eBook.

It can help you format your title page and individual paragraphs and change you book's look and feel by applying themes. Set paragraph indentations and line spacing To ensure that your book body text displays consistently, you'll want to indent paragraphs Tab spacing doesn't convert to Kindle and set line spacing. To ensure consistency and save time, modify the Normal style. This will automatically apply the formatting. On the Home tab, right-click the Normal style and choose Modify.


Click the Format list the drop-down at the bottom of the dialog box and choose Paragraph. This opens another dialog box. Finish your manuscript Format chapter titles. As you write your book, apply Heading 1 to chapter titles. This will also help you later when you create your table of contents. Place your cursor next to the first chapter title. On the Home tab, click Heading 1.

Set the alignment to Center. Repeat for each chapter title. Add front and back matter.

ABC's of Writing Medical Papers in English

Front matter includes elements like title, copyright, and dedication pages. Your eBook should include a title page with your book title and author name. You can also add other front matter as well as back matter pages, but these aren't required. To get ideas, look at books with content similar to yours. If you want to add a copyright page, here's a template: Choose the type of book you're making and click Choose File. Kindle Create will then import your document. Kindle Create will start finding chapter titles. A list of suggested chapter titles will appear. Create a table of contents Review each suggested chapter by clicking on them in the Headings column.

Uncheck the box for any heading that isn't a chapter title. Click OK when you're done. However, if a similar article has been recently published, it can either help or hinder the consideration of a manuscript. For example, if the planned manuscript with similar methods shows similar results to the recently published paper, it is less likely to be considered for publication, as it is no longer considered novel. There are three exceptions: In this case, the editor may choose to publish both in the same issue of the journal to create a theme for that issue 7 - 9.

Often, more than one journal could be an appropriate home for an article. Once the author s have narrowed their selection to a few journals, it is best to choose the journal with the highest impact factor. A good overview of the importance, calculation, and flaws of the impact factor is available A final consideration when deciding on a journal is whether the author would like to influence one type of readership or another. For example, you may choose to submit a manuscript with an endoscopic technique to influence change among other disciplines 4 or to a more regional journal 11 , which may lead to an increase in practice referrals.

Once the author s have chosen the journal to which they intend to submit an article, the preparation process begins. The authors should carefully review the "instructions for authors" for the particular journal 2. Nearly all journals have web sites for online submission. The "instructions for authors" page describes the format for each type of article original article, case report, review, editorial, etc. Such instructions include how to format the abstract, maximum allowable word counts and images, how to prepare images i. The author MUST follow these instructions carefully to prevent outright and immediate rejection.

Although violation of these rules generally does not mean the manuscript cannot be resubmitted, it will likely result in delays. The next step is to perform a careful literature search to identify similar papers published in English. This serves several purposes: It must be emphasized that this is to be used only as a guide. You must but be careful not to copy word-for-word what is written, since this is considered plagiarism; 2 It provides ideas for the discussion section; and; 3 It allows generation of a reference list.

References are an important part of a manuscript in several ways. A manuscript in which the reference list does not contain the most important and pertinent articles is considered incomplete. This relates back to the prior section in performing a complete literature search. One way to create a complete literature search is to find an article that addresses a similar topic using a medical literature search engine such as PubMed http: Using this site, once an article is identified you can use the "Related citations" link; this will retrieve all related articles which can be sorted by using the link "Display Settings" at the top.

Selecting "Pub Date" will sort the articles chronologically. You can also find reviews by using "Filter your results" and then select "Review. When publishing original articles in which there are many prior publications, the manuscript should only include the most recent or largest sample size publications, although you should be sure to include "landmark" studies that all subsequent papers are based upon despite the date of publication.

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You must ensure that the references are correct. This includes correct spelling, title, and names and correct correlation in the text. When mistakes are made in the references it reflects poorly on the quality of the authors' work. There are two ways to avoid incorrect references. One is to use PubMed, select the desired reference s and then select "send to".

Then in a drop-down, select "file" a file will open and you can copy and paste the citation s into the document. Once the reference s is are identified they can be stored on the site by creating your own account and "collections" folders where they will always be available to use for the same or other manuscripts. To then use the reference, click on it and choose the option "send to file", copy the reference and paste it into your document see appendix 1. The references must be in the format requested by the particular journal. For example, many journals request that all authors be listed when there are six or fewer but when there are more than six authors the first three are cited followed by "et al".

These requirements are present in the instructions for authors as previously mentioned. When writing the manuscript you should use a reference manager. This allows you to add and delete references and reorder them without having to perform a renumbering process manually. This also avoids errors in the references.

Thus, when multiple authors are electronically altering sharing the document, they can add or delete references without the need for a separate program. There are many ways to approach writing a manuscript. Some authors start at the title page and work down through each section Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions. Others write an abstract first and expand the document for each section. This may be the easiest and most practical way to begin, especially if an abstract was prepared for presentation at a scientific meeting However, there is no exact order that must be followed and some authors start with the Methods and Results sections and move to other sections later.

Some general style points are worth noting. You should avoid writing excessively long Introduction and Discussion sections. Indeed some journals now have word or space limits to the Introduction section. In any case, longer more words does not equate to better. The introduction should do just that: The most important key points should be mentioned with references that lead up to the purpose of writing the paper. Methods should be written as clearly as possible and in as few sentences as possible.

If a method used is similar or identical to one described in a prior publication you can say something like "Pseudocyst drainage was performed as previously described" with reference. Then say, "Briefly, using a 20 Gauge needle Model type, Manufacturer, Company location was passed through a standard duodenoscope Model type, Manufacturer, Company location and was used to puncture the area of endoscopically visible extrinsic compression in the stomach or duodenum".

You should avoid editorializing in the methods and results sections. The Discussion section should address the most important points you want to make in the manuscript. It needs to be coherent and you should not feel obliged to fill as much space as possible. You should only write what needs to be written to make the points and not to just "fill space.

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Each subsequent paragraph should contain a single, main point. There should be a transition sentence to the next paragraph, either at the end of the previous paragraph or as the first sentence in the next paragraph. For papers with original data, you must help the reader understand what makes the manuscript unique or different, or confirms what has previously been published. This makes it easier to see changes made by other authors so that everyone is "on the same page. Use organized and well-designed tables to present your data.

This is particularly important for interventional procedural, surgical manuscripts not purely basic science articles. In addition, many journals accept videos now and the inclusion of a high-quality video can add to the quality of an article and may convince the reviewers and editors that the article is worthy of publication. However, journals have problems when the file sizes are too large in general they shouldn't be bigger than MB, maximum, or reviewers, editors, and later, readers have trouble viewing them.

Example of high quality illustration showing malignant colonic obstruction and subsequent indwelling self-expandable metal stent. In the Results section, you should briefly state the results in an understandable manner and then refer the reader to tables with results for more complete details. Algorithms schematic diagrams should be used to show patient flow through the study, especially when trying to explain them in the Methods section is complicated.

You should seek the assistance of a statistician when original, comparative data are used. Preferably this should be done prior to writing the paper and is a basic principle of prospective studies since sample size calculations and identification of primary endpoints are needed.

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A statistician is not always necessary if the study is purely descriptive case reports, case series. It is important to realize that many manuscripts are rejected on the basis of incorrectly or inadequately performed statistics BUT it is also important to realize that the statistics are only as good as the data in other words, you can't make bad data look good by using good statistical methods. This may be the most important aspect of the manuscript in terms of "presentation of the meal" and "making a good first impression" as were described earlier.

It is important to have someone whose first language is English and with expertise in medical writing carefully review the manuscript for English expression. This person should have the authority to make changes directly to the document as they see fit. Also request that this person or persons use the "track changes" feature of Word to allow authors to see what has been changed. This will allow the authors to see what they have done wrong, which will help them when writing manuscripts in the future. However, there is concern abut "ghostwriting", particularly as it relates to industry sponsored articles Some minor points that make the manuscript cleaner and show an understanding of the language are worth mentioning.

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Thus, it is incorrect to write "the data shows X. For example, do not write "Placement of an esophageal stent provides significant benefits for the patient. Spell out words used later used as acronyms at first mention; then use the acronym for the remainder of the manuscript. An example is "Self-expandable metal stents SEMS provide superior patency to plastic biliary stents for distal bile duct cancer".

After this, SEMS can be used in place of self-expandable metal stents. Avoid excessive use of non-standard abbreviations because it is confusing to the reader. The number of authors should be limited to include only those who meet criteria for authorship. Often these criteria are present in the instructions for authors for the particular journal and many journals now require statements as to the contribution of each author to the manuscript. Although it is tempting to add an author for political reasons or because they referred patients for the study, it detracts from the legitimacy of the study.

As a general rule, an author is someone who has contributed substantially to the manuscript, either by study design or data review usually not necessary for small case series or case reports , or those who have substantial involvement in drafting or editing the manuscript. Additional information can be found at http: