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Paris, who couldn't help but overhear their conversation, interrupts and comments about an alien in his dream as well. They soon discover that Tuvok had a nightmare too: Realizing that the appearance of this mysterious alien in all of their dreams couldn't have been a mere coincidence, Janeway calls the senior staff together, but Harry Kim is nowhere to be found.

After repeated unsuccessful hails to reach Kim, Janeway and Tuvok finally go to his quarters.


Upon entering his room, they find Kim asleep but cannot wake him. They decide to bring him to sickbay. After a thorough examination by The Doctor , it turns out that Kim and several other crew members are in a so-called hyper- REM state — or simply speaking, just fast asleep. For some reason, however, he cannot wake them up — not even with direct cortical stimulation.

The Doctor advises that everyone avoid going to sleep for the time being until he knows more. Janeway concludes that all this must be related to the alien in their dreams. In the briefing room , Torres, Chakotay, Janeway, Paris, and Seven of Nine each describe the alien in their dreams in an attempt to reconstruct his image. Eventually, they arrive at the picture they want and Seven states that the Borg have never encountered this species before.

"Waking Moments"

They cannot find any starships in this vicinity or planets capable of sustaining humanoid life. Chakotay suggests that they use their dreams to make contact with the alien, because that is the only place anyone of them have seen the alien. He suggests a technique called lucid dreaming in which the dreamer takes complete control of his or her dream.

He tells the senior staff that he can use the same techniques he uses during a vision quest to enter a lucid dream.

How to write a sonnet

He will do so by remembering a visual cue — such as Earth 's moon — to remind him that he is dreaming. He can use this cue to wake himself up by tapping himself on the back of his hand three times. This is their only option, as they cannot stay awake forever and have to come up with ways to get themselves out of this situation with the means they have.

In sickbay, The Doctor is ready for Chakotay to go to sleep. When Chakotay falls asleep and is in his dream, he is holding a spear and is deer hunting through the corridors of the USS Voyager. When the deer enters the mess hall, Chakotay sees the full moon outside the window and confirms that he's dreaming. He now has complete control over his dream. He goes to the other end of the mess hall and finds the deer turning into the alien. Chakotay tries to strike it, but it knocks the weapon out of his hand.

In a confrontation with the alien who is surprised that Chakotay is aware of his dream, Chakotay finds out that they are dealing with a species that exists in the dream state only. The alien believes that Voyager — as yet another "waking species" — is out to destroy them. Chakotay assures him that Voyager had no intention to destroy them and that they are only interested in waking up the rest of their crew and leaving immediately. The alien explains that when Voyager passes through their space, its crew will awaken.

He tells them to go to a six-planet system — which marks the nearest border of their space — less than a parsec away. He warns Chakotay to pray that he will never dream of them again. Chakotay taps his hand three times and is instantly awake in sickbay. Chakotay heads to the bridge with Captain Janeway and they begin laying in a course toward the six-planet system the alien talked about. Chakotay talks about what the alien told him, referencing Australian aborigines whose creation mythology states that the world was in fact dreamed into existence.

He wonders if the aliens ever wake up and how they evolved this way. Janeway states that they may in fact never know as sometimes first contact is the last contact. After they reach the border of the alien territory, Kim and the others finally wake up.

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Interestingly, Seven of Nine asks Kim to join her in a Jefferies tube similar to that he had dreamed about being with her; this time, however, he gives her an excuse to stall for time. In the mess hall, Torres, Neelix, and Tuvok are discussing their respective nightmares. They tease Kim about his dream, which Torres believes involved a woman of sorts.

They laugh it off and then turn to Tuvok, wondering what a Vulcan nightmare would be like. Even as Neelix jokingly suggests that it would involve being trapped on a planet where the only means of communication is laughter, Tuvok, remains rather stoic and does not entertain the group's funny inclinations. Suddenly, the ship is under attack by the same aliens responsible for the dreams.

The crew of Voyager realize that they had been led into a trap. The aliens surround Voyager with a dampening field and Voyager suffers a complete power drain. A squad of aliens board the ship and escort the crew to the cargo bay. There, Janeway decides that they should create a diversion so that someone can access a Jefferies tube and retake the ship. Seven of Nine punches Kim and explains quietly that she is creating a diversion. Janeway pretends to handle it while Torres and Chakotay access a Jefferies tube. While accessing manual control, Chakotay suddenly sees the full moon on the control panel — realizing that he must still be dreaming and that he, in fact, never woke up the first time around.

The aliens try to restrain Chakotay but he taps the back of his hand three times and instantly is awake in the real sickbay.

Joszann (Author of Sonnets in Waking Moments)

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Dec 29, Ran a giveaway on Goodreads as part of the tour and want to say thank you to all for the overwhelming interest in the book. Congrats to our three winners! Thank you to Goodreads for making the giveaway possible. To accommodate those persons who were interested in the book the Kindle version is available on Amazon today and tomorrow at 0.

Dec 05, Romantic Historical Fiction Lovers — members — last activity Dec 10, For a title to qualify for our group book shelf, it must meet the following criteria: Either historical or biographical fiction with a strong romantic element, OR a work of historical romance based upon real characters, a major historical event, or having a well-researched setting. Romance heat levels may range from sweet to erotic as long as the book maintains strong historical detail.

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Sub-genres such as suspense, time travel, and some paranormal elements are also eligible. All titles for our shelf must be nominated by a RHFL group member. We have also recentlt established our own RHF Book review blog comprised of over thirty author, reader, and reviewer members of this group. Please visit us at: Ask Paulo Coelho - Tuesday, April 2nd! Paulo will be discussing his work, including his most re Join us on Tuesday, April 2nd for a special discussion with best selling author Paulo Coelho! Paulo will be discussing his work, including his most recent book Manuscript Found in Accra!

Become a fan of Paulo Coelho! Womankind Worldwide Book Group — members — last activity Oct 18, Blogger's Bookshelf — members — last activity Jul 26, Blogger's Bookshelf was born out of a collective love of literature when back in Erin and Ria decided to team up and create a new blog. Thier idea was to form a community of like minded readers, bursting to share the stories they love and hate!

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