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If you can understand Rumi as himself, you will also fall in love with him. Poems are the rough notations for the music we are. View all 19 comments. I am not sure whom to give credit for this book to, Rumi or Coleman Barks. For the gift of translating it we certainly owe a debt to Barks but for the power and the truth contained we more deeply owe Rumi.

This is not a book of love poems for a sweetheart or a Valentine. This is a book to be given or read only in the cases of deepest and most positive realization that your life is bound up in another; romantic or otherwise. These poems are not about the kind of love which belongs on Hallmark car I am not sure whom to give credit for this book to, Rumi or Coleman Barks.

These poems are not about the kind of love which belongs on Hallmark cards, in fact, Barks refused to lend his translations to that exact company. These poems are about the kind of love that has a deep resonance rather than a high pitched squeal. I won't be so shallow as to say "love hurts" would be a theme, I will go farther and say "love consumes" would best sub-title this book.

Not the everyday consumerism that leads us to be drunk on our credit card bills at malls and department stores but the same feeling over addictive and unstoppable behavior for the well being of another. I cannot get across what this book is worth in terms of "love" alone, more aptly this book is religious even if not one of the major ones.

Perhaps this is the first holy book of a new religion. However, if you only want to find very hot, sexy poetry, you will find it; only cute, vampirey "cannot live without you" poetry you will gag on it. So you must approach this book expecting more.

  1. The Book of Love Quotes.
  2. 50 timeless quotes from book lovers.
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It will satisfy all the basics, but only if you deeply read and employ your intellect to understand the profound place Rumi speaks from can you reasonably understand this book. However you choose to approach it I recommend the latter this book will be one you can and will turn to again and again no matter who you are. Mar 10, Judy Croome rated it liked it. Having watched both live and DVD performances of the Whirling Dervishes a spiritual meditative dance based on the teachings of Rumi , I approached this volume with the expectation of experiencing that same sense of immersion in — or union with — the Divine beloved.

Instead, I was left with a weird sense of dislocation. Contemporary images celebrated sexual union, but not ecstatic union. Does your penis long for union like this? Is that why her legs are so covered with this stuff? The modern language, too, was conveyed without any mystical rhythm.

In musical terms this would be the steady cadence of a liturgical chant the exquisite sound of the Gregorian or Benedictine chants. In seeking to convey the lightness of the mystical trance in simple, modern popular! View all 4 comments. May 15, Taymara Jagmohan rated it it was amazing.

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Now now, this book really did teach me a lot. How can you not love when the love that you're seeking is just in your soul? How can you not understand that love mesmerizes us and dazzles us to such an extent that we have no other option but to add more to it? Love is and love will be. You cannot force nor can you augment, you can only allow your soul to evaporate within the teachings of it.

It may seem like no necessity, but it grovels to a stand-point. It makes you feel found; but also lost. It render Now now, this book really did teach me a lot. It renders your mind hopeful, but allows you hopeless thoughts. It bears you fruits, but it can get barren. Love stands, but it sleeps peacefully. It ransacks your wounds, but tends to them prettily.

It's just a wholesome thought that we cannot evade.

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If you have love within you, then let it ooze. The most can come from it is you. It is the only free-grabbing, monotony-alleviating and soul-wrenching notion. Don't forget to always remember it. Yours truly and ever blossoming, Taymara. Aug 21, Jonathanstray Stray rated it it was amazing.

The man wrote years ago in a radically different language and culture, and every word comes through. May 20, Christina rated it it was amazing. On my end table forever. To be read every day. Everyone needs to read the whole collection of Rumi books. Mar 30, Richa Kashelkar rated it it was amazing.

A lot of people have mistakenly considered this to be a book about romantic love, about love between two people. I guess this is why Rumi is the word of God for fanatic lovers and is quoted so extensively. I was guilty of this too, at one point! The book is actually about something else altogether, and something way beyond the scope of worldly emotions and relationships. The call of longing and the ecstasy of union he writes of is all about our search for our Self, or God, whichever you choose. I wish not to speak much of this because it is too daunting a task.

To some it may strike a few chords, to some it may not make any sense at all. If however this book falls in your hand at the right time in your life, it is gold. The extent of enjoyment and wisdom you stand to get from this book does not depend on the book at all; it solely rests on how ripe you are for it. This is a book to be kept lovingly on your bed stand and read on one of those nights; you know which. Aug 14, Tom Emanuel rated it it was amazing Shelves: Rather than attempt to review the wonder that is Coleman Barks's sterling re-interpretations of Rumi's staggeringly beautiful mystic poetry, I'm going to simply extract four lines that have been blowing my mind pretty consistently in recent days: My mind is blown.

As it was by almost every freaking poem in this collection. Let the prai Rather than attempt to review the wonder that is Coleman Barks's sterling re-interpretations of Rumi's staggeringly beautiful mystic poetry, I'm going to simply extract four lines that have been blowing my mind pretty consistently in recent days: Let the praise and the longing in these pages guide you to that place where everything is music. Jan 08, Ruhat alp rated it it was amazing. They have drawn this form in the workshop of sorrows. They have kneaded his day with sadne Rumi says: They have kneaded his day with sadness.

The human being sometimes becomes a devil, sometimes an angel, and sometimes a wild beast. What a mysterious creature is man that different habits, virtues, goodness and evil have come together in him. May 30, Huda AbuKhoti rated it liked it. I wanted to read this book after many references made by Khaled Hosseini to Rumi and Forough Farrokhzad. As a Muslim this is entirely new to me. New to me in the aspect that I felt like I was reading a book that is more related to Zen more so than Islam; that is why I carried on reading the poetry from that aspect.

It wasn't a religious book for me but more of spiritual and fictitious, that was the only way that let me enjoy it and finish it.

30 best love quotes from literature

Having said that I loved a lot of the poetry, didn't ge I wanted to read this book after many references made by Khaled Hosseini to Rumi and Forough Farrokhzad. Having said that I loved a lot of the poetry, didn't get many poems and most of all became intrigued to read about this mysterious being that is more famous in the west than here among Muslims and how this character became a signature of the soul and the realm of love and emotions in their purest forms.

I certainly found trails of that in the poetry. Jan 23, Lilia Zuhara rated it it was amazing. This book talks about love. But when you expect kind of love which solely involved feeling, this in not the proper book for you. Rumi talked about love in deeper sight. Love is not only about ecstasy and agony, it's also about the purity of love which also purify your soul.

If you really dip yourself into this book, you'll be enlightened at the end. You just can't skim this read.

Best Love quotes: the story of love & romance - Books

View all 3 comments. Jun 24, metaphor rated it it was amazing Shelves: You had better run from me. My words are fire. Jun 18, Mena Asaad rated it it was amazing.

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  • May 29, joycesu rated it it was ok. To be perfectly honest, I thought Rumi's Book of Love was a little overrated. Perhaps it was just my translation, but I thought a lot of the poems alluded to obscure cultural and obviously religious themes, which makes it extremely curious to me why he is so popularly quoted in modern America. Anyway, there were a few shreds of lightness that I did capture and like, which made up for the parables that were not absorbed Somehow this bothers me; it To be perfectly honest, I thought Rumi's Book of Love was a little overrated.

    Somehow this bothers me; it makes me think, perhaps something is begin misread or misinterpreted when we quote Rumi. We are taking what we think we understand, without actually understanding all of the teachings of Sufism. So my conclusion is: Upon a little investigation, I came upon this tidbit about Coleman Barks on Wikipedia: Coleman Barks born is an American poet. Although he neither speaks nor reads Persian, he is nonetheless renowned as an interpreter of Rumi and other mystic poets of Persia.

    The rating of one star is for Barks and his appropriation and raping of Mowlavi's masterpiece. Barks has talent, no doubts about that. It admittedly takes lots of skill to turn some of the most eloquent prose, one closest to human nature and its connection with a transcendental reality above it, into a projection of one's own clinical obsession with sex and erotic love. A big pat on the back for editorials who are all in for the cash and feel no remorse in desecrating the beauty of this world, s The rating of one star is for Barks and his appropriation and raping of Mowlavi's masterpiece.

    A big pat on the back for editorials who are all in for the cash and feel no remorse in desecrating the beauty of this world, serving readers who don't care to frown at the freak show. Do yourself a favor and skip Barks altogether. If you must use a translation and really want to give a try to the wisdom of West Asia, Reynold Alleyne Nicholson is what you are looking for. Aug 12, Divya rated it liked it. I didn't read it end to end, but then again, it's not a novel. That said, some poems in this collection are absolutely exquisite.

    Among my favourites, "Excuse my wandering. How can one be orderly with this? It's like counting leaves in a garden along with the song notes of partridges and crows. Sometimes organisation and computation become absurd. Dec 01, A.

    Ramadan started, so I have to store it in the unfinished shelf August 10, came back to finish it: This book can be a sanctuary for someone who believes in love but lost the sight of it. As for those who think that love is an illusion, they should not waste their time reading this book. As for those who experienced the true form of love, this book may not be sufficient View all 6 comments.

    Jun 30, Stefani rated it really liked it Shelves: Jun 05, Meryem rated it it was amazing Shelves: Rumi gets under your skin like no other poet can. He is one of my favorite poets, along with Pablo Neruda and Charles Bukowski. Dec 02, Mohit rated it it was amazing. A third world journey without drinking. Jul 16, Nuke rated it really liked it Shelves: Good for those who still wants to believe that there is indeed enough love in this world. Jan 28, Sadia Mansoor rated it it was ok Shelves: Buku ini saya beli pada 19 November tetapi menemui keyakinan untuk menyusurinya pada Ogos ; bukan kerana semata-mata jangkauan di rak buku kini mudah dicapai selepas membersihkannya, sebaliknya pandangan saya semakin mesra dengan karya sufi dan tasawuf termasuk puisi lewat daripada celah tingkap pembacaan yang saya intip kebelakangan ini.

    Membaca Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi khususnya Mathnawi adalah sama dengan membaca karya agung sufi dalam erti kata perlu memahami pandangan alam Islam yang Buku ini saya beli pada 19 November tetapi menemui keyakinan untuk menyusurinya pada Ogos ; bukan kerana semata-mata jangkauan di rak buku kini mudah dicapai selepas membersihkannya, sebaliknya pandangan saya semakin mesra dengan karya sufi dan tasawuf termasuk puisi lewat daripada celah tingkap pembacaan yang saya intip kebelakangan ini.

    50 timeless quotes from book-loving authors

    Membaca Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi khususnya Mathnawi adalah sama dengan membaca karya agung sufi dalam erti kata perlu memahami pandangan alam Islam yang menyaksikan seluruh alam adalah tajalli daripada Jamal dan Jalal Allah SWT. Meskipun membaca terjemahan daripada orientalis dan sarjana Barat - apapun saja tujuan kajiannya - seperti hasil daripada Coleman Barks ini yang dianggap berjasa dalam 'menyihir' pembaca Amerika Syarikat AS sehingga Maulana Rumi menjadi penyair yang paling banyak dibaca oleh rakyat di negara berkenaan, pandangan alam yang benar akan menjadikan kita berupaya menikmati tanpa jauh tersasar daripada realiti dan hakikatnya.

    Barks meskipun pernah menghasilkan terjemahan yang lebih 'sensual' pada zaman mudanya seperti yang diakuinya dalam introduksi buku ini, lebih dewasa dalam menggubah dan menyulam Mathanawi. Beliau membuka setiap bahagian dengan tulisan yang merangkumi pengalaman peribadi, pengamatan realiti dan pandangan rohani-sasterawi yang memudahkan kita untuk melihat landasan yang dibentuk olehnya untuk menampung fragmen pesan Maulana Rumi yang diterjemahkannya.

    Ini menjadikan kita lebih sedar bukan saja terhadap pemanduan yang dikendali oleh Bark, bahkan membantu dalam menyusur perjalanan rohani menuju kepada hakikat Insanul Kamil yang diilhamkan kepada Maulana Rumi. Bagaimanapun, tentulah membaca Mathnawi dalam bahasa asalnya atau sekurang-kurangnya dalam bentuk yang lebih hampir adalah lebih baik lagi. Bagaimanapun, membaca buku ini meskipun sudah diberikan bumbu komersialisasi, ia menguatkan panggilan Maulana Rumi untuk mencari cinta hakiki Yang Dicintai sehingga mencapai puncaknya kecintaan, lalu kita pula menjadi yang dicintai.

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