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The whole family came along, including Grandma, aunts, uncles, and cousins—even the little kids. It was always a blast. They practically took up a whole section in the upper deck in right field. Or rather, with one of his two best friends. The other was Vijay Patel, but Vijay was in India for the whole summer with his family.

They were there to attend a family wedding. Grandma came into the kitchen just as Derek was finishing his cereal. Yes, I want some! Besides him and Sharlee, there were always other cousins staying at the house. She was a manager at a hospital.

Kluber throwing hitters for loop with curveball

Her kids, Jessica and little Alfie, were five and three years old. There were other, smaller homes on the property too, as well as a large lawn leading down to the lake. He had cousins who were his age or older.

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There was a public beach in the town of Greenwood Lake, but the family members almost never went there. Why would they, when all they had to do was jump into the lake off the cement boat dock at the Castle? There was a wooden floating platform about a hundred feet out, where they could rest if they were tired, and pretend they were on a boat or a ship. Yes, there was always someone to have fun with, just not this early in the morning.

You were really whacking that ball!

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But he was already jogging over to the far end of the yard, by the woods at the edge of the property. Raising his bat as she tossed the ball, he swung with all his might. The ball dropped harmlessly to the ground behind him. Grandma loved to tease him. She loved all her grandkids and would have dropped everything to spend time with any of them. His second swing was right on the money.

Life’s Curveball Becomes a Pitcher's Secret Weapon

It sailed way past Grandma and right out onto the road. On his next swing he hit one way over her head.

Trevor Bauer threw a gorgeous lollipop of a curveball to strike out Aaron Judge

Logan and Andrew play softball over there sometimes. For him it had always been hardball or nothing. But her mention of Dave had reminded him of something else—he needed to ask her about Dave coming with them to Yankee Stadium on his visit. And we always go in early August! The more the merrier, right? Derek knew that his family went to only one Yankees game every summer. It was expensive, not to mention hard to arrange, what with so many cousins and aunts and uncles involved. But they had always gone in early August. Which was just as well, because he had no idea what to say or do about it.

More books from this author: ALDS schedule and coverage:: I just know it's nasty. Told of the ongoing confusion over Kluber's confounding pitch, the creator let out an amused laugh from his home in Skowhegan, Maine, a small town west of Bangor with a population of about 9, More than a decade ago, Garrett Quinn was the pitching coach for Stetson University, where a young Kluber arrived raw but full of potential. One of their first tasks was to fix the slow, loopy curveball that he used against high school players. He will be armed with a devastating curveball that has helped him develop into an AL Cy Young Award winner, ace and leader of the Majors' best rotation.

When the pitch leaves Kluber's fingertips, it begins straight.

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The hitter's brain has a fraction of a second to process the information relayed by their eyes. Is it a cutter, four-seamer, two-seamer or is it that breaking ball?

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If the batter guesses wrong, there is not enough barrel on the bats that Quinn now produces for a living to catch up with the pitch as it sweeps away from the strike zone. What is Kluber's breaking ball? I used to tell people all the time, 'Let's forget the semantics and the "curveball" and "cutter" and "slider. Quinn laughs again as he recalls the first time Kluber rolled the ball in his hand, found the suggested grip and began testing out the pitch.

Curveball | Fiction |

There's a genetic aspect to what he does that you can't coach into pitchers. It took time for Kluber to fine-tune the offering into what hitters see now. It also took rearranging the rest of his repertoire to get the most out of his signature curve. In college and during his early days in the Minors, Kluber relied mostly on his four-seam fastball, which has a little natural cut to it. Seven months later, it's clear Coghlan knew what he was talking about.

We saw thousands more curveballs in , particularly in the playoffs, and especially to attack the Cubs. So what's going on? And can we use these trends to identify the pitchers who might be worth experimenting with as the next Hill? Let's start with the data and the caveat that we'll be combining both regular curves and knuckle-curves into one category here.

During the regular season, If a point or two doesn't sound like much, realize that baseball threw more than , pitches this year, so each point represents about 7, pitches. In raw terms, the jump from 69, curves in to 77, in meant 7, additional curves. That's a lot of additional breaking pitches. Drew Pomeranz curve combo.

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Unsurprisingly, we're seeing plenty of pitchers focus more heavily on the curve, too. If we look back to , there have been 1, pitcher seasons of at least innings. Three of the top four individual curveballing seasons took place this past year, and all four were over the last two seasons.

While it's too soon to say this is a long-term trend, it's definitely a change that's become noticeable. For example, in , first pitches of plate appearances were curves In , that was Curves are becoming acceptable on all counts. But while simply seeing more curves is interesting, it's the types of curves we're seeing that perhaps tell a greater story. In , that jumped to 2, rpm.

Let's somewhat arbitrarily set the line for a high-spin curve at 2, rpm. Here's why that matters. More spin is positively related to more movement, and look at the outcomes when we break down curves above and below 2, rpm:. Curves above 2, rpm in Average: