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I keep near unto this star. So ask me not many things; for thy kingdom also after a little time is to be disrupted, and thy glory is but for a season. And short will be thy tyranny over us; and then we shall again have free range over mankind, so as that they shall revere us as if we were gods, not knowing, men that they are, the names of the angels set over us. And I Solomon, on hearing this, bound him more carefully, and ordered him to be flogged with thongs of ox-hide 26 , and to tell me humbly what was his name and what his business.

And he answered me thus: And I sever them utterly by many calamities, and I waste away the beauty of virgin women, and estrange their hearts. And I said to him: But the liver and gall of a fish put me to flight, when smoked over ashes of the tamarisk Tell me the name of the fish which thou reverest.

Compare Tobit , where Raphael instructs him in the use of the gall, heart, and liver for various cures. I pray thee, King Solomon, condemn me not to [go into] water. But thou shalt also make the clay for the entire construction of the Temple, treading it down with thy feet. And the demon groaned terribly, and did the work I ordered him to do. And this I did, because that fierce demon Asmodeus knew even the future.

And I Solomon glorified God, who gave wisdom to me Solomon his servant. And the liver of the fish and its gall I hung on the spike of a reed 30 , and burned it over Asmodeus because of his being so strong, and his unbearable malice was thus frustrated.

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And I summoned again to stand before me Beelzeboul, the prince of demons, and I sat him down on a raised seat of honour, and said to him: For I was first angel in the first heaven being entitled Beelzeboul. And now I control all those who are bound in Tartarus. But I too have a child 33 , and he haunts the Red Sea. And on any suitable occasion he comes up to me again, being subject to me; and reveals to me what he has done, and I support him.

There also accompanied me another ungodly angel ] I Solomon said unto him: And my own demons I set on 36 to men, in order that the latter may believe in them and be lost. And the chosen servants of God, priests and faithful men, I excite unto desires for wicked sins, and evil heresies, and lawless deeds; and they obey me, and I bear them on to destruction. And I inspire men with envy, and [desire for] murder, and for wars and sodomy, and other evil things. And I will destroy the world. I bring destruction by means of tyrants] D reads simply "I bring about jealousies and murders in a country, and I instigate wars.

So I said to him: But there shall come to me another demon called Ephippas Him will I bind, and he will bring him up from the deep unto me. However, he will come to thee by any command, and will tell thee openly. So I said to him, "Tell me in which star you reside. I said to him: The text must be faulty, for the word Emmanuel is the Hebrew. The sum is got by adding together the Greek numbers.

I Solomon was astounded when I heard this; and I ordered him to saw up Theban 1 marbles. And when he began to saw the marbles, the other demons cried out with a loud voice, howling because of their king Beelzeboul. We hear of Pentelic marble in Strabo, but the reference in the text may be to Thebes in Egypt. But I Solomon questioned him, saying: And if, being pure 3 , [23] thou light them at dawn in the sun alight, then wilt thou see the heavenly dragons, how they wind themselves along and drag the chariot of the sun. Perhaps the "sea-bulbs" were the balls of hair-like texture which the sea washes up on Mediterranean shores, e.

Perhaps "in a row," should be read.

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For the condition here insisted on cp. Dieterich, Abrasax , p. The ritual of a magic papyrus given by Dieterich, p. And I Solomon, having heard this, rebuked him, and said: And one came before me who carried his face high up in the air, but the rest of the spirit curled away like a snail.

And it broke through the few soldiers, and raised also a terrible dust on the ground, and carried it upwards; and then again hurled it back to frighten us, and asked what questions I could ask as a rule. And I stood up, and spat 2 on the ground in that spot, and sealed with the ring of God.

And forthwith the dust-wind stopped. Then I asked him, saying: But so far I give thanks to God who has made me wise to answer their evil plots. For the use of spittle to produce a cure or other effect in a magical way, cp. It was common in antiquity. But [the demon] answered me: But most busy am I in summer. However, when I get an opportunity, I creep into corners of the wall, by night and day. For I am offspring of the great one, and nothing less. There is my star. For I have been bidden to restrain the convulsions of the hemitertian fever; and this is why many men pray to the hemitertian fever, using these three names: Bultala, Thallal, [24] Melchal.

And I heal them. And, being compelled, the demon began to do what he was bidden to do. And I glorified God afresh who gave me this authority, and ordered another demon to come before me. And there came seven spirits 1 , females, bound and woven together, fair in appearance and comely.

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And I Solomon, seeing them, questioned them and said: Seven stars humble in sheen, and all together. And we are called as it were goddesses. We change our place all and together, and together we live, sometimes in Lydia, sometimes in Olympus, sometimes in a great mountain. The Pleiades seem to be referred to. The grouping of evil spirits by sevens is common in Babylonian and Jewish folk-lore. As examples I may cite the Testamentum of Reuben, ch. Possibly, however, the Seven Planets are here in question; though this is unlikely, for they do not tally with the description given.

For "thirty-three" we should read "thirty-six" elements. Note that later in the Testament these seven spirits are not among the Kosmokrators, a proof that the document before us is a composite one. Paul speaks of the Kosmokrators in Eph. So I Solomon questioned them one by one, beginning with the first, and going down to the seventh.

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I whet and excite heresies. But I have an angel who frustrates me, Lamechalal. Likewise also the second said: I bring timbers, stones, hangers, my weapons on the spot.

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But I have an angel who frustrates me, Baruchiachel. Likewise also the third said: And why do I say so much? I have an angel that frustrates me: Kludun, which Hesychius explains thus: Likewise also the fourth said: I part them and split them into parties; for Strife follows me hand in hand. I rend the husband from the sharer of his bed, and children from parents, and brothers from sisters. But why tell so much to my despite? Nirvana , a human is eventually placed in charge of Hell while the title character roams Earth and owns a piano bar as depicted in the ninth Sandman story arc, The Kindly Ones , in Vertigo Jam 1 August and The Sandman vol.

His status as a minor ruler of Hell was confirmed by Neron, whose title was, at that time, the First Seated of the Entire Infernal Dominion. Superman briefly became the Lord of Hell in Superman October The eight-issue miniseries Reign in Hell , created by Keith Giffen and Tom Derenick, [8] [9] introduced a new status quo for the DC Comics version of Hell; it also gave readers specific geographical references of the region and defined a codex of rules that governed the damned.

In the DC Universe , Hell is an alternate plane of reality, traditionally accessible only by those of demonic heritage, beings of a higher order and those whose souls have been barred from entering the Silver City. DC Comics' Hell is a debased reflection of Earth, so as Earth became more technologically or socially advanced so did Hell, due to an effect not unlike time dilation: All denizens of DC Comics' version of Hell are all capable of using some form of maleficium ; the most powerful infernal magic users are the ruling gentry of Hell and their enforcers the Necro-Mages, Forges, Exegesis Guild, Renderers, Howlers, Incendiaries, Rhyming Demons and Wishweavers.

Every building, piece of furniture, weapon, piece of armor, article of clothing, serving of food, etc. The damned are put through a process called rendering by the Exegesis Guild and their servants the Renderers in order to manufacture the raw materials of Hell.

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During The Final Night crossover storyline, the Rhyming Demon known as Etrigan offered to bring all of the living people of Earth into Hell so that they could stay warm in exchange for their souls; the people rejected him, primarily because his plan was to shift Earth into Hell. During the Day of Judgment crossover storyline, a renegade King-Angel named Asmodel , with the help of Etrigan who was trying to cause chaos on Earth and defeat his enemy Neron , took control of the Spectre-Force using the ashes of an angel's wing feather and sought to destroy both Heaven and Hell.

He used the Spectre's powers to extinguish the hellfire font, causing Hell to freeze over. The reignition required an act of true evil, so Sebastian Faust took matters into his own hands and killed the Enchantress by slitting her throat, thereby damning himself to Hell and thus satisfying the infernal conditions. The crossover storyline ends with a three-way battle between Neron, Asmodel and the then-deceased Hal Jordan for control over the Spectre-Force which ultimately chooses Hal Jordan, thus making him the Spectre's host for a time.

During the events of the Reign in Hell miniseries, Hell is thrown into a massive conflict as Neron and his generals are confronted with a rebellion led by Blaze and Satanus, the rulers of Purgatory. Neron soon discovered that the rebel demons were offering the damned hope and redemption, which has never happened before, and that this was a powerful spur.

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Realizing what would happen if the damned ever rose up against him, Neron has his consort Lilith, the 'mother of all earthborn fiends' , summon all vampires , werewolves , ghouls and infernally powered humans to Hell. This unrest in the infernal realms attracts the attention of Earth's magical superheroes, who are concerned about the outcome and the possible repercussions of the war.

In the miniseries' backup story, Doctor Occult , aided by the Yellow Peri , also descends into Hell, but separately from the others and with an ulterior motive-to free the soul of his beloved, Rose Psychic , from damnation. Lobo , who is confined to the Labyrinth, Hell's prison, is freed as a result of the titanic battle between Etrigan and Blue Devil, a battle which results in Etrigan's temporary death at Blue Devil's hands. Satanus finally reveals that he used the war as a cover in order to spread a modified viral version of DMN, the anagogic drug that changes humans into monsters and that he had used once before in order to destabilize Metropolis and confound Superman.

This version of DMN is airborne and when combined with the magic word ' Shazam ' it transforms Neron and all of Hell's demons into soulless humans, all except Lilith who was not a true demon. It also causes all of the demonic entities that Neron had consumed over the millennia to be cast out of him. Satanus then beheads Neron and takes over as Hell's ruler. Blaze later takes advantage of her brother's momentary weakness during a moment when he allows Black Alice to touch him and sample his powers; this action shatters Black Alice's psyche and allows Blaze to drain Satanus' power and take the throne of Hell for herself.

However, the miniseries is known to have many internal continuity errors that make its place in mainstream DC Universe canon questionable. In the Reign in Hell miniseries, the Infernal Dominion is divided up into nine Provinces, each of which have their own rulers. All of the rulers of the Provinces bowed down to Neron, then to Satanus when he took the throne and then to Blaze when she did the same thing. According to the Reign in Hell miniseries, Blaze, the sister of Satanus, is the current ruler of Hell; she succeeded her brother who, in turn, succeeded Neron.

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  5. The mainstream DC Comics Hell always has a single ruler known as the 'First Seated of the Entire Infernal Dominion' and holding the title of Dominus male or Domina female ; the first such Dominus was Neron, the current Domina is Blaze, sister of Satanus and daughter of the wizard Shazam and an unnamed demoness. According to the six-issue miniseries Artemis: It is then assumed that these demon princes ultimately answer to the crowned head of Hell.

    The demoness Belyllioth is Princess of one-thirteenth of Hell's realms in these stories. She supposedly replaced the previous ruler, Dalkriig-Hath, once he was destroyed by his bride Artemis of Bana-Mighdall. Artemis was, by right, next in line to rule her former husband's realm, but instead she had the other twelve Princes of Hell grant Belyllioth her station instead.

    The Vertigo imprint of DC Comics also has its own version of Hell, with its own very specific infernal sovereignty formerly ruled by Lucifer Samael Morningstar. Contrary to popular belief, the term Satan represents a title within the legions of Hell and is not a name. Lucifer was the fourth fallen angel and not the first ruler of Hell, though he later became the supreme ruler of Hell for many centuries. This was only an interim triumvirate, though, and it was soon replaced by the Third Triumvirate.