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The Aeneid for Boys and Girls. The Aesop for Children. After Long Years and Other Stories. An American Book of Golden Deeds. American History Stories, Volume I. Among the Farmyard People. Among the Forest People. Among the Meadow People. Among the Night People. Among the Pond People. The Arabian Nights Entertainments. At the Back of the North Wind.

The Awakening of Europe. The Bears of Blue River. Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare. Birds of the Air. The Birds' Christmas Carol. The Blue Fairy Book. A Book of Discovery. The Book of Fables and Folk Stories. The Book of Legends. The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts.

The Book of Saints and Heroes. A Boy of Old Japan. The Boy's Book of Battles. Boy's Book of Border Battles. Boy's Book of Indian Warriors. Boys and Girls of Colonial Days. Boys of the Ages. Boys' Book of Battles. Boys' Book of Famous Soldiers. Boys' Book of Sea Fights. Brave Men and Brave Deeds. Buccaneers and Pirates of our Coasts. The Buccaneers of America.


Builders of Our Country: Gertrude van Duyn Southworth. The Burgess Animal Book for Children. The Burgess Bird Book for Children. The Burning of Rome. By Pond and River. Call of the Wild. Callias - The Fall of Athens. Cautionary Tales for Children. Celtic Tales Told to the Children.

The Chantry Priest of Barnet. The Chaucer Story Book. Child Life in Japan. A Child's Book of Saints. A Child's Book of Stories. A Child's Book of Warriors. A Child's History of Spain. The Children of Odin: A Book of Northern Myths. Children of the Dawn. Tales of the Greeks. Tales of the Romans. Children's Stories of the Great Scientists. Christmas in Legend and Story. The Count on the Saxon Shore. The Crown of Pine. The Discovery of New Worlds. A Dog of Flanders. Donkey John of the Toy Valley. The Early Church, from Ignatius to Augustine. Eastern Stories and Legends.

English Literature for Boys and Girls. Traces of Travel in the East. Fairy Stories and Fables. Fairy Tales of Old Japan. The Fairy-Land of Science. Famous Men of Greece. Famous Men of Modern Times. Famous Men of Rome. Famous Men of the Middle Ages. Fifty Famous Stories Retold. A First Book in American History. For Prey and Spoils. For the Children's Hour. Gabriel and the Hour Book.

The Girl Who Sat by the Ashes. God's Troubadour, The Story of St.

Yesterday's Classics: History

Good Stories for Great Holidays. Great Inventors and Their Inventions. Greek Gods, Heroes, and Men. The Growth of the British Empire. Harun Al-Rashid, Caliph of Bagdad. Heroes and Heroic Deeds of the Great War. Heroes Every Child Should Know. The Heroes of Asgard. Heroes of the Great War. Heroes of the Indian Mutiny. Heroes of the Middle Ages. A History of Germany.

  2. James Baldwin.
  3. The Whip of Destiny;

Hurlbut's Story of the Bible. The Iliad for Boys and Girls. In the Days of Alfred the Great. In the Days of Giants. In the Days of Queen Elizabeth. In the Days of Queen Victoria. In the Days of the Guild. In the Days of William the Conqueror. Indian Folk and Fairy Tales. Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains. Through these stories the reader learns how big things are brought about, and on the traits of mind and heart which make for success. An engaging journey through the land of ancient Egypt, in which we learn about the geography of the region and experience daily life through a visit to Thebes and the palace of the Pharaoh.

Includes a description of the life of children in those long ago times as well as a couple of the wonder stories told to them. Chapters on Egyptian books and temples and tombs conclude the volume. Through the eyes of a traveler to ancient Greece, we see how, by reason of geography, Greece became a land of city states. After examining several different city states and their land and naval forces, we watch all Greece come together for the Olympic games.

Turning our attention to Athens, we marvel at the theatre, architecture, and sculpture of the age of Pericles. An introduction to the ancient city of Rome, its early history, and how its geographical position helped it become the seat of the Roman Empire. Traveling to the city in A. And finally we learn that the secret to Rome's greatness is discipline, inculcated in her citizens by military training and held up as an ideal in both home and civic life. A choice collection of stories for the preschool child, carefully selected, adapted, and arranged by two veteran kindergarten teachers.

Includes nature stories, holiday stories, fairy tales and fables, as well as stories of home life. Emphasis is placed on fanciful tales for their value in the training of the imagination and on cumulative tales for developing a child's sense of humor and appealing to his instinctive love of rhyme and jingle. An engaging collection of stories for the younger child, introducing him to activities and occupations of boys and girls in the colonial era.

Focuses on children who responded with courage and resourcefulness when faced with unexpected circumstances and whose efforts played a key role in the safeguarding of their families and their communities. Famous personages of the time, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, figure in several of the stories. Dozens of detailed black and white illustrations complement the text. Offers stories about real persons who actually lived and performed their parts in the great drama of the world's history. Some of these persons were more famous than others, yet all have left enduring footprints on the 'sands of time,' and their names will be long remembered.

Though not strictly biographical, each of the stories contains a basis of truth and an ethical lesson which cannot fail to have a wholesome influence. Each also possesses elements of interest that will delight the children with whom it is shared. Includes fifty legendary tales depicting certain romantic episodes in the lives of well-known heroes and famous men, or in the history of a people.

Children naturally take a deep interest in such stories. The reading of them will not only give pleasure but will lay the foundation for broader literary studies, as nearly all are the subjects of frequent allusions in poetry and prose. Their lives are set forth in a simple manner, yet with many interesting details, and a glimpse is given of the trials and successes which combined to mold their character and afford such stirring examples for the youth of today.

The stories are patriotic in every line, readable in every paragraph, and inspire the reader to the best thoughts and deeds. A decidedly different autobiography, originally published under the pseudonym Robert Dudley, eventually revealed to be James Baldwin. A portrayal of life in rural Indiana in the middle of the 19th century it certainly is, but it is so much more.

In the words of Mr. Howland, an editor for the original publisher, 'It is difficult to describe just what there is so remarkable about this book, but it is undeniably wonderful. It is a strange combination of autobiography and fiction, and records only the simplest happenings -- the life of people in the Indiana backwoods, the primitive life, the commonplace experiences, the visits between neighbors.

To tell about it in this way does not make it sound remarkable, yet it is. The style is simple and clear; there is a quiet humor running through it, and in other places the reading brings tears to the eyes. This volume was written by the author in answer to the requests of hundreds of children for more stories like the ones they had enjoyed in Fifty Famous Stories Retold. This volume includes stories of historical events, scientific discoveries, and legendary heroes. The richer vocabulary and more complicated plot elements in these stories gradually accustom children to following a longer narrative.

Adaptation of the story of Robinson Crusoe for children. Relates how the shipwrecked sailor makes a new life for himself on the island, crafting shelter, food, and clothing for himself from the few tools he rescued from the ship and what he is able to find on the island. Living on the island for over twenty years before he is finally rescued, he reinvents almost everything necessary for daily sustenance. The adventures most appealing to children are included, and related in such a way as to form a continuous narrative, with both the spirit and style of the original preserved as much as possible.

Far away in the Frozen Land in the long ago time a master wizard forged the wonderous sampo or mill of fortune, which ground out all sorts of treasures and gave wealth and power to its owner. This story, retold in from the Finnish Kalevala, tells of the making of this mill and the adventures of the heroes who sought to gain possession of it. Here are related the daring feats and great exploits of Roland, worthiest of the barons of France in the time of Charlemagne, and those of Oliver and Reinold and Ogier the Dane, all heroes who were his companions in arms and who rivalled him in the number and greatness of their exploits.

The story is culled from the works of song-writers and poets of five centuries and in as many languages. Legends of the Nibelungen hero, Siegfried, full of the mystery, awe, and poetry of the northern lands. They tell of how Siegfried forged the wondrous sword, Balmung, of his riding through flaming fire to awaken the maiden, Brunhild, and of the many other strange and daring deeds which he wrought. Many of the Norse myths are interwoven in the tale.

The best rendition for children of the Siegfried legends, based on the Eddas, the Volsung Saga, and the Nibelungen-lied. Delightful retelling in simple language of the stories of the old Greek mythological heroes, and their encounters with Jupiter and the other Olympians.

511 Books in All Genres

While each story can be read independently, they can also be read as a continuous narrative, with one story leading to the next. A pronunciation guide and numerous illustrations accompany the text. This book paves the way to an enjoyable reading of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, by presenting the legends about the causes of the Trojan War woven into a continuous narrative, ending where the story of the Iliad begins. The youthful Odysseus is the hero, as he journeys to visit his grandfather Autolycus, then Nestor and Menelaus, hearing the old stories as he goes. A delightful collection of folk tales from West Africa including 18 Anansi tales, as well as 17 others.

Includes the story of how the tales came to be called Anansi tales. In the olden days all the stories which men told were stories of Nyankupon, the chief of the gods. Spider wanted the stories to be about him. Nyankupon agreed, on one condition, namely that he bring him three things: How Anansi contrived to achieve all these tasks is related in the opening story. Stories from the history of Rome for the youngest children, selected with a view to illustrating the two sentiments most characteristic of Roman life: This delightful book for young listeners awakens children's interest in the world around them through the story of Joe-Boy and how he grew from a baby in a gipsy camp to become an active member of society.

We hear first about how Joy-Boy's house is built and furnished, and how his clothes are made. Then we watch Joe-Boy's circle broaden to include the pets he cares for, the wild animals he observes, and the friends he makes. Includes an especially fine group of nature stories. An ideal introduction to a longer narrative for children of kindergarten age. Strength and joy of life ever marked the doings of the old Norse gods and heroes. These qualities abound in these stories of Norse mythology retold in a simple direct fashion appealing to younger children.

Tells among other things how Father Odin lost his eye, how Thor went fishing, of the death of Baldur, and of the other doings of the gods and goddesses of Asgard. Vigorous black and white illustrations complement the narrative. Seven fairy tales, set in an interesting framework in which are related the adventures of the little girl Snowflower and her magical chair at the court of King Winwealth. When Snow-flower, from her nook in the kitchen, said, "Chair of my grandmother, take me to the highest banquet hall," "instantly the chair marched in a grave and courtly fashion out of the kitchen, up the grand staircase, and into the highest hall.

Robert Browning's well-known poem of the piper who piped a tune to rid the town of Hamelin of its rats, but when the townspeople refused the promised payment for his service, he played another tune altogether, prompting later generations to remember that they must not forget to pay the piper. Unusually attractive edition, elaborately illustrated with richly colored full page illustrations, along with numerous drawings and marginal decorations.

Fourth volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces the youthful reader to bird life, beginning with birds of home and garden and ending with water birds and birds of prey. Children learn how to identify birds, why birds sing songs, how they build nests, lay eggs, and raise their young, where they sleep, and how they feed in summer, migrate in autumn, and survive the winter. Eight color illustrations and numerous black and white drawings complement the text.

Second volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces children to the variety of plant and animal life around ponds and rivers. Through life stories of frogs, dragon-flies, fish, water-bugs, water birds, otters, and voles, children's interest in water creatures is awakened. An exhibit of water plants at a flower show concludes the volume.

Books by Title

Seven color illustrations and numerous black and white drawings complement the text. Sixth volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces children to insect life by collecting a variety of specimens and then examining them in detail, identifying their parts and observing their life cycles. Includes caterpillars, familiar moths and butterflies, harmful and useful beetles, wasps and bees, flies, ants, and crickets and grasshoppers.

Third volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces children to the wonders of plant life through examination of a variety of plants, including the cabbage, the turnip, the cucumber, and the rose. In addition to becoming familiar with the structure of plants, the reader discovers how seeds grow, how insects help, and how plants defend themselves.

Through this book children are inspired to become keen observers of plant life as they collect specimens and study plants in their natural habitats. Fifth volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces children to trees and shrubs, encouraging them to ponder all the ways in which trees are useful to us. They learn how a tree starts and how it continues to grow year after year.

They study an oak tree in detail, along with the animal life it supports, then contrast it with cone-bearing trees and trees of hedgerow, garden, and park. First volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces the youthful reader to the variety of animal and plant life that three children observe on their way to school through fields and woods. The goal of the series is to inspire children to become keen observers of wildlife and to heighten their curiosity about their natural surroundings. Introduction to the wonders of the physical world: How he passed the lions and fought a dragon; escaped from the prison of Giant Despair; visited the Palace Beautiful and the shepherds of the Delectable Mountain, and, crossing the dark river, entered in triumph the Celestial City.

Richly adorned by the Rhead brothers with decorative borders and many elaborate full-page illustrations. Encouraging the animals to notice the differences between them and to offer their observa-tions of animal behavior, Old Mother Nature helps them all gain a greater understanding of the mammals of North America. Starting with the animals close to home, the school moves in ever-widening circles to encompass the animals of the far west and the extreme north, as well.

A fine introduction to mammals for students in the primary grades. In the context of the story about each bird, we hear about its nesting habits, its feeding preferences, and its interactions with other wildlife. An engaging introduction to birds for young children.

Delightful sketches of small mammals familiar to country dwellers including the squirrel, chipmunk, woodchuck, rabbit, muskrat, skunk, fox, weasel, mink, raccoon, porcupine, opossum, and mouse. Stories from Plato and Other Classic Writers. Twenty-seven stories adapted for young children from selections of works of classic writers of the ancient world. The stories were chosen by the author for their inspirational value, either 'because they contained fine moral points, or else because they were poetic statements of natural phenomena which might enhance the study of natural science.

An outstanding collection of poems that appeal to both boys and girls, compiled by a teacher who believed in the formative power of learning poetry by heart. They should store up an untold wealth of heroic sentiment; they should acquire the habit of carrying a literary quality in their conversation; they should carry a heart full of the fresh and delightful associations and memories connected with poetry hours to brighten mature years.

They should develop their memories while they have memories to develop. Vivid story of Rome in the days of Nero, beginning with the burning of the city, seemingly ordered by Nero himself. The narrative revolves around a set of characters who suffer acutely in the cruel persecutions of the Christians, set in motion by Nero after the fire to deflect blame for the conflagration from himself and fasten it on the Christians.

During their sojourn there they learn much about Spartan customs and hear stories from Spartan history, which, when added to their personal experience of Athenian customs and stories of Athenian history, give a full picture of life in ancient Greece as children experienced it in the 5th century B. Stories of the early days of Rome, from the time of the kings through the establishment of the republic and its struggles with other peoples on the Italian peninsula, and concluding with the wars with Carthage.

Tales of early Roman history drawn from the greatest of Roman historians, and admirably retold by Alfred J. Features stories of the founding of Rome, the expulsion of kings, and the early days of the republic. Engaging narrative of stories from the History of Herodotus, recounting the tale of Croesus and the Fall of Sardis, chronicling the careers of Cyrus and Cambyses, and, finally, documenting Darius's rise to power.

The author's The Story of the Persian War continues the account. Includes numerous black and white illustrations from ancient frescoes and sculptures. Skillful retelling of Josephus's account of the revolt against Rome and the destruction of Jerusalem. Recounts the events leading up to the opening of the war with the Romans, Josephus's brave defense of Jotapata, its final capture and his escape from death, and finally the siege of Jerusalem, the burning of the temple, and the razing of the city.

Stirring account of the Greeks' encounters with the Persians in the 5th century B. Illustrations from sculptures and vases accompany the text. Relates in vigorous prose the tale of Aeneas, the legendary ancestor of Romulus, who escaped from the burning city of Troy and wandered the Mediterranean for years before settling in Italy.

Patterned after the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Aeneid was composed as an epic poem by Virgil, to glorify the imperial city of Rome. Vigorous retelling of Homer's Iliad, relating the incidents of the great siege of Troy, from the quarrel of the chiefs to the ransoming of Hector's body. Lively retelling of Homer's Odyssey, telling of the wanderings of Ulysses and his adventures with the giant Cyclops and the enchantress Circe as he makes his way home to his beloved Ithaca. There, after slaying the suitors who have been wooing his wife Penelope, he is reunited with his family after twenty long years.

Thirteen strong, interesting tales from Greek tragedy, admirably retold by Alfred J. Church and retaining remarkably well the spirit of the originals. Engaging introduction to chemistry through the lens of every-day life, beginning with the wonders of air and water, and continuing with common acids and salts, metals and alloys, gases, explosives, and other topics of interest.

Beloved tale of the adventures of a puppet, carved from a stick of wood, who eventually becomes a real boy after many trials and tribulations. Though urged to right behavior by his father Gepetto, the Talking-cricket, and the Blue Fairy, Pinocchio yields to temptations that land him in desperate straits. Yet, time after time, he is rescued, sometimes by a stroke of luck and other times by someone he had befriended previously.

Pinocchio's indomitable spirit shines throughout, lending humor and playfulness to whatever situation he finds himself in, whether that is planting his money in the Field of Miracles, sharing the humiliation of growing donkey ears with his good friend Candlewick, or discovering his father at long last in the belly of the Dog-fish.

All the while Pinocchio is growing in goodness and at last becomes a real little boy with a loving heart, a dutiful son to a devoted father. This edition couples the first translation from the Italian into English by M. Murray with dozens of illustrations. A romance of unusual beauty and simplicity, having all the traditional elements of the folk tale and all its magic and wonder.

In vigorous and rhythmic prose, the author recounts the adventurous wooing of Fedelma, the enchanter's daughter, by the King of Ireland's son, and relates the many strange adventures they had on their journey home, weaving many short tales from the Gaelic tradition into the fabric of the narrative. A book of uncommon beauty in form and content, with illustrations and decorations in black and white by Willy Pogany. A choice collection of favorite fairy tales, to delight children of all ages. The 86 stories selected for this collection include folk tales from England, Norway, and India, as well as the best fairy tales from Grimm, Andersen, and Perrault.

The volume also contains a handful of fables from Aesop and several tales from the Arabian Nights. Vivid portrayal of the civic and home life of children in Athens during the reign of Pericles, when the art and architecture of ancient Greece were at their height. Through the eyes of Duris, son of the architect Phorion, and Hiero, son of the sculptor Hermippos, we experience the Greek culture of the times as we accompany them on their journey from home to market-place, wonder at the Acropolis, visit schools and studios, observe festivals, and participate in the Olympic games.

The story of Nearchus, who comes as a page to the court of King Philip of Macedon, where he befriends the young Alexander the Great. In company with other boys, Nearchus and Alexander divide their time between lessons, and gymnastic and military drill. We follow them on an all-night tramp under one instructor and share their joy when their new tutor, Aristotle, arrives.

The story revolves around the differing gifts of the boys and predictions about what fortune holds in store for each of them. Through the story of Marcus and his growth to manhood in the closing days of the Roman Republic, we discover much about life and customs in ancient Rome. We accompany Marcus as he learns his lessons in school, joins his father on a trip to the Senate, pays a visit to his father's farm, and watches the triumph of a victorious general.

The crowning moment comes when Marcus assumes the toga, the mark of a Roman citizen. Engaging account of the life of children in ancient Sparta, where patriotism, heroism, and strength in battle are the highest ideals. We discover how at age seven boys leave home to live in company with 15 others, training to be Spartan soldiers through rigorous physical and mental exercises.

In addition to wrestling, running, and throwing the discus, we watch them foraging for their food, gathering reeds for their bedding, singing patriotic songs, and eating at mess with their elders. Emphasis is on the true nobility and rugged simplicity of the Spartan character. Stories of the thrilling adventures and hair-raising escapes of Paul du Chaillu during his years of venturing into the interior of equatorial Africa, encountering animals and sights no white man had seen before.

The accounts of his interactions with gorillas, snakes, and ants are especially engaging. Thirty-four animal fables ably retold from the Panchatantra of India. Originally written in Sanskrit, tradition attributes the fables to Bidpai, an Indian sage, who, as legend has it, wrote them to instruct the king in moral wisdom. The king was delighted with the gentle wisdom and humor of the fables, which continue to be enjoyed by children to this day. Attractive black and white illustrations complement the text. Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans.

Very simply told stories of warriors, statesmen, explorers, scientists, inventors, men and women of letters, and others. Featured are Marquette in Iowa, Penn and the Indians, Thomas Smith and the beginning of rice culture in South Carolina, Franklin and the ants, Putnam and the wolf, and dozens of other stories. Collection of one hundred action-packed stories, covering the range of American history, from the first visit of Leif the Lucky to the exploits of Sergeant York in World War I.

In relating the long, thrilling story of the trials and triumphs of the pioneers and patriots, the author aims to gratify the love of children for the dramatic and picturesque, to satisfy them with stories that are true, and to make them familiar with the great characters in the history of their own country.

Brought to the windmiller's home as a foundling on a dark and stormy night, the infant Jan soon won his way into the hearts of his new family, especially that of little Abel who served as his nursemaid. Together they lay for hours watching the clouds. Once Abel showed Jan how to draw them in the dirt, he wanted to do nothing else.

He drew on slates at school, then as a pig-minder fashioned pictures with colored leaves that blew away in the wind. The schoolmaster encountering him at this occupation befriended him, providing supplies for the budding artist and raising his aspirations. The story begins slowly with rich descriptions and carefully etched characters, then accelerates as the plot twists and turns, and finally gallops to a fine finish fitting for such a talented lad. Fascinating conversations with Uncle Paul reveal the mysteries behind the dyeing and weaving of cloth, the lighting and heating of homes, the processing involved in bringing oil, coffee, tea, spices, and other foodstuffs to the table, and the power of water in all its manifestations.

Excellent as follow-on to The Story Book of Science. The wonders of plant and animal life told with rare literary charm by Uncle Paul in conversations with three children.

Besides such stories as the ants' subterranean city, the spider's suspension bridge, and the caterpillars' processing, he unlocks the mystery behind thunder and lightning, clouds and rain, the year and its seasons, and volcanoes and earthquakes. Starting with a mixture of iron filings and sulphur, Uncle Paul awakens in his young nephews an eagerness to learn more about the properties of the elements.

Through a series of carefully-devised experiments and conversations about the experiments, he leads the boys to an understanding of some of the basic principles of chemistry. Sixteen Greek myths, especially selected and carefully adapted for young listeners.

Catalog by Author

Includes the stories of Arachne, Pandora, Clytie, Pandora, and a dozen other short myths. While the outlines of the stories come, for the most part, from the Roman poet Ovid, additional details are included to enhance their appeal to children. One of the best introductions to Greek mythology for children. Includes the stories of all the prominent gods and heroes, woven together into a continuous narrative, ending with a full treatment of the twelve labors of Hercules.

Relates the thrilling exploits of Rolf in the land of the Vikings: Through his trials Rolf is challenged to grow in manliness, developing courage, self-control, patriotism, and perseverance, and in the end rising above the feud that has consumed him for so long. The story, inspired by Icelandic sagas, serves as an excellent introduction to the prevailing values of the Viking era. An indispensable guide for teachers in the method of nature study that will inform their efforts to bring children in direct contact with things, to cultivate the habit of careful observation and discrimination, to create a living interest in the surroundings, and to encourage independent thought.

Includes a full explanation of the benefits of nature study, the way to conduct nature lessons indoors and a full range of seasonal studies outside, as well as the preparation and management of valuable aids to the study of nature, such as the aquarium, the terrarium, the garden, and museum. Strongly recommended as a companion to The Handbook of Nature Study.

Parables for children inspired by nature. This collection includes all 29 stories from the first, second, third, and fourth series, originally published in separate volumes. Excellent guide to the various subjects touched upon in the course of art instruction, with suggestions for how to begin, the materials to use, and the directions further work may take.

Remarkable in its range of material, the book is profusely illustrated, with clear explanations in the text that frequently reference figures in the plates. A clear, simple account of Livingstone's pioneer work in Africa as explorer, medical missionary, and suppressor of the slave trade. Describes the horrors of the slave trade and Livingstone's efforts to thwart the slave traders in Africa and to bring awareness of the dire situation to the people in England and around the world.

Emphasizes his indomitable courage and persistence in the face of countless difficulties to achieve his lifelong goal of doing as much good as he could for those most in need of it. A volume in the highly-acclaimed Children's Heroes series, edited by John Lang. A native Welshman transplanted to America, Stanley seemed without purpose to his life until his historic meeting with David Livingstone in central Africa.

Relates the story of how Stanley and his crew labor down the great river which turns out to be the Congo, surmounting countless obstacles along the way, including poisoned arrows, cannibals, scanty food supplies, scorpions and boa constrictors, and miles of cataracts. Twenty-one stories of the ancient Greeks adapted for the younger reader from the admirable biographies of Plutarch. Ideal introduction to the characters that figured prominently in the history of ancient Greece.

Includes three black and white illustrations by Walter Crane. Collection of stories of ancient Romans skillfully adapted from Plutarch's Lives, with emphasis placed on the characters of the individuals portrayed. Excellent as an introduction to the biographies of Plutarch.

Elementary history of the Jews, from the time of Creation to the destruction of Jerusalem in A. Most of the stories are drawn from the Bible, with supplementary material from Josephus and other authorities. Numerous black and white illustrations complement the text. Elementary history of Greece, made up principally of stories about persons, giving at the same time a clear idea of the most important events in the ancient world and calculated to enforce the lessons of perseverance, courage, patriotism, and virtue that are taught by the noble lives described.

Beginning with the legends of Jason, Theseus, and events surrounding the Trojan War, the narrative moves on to present the contrasting city-states of Sparta and Athens, the war against Persia, their conflicts with each other, the feats of Alexander the Great, and annexation by Rome. Elementary history of Rome, presenting short stories of the great heroes, mythical and historical, from Aeneas and the founding of Rome to the fall of the western empire. Around the famous characters of Rome are graphically grouped the great events with which their names will forever stand connected.

Vivid descriptions bring to life the events narrated, making history attractive to the young, and awakening their enthusiasm for further reading and study. Attractive biographical sketches of thirty-five of the most prominent characters in the history of ancient Greece, from legendary times to its fall in B.

Each story is told in a clear, simple manner, and is well calculated to awaken and stimulate the youthful imagination. Attractive biographical sketches of twenty-eight of the most prominent characters in the history of ancient Rome, from its founding to its fall. Includes most of the best known characters from the kingdom and republic of Rome, as well as the most prominent personages from the imperial age.

Attractive biographical sketches of thirty-five of the most prominent characters in the history of the Middle Ages, from the barbarian invasions to the invention of the printing press. A vivid picture of life in ancient Greece through the stories of four very different men. The reader hears how Leonidas, raised under the strict system of Sparta, becomes king and leads his countrymen at the battle of Thermopylae, and how Themistocles, in prompting the Athenians to build boats and escape to Salamis, guides the Greeks to victory against the Persians.

When Athens lay in ruins, the sculptor Phidias is instrumental in its rebuilding. It becomes such a vibrant city that the philosopher Socrates, when arrested on a trumped-up charge, prefers to die, rather than to live anywhere other than Athens. We follow the fortunes of Harald from the time he is given his own thrall at the cutting of his first tooth, through his exploits as a viking adventurer, to his crowning as King of Norway.

Then population pressures at home and eagerness for adventure and booty from other lands combine to drive some of the bolder Vikings to set forth from their native land. Sailing ever westward across the Atlantic, they hop along the chain of islands that loosely connects Norway with America in search of home and adventure. Relates the history of the Middle Ages simply, directly, and entertainingly.

The material is well-arranged and the selection of topics is excellent. A unique and valuable book. A collection of fifteen original stories ideally suited for young children. Each of the stories features a light-filled being whose radiance illumines the path for those who follow. Meant to be suggestive to the parent or teacher of the types of stories that can be told to children to inspire them to grow in goodness.

Attractively illustrated by Willy Pogany. Delightful retelling of six Greek myths to a crowd of energetic youngsters by a master storyteller. A month by month account of the pageant of nature that can be observed outside your door, all through the year from snowfall in January to hibernation in December. Most of the stories are drawn from the Bible, with supplementary material from Josephus and other authorities. Presents the geographical conditions of Europe and their influence on the development of the Teutonic ideal of individual liberty.

Then describes the influence of Christianity and the role of the monastery in preserving culture and setting high standards. Explains next how Roman, Christian, and Teutonic ideas mingled together in the development of Feudalism and the Feudal castle. Finally, relates how the crusades united the people of Western Europe in their first great enterprise and reopened the historical roadway to the arts, the ideas, and luxuries of the East.

263 Titles To Select From!

Recounts the stories of the most important movements in the history of Europe during the Middle Ages and acquaints the reader with the most important figures in those scenes. The figures are grouped into seven periods: In the tapestry which the author weaves may be traced the history of the rise and fall of the various nationalities and the circum-stances and mode of life of each. A story of Normandy in the time of William the Conqueror, giving a vivid picture of manners and customs through the eyes of two boys of the court.

Describes castle life, dress, amusements, training for knighthood, and other aspects of feudal life. Attractive biographical sketches of thirty-five of the most prominent characters in the history of the Middle Ages, from the barbarian invasions to the invention of the printing press. Each story is told in a clear, simple manner, and is well calculated to awaken and stimulate the youthful imagination. Relates the story of the making of an hour book as a wedding gift from King Louis of France to Lady Anne of Brittany and the good fortune it brought to little Gabriel, Brother Stephen's color grinder.

We follow the fortunes of Harald from the time he is given his own thrall at the cutting of his first tooth, through his exploits as a viking adventurer, to his crowning as King of Norway. Then population pressures at home and eagerness for adventure and booty from other lands combine to drive some of the bolder Vikings to set forth from their native land. Sailing ever westward across the Atlantic, they hop along the chain of islands that loosely connects Norway with America in search of home and adventure.

How his foster-father Angus becomes poet to the High King and how Ferdiad himself recovers a lost treasure. Gives a glimpse into the customs and social life of the Celts, with special emphasis on their artistic achievements, including the Book of Kells and the stories of Cuculain. Relates the thrilling exploits of Rolf in the land of the Vikings: Through his trials Rolf is challenged to grow in manliness, developing courage, self-control, patriotism, and perseverance, and in the end rising above the feud that has consumed him for so long.

The story, inspired by Icelandic sagas, serves as an excellent introduction to the prevailing values of the Viking era. The thrilling story, set in England in the time of Henry IV, of how Myles Falworth advances to knighthood and through 'trial by battle' restores the fallen fortunes of his family.

With breathless excitement, the reader follows the adventures of the hero, sympathizing with him in his troubles, fighting in his battles, and rejoicing in his good fortunes. Numerous illustrations by the author add to the attractiveness of the volume. Relates how Spain, France, and England struggled for mastery of the New World in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Explains why Spain and France failed in the struggle, while England prevailed.

Demonstrates how the new ideas, brought to the shores of America by the English colonists, express themselves in the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution, and, greatest of all, the United States Constitution. A thrilling account of Napoleon's rise to power, from his humble beginnings on the island of Corsica to emperor over half of Europe. Focuses on his military exploits, including his victories in battle after battle, followed by his exile to the island of Elba, his subsequent return to lead the disastrous Russian campaign, his final loss at Waterloo, and his last days on the lonely island of St.

Relates the story of Raleigh from his boyhood days on the coast of Devonshire, to his exploits in Ireland and his unexpected entry into the court of Queen Elizabeth. We travel with him as he pursues the ships of the Spanish Armada and makes voyages to the New World in search of gold and lands to settle. We see his efforts come to naught and hear how he is relegated to the Tower of London where he spends the last years of his life. Includes the fabled story of the velvet cloak and the role Raleigh played in introducing potatoes and tobacco to the Old World.

One of the volumes in the highly acclaimed Children's Heroes series, first published at the beginning of the last century. Stories of the thrilling adventures and hair-raising escapes of Paul du Chaillu during his years of venturing into the interior of equatorial Africa, encountering animals and sights no white man had seen before.

The accounts of his interactions with gorillas, snakes, and ants are especially engaging. Collection of one hundred action-packed stories, covering the range of American history, from the first visit of Leif the Lucky to the exploits of Sergeant York in World War I. In relating the long, thrilling story of the trials and triumphs of the pioneers and patriots, the author aims to gratify the love of children for the dramatic and picturesque, to satisfy them with stories that are true, and to make them familiar with the great characters in the history of their own country.

Follow the fortunes of orphan Richard Mutton as he travels to the New World with Captain John Smith and takes up residence with him in the new colony of Jamestown. See the struggles they go through to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table while the majority of their fellow colonists shirk the work of establishing the colony for the pursuit of gold. Observe how their relationships with the native Americans change over time and how, when they are just on the point of abandoning the colony, a new contingent of colonists arrives to bring fresh hope to the Jamestown settlement.

The story of the Dutch colony at New Amsterdam, through the eyes of the young lad Peter. Relates its settlement by the West India Company under the leadership of Peter Minuit, their transactions with the Indians including the purchase of the island of Manhattan, their overthrow of the Swedish forts to the south, and their surrender to English forces in The portrait of the contrasting figures of Peter Minuit and Peter Stuyvesant enlivens the narrative.

Tales of Revolutionary times, including the causes of the American Revolution, the daring exploits of those defending liberty, the early battles, the struggles of the army, and the heroes who led the colonists to victory.