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Halper provides documents and interview sources for both of those. There are the reminders of what was publicly criticized about Bill Clinton's presidency: Rich was pardoned after he and his wife made lavish donations to Clinton's library, Hillary's Senate campaign, and the DNC. While Governor of Arkansas and running for re-election as President, Bill Clinton and the DNC illegally took Chinese money for his legal defense fund or campaign and later had to give it back. Similarly, Hillary Clinton's first presidential campaign and the Clinton Global Initiative saw an inflow of donations and speaking fees for Bill from India and Indian ex-pats, something the Obama campaign pointed out and later apologized for.

Both campaigns had donations where it appeared the money was coming from foreigners funneled by U. The Clinton Global Initiative has similarly taken millions in foreign donations that it has not been as transparent about as promised under its Memorandum of Understanding with the White House when Hillary became Secretary of State. The timing of many of these donations and "speaking fees" for Bill coincide either with key votes and hearings in the Senate or policy decisions while Hillary was Secretary of State.

The Clintons have always had multiple staffers getting multiple salaries from both government agencies, the Clintons' foundation, and other private sources creating a complex web of interest conflicts. Just this past week, it was revealed that Huma Abedin, Hillary's "second daughter," was investigated for playing fast-and-loose with her time sheet and compensation while at the State Department. Likewise, the man who supposedly maintained Hillary's private email server did not disclose his multiple income sources to the State Department and could be in trouble.

Abedin, according to Halper, was intent on having her own career outside Hillaryland until her husband Anthony Weiner resigned his congressional seat in disgrace and suddenly she needed income and away back in. Now, she's active on the presidential campaign for "rehabilitation. Bill Clinton's playboy lifestyle. Halper cites many "anonymous" insiders on the exploits of Clinton and his Global Initiative business partners and what they do on their private jets and offices.

The guy who plays President Bartlett's "body man" in The West Wing said he had modeled himself after Clinton's own body man, Doug Band, whom he had spent a lot of time with. Band knows Bill "better than anyone" and has profited off it. Here is one New Republic article if you want a criticism from the Left: Bill Clinton's mistress on the campaign trail was an open secret. Israeli intelligence supposedly had recordings of Clinton's phone sex conversations with Lewinsky and used it for blackmail, the Russians seem to also have had some intel on his exploits.

Hillary became the first Secretary of State to have a spokesperson for her personal affairs and office rather than one which represented the State Department as a whole. Halper writes that it was the Clinton campaign that started the Obama "birther" rumors in that the Republicans have since been blamed for. There is Media Matters and other pro-Clinton outfits that try to manipulate or intimidate the media into favoring Hillary, these got ugly during the campaign as many in the Democratic establishment such as the Kennedys began to favor Obama, who Bill Clinton was famously reluctant to support.

Halper interviews John McCain who reveals that Bill Clinton and he conversed frequently throughout the campaign, Clinton advising the opponent of his own party. The Clintons, particularly Bill, have a way of charming their enemies and Halper devotes much of the book to this aspect. Halper quotes former enemies such as Trent Lott, Ken Starr, Newt Gingrich, and the Bush family as praising and defending Bill Clinton after he repeatedly reached out to them over the years, sometimes sending a note of condolence after tragedy or inviting them to meetings where he'd be quite personable.

People who have lent rooms to Clinton only to see him trash them in his escapades still get calls from Bill in which he again endears himself to them and they remain loyal. But what can be said about Hillary's improprieties? She was a true "team player" in Obama's cabinet. She got along with Bob Gates and other cabinet members, and earned the respect of John McCain and others when she was Senator. But Halper spares no punches in discussing Bhengazi, writing that Clinton "did not lift a finger" to offer any aid to the beseiged consulate, make phone calls to the White House or the Defense Department, or seem to even be getting updates as it was going on.

Clinton, Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine

He quotes her Senate testimony as simply avoiding the questions. It is clear Halper has convicted Hillary on these points in his own mind. Halper relies heavily on previous muck-raking books regarding Hillary's relationship with Vince Foster and the mysteriousness of his death.

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Contrary to other journalists, Halper takes the Obama-Clinton joint appearance on 60 Minutes as an overt endorsement of Clinton for President, even though Halper writes often that Team Obama "despises" the Clintons and see Bill as "overrated. This is the opposite of what Ed Klein has written, that the Clintons were irked by what they perceived as reneging on the deal made during the re-election campaign-- Bill Clinton would campaign hard for Obama and do his magical speech at the DNC in return for Obama's endorsement of Hillary.

Ed Klein wrote that the 60 Minutes bit was not an overt endorsement of Clinton because Obama liked Joe Biden and thought he should also consider running. I have read Bob Gates and Leon Panetta's memoirs, as well as the Broadwell biography of David Petraeus, and all write about how Biden is the last person in the room with Obama on major decisions and meetings. They certainly seem to have a chummy relationship, even though Obama obviously struggled with Biden's gaffes.

This contrasts with the "insider" portrait of Obama hating his "non-person" VP, and I don't buy it.

See a Problem?

I give this book 2. If you're looking for a summary of all that has been written about Clinton scandals through the years, this book will save you the time of reading the previous ones. If you're looking for original thoughts or research, there is not many. I find it amusing that several of the 1-star reviews for this book state that it was too favorable and didn't go far enough, as it leaves out some of the more incredible conspiracy theories about the Clintons.

A book obviously mainly told from one side which tells of the Clinton Dynasty and mainly the continuation of the money raising political after Bill left the White House to continue working for Hillary. Aug 24, Steve rated it liked it. It never ceases to amaze me the number of political tell-all books that are released just prior to every presidential election cycle. Whether these political exposes actually make a difference in the outcome of who wins the White House would make an interesting book in itself. Halper seems to uncover some new ground here.

Clinton, Inc. : the audacious rebuilding of a political machine, by Daniel Halper

Or, he at least puts into print what we may have thought to be true or false when it comes to the Clinton political machine. He takes us inside the personalities of Bill, Hillary and their only child, Chelsea, warts and all. He reviews the numerous Clinton scandals, both legal and sexual. You could argue, do these anonymous people really exist? If so, what are they afraid of? Or, Dorothy, should we just not pay attention to the man, or woman , behind the curtain? Aug 15, Cheryl rated it it was amazing.

This is the story of how Bill and Hillary Clinton became yet again the comeback kids. They are both shrewd, smart, manipulative political animals who know how to play the rough game of politics, how to rehabilitate their image, and how to destroy their opposition when crossed. I picked up Weekly Standard reporter's tome on the rebuilding of the Clintons' both Bill's and Hillary's political images over the past 15 years because the topic interests me - I was not expecting unbiased reporting or the articulation of a position favorable to the subjects of the book.

I was, however, expecting something better than a collection of unsubstantiated screed, written at the evidentiary and content level of grocery store tabloids and a grammatical level that should have required I picked up Weekly Standard reporter's tome on the rebuilding of the Clintons' both Bill's and Hillary's political images over the past 15 years because the topic interests me - I was not expecting unbiased reporting or the articulation of a position favorable to the subjects of the book.

I was, however, expecting something better than a collection of unsubstantiated screed, written at the evidentiary and content level of grocery store tabloids and a grammatical level that should have required heavy copy editing. Most of the "reporting" is repetition of unattributed rumor - it seems like everyone with something nasty to say insists on being anonymous or "on background.

Halper, again without any kind of factual confirmable back-up e. The meanness is not appropriate or effective, and in fact weakens the argument he is making.

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It could all be true -- but you can't prove it if you can't check it, and if no one can check you can say anything. I'd argue you should print the unattributed stuff if you can't substantiate with someone or something on the record. This one's right there with the worst stuff on conservative talk radio. The title is both deceiving and truthful. However, it does not tell you that inside the book is just a bunch of Clinton poison.

While every single page of the book was interesting, and while Halper was able to interview reliable sources such as John McCain, Newt Gingrich, and Bob Shrum, there are too much anonymous sources that I no longer bothered to count how man The title is both deceiving and truthful. What is this, the communist Soviet Union? And if that were the case, it has made me question the courage it would take for someone to write a book like this.

Better call up the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library for a nomination on a Profile of Courage. At some points the book sounded like an episode right out of Scandal.

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  • And any nonfiction work that seems like a fictional TV show is never a good sign. I'm not saying Bill and Hillary aren't what they are like on television or in interviews. I know nothing personal about Bill and Hillary, except those that have been made public, but I questioned the credibility of the sources far too many times to give this book more than three stars — which, by the way, is a generous rate considering how I actually persevered to finish this book.

    Feb 09, Grazyna Nawrocka rated it really liked it Shelves: The reason I reached for this book, was that I wanted to sort my ideas about Hillary. On the surface everything was perfect, still I was against her winning. How did it happen that she didn't get the job? As the author explained it, many people had "a visceral feeling" about her candidacy. The book itself is made up in big part of speculations. I didn't like "Chasing Hillary" chapter. The author discovered mode of operation, which seems true for the whole Clinton's family.

    After finishing to rea The reason I reached for this book, was that I wanted to sort my ideas about Hillary. After finishing to read, two ideas crossed my mind: Aug 06, Robert Miller rated it really liked it. This is one in a series of books that endeavors to explain how and why the Clintons' remain powerful and relevant in today's politics regardless of their character issues. Much is already known about Bill's personal issues and his politco mastership, however this book also illuminates his friable side- especially where Monica Lewinsky is concerned.

    For instance, when CNN planned to air a documentary on the life of Hillary in , the two were adamantly opposed to the production because they fea This is one in a series of books that endeavors to explain how and why the Clintons' remain powerful and relevant in today's politics regardless of their character issues. For instance, when CNN planned to air a documentary on the life of Hillary in , the two were adamantly opposed to the production because they feared it would re-kindle the Lewinsky affair;the four-hour miniseries was to start at the point where Hillary first discovered her husband's fling with the twenty-two-year old intern in the Oval office.

    The Clinton's protestantism blocked the show from airing. The book covers alleged deals between Obama and the Clintons' regarding the election, Hillary's ineptness while campaigning on script, Chelsea's empowerment and mediocre accomplishments given her advantages , the millions the couple now make from their political status, and some new friendships forged with Republicans; possible democrat challengers for Hillary are mentioned with particular emphasis on Gov. At the end of the day, the book is a rehashing of familiar Clinton traits- greed, dishonesty and lack of character; but this book presents the material in an interesting and readable style.

    I recommend this book.

    Book Review: Clinton Inc. - Wed., Oct. 15,

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    The only people who are not expendable are Bill, Hillary and their daughter Chelsea. Halper also gives significant attention to the blossoming friendship between Bill Clinton and former President George H. For many years, first in Arkansas, and later in Washington, the Clintons lived in government-owned houses. She was given access to the President but her ideas were never implemented. Despite all of this, as she was leaving the Cabinet, she and Obama seemed to form an alliance. While they were never fond of each other since their hard fought primary campaign in , Obama has signaled that Hillary Clinton is his successor—to the chagrin of Vice President Joe Biden.

    Halper does recount some scandals that could affect her future political ambitions. One of those was the rumor that she had a relationship with former White House Counsel Vince Foster when they were attorneys in Arkansas. While opponents may raise these accusations Halper would have been better to omit it from the book without further substantiation.

    When I finished reading it, I came away with the feeling that, by gosh, the Clintons, not unlike a ton of other public folks, are actually politicians who know how to survive