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Sing-of hia dy - ing love, Sing of his ria - iog power, Sing how - lie in - ter-cedea a - hove For those whose uins lie bore. Sing till we feel our hearts A-accnd - ing with our tongues, Sing till the love of sin de - parts, And grace inapirew our hearts. Soon shall we bear him say, Ye bless -ed children, come, Soon will he call us lience a - way. And take hia wnndercrs home. Soon shall our raptured tongueB Hia endless praise pro - claim.

And sweet - er voi - ces lune the song Of Mo - aea and the Lamb. At the organization meeting, N. Yates was elected secretary, K. The next purchase of land, one acre, December 22, , was an acre from E. McDowell and his wife Mattie. Another acre was added in , being purchased from Ashley Trotter and his wife Zeola. The new church is located 3 miles west of road on Jackson Creek Road on that last pur- chased plot. The first building was immediately west of the cemetery, the second one in the north- east side of the cemetery. The third building stood west of the present building.

Pleasant Union Congregational Christian Church. It is located about 11 miles south of Asheboro on Highway Birch Cross were charter members. The church has 12 members at present. Sunday School rooms have been added during the last two years. The church building was constructed by Amos Carter, who became the first superintendent. He held that job until World War I.

John Davis and Charlie Cross assisted Carter in the building project. Zachary Simmons is remembered as being the first pastor. The church has for many decades held a home- coming service the third Sunday in August. Large crowds always attend those services. Salem United Church of Christ.

People came from miles around to hear the woman preacher, and persons were converted or reclaimed during the thirty -nine services held. The spiritual awakening experienced exceeded any that had ever been known in the community. A great need among the converted and re- claimed was felt for a meeting house, and they set themselves up to the task of constructing one — the Meeting House in use today It is located about 5 miles south of Asheboro , off Highway 49 at the intersection of Roads and But the seeds for the spiritual revival and awakening had been sown many years before.

In the locality — situated in a beautiful grove of trees seven miles south of Asheboro off Highway 49 — the Methodists had held services for many years in a school house that stood on a knoll immediately south of the present structure. The school was the Science Hill Academy, which had been operating since , and continued to educate the local youth, as an academy until and as a public school until According to records found in a minute book, the people in the vicinity of Science Hill met on January 21, , in regard to forming a society for the promotion of Temperance.

The minutes did not explain the motive for the pledge, but it is assumed that the drinking problem around there had gotten out of hand. The pledge each member had to take was: For years, the members met monthly, then quarterly. There were about names on the roll, members from miles around being listed.

Whether the list con- sisted of the membership at a given time, or was an accumulative list was not indicated. Some members, the minutes showed, had been released or disowned, probably for breaking the pledge. Since there were several Friends in the com- munity who had come from the Back Creek Meet- ing, or who had married and come into the com- munity with their spouses, or who had come to hold the Friends convictions, there was a feeling that a Friends organization was appropriate and should be initiated.

Thus the summer meeting and the preaching of Mary Moon. The dedication of many of the community's young people in money, time, materials, and energy made the project possible and ultimately successful. They built the house and paid for it. The sanctuary was begun in and com- pleted the next year. Much of the expense was for labor at 50 cents a day. Shingles were split out of trees on the lot by hand with a froe and wooden mallet, while some were given by N.

On the 28th day of the fifth month, , at the Southern Quarterly Meeting of Friends, the following request was made: Hubbard, Levi Cox, Elma C. Macon, Lizzie Col- trane, Grace Lowe, and Isabelle Henley to attend to setting up of said Meeting, on the fourth seventh day in seventh month next at 1 1 o'clock and report at next meeting. Wil- liam Winslow was appointed clerk, a position he held until his death in At that time the assistant, Hope Hubbard, was given the respon- sibility.

She served until For many years, Sarah E. Wilson Winslow and John Shaw Tillman, local ministers, brought mes- sages to the meetings as they felt led, but without much financial support. The first pastor to be promised financial help was Alvin Barrett, who was also pastor of Asheboro Meeting. He came to Science Hill once a month beginning in Other pastors have been Herbert W. Science Hill Friends Meeting. He died in and is buried in a family cemetery about a mile from Hoover's Grove Wes- leyan Church. Many of the Hoover descendants have contin- ued to live in the Farmer Community.

One of them, Adam Hoover, gave the land on which the church stands. At seventeen months the child contracted diptheria, and on September 12, , died. Adam told his daughter that if she would bury the beloved grandson on his land near the road, he would see that a church would be erected there. She complied with his wish. Very soon work began on the church building. The original structure was quite rustic — built of roughly sawed timbers. Some of the framing was pegged together with wooden pegs, and the roof was constructed of handmade shingles.

The sides were weather- boarded with rough planks. The pews and pulpit furniture were handmade. In a program was launched among the Hoover's Grove members and friends for the con- struction of a new building for the church. Voluntary labor, gifts from people in the church and from the community, and the generosity of business men made the con- struction possible.

Pews were donated by families, and windows were given in memory of relatives. Many ministers have served this rural church and community, proclaiming the message of life then and now. Hoover's Grove Wesleyan Church. Lewis began to conduct monthly worship ser- vices in the Gravel Hill school house. At the same time, a Sunday school was organized and carried forward with considerable success.

In November, the following fall, the minister held a protracted meeting, at which time much interest in the church and its work was manifested among the community's people. As a result of the interest, A. Loflin, a local land owner, deeded an acre of land to the church group for the pur- pose of erecting a sanctuary. During the next spring and summer months, construction was started and sustained. By No- vember of that second year, the building was sufficiently completed for the church's second fall protracted meeting.

The meeting began Sunday, November 17, and ran for a week. During the week, a number of the worshipers made known their desire to be constituted in a full-fledged Baptist Church. Consequently, an examining Presbytery of Elders Jeff Lanning and Henry Sheets came to look at their credentials and decide on the request.

The church was subsequently instituted with thirteen charter members. The organization was consummated Nov. The present brick building was erected in Additions were made again in and The fellowship hall was erected in Gravel Hill Baptist Church. The first sanctuary stood northeast of the cemetery, which is still in use. The first grave there is that of a Josey Tadlock. The present sanctuary, erected north of the academy building, was begun in , and finished the next year.

The builders were J. Wat- son Lassiter, Thomas P. Serving as pastor at that time was the Rev. In it was changed to Trinity College District. Then in it became a part of the Greensboro District. His headstone states that he had descendants surviving him. Elizabeth Fuller Patton relates a story about the maple trees in the church yard: They stand today, giving grace and dignity to the scene.

Oak Grove United Methodist Church. Arthur Harris gave the land, a plot of ground on the north side of the Dunbar Bridge Road at the break of the slope east of the post office, for the church site. A modern brick structure was erected there on Road in the year The first service was held there on September 17 of that year. Baucom and Vance Edwards filled the pulpit that first year. The following pastors have led the congregaton since then until in the order named: The present minister, Lowell Brown, has been serving the church since September 17, A part of the Farmer Charge, it was not rebuilt.

Its members moved their memberships to the Oak Grove and Farmer churches. Union was probably organized about The fire is believed to have started from the flue, since there was no electrical wiring in the building. The cemetery is still maintained there, and is cared for by the Thornburg family. Frank Barrett, pastor It is located 3.

Originally there were around fifty to sixty members. At present there are four- teen or fifteen members Once a month on the second Sunday, Sunday School and worship are held at St. Mark which is located about 6. Some members also attend other churches in the community. A community choir was organized in with several members from St. Hazel Caviness is the president. This group shares their musical programs in the community during worship ser- vices and funerals.

They participate in activities beyond the community. This organization is responsible for the building of the United Com- munity Center that is near St. Mark's United Methodist Church. The present pastor, , Rev. John Moore serves St. The Red House school building was near St. Mark United Methodist Church. The school dates back at least to the beginning of the 's. Another was founded during its tenure as an "Institute.

Farmers Academy Became Farmers Institute after Became Farmer High School in The old three story building burned in Science Hell Academy Out of the past comes a short dissertation to extol the accomplishments of the Science Hill Academy, which was founded in to provide, except for a couple of years during the Civil War, "advanced" educa- tion for young men and women from a wide area until when the "new system of teaching came in vogue" and the academy at Science Hill gave way to other educational institutions.

The dissertation was composed by one of Farmer's more enlightened citizens of the past: Green McMasters, sometimes called "Green Mack. Christopher Gray and William Henley were the carpenters. The house is fifty by twenty -four feet, but was not large enough in that "dark age," as the educators in this enlightened and progressive age call it. The academy was filled to its seating capacity, one half of whom were young men and girls, who were far advanced when they left school. Brooks, a graduate of Chapel Hill, and an eminent lawyer, taught there from to , his commencement being on the 29th day of July, Wiley then taught one year, L.

Andrews taught one year, T. Troy taught one year. Miss Mary Coltrane and 2. Rush taught during Bulla taught two years and closed his school on the 2nd day of June I Robbins then taught in , and till the spring of , when all the boys by volun- teering to join the Confederate armed forces broke up the school. I do not remember who taught then, if anyone, until the winter of and the spring of when I taught until the 14th of April, five days after General Robert E. In the winter of and until June , T.

Since that time seven other teachers taught till that time the new system of teaching came in vogue, as they call it, and the school center was at another place. Robbins were graduates of the University of North Carolina. Troy were graduates of Trinity College. Talton Cox and I, as we were preparing to enter college, were called to the war between the states Civil War. Three of the above teachers were lawyers, one a local minister in the M.

At least two buildings were used as schools there. Second Row, left to right: Third Row, left to right: Fourth Row, left to right: Andrews, William Lewis, and H. The original school house, located near where the present church stands, was a one -roomed log structure. For a number of years it was used for church services also. After a few years, a new building was erected and the Academy established.

A curtain partition was used when two teachers were employed. Academy pupils came from a wide area, some of them boarding with families in the communi- ty. The academy continued until when the state assumed control of public education. The old structure was replaced by a brick building in and continued to serve as a public school until It was then remodeled into a two- apartment dwelling and burned in Before the turn of the century, SherriU Lasiter taught for a while at New Hope and had an or- ganized band there.

W Kitchen, of Roxboro, N.

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The first school building, builtabout or'72 was a three -room house, and the first teacher after it was erected was Prof. Harris Skeen, who taught for four years, and was succeeded by Prof.

The Descendants Of Ralph Shelton 1709-1789 by Martha Ann Sawyer Peveto (2009-03-19)

Hammer, now congress- man and others whose names were not learned. Before this house was built Miss Lizzie Rice taught very successfully in the church, and it was through her influence, and that of Prof. Skeen, that the community subscribed to a fund for a school building. Miss Rice was the daughter of Thomas Rice, and afterward married D.

Matt Thompson, who for many years was superinten- dent of the city schools in Statesville. After being in use for about 20 years, this first building was found to be too small, and a much larger one was erected. Gideon Macon, Calier Kearns, and N. Newby were the three most liberal con- tributors to the cost of this house, as well as Dr. Lewis, who was practicing medicine here at the time. Many smaller contributions were se- cured and the house was finished about Elmer Fentress was the first teacher in the new house.

This building was never owned by the county until several years after the establishment of a state high school in All pupils, except those in the lower grades, paid tuition, and a very successful boarding school was kept up for many years. This second building was burned in Febru- ary, , and the present one, a modern brick structure, with steam heat, electric lights, and modern plumbing, was begun in July of last year It was ready for use in February. The present faculty is as follows: Lank, high school teachers; Mrs.

Bracken, farm life teacher. The first merchant to engage in business there was N. Newby, now of Mt. He was succeeded at different times by G. Dorsett, and by the present merchants, J. Among the prominent families from to who were instrumental in establishing a school here were the Rushes, Cranfords, Fullers, Lewises, Rices, Horneys, Skeens, Johnsons, and Lassiters.

Drawn by the school other families came to the neighborhood, among whom were the Kearns, Dorsetts, and Macons. Hubbard came here in from Worthville. Farmer Roller mill was built in by K. Reprinted from a newspaper account by Mrs. The Farmer School has run the gamut of change from a one -teacher subscription day school up the scale to a private academy, a private institute, a full-fledged public high school, then back down the scale to a junior high and to a mid- dle school, its present status The school, however, for a hundred years or more, has served as a focal point for much of the community affairs, since a great many of the peo- ple's activities have been school related.

Its educa- tional programs, its teachers, its athletic events, its plays and recitals, its commencements — have all been an integral part of the village life. Like a project of a large family, the school's welfare — present and future — has been the concern of every Farmer citizen. The Farmer School has been traced back to when Miss Lizzie Rice was given permission to operate a day school in the Concord Methodist Church, which had been built in immedi- ately north of the Farmer Cemetery.

The school remained in the church for three years; then a school building was erected farther up the hill, about where the central building of the present school structures stands today That The Farmer High School building that burned in Built in , it served as the "Farmer Institute" until when it became a public school. An academy building preceded the above structure. N;ew Hope Academy, N. Next Session will begin August the 15th, What I don't Like to See T. Class Poem Miss Hattie Cox 4. Heroism L- M Kearns 6. Push On Miss Mattie Steed 8. Our Duties to our Country C H.

Opportunity for Effort W: The Snow of Age J. Night in Eden Miss Maggie Ingram Our Country, Past and Present A. The World Moves C. H L Fuller Let the War of Races End W. Literary Address by Prof. Martin Holt, Oak Ridge, N. Hammer, who later owned and edited the Asheboro Courier and served in the U. Congress, was at one time a teacher and principal in the academy. The academy grew rapidly in size and reputation, becoming well-known for its excellence, and drawing students from a wide area. In , before the academy building burned and was replaced by the "Institute" structure, the academy evidently considered itself a high school and was using "High School" in its name.

In a program card prepared for commencement exer- cises in May of that year, it was referred to as "Farmers High School" See a copy of that pro- gramme under the heading "Closing Exercises of Farmers High School" elsewhere in this historical booklet. Berta Hutchins, Elbie Miller. It also contained three well -furnished recitation rooms, two literary society halls debating, declaiming, and reciting having im- portant roles in the educational programs in that era , a music room, and a Masonic Hall.

There were also cloak rooms, a basket room, a library, and an office. Henry Cranford, Tom Lassiter, and Warren Rush — all local men — were the carpenters that put the building up. They are remembered as the best workmen of that time. The board of trustees, who chose to name the renovated institution "Farmer Institute," were Callier Kearns, president, N. Newby, secretary and treasurer, Marvin P. Most of these men, as well as many others, con- tributed generously to the building fund.

The first faculty for the new institute consisted of Thomas C. Kearns; and Miss Luna E. A catalogue issued for the term said that the site of the institute was chosen because it "is one of the finest agricultural districts in our county, it is removed from the temptations of the town and city life.

Soon after the Farmer school became a public high school, Sherrill Lassitet, a teacher, organized a band, shown above. Lassiter is seated before the group. This picture, taken about , contains the following: Students boarded with the families of the com- munity. Board including meals, fuel for heating, furnishings, etc. Boys and girls will be together only on recitations and there will be allowed no communication be- tween the two sexes.

Social entertainments will be given from time to time as the faculty sees fit. It continued to grow and attract stu- dents, as well as good teachers, from outside the community. In a letter written about his experi- ences there, H.

Martha Ann Sawyer Peveto

Loy of Jacksonville, N. At that time, W. Boone, a graduate of Elon College, was prin- cipal, and Prof. There were probably as many as 30 boarding pupils. The girls, most of them, boarded with families in the community. The course of study was about what was required for college entrance.

Neese and I graduated in the spring of , and I think we were the first two grad- uates to receive diplomas at that institution. The school building was a three -story frame building, rather large for those days. The desks and blackboards were modern in every respect.

In fact, Farmer Institute at that time was a very good preparatory school. In those days there were no automobiles. We had to board a train at Burlington and we were met at Asheboro by someone who took us and our baggage in a wagon to the institute a distance of twelve miles.

Taking into consideration all the advantages offered, and the broad field in the southwestern part of Randolph Countv, the Board of Education designated Farmer as a place suitably situated fot one of the schools. The trustees of the institute— J. Coltrane was made County Superintendent of Public Instruction in The members of the faculty at that first state' controlled school were C.

The girls put on their middy blouses and the boys donned hard collars and neckties to have their picture taken. First Grade through High School. During this period in the school's history Sher- rill Lassiter organized a brass band. At that time also, Hiram Bell taught music. His father was pastor of the church and his mother taught music in the parsonage. At the end of each school year, the school staged a series of programs, usually for the enter- tainment and enlightenment of its patrons, called a "Commencement.

Hawkers from as far away as High Point came to erect business "stands" from which they sold refreshments and that day's version of "fast foods" to the com- mencement crowd. One thing they sold was lem- onade made in a galvanized washtub. Another delicacy was bananas hanging yellow from the stalk, a strange and thrilling sight to many of the Farmer children of that day Esta Morgan says.

Featuring the morning exercises of that day was an address from some dinstinguished speaker — some widely known politician, educator, or busi- ness man. He spoke to the seniors and the assem- bled citizens gathered in the auditorium. Follow- ing the address, dinner was held on the grounds.

Parents and friends brought picnic baskets filled with their favorite recipes, which they spread on a communal table set up under the trees. That event not only took care of the appetites of those gathered for the day, but it gave them the oppor- tunity to visit with neighbors they had not seen since commencement the year before. In the afternoon, the school's baseball team, sometimes using teachers and principal in the line-up, played, weather permitting, a game, sometimes with another school, sometimes the "town" team.

The team played teams from Denton, Asheboro, Ramseur, Franklinville, and once they went as far as Thomasville to play a game at night. They traveled by school bus. Their record for that year has been lost with the bouncing ball of time. Won all their games in the county tournament but one. Lost to Randleman in finals. In concluding her notes about the early Farmer High School, Mrs. There have gone out many school teachers, members of the legislature, preachers, doctors, business men, and good farmers.

The school at Farmer became an elementary setup with grades 1—6 and a junior high with grades 7 — 9. In still another change in grade organization in , the 9th grade was moved to Southwestern, leaving Farmer with an elementary school and a middle school, grades 7 — 8. In the meantime, a number of other events have transpired to bring about changes in the Farmer school. On February 15, , the old three -story structure, dating back to when the academy was founded, burned.

It burned one cold day while school was in session. One of the 6th grade pupils, Sue Morgan Denny, remembers the tragedy: Some pupil yelled, 'I'll bet the school's on fire! I grabbed one of my goloshes leaving the other one that was right beside it and Edwin Plummer's reader and ran out into the hall and into the school yard. Within a few minutes all of 6 9 the students had spilled out into the yard.

Then we spotted it! Smoke was boiling up from the roof on the west side! She had very calmly, when the alarm sounded, lined her children up and made them march out, as they had in fire drills before. There were no means by which any one could get to the top of that three- story building! As the fire reached the windows, especially the big ones in the auditorium, the breaking glass made an ear- piercing sound that I shall never forget, and heard for a long time in my dreams. But Ed- win Plummer, who did not like to read, told me that he was sorry that I had saved his reader.

During the remainder of that year and until a new building was finished in , school was held in a vacant store, in the church, and in the vacant dwelling of Mrs. An agriculture department was added to the school in and a wood and block building erected to house it. In , Highway 62 later changed to 49 was constructed through Farmer, giving the school and the village better access to the surrounding center of population.

Teacher — Miss Calhoun. The same; three days later. The same; immediately after Act II. The Farmer Home Demonstration Club operated a cafeteria in on a voluntary basis. It was located in the basement of the Farmer Methodist Church and Mrs. Wayne Bing- ham and Mrs. Worth Garner served as co- managers, with other members helping when needed.

The cafeteria was self-supporting except for government commodities. It was moved in to the basement of the high school build- ing. It became grade "A" and operated under the management of Mrs. Lewis Pierce, and Miss Hope Hubbard for several years. In a gymnasium was added to the building complex.

Up until that time the basket- ball teams had played on outdoor, dirt courts. Again, the people of the community chipped in to help the school improve its facilities. In , the first part of a new high school building was erected. Four more rooms were add- ed in The old building was remodeled to include an elementary library. The Farmer school, by the time it was con- solidated in , had grown from 90 students with four teachers back in to an enrollment of about with 30 or more teachers, proving that it had within itself the ingredients for growth and success.

Furthermore, the imprint of its spirit lies upon the Farmer Community, a spirit of hon- esty and industry that has doubtlessly influenced the culture of North Carolina far beyond the school's geographical limits. A list possibly incomplete of the principals who have served the Farmer school shows the following: Eugene Harris served the last years— — of the institute , Linnie Shamburger is remembered as the first principal of the public school. Henry Dewar, John Wagoner, E. The Farmer School teacherage, located near the school buildings. One activity was the sale of buttons which proclaimed "The Farmer School— years of quality education!

A seal contest for the school was held and Lynne Henley, a seventh grader, won first prize. Her seal showed four areas of school accomplish- ment: Thank you for this web site and any information you can give. Charles Bentley was my father. It gave me the names of Great aunts' and uncles' spouses. They had me and my two sisters.. My line to Joseph Fisher Gibson. I am looking for a picture of Captain John Potter.

His spirit lives with me in my home in North Brookfield. I went to his home and there is a picture of a man on the wall, they tried to pass him off as John, I knew better. They said they do not have a picture of him. I would like to know what John looks like, seeing we are living in the same house. I hope you can help me. I am a g g great granddaughter of M. I am trying to confirm what the P stood for.

I believe she mentioned the P. Andrew Benton Ramey-great grandfather. Lewis Campbell and Rebecca fields. Hilda Campbell was my grandmother. I've only been researching for a few years but it's been exciting to see so many links to relatives and ancestors that I didn't know I had!

My name is Lynne Smith and Sarah H. Stamper was my great-great-great Grandmother. If you have anymore information on the Stamper family tree I would sure love to hear from you! Thank you so much! Just trying to learn about John P: Saw the webstie and was thrilled! My great grand mother is Nancy McCown. I am the youngest 45 son of Andy L. Newsome oldest son of Orga Ann Gillespie Newsome, and Cecil Robert Newsom, the "e" at the end of Newsom for my family with either my granmother's marriage certificate, or my father's birth certificate. Thank you for the information God Bless.

Quilva Melissa Yonts Perry. I typed in my pateral grandmothers name, Quilva Yonts and came across your website. Thank you for posting it. So glad that I found thenews letter. I am a direct descendant of Rev. Elliott and am currently researching my Elliott lineage. I discovered valuable information on your site. William Riley Combs ggggf: Just poking around and found your website. My Grama Is Ruth C.

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There are many photos of our kin folk. Really excited to come across this website. I am trying to find out when and if William B. Powers died or did he divorce Jaelia Stallard. There is no death date and information about william's death. These may be the grand children of Silas Ratliff and Anne Pinson. Thank you for this sight. I am married to a grandson of Charley Manfield Hash.

We recently found the grave of his wife, Elizabeth or Lizabeth. I notice in your chart that he had two wives, Menter and Elizabeth. He thinks Elizabeth may have been a Riddle, but we are not sure. Do you know anything about Elizabeth or Menter? We are trying to find a death certificate so we can put a stone at her grave. I was so shocked to see my great grandfathers name Carrick Potter come up on the screen. I can give you info about Thomas Alexander Potter if you are interested and I would like info of Carricks family. I have some info on Ellen Burleson but didn't know Carrie had previous marriage.

Thomas Potter was my grandfather. He and Margaret Virginia Elizabeth Bowman had 9 children. Thank you for sharing Billy R. Donnie and Ollie Adams Gilliam. Donnie and Ollie were his parents. Viewing these pictures is finally putting a face to all the people my Dad told me stories about.. We have been trying to locate family. Trying to link Minnie Buzzard to the Cherokee Nation.

Andrew Sizemore and Mary Alice Taylor. I am trying to learn more about her family. They were from KY. She told about her dad, Andrew Sizemore, being ambushed and shot and died somewhere around the early 's. If you have any information, I would appreciate if you could email it to me.


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William changed the spelling around William married Eleanor Schemenaur in Dec. My father is James Lee. Any info you have on the Sansom's aka Sampson would helpful. Found this website browsing around also looking at family history. Elisha Adkins was my 2nd Great Grandfather. He had a son Daniel Adkins B abt or Daniel married Nancy Ann Blair. I am great grandson of Mary. Thanks for having so much info posted on the family. I am a direct descendent of Captain Bates. I was born in Letcher County, KY. I am trying to reach out to get to know more of my Bates family members.

If anyone is interested, I have some old pictures of the family up on Facebook. Also if anyone has any questions reference my family, I will try to answer them. Thank you for putting this information together. I recently located my family geneology and would like to learn more. I am looking for a place that apparently does not exist anymore. Does anyone know where the town of Biscuit Kentucky was? I am assuming it is on or near Little Robinson Creek. My gggg-grandfather is Harrison Newsom Sr. Bruce Edgar Manies Sr Grandfather. I was looking through Ancestry. Searching through google I came across your website.

Thanks to this website I was able to add more to my family tree and i'm still hunting for more information on my ancestors. The Manies are my ancestors through my mothers side of the family. Thanks for a wonderful job on this web-site. My grandfather was Charlie Blair. He owned a store Potters Fork Possibly off of Highway I am looking for infomation on this store and its location.

Thank You Nola Blair. Interested to see if the old stories of Cherokee ancesters are true, I have checked the Dawes Rolls at the national archives and have not seen any mullin's maybe on the johnson side? I will check back often. Thank you for all the great work you have done on this site.

I have truely enjoyed finding it. Am related on the Blair: I was doing a Google search for William Riley Taylor born and came across this site. I think it is nice you are placing information in one lace and hope it continues to grows and eventually have correct information on it. I have researched this line of my fathers family for 12 years now and I have proven most of what is on the internet is in-correct. Many who took information from my tree on Ancestry. My tree is now closed but I do welcome emails.

Do you have any info on where Thomas is buried and how he died and where we fit in with your family. That was my great, great, great Grandfather. Richard Riley and Mary Hall Slone. I found your page while looking up a friends genealogy by way of Creed Gardner. Thanks for the good info and I would love to find out all that I can. Jonathan and Susannah Skeen. I am the Granddaughter of James H. This is how we are in your Family Tree. Been searching for my Grand parents for a long time ,name John Wesley ,to many John's to count.

I would'nt want to meet this John in a dark alley and himm mad at me.. What a story and if the truth could only be known ,probably scare you. I don't have a website I left a message for you, perhaps you have received it. Thank you, LaWynn P Murphy. Your web page is very informative on the family lines. Hi, I'm Sarah Elizabeth Huffman. Hello,I am not looking for anyone specifically. Just out of curiosity I typed in my mothers parents names. The daughter of William and Cordia. My mother passed in 05 and is buried here in Ashland next to her parents.

Dna has matched our group going back to John Webb in Scott Co. Bettie was born in GA. Her family moved to Knox Co. They lived there until In they were in St. Had more kids until or He died before cencus where Bettie is a widow. If you have any information please email me. I was so excited to see my great grandfather's pic Joe Hall. I have some pics of us on that front porch with his banjo. Would love to learn more about my family. Enjoying the new look! Keep up the good work.

I'm am the youngest of three childern.. Found my great-grandparents Webb on your site. I am interested in your sight my great Aunt was Gertrude Kizer great grandmother was Minnie kizer my. Potter My mom is. Deborah lynn potter my Aunt tiny louise potter is. Grover cleveland osborn is my ggrandfather I have been try to find infon on his family down mo and ky and I can not find an can an one help me with that.

Johnny Fleming and Nancy Bentley. I have been trying to locate more information about my family tree and I finally came across this site! These two people are my father's mother's mother and father and that would make them my great grand parents. This is an awesome site and thank you. Thank you for sharing with us: Paul Potter son of Kit Carson Potter. I have enjoyed seeing your website as I have just begun tracing my ancestry. An amazing website I ran across when researching Squire Boone's history.

Thanks for this website I've recently being checking into my ancestors and finding it quiet interesting. Holly Yonts was my grand father and my mother was Patty Ruth Yonts. My great gramdmother was Martha Sherrill daughter of Adam Sherrill. My grandfather was Toy Reed. What a great website to research Thank You. I am enjoying your website. I was noticing the Hash family. I think your Mary might be my gg grandmother, Mary 'Polly' Hash.

She married Joseph Noonkester and after his death she married Sam Lane. She died in in Ozark Co. I am trying to figure out if this is the same Mary and Joseph mentioned on your website, if so i was thinking her father was Joseph Miller Hash married to Lucinda Sidney Wyatt? Maryland Pearl Potter-Roberts is my paternal grandmother.

My father her third child was Vernon C. Roberts and he and Charlotte A. I would love to make contact with some of my relatives. My great-grandfather was Emory Elijah Carter. His daughter,Mary Alice Carter was my grandmother. What is her relationship to your Potter family? Wonderful reading and research.

I would love any information you may have, the internet with all the Combs families gets really confusing. The nicholas Combs you tell about, who was his parents? I love history and this is very, very Intreging and interesting. Mother Jessie Pottre Butler. If you have any info on this please email. I am looking for any information on Nancy Lyons which was married to William Hill. Family history handed down says we have American Indian blood and it seems to point to her or one or both of her parents.

Any info anyone has would be appreciated. Thanks for a great website with such helpful information! The Burke family and others. Son of Glen Branham. I found this information very useful. They lived in Brinkley,KY. He lived from and she lived from I don't know how accurate my info is so if you could help me figure it out,I would appreciate it. Price, Combs, Hampton, Amburgey, Jent.

I started straightening out my information a month ago. It was wonderful to find information to fill-in a few holes. G'day, I sent you a email with some pdf attachements of family history of mine that may link to yours Very confused due to Riley Sansom b. Married to Rosa Brooks from Tazwell,Vs Would like to know if he had any other wives or family before Rosa.

Also confused over so many John,Riley and Williams,having trouble after my grandfather linking to my great GF. Connie Sanson Helm Pike Co. I just found this site and haven't had time to thoroughly look through it, but tonight, and I think for many nights to come, I'm going to thoroughly study it. I've never known about anyone further back than my grandparents, but with this, I'm sure I'm in for a real treat!

I know that Mr. Sumner died at Fort Douglas in Illnois. It shows here that he was a deserter. Where can I find more ifo. Sallie married my Grandfather H. Lee Kelley and they lived in Bowling Green their entire life. Sallie's Grandmother's maiden name was Skiles. I found this site when searching the Internet. I've searched for photos of them but not found any. I've been doing genealogy for a couple of years now. Hello, You have a lot of information here. I can give you more if you like, Evelyn Holbrook Maujean. We are trying to follow the Owens back into Virginia. Hi, I am just looking for any additional information anyone might have about the Hogston Line.

Dixie Sexton Married Will Boggs. I am their daughter. Thanks for a wonderful wealth of info on my Maternal grandmothers father, Anderson D Johnson b in Breathitt co. Born around in NC. Great grandpaw Anderson was somewhat of a local legend , he was affectionatly known as the " the Kaiser of Hell Creek" in Lee Co. I was born and raised in Beattyville, Lee co. My fathers family tree has been traced back to about the same time period of , and my GGGreatgandfather George Friend was a veteran of the Battle of New Orleans, he is buried on a mountain just about two miles from where I live.

Thanks for a great web site. Does anyone know of Clara and Charles? I am the granddaughter of Canie Hall. I noticed that you needed a couple of names I could help you with,Easter Wright daughter of John and Mary Bentley also had a daughter named Hazel who married a Mullins I don"t know his first name and then married Raymond Bullion. My great Grandmother was Easter and I spent many summers with her and my cousin Terry Wayne Mullins who later became Sheriff of Jenkins for a few years. She lived on Rockyhollow at the very top of the hollow.

She was quite a character and full of stories she once told me she never wanted to die ,sadly she did at Just trying to trace some roots see where they lead. Also trying to see if we had a Pratts coat of arms or family crest. There are so many out there trying to make sure I found the right one. Hello, Just surfing and searching and I came across this. I'm 50 yrs old. William Jefferson Walker m.

Alda Ernie Smith Sylvanus Walker m. Clarissa Bentley Joseph Bentley m. Clarissa Presnell I'm a. I am hoping to find archived records for Eastern Lunatic Asylum near or around After that record, I have lost track of her. I would love to learn more about the circumstances of her "hospitalization. John Johnson son of uriah my grandfathers. My mother ,Helios Johnson was john johnsons daughter my grandmother ,s name was tinia. Burke and Mary E. Hollowell were my great-grandparents. I'm trying to fill in some spaces in my Family tree.

I may have some information to help you in your search as well.

A Heartbreaking Love Story

I am the eldest male grandchild of Laura daughter of Jeremiah M. Combs Breeding of Knott Co. I am looking for information on my grandfather Venyard Breeding of Knott Co. Any assistance would be appreciated. Trying to find anything before him he was married to Ruby Waugh had 9children that's all we know I think remembering an aunt saying something about greenup ky. Hello, I have a website on Ancestry. Nancy is my great-great grandmother.. I e-mailed you before but got no answer.

Ruthie Roberts was my great grandmother supposedly married to Davy Rogers. She was born in Please e-mail me and please use "yeahpot" somewhere so I know who is sending me the e-mail Thanks to all who have signed this guestbook! I hope that this website helps you in some small way in your research. I would like to re-state the fact that this site was started as a research avenue for my family.

As a courtesy to others after being asked I uploaded other family information to the site. Please understand that I can only answer for my lineage and not others. If you will read around the site on the main pages for more information, I think you will see that is the main purpose of my site. There are several ways to reach others on this site; Comments, Forums, this guestbook and Feedback are just a few ways. I hope you are able to get in contact with those who are searching, otherwise, I can not help with other family lines. I have received a few very rude posts and a few emails from folks over the years who are angry at me for posting this information free.

These folks are those trying to profit from doing genealogy.

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These folks have been very rude and extremely obnoxious to me from time to time. Most of them are not directly related to me, but are from other lines that do tie into my own. I ignore their jealousy and just go on with my own research. I'm not in this to make money, so I don't have their problem. If you have anything negative to say to me about any of the information on this site, you may want to try to find out who sent it in before you decide to send me that insulting email or before posting those rude remarks. Since other people have sent in tons of information and as a courtesy to them, I have posted it on my website, perhaps you will need to find out who they are.

It may be possible to contact them instead of unloading on me. Most of the folks herein are very very nice and appreciative and I have enjoyed each and every one of your emails and posts. Thanks again for everything, Annette Potter. Carter Lewis and Mary Turner Lewis. Sadly, there are multiple Carter Lewis sightings. Here is a link to what I believe to be the correct Carter Lewis, which may indicate that your Carter Lewis is not married to my Mary Turner who is accurately described as the daughter of Moses Turner and Elizabeth Lewis.

My maternal GGP are these: I think your website is great. I have been looking for information on my grandmother's mother Grace J. Bolio Schwinderman for years. I did not know who her mother or father were Josephine M. Hoskins , and now I do! Thank You very much!!!

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  • I am married to Leann M. My mothes name was Tommy Lou Meade. I have never had any contact with anyone on my mothers site. She was killed in a car wreck when I was 11 months old. JF is my husband's great,great grandfather. Anyone know where the "Nettlepatch" cemetery is? My grandmother was Nancy, Bentley, Johnson, Madden. Bellefontaine, Ohio; Hong Kong. Would appreciate any further info on Gillman family grandfather was Luther Gillman , Creta Cole's husband.

    Look forward to contact with anyone that knows any of the living relatives there. Cloie Ann and John and Sarah Pratt. She was married to Thurman Kirkley and then Floyd Carrothers. If you have ny further informaltion about the early linage any would be greatful appreaciated. His head stone only says Hariff Fleming and wonder what more info you had about him. I don't know why he used fleming instead of Mullins. I also am try to find out if my grandfather was his son or just took his name. It looks like he died more than a year befor Elmer Fleming my grand father was born. If you have any leads on this I Thank You Ahead of time.

    Thanks for the information about Henry Meade that you posted. Found another picture of some grandparents. Thank you so much. I was able to show my children some of their ancestors. I was just looking around to get some information about my ancestors and found this bit about my grandparents. I found out names that I have never heard of before. It confirmed a lot, and filled in some gaps. Still looking for any info on Vella. Available for download now. Temporarily out of stock. The History of the Miller's of Arkansas.

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